Doom: I have a fortress and a puppet army!

Chapter 162: Attacking the King

"That peak king is still in the dream world. It is really too dangerous. We must stay away from the monsters in this dream world as soon as possible.

As soon as he returned to the ruined city of Yongcheng, Su Chen started preparing to evacuate.

He has been in this city for too long. After achieving the achievement of King of All Members, Su Chen has already reached the limit of what he can achieve in this British Association and even the entire real world.

If you want to continue to climb the ranks, you may have to enter the world of purgatory.

"Phantom Warrior!"

Su Chen called out.

In a blink of an eye.

With its slender body and shining lights, the gorgeous Rolls-Royce Phantom Warrior split through the darkness and appeared in front of Su Chen.

There was no hesitation.

Su Chen started the upgrade directly.

The Phantom Warrior is now equivalent to a Level 4 Extraordinary King.

In an instant, the 33.33 million energy was consumed, and the phantom warrior emerged with a colorful brilliance, instantly reaching the top of the extraordinary level, level 8 and level 9 life.

For Su Chen now, energy is almost just a number.

The crystal core of a level 9 demon can give him 100 million energy, which can create 3 level 9 combat guards of the same level, pushing the Phantom Warrior to the pinnacle of the extraordinary level with ease.

Space movement is the Phantom Warrior's most powerful skill.

Now, from level 4 to level 9, the Phantom Warrior can easily move and jump even across the Great Britain, which is tens of thousands of kilometers away.

"Go back to Jiangcheng."

Jiangcheng is his base camp, and Su Chen has never forgotten this.


As the body of the Phantom Warrior shook, a portal formed by the convergence of blue lights slowly emerged above the ruins of Yongcheng.

It looks like a demon gate, directly connecting two areas.

A moment.

The mountain guards, dream guards and other Su Chen's heavenly king guards stepped into it one after another.

Su Chen also walked in.

With just one step, he had already crossed thousands of miles and returned to the villages and towns on the edge of Jiangcheng.

Because of the different flow rates of time.

Nearly three years have passed here in Jiangcheng.

Township area.

Three years have passed, and without human care, even the solid concrete house is now covered with plant vines, giving it a desolate and lifeless atmosphere.

The zombies wandering around seemed to have heard the movement, roaring and rushing towards Su Chen.

But don't wait until they get closer.

With a loud bang, they were easily crushed to pieces, leaving only a patch of dirty black blood.

The wall of time that was supposed to exist at the end of the township area has actually disappeared without a trace.

Su Chen didn't notice this when he came back earlier.


This time it's a complete comeback.

Just by releasing the divine consciousness, it almost enveloped the two districts and three counties of Yang City. There was no longer a wall of time, and the entire area of ​​Yang City was merged together.

Outside the Yang City area, the wall of time bordering other cities is also slowly but clearly melting.

"Trouble is coming."

Su Chen clearly felt all this.

However, all this chaos has nothing to do with him.

After all, he is a king now.


Still the king of everyone!

"Go back to Jiangcheng."

Su Chen got into the body of the Phantom Warrior and took off directly into the air, flying towards the suspended fortress above Jiangcheng like a fighter jet.

The level 9 phantom guardian is different. Now he can even master the flying skill.

"Lord Commander, you are finally back."

A flying figure approached quickly. It looked like a little lolita and gave a standard military salute to Su Chen. It was the flying guard that Su Chen had created.

When Su Chen entered the fortress, guards named Su Chen gathered over one after another.

There are slender female warriors with crossbows, big or small, heavy armored warriors, female police officers with firearms, etc...

In the hall decorated like a temple in the fortress, after three years, Su Xiaoyi, who already had the charm of a young woman, looked at Su Chen with a pair of beautiful eyes and a smile.

"Xiaoyi, I'm back."

"Did you think of me!"

Seeing Su Xiaoyi, Su Chen instinctively thought of his romantic affairs outside, and immediately felt a sense of guilt in his heart, smiled, and walked towards Su Xiaoyi gently.

Su Xiaoyi snuggled into Su Chen's arms, and the two felt as tender as a newlywed couple.

"Did you do anything sorry for me outside?"

Su Xiaoyi sniffed back and forth on Su Chen's body, her eyes full of suspicion.


A strange color appeared in Su Chen's eyes, and he coughed twice in embarrassment, trying to cover it up.

But the next moment, inside the fortress, the doors of two bedrooms were pushed open, and two figures ran out quickly. After seeing Su Chen, they immediately wanted to throw themselves into Su Chen's arms.

The figure was slender, with the front and back curved, like a ripe peach, and it was Ling Xueyi.

Another person.

A pair of bright eyes are as bright as a girl's, full of youthful aura, and they are clearly white.

"of course not……"

The lie that Su Chen had just spoken was immediately shattered when he saw Ling Xueyi and Bai Yingying, his eyes widened with disbelief.

Even he didn't realize that Ling Xueyi and Bai Yingying were actually inside the fortress.


Really careless.

Because he returned to the base camp, Su Chen lowered his guard and did not use his divine consciousness to scan the entire fortress...

"You're back."

"It's okay."

“I’ve been really worried about you for such a long time.

Ling Xueyi squeezed Su Xiaoyi to the other side and threw herself into Su Chen's arms, wishing she could melt into Su Chen's body. At the end of the sentence, she was actually crying.

Su Xiaoyi, who was pushed aside, naturally saw this scene. She immediately crossed her arms and looked at Su Chen angrily, like a frustrated puffer fish, waiting for Su Chen's explanation.

"I...I'm worried too, and I miss you very much."

Bai Yingying was a little shy, standing next to Su Chen coyly, not daring to compete with Ling Xueyi for Su Chen's embrace, she just pulled the corner of Su Chen's clothes and spoke infatuatedly.

"Explain it."

"What the hell is this?"

"Brother Su Chen, you are so charming. If these flowers and plants hadn't disappeared through the wall of time, I explored Yucheng and found the branch of the Savior Cult of Yucheng. I really wouldn't have known about this..."

Su Xiaoyi said angrily.

Su Chen: "..."

"Listen to my explanation."

Su Chen opened his mouth to coax Su Xiaoyi, but felt a tightness in his waist. When he lowered his head, he looked into Ling Xueyi's eyes that were red from crying, and suddenly felt a big headache.

How to explain it.

Su Chen was in a dilemma.

But after thinking about it, Su Chen became hardened.

Explain what.

He now has the power of a king.

The spine must be stiffened.

"Lord Su Chen..."

A soft voice came to mind in the fortress.

Another room door opened, and there was a delicate girl wearing a nun's uniform, supported by several female figures, waving her little hands towards Su Chen, her eyes filled with little stars.

This girl's face was like a delicate porcelain doll, except for a few scars that ruined the beauty.

It was Bai Xue.

The person supporting her was naturally her clone.

Among them, Suhana, the former Valkyrie giant from the Tokugawa Military Association with long flaming red hair and a hot figure, was naturally among them.

"Master Su Chen, you are finally back!"

At this moment, the Shura field finally broke out.


Su Xiaoyi rushed forward, pounced on Su Chen, opened her mouth and bit, leaving a clear tooth mark on Su Chen's neck.

If Su Chen hadn't withdrawn his power in time, otherwise, the king-level muscle fibers hidden in his body would have broken Su Xiaoyi's teeth.

"Su Lang, how could you do this..."

Ling Xueyi lay tenderly in Su Chen's arms, crying more and more.

"Ah I……"


Su Chen opened his mouth to explain, but there was really nothing to explain.

But he kept messing around with women outside.


You must be tough!

The harem is open now, he is the king now, he must be strong.

As he said that, Su Chen's waist straightened up again.

"Actually, I can't accept a few more, as long as you don't..."

Su Xiaoyi's tone softened, as if she realized that Su Chen was a little embarrassed to get off the stage, and wanted to save some face for Su Chen and wait until he returned to the room to talk about the rest.


at this time.

Suhana rolled her eyes, raised her hands immediately, and said here adding fuel to the fire.

"Master Su Xiaoyi, my first time was also taken away by you."

"And she, she, they..."

"Master Su Chen said that when we were in bed, he told us a lot of private love words."

Suhana was naturally referring to the female figures around Bai Xue. They were all Bai Xue's clones, but it was obvious that Su Xiaoyi did not know this.


The scene couldn't stop anymore.

"Su! Chen!"

Su Xiaoyi's small fist kept hitting Su Chen's chest.

At this moment, even Ling Xueyi couldn't stop crying in Su Chen's arms.

"Oh My God!"

Seeing this scene, Su Chen felt dizzy.

no way.

Rolling his eyes, Su Chen glanced at his guards who were standing nearby watching the fun, and with a slight gesture in his eyes, he fainted immediately.

"Su Chen!"

There were bursts of exclamations.

The guards looked at each other blankly, obviously not understanding the meaning of Su Chen's eyes. After a while, Su Chen could feel the coolness of the floor, and then the crossbow female warrior came out and shouted.

"Everyone get out of the way."

"My lord, I'm too tired from traveling. I'm afraid I'll faint from exhaustion. Please carry your lord in quickly and take a rest. Don't disturb your lord easily..."

At this time, these women hurriedly carried Su Chen into the bedroom.


Inside the fortress, in Su Chen's ordinary bedroom.

After the crossbow female warrior exited the bedroom.


"Finally escaped."

Su Chen, who was lying on the bed pretending to be dead, suddenly stood upright and sat upright.

At this moment.

Su Chen was sweating profusely. Dealing with these crying women even felt more tiring than fighting the three demon kings from purgatory.

The wall of time, why happened to disappear in just these few days?

Damn it!

There was no preparation for him at all.

"I will never have a harem again in the future."

"So complicated."

"You might as well just beat me up."

Thinking that he would soon face Su Xiaoyi and Ling Xueyi's pear-shaped rain offensive, Su Chen was one of the top two, and particularly regretted the messy relationship between men and women.

From now on, he must keep himself clean, learn good male ethics, and control his desires.


There was a knock on the door.

Just when Su Chen was hesitating whether to continue pretending to sleep.

The door opened by itself.

Outside the house, there was a young girl wearing a nun's costume. She was holding a change of pajamas and wanted to come in for Su Chen to change into. Her face looked particularly familiar...

"Master Su Chen, you are awake."

The young nun turned out to be Feng Yao, the female high school student who was once trapped in Alder High School and was finally rescued by Su Chen.

The timeline of Jiangcheng area has been updated, three years have passed.


Feng Yao, who is sixteen or seventeen years old, has now changed into a female college student. She has become a lot taller and has become a young female college student.

For a moment, Su Chen almost didn't recognize it.

"Lord Su Chen."

Feng Yao wanted to say something.

"Well..." She couldn't say it.

Because the mouth is blocked.

That night, things were not peaceful in the bedroom.


I’ll stick to my male virtues next time.

not to mention.

He didn't count it as opening a harem. He had captured Feng Yao before, but now, now... he just gave Feng Yao a title.

An hour later.

The battle is finally over!

Feng Yao lay weakly on the bed and kept begging for mercy, while Su Chen was still as strong as a dragon and a tiger, and his body was even stronger.

"Sleep well, you don't have to wait for me."


Su Chen left the bedroom and got ready to do business.

In the fortress.

Su Chen took over the control of the fortress again, and opened up a brand new room in the internal space of the fortress. No, it should be the hall.

It was deserted here, with a gray mist, and Su Chen was the only one.

Wearing slightly messy pajamas, Su Chen came here and took out the Heavenly King Crystal Core from the Ghost Dragon King and the Nightmare Heart from the consciousness space.

Today, Su Chen is in the sage's time, his thoughts are running rapidly, and his reason is at its absolute peak.

He is level 8. Although he has the fighting power of a heavenly king, in essence, he is still only at level 9. His combat power is just ridiculously strong, and he has broken through to the level of a king.

On the way back, Su Chen thought for a long time and finally made up his mind.

No matter whether there is a trap left by the Nightmare Lord in the heart of this nightmare, he will use it to break through the threshold of the King of Heaven's life.

Are there any better features left over from the Peak King?

"This is my fortress. It is thousands of miles away from the dream world. Even if there are any traps left by the Nightmare Lord, it will not be able to mobilize the power of the dream world."

"Tonight, I must successfully step into the life of the King of Heaven."

Seeing the nightmare heart and the Ghost Dragon King's crystal core suspended in front of him, Su Chen's countless muscle fibers surged out and pulled them directly into his body.

Right or wrong, success or failure, is at this moment.

He will definitely win!

Even the nightmare monarch who is the peak king, he does not take lightly. (End of chapter)

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