Doom: I have a fortress and a puppet army!

Chapter 163: Full Level Fortress

The nightmare heart and the ghost dragon crystal core were all swallowed into Su Chen's body.

As per normal circumstances.

The characteristics of the Heavenly King, as well as the Heavenly King crystal core, will turn into power and melt into Su Chen's body, changing Su Chen's life level to reach the full level of lv9, which is the Heavenly King's life level.

"It seems I was worrying too much, everything went smoothly."

Su Chen frowned slightly.

What he had been worried about did not happen. The nightmare heart was successfully swallowed by him without any resistance. The characteristics of this peak king were rapidly dissolving and turned into his power.

The gift from the Nightmare Lord was not used anywhere. Instead, it was the crystal core of the Ghost Dragon King. After being pulled into Su Chen's body, he trembled violently and struggled wildly.

Inside this Heavenly King crystal core, you can vaguely see the shadow of a terrifying evil dragon, roaring to the heaven and earth, trying to impact Su Chen's consciousness.

"You want to refine me!"

"Don't even think about it!"

"Despicable little creature, I am the noble Demon King of Purgatory. Even if you die, I will not allow you to be humiliated like this. Look, I will lead you to self-destruct together!"

The evil dragon roared and roared crazily.

In an instant.

The crystal core of the Heavenly King trembled violently, and the terrifying authority wanted to burst out.

How could Su Chen make it happen?

"Just a defeated general."

"Not to mention your consciousness after your death, even if the real you is standing in front of me, I can still kill you again!"

"Why bother."

Su Chen sneered.


On his body, a shadow of a divine villain shining with bright and colorful light quickly penetrated into his body and rushed into the ghost dragon crystal core that was about to explode.

The divine villain punched the evil dragon phantom in the face that was roaring to heaven and earth.


Punch after punch!

The evil dragon's phantom exploded into pieces, and was obliterated by Su Chen's steady stream of divine power.

Here, in this Jiangcheng, Su Chen's base camp, there are nearly 100,000 devout believers who are praying to him alternately day and night, devoting their most devout believers' strength.

It can be said.

In this Jiangcheng, with divine blessing, Su Chen is the strongest.

Even among the many Heavenly King guards under Su Chen, the most powerful one, the Demon Demon King, was a high-ranking Heavenly King-level existence, but he still couldn't defeat Su Chen at this moment.

His divinity is immortal and Su Chen is invincible, at least in front of the high-ranking king.

Even if the Ghost Dragon King revives, Su Chen can send it to hell by himself.

In Su Chen's body, the ghost dragon crystal core disappeared.

Only the nightmare heart is left, alone and covered in countless muscle fibers, constantly melting away...

Maybe I can’t pretend anymore.

Nightmare Heart finally took off its disguise.


A long sigh echoed in Su Chen's ears.

this moment.

Su Chen seemed to see an illusory giant whale that was aging and falling from the sky. This giant whale was carrying a world on its body.

That's a dream world!


Su Chen was shocked, and suddenly sat up in the inner space of the fortress. His divine consciousness spread rapidly, rushed out of the fortress, and came to the sky above the entire Jiangcheng.

At this moment, he saw everything.

Not an illusion.

What I just saw is real.

At this time, an illusory giant whale suddenly appeared in the sky above Jiangcheng, no, the entire Yangshi city, covering the sky and the sun for thousands of miles. Carrying the dream world on his body, it suddenly fell down like a falling meteor. .

"Your strategy is right."

"Leaving the dream world and performing nightmare heart fusion, in this case, I really won't be able to use the power of the dream to resist and complete my plan..."

"I really didn't expect that you didn't have the idea of ​​inheriting the dream world. But since the dream world is in this world and you are far away from it, then I will summon it again."

The low and old voice sounded in Su Chen's ears.

In Su Chen's body, the nightmare heart trembled violently and emitted something like white threads, which in turn wanted to devour Su Chen's body.

The previous hunch turned out to be true.

Su Chen's eyes widened.

This nightmare monarch really had bad intentions and had ulterior motives towards him.


Su Chen asked.

at this time.

In the river city, figures rose into the sky. They were many of Su Chen's guardians of the heavenly king. Among them were the Taishan Lord, the Nightmare Tyrant, the Evil Demon King, the Shadow Lord, and the monster king, the pig-headed monster.

Five heavenly kings stood tall and finally barely blocked the falling giant whale. However, the falling speed of the giant whale only slowed down slightly, and it was still falling at a speed visible to the naked eye.

If this giant whale fell down in the dream world, Su Chen could imagine what the result would be.

Yangshi was gone.

The 100,000 survivors that Su Chen finally saved may all become creatures in the dream world.

"At that time, your divine star power will be rootless water."

"The thing that scares me the most is this divinity."

The old voice spoke slowly.


Su Chen suddenly spoke.

The Nightmare Monarch was silent for a while.

"Didn't I already make an agreement with you at that time?"

"End this horrific inferno of endless doom."


Su Chen asked slowly.

The Nightmare Monarch still responded with silence.

As if he was surprised that Su Chen actually asked such a naive question.


The Nightmare Monarch answered.

"Compared to letting you inherit my power and end the doomsday, I thought about it and was more satisfied to replace you and end the doomsday myself."

"After all, who wants to die if they can survive."

"During that hunt of the Heavenly Kings, I met the Saint of Purgatory and felt his vast and majestic life essence that belonged to the Saint. At that moment, I realized how ridiculous what I insisted on was."

"I want to become a Saint, even a demigod!"


"Please be my sacrifice. "

At this moment, as the old words of the Nightmare Lord came to an end, the raging malice he contained was no longer concealed.


The dark fire of the dream burned fiercely.

The end of the dream world.

The peak king monster created with the heart of the God of Evil Beasts as the core was also released from the cage by the Nightmare Lord at this moment and walked out of the dream world.

"Fresh flesh and blood!"

"Hahaha! "

This monster, which is composed entirely of the characteristics of the Demon King, is grinning grimly.

It looked down at the 100,000 human survivors in the Yang City area below, revealing its bloody mouth. The first among them is Jiangcheng, where countless humans who survived showed horrified expressions.


Panic boiling!

They have never encountered such a terrifying monster.

Three years have passed in Jiangcheng today, and there are many Level 4 Supernatural Kings, and even several Level 5 human lives wandering from other areas.

But it's useless.

Not to mention Level 5 human lives, even Level 9 demons, even Quasi-Kings, and even weaker Purgatory Kings, will kneel and tremble in front of this peak King-level monster.

The level of life is already fundamentally different, like the difference between a god and an ant.

"Kill! "

Su Chen's five Heavenly Kings showed their fierce power, and headed towards this peak Heavenly King monster while enduring the falling dream world.

What a pity.

Even if the five Heavenly King guards joined forces, they were no match for this monster.

This monster was terribly strong.

With every move, he was like a god or demon in mythology, and the void was twisted, as if he could not bear the terrible power contained in his majestic body.

If this continues, Su Chen will have his Heavenly King guards fall.

The battle will also affect Jiangcheng below.

It only takes a little bit.

The whole city will be reduced to ruins.

In the real world, no city can withstand the battle fluctuations of a Heavenly King.

Like the previous Heavenly King battle, many small regional worlds in the dream world were destroyed...

"If you are willing to cooperate and let me take your place, I can put this monster back in the cage. Otherwise, you can only watch the people you cherish die in front of you. "

The Nightmare Monarch threatened with a grin.

Inside Su Chen's body.

The divine power was fighting against the power of the Nightmare Monarch.

It was obvious.

As time went on, the balance of victory stood on the side of the Nightmare Monarch.

The entire Yang City area was in panic. Even the most devout believers in Su Chen were shaken at this moment and could not provide Su Chen with the power of faith to pray.

The divine power just turned into rootless water.

"In fact, there is another way."

Su Chen suddenly said.



"Are you crazy?"

"You don't have any other choice, the only fate is to be swallowed by me. I will inherit everything from you, become a saint, become a demigod, and even dominate the purgatory world..."


"Boy, you are dead! Everything you have will belong to me! "

The Nightmare Monarch laughed wildly and triumphantly.

At this moment.

Su Chen's body was rapidly dyed with a layer of illusory white.

The Nightmare Monarch had won!

The nightmare heart that was emitting white light, like a small sun, completely replaced Su Chen's heart at this moment.


Su Chen, who had originally given up resistance, opened his eyes at this moment, and his eyes burst into brilliance.


At this moment, more than billions of massive energies, as if they had found an outlet, quickly poured into the second icon except the guard icon.


At this moment, Su Chen exhausted all his energy and directly upgraded the fortress to the maximum level.

"Consume one thousand energy, and the lv2 fortress upgrade is completed!"

"Consume ten thousand energy, and the lv3 fortress is completed!"

"Consume one hundred thousand energy, lv4 fortress..."

"Consume one million energy, lv5..."

"lv6 fortress! ”



In the blink of an eye.

Standing above Jiangcheng, the fortress, which looks like an aerial fortress but is actually only the size of a football field, is undergoing many changes at a rapid speed.

At this moment, the fortress became the first lv9 full-level existence before Su Chen.


Its size exploded!

In the blink of an eye, it turned into an island suspended in the sky!

A huge energy shield, surrounded by wind and lightning, enveloped the sky above the fortress island.

The giant mechanical cannon, which was originally only as thick as a barrel, now shines with countless rune lights, distorts the power of space, and is brewing, locking the monster of the peak king...


The cannon roared.


The originally arrogant and domineering monster that crushed the five kings' guards, let out a terrified roar after being locked by the cannon at this moment, and actually fled to the dream world for the first time.


The dream world was shattered by a cannon.


The giant whale whimpered and exploded in an instant, and the entire dream world, along with the traces left by the cannon, was nailed to the sky.

The dream world broke a huge gap and stopped falling. It was nailed to this position and could no longer move.

In a flash.

The external crisis was directly exposed.

The peak king was directly frightened.

At the same time.

The internal space of the fortress.

The Nightmare Monarch sensed something was wrong and quickly wiped out Su Chen's consciousness.

"Go to hell!"

"Everything you have is mine!"

The Nightmare Monarch roared.


Su Chen responded coldly.

"You are the one who should die."


Inside the fortress, an indescribable terrible force quickly descended on the Nightmare Heart, just like a meteorite hitting an egg, leaving no residue at all.

The Nightmare Monarch's consciousness was directly wiped out.

All the white threads on Su Chen's body disappeared instantly.

At this moment, the Nightmare Heart that replaced the original Monster Heart in Su Chen's chest suddenly beat, and then became more and more violent.

The characteristics of the peak Heavenly King were also completely inherited by Su Chen.


Su Chen reached the maximum level, lv9, and officially entered the ranks of Heavenly King life.

When the life level entered the Heavenly King, Su Chen felt an extremely powerful force surging in his body.

At this moment, his strength was rapidly soaring.

Having had experience fighting with the Heavenly King, he could easily feel it instantly.

Ordinary Heavenly King!

High Heavenly King!


The next moment, he exceeded the critical point of the High Heavenly King and reached the level of the Peak Heavenly King, and it was still increasing, as if there was no end.

"Keep going! Don't stop!"

When he found that the increase in the power in his body was a little weak.

Su Chen was furious.

He waved his hand suddenly.

In the dim space, the crystal core of the Demon Dragon King and the characteristics of the Hellfire King appeared instantly.

This crystal core and characteristics are Su Chen's alternatives for impacting the Heavenly King.

If the nightmare heart cannot be solved, the crystal core of the Demon Dragon King and the Hellfire characteristics can also be used to impact the life of the Heavenly King for the second time.

But obviously.

Su Chen succeeded.


Two Heavenly King crystal cores and characteristics were swallowed by Su Chen.

Su Chen's power surged again until he reached the end of the Heavenly King level and touched a barrier, and then he suddenly stopped.

That barrier is called the Saint Realm!

"What a pity."

"Without the Saint's crystal core and characteristics, otherwise, I could even break through the barrier and become a Saint!"

Su Chen opened his eyes, with divine light brewing in his eyes, emitting a fierce and inviolable divine power.

The level of life has been improved.

Su Chen's divine power has finally transformed and reached the third stage, the true soul of God. (End of this chapter)

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