Currently, Su Chen has gone through three stages of divinity, the light of divinity, the consciousness of divinity, and now the true soul of God.

If he continues to transform, he will be exposed to the realm of demigod.

Ignite the divine fire and leave the mark of demigod in the realm world.

At that time.

Su Chen will be a demigod.

"Am I a king of heaven now?"

In the fortress space, Su Chen's eyes were like lightning, and his body was blooming with a sharp power of heaven, more and more like a real god.

The next moment.

Su Chen disappeared in the fortress, and when he appeared again, he was already outside the fortress, above Jiangcheng, overlooking the dream world pierced by the mechanism gate.

The fortress has now completely changed into another look, just like the island of God, with wind and thunder whistling, and a dark protective shield covering the entire fortress island.

Su Chen understood at this moment.

The fortress island in front of him is the domain he owns.

When the divinity reaches the fourth stage, he can ignite the divine fire, leave his mark on the giant island transformed from the sky fortress, and become the god of this new world.

Demigod is also a god!

"I don't know how strong I am now, and whether I can beat the peak king monster in the dream world..."

Standing in front of the gap in the dream world, Su Chen pondered for a while.

He had an impulse in his heart.

He wanted to rush into the dream world directly and kill the peak king monster composed of characteristics.

The real world can't withstand the battle of the king.

But that is the dream world, even if it is destroyed, it will not affect Su Chen much.

"Try it..."

"If you can't beat it, continue to lure it out and let the machine cannon bomb it."

With this thought, Su Chen no longer hesitated and broke into the dream world again.

The dream world is above Jiangcheng.

What is Jiangcheng?

This is Su Chen's base camp. The 100,000 survivors are basically his devout believers, constantly providing him with the true soul of God, transforming towards the fourth stage.

This place is very important and cannot be lost. The 100,000 survivors are probably the largest gathering place of survivors in the real world.

Su Chen simply cannot tolerate the existence of a peak heavenly king monster that can destroy Jiangcheng with a breath at his doorstep!

That's it.

Su Chen killed his way into the dream world.


In the distant capital.

Except for the first ancestor, a god's apostle at the level of heavenly king life, the twelve demon ancestors have basically gathered on the top building of the capital.

The Council of the Twelve Ancestors.

At this moment, they are discussing something.

"What did you say?"


"I think you have been sleeping in the coffin for too long. You are crazy about gain and loss!"

"In the real world, a king of heaven was born? Haha, are you talking in your sleep? We have been blessed by the gods of Purgatory. The twelve gods have only given birth to a king of heaven..."

The white-haired bat ancestor was laughed at by the other demon ancestors present.

All the demon ancestors, whether they were level 9 demons or quasi-kings, looked at him as if he were a fool or a madman. No one took the information he brought seriously.

Everyone thought it was fake.

Even if it was the white-haired bat ancestor, if he had not witnessed the aura of Su Chen and other kings of heaven, he would probably sneer like all the demon ancestors present after learning the news.

They sacrificed tens of millions of humans in the entire capital, held a sacrificial ceremony, and presented the gods of Purgatory with the delicious cake of the real world, and only then did they gain the power of the gods of Purgatory and become followers of God.

Their strength skyrocketed, leaping over the low-sequence and mid-sequence extraordinary levels, and directly became a high-level life starting at level 7 or even level 8.

After killing and devouring countless fresh human lives in the world timeline of the capital, it took decades for the twelve demon ancestors to be born.

In this way, only one heavenly king was born among them, and the rest were at most quasi-heavenly kings, and some even just reached level 9.

They paid so much, and they are definitely ahead of all human lives and stand at the top of the real world.

But tell them now.

In the real world, a heavenly king was born, and there is more than one, how could they believe it.

"But... this is true."

The white-haired old bat, with a burst of bitterness, saw that no one believed him, shook his head, and wanted to leave this conference room in a lost state.

In fact, he had a terrible guess in his mind.

Even the strongest of the twelve ancestors, the first ancestor, might not be able to beat any of the kings he met.

They were too strong!

That power was almost despairing.

"Old bat, you have Alzheimer's disease, go back to the coffin and sleep for a few more years."

"Tsk tsk!"

"If you are old and confused, your blood descendants can be handed over to me. My third-generation grandchildren just need a suitable demon mount..."

The demon ancestors, some with human heads and snake bodies, and some with black scales, were all sneering at the white-haired old bat.


At this moment.


In the capital, countless decaying high-rise buildings collapsed instantly.

The ground sank rapidly.

It can be called a catastrophe in the world!

But fortunately, this capital had been devoid of human beings for a long time.

Even so.

The powerful demons living in the capital still suffered heavy casualties, but as the ancestors of these demons, the many demon ancestors present did not dare to be presumptuous, but instead rushed over respectfully.


"The first ancestor has woken up."

The ground collapsed under the capital, and in the smoke and dust, there was a terrifying demon dragon surrounded by monstrous blood. It slowly opened its scarlet blood eyes and stared at the direction of Jiangcheng in the distance outside the capital.

He is the life of the king of heaven, the first demon ancestor, nicknamed the demon dragon!

"I felt the life breath of a human king of heaven..."

"Very strong!"

"I am no match!"

"In my sleep, God sent down an oracle..."

The demon dragon retracted his gaze, and his cold and cruel blood eyes swept over the other demon ancestors present, and slowly spoke.


"Needs a body to come to the world!"

"He came for this human king!"

"Who among you is willing?"


The words were so shocking.

All the demon ancestors were horrified and looked at the white-haired bat demon ancestor who was huddled aside in disbelief. They were shocked.

What the old bat said was actually true.

When they were occupying the capital and looking down on the whole world, in the territory of the British Commonwealth, a king was actually born, and it was a human? !

How did this human do it?

The doomsday broke out, and the fastest timeline was only more than 30 years ago. After starting the extraordinary evolution, he became the human king in just 30 years?

"God wants to come?"

"It's just a newly born human king, why does God need to come in person?"

"We are all followers of God, we can fight one level stronger. With His Majesty the Demon Dragon leading us, it will be easy to surround and kill this newly born human king!"

"Hahaha! When the time comes, after tasting the flesh and blood of the human king, maybe we can give birth to a second king among us."

There was a demon ancestor who shouted loudly, looking arrogant as if he wanted to fight the king.

The other demon ancestors were also laughing and echoing, not taking the so-called human king who was born into his eyes.

Seeing this.

The bat ancestor showed pity in his eyes.

Surround and kill?

Who is going to surround and kill whom?

That human being had all monster kings under his command. It was ridiculous that a group of level 9 demons who had not even reached the rank of king wanted to surround and kill a group of kings...

"Can His Majesty the Demon Dragon kill that human king by himself?"

The Bat Ancestor asked.

The other demon ancestors fell silent and looked at the first ancestor, His Majesty the Demon Dragon, expectantly.

"One breath!"

The Demon Dragon Ancestor was silent for a moment, and a cold voice sounded.


"The Demon Dragon Ancestor is so powerful that he can kill the other party in one breath. Why does he need to ask the gods to descend?"

There was a demon ancestor, a demon with black scales, who laughed wildly.


The Demon Dragon Ancestor was silent for a while.

"One breath! He can kill me."

"The breath I sensed is that of a peak king... and I have been sleeping for ten years, but I have just touched the barrier of a high-ranking king."


Death-like silence.

The demon ancestors present were stunned, their eyes full of incredible looks.

The demon dragon ancestor was not even his opponent.

Heavenly King Life.

Ordinary rank, high rank, peak rank.

The gap between each rank was almost equivalent to the gap between level 1 life and level 9 life. How could the other party be so terrifying?

"Who will be the body of God?"

A demon ancestor broke the silence.

Such a monster, no wonder the gods of Purgatory are interested, let them contribute their bodies and descend to this world.

But no one is willing to become the body of God.

After all.

Being one with God, under the blazing fire of the soul, even the consciousness of the Heavenly King can be easily wiped out.

"Your Majesty the Seven Gods, all will descend!"

The demon dragon said indifferently.

At this moment, the eleven demon ancestors present all widened their eyes and looked terrified.

They instantly understood the meaning of the demon dragon, the first ancestor.

There are seven gods in Purgatory, and they have to contribute seven bodies. Doesn't it mean that every demon ancestor is very likely to draw this "lucky lottery"?

"Demon Dragon, you actually want to harm us!"


The roar sounded.

The demon ancestors present scattered and fled in all directions, abandoning their demon descendants in the capital and fleeing like crazy outside the capital.

The body of God requires at least a level 9 demon as a carrier!

"Can you escape?"

"You and I are both servants of God."

"Please, seven monarchs, choose your own body!"

The demon dragon's tyrannical eyes revealed humility, and he bowed his head respectfully.

The next moment.

The wind and clouds changed color.

The portal of Purgatory opened, which was essentially different from the ordinary demon gate. This portal covered the sky and almost replaced the sky of the entire world. The wills of the seven great monarchs focused their attention here.

The seven monarchs of hell.

The seven demigods instantly invested a consciousness and chose their bodies.


As strong as the demon ancestor, a level 9 existence standing at the top of the real world, is no different from an ant.

Not long after.

The figures of the seven demon ancestors gathered here, and their expressions have changed fundamentally.

The seven monarchs of hell, arrogance, gluttony, jealousy, greed, anger, lust, and laziness gathered and descended.

"Humble dragon, meet the gods!"

The demon dragon lowered his head humbly.

The seven demigods of purgatory did not even look at the life of this king of heaven, as if this demon ancestor they created with their own hands was like dust, not worth a second look.


"It depends on your ability."


"I'll leave first!"

The gluttonous monarch, who chose the demon ancestor in the form of a giant demon who looked like a meat mountain, was burly and ugly. After saying this with a grim smile, he was the first to step out of here.


The other demigod monarchs were also afraid of falling behind, and left one after another.

Only one demigod remained here.

The lazy monarch.

"If you want to compete for the only god position that Purgatory is pursuing, many people will die."

The lazy monarch was a little dazed.


It seemed that he had returned to the Purgatory World countless years ago, the catastrophe of the God War.

Under the feet of that person, the corpses of the false gods piled up like a mountain.

"In this life, is your real name Su Chen?"


In the dream world.

Su Chen killed his way to the end of the dream, and the nightmare heart in his heart kept beating. The infinite dream power that constructed the dream world was all injected into Su Chen's body, giving him a blessing.

The peak king monster, who was originally frightened, was killed and defeated in front of Su Chen.

Not long.

When Su Chen walked out of the dream world, he was already holding the corpse of this peak king monster in his hand.

"Too weak."

Su Chen was still a little bit unbelievable.

Such a powerful peak Heavenly King monster, who made him flee in embarrassment the last time they met, is now so weak in front of him that he is no match for him at all.

Perhaps, it is not that this monster is too weak.

But he is too strong.

At this moment, Su Chen left the dream world and opened his Heavenly King domain. In an instant, the black curtain covering the sky and the sun enveloped the entire Jiangcheng and continued to extend.

In his domain world, all the Heavenly King guards appeared in his domain.

He is the king!

The domain of the guards is part of his world domain.

At the moment he opened his domain, he reached the limit of the peak Heavenly King's power, and climbed again, vaguely surpassing the limit that the Heavenly King's life can reach.

At this moment, Su Chen's fighting power touched the barrier of the saint.

In his body, the true soul of God shines brightly.

Scenes of broken pictures appeared in Su Chen's mind.

It was a tragic battle.

In a world of blood and darkness, countless horrific corpses covering the sky, thousands of meters, or even tens of thousands of meters, fell to the ground, and a figure stood, stepping on countless skeletons like gods and demons, looking down at all the enemies who came.

At this moment, Su Chen saw the man's face clearly.

It was exactly the same as his.


It was him. (End of this chapter)

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