"Strange memory."

"Could it be that I have suffered some kind of curse that has confused my memory?"

Su Chen was very cautious.

He quickly decomposed the fallen peak Heavenly King monster in his hand.

The characteristics of the two Heavenly King's broken hands, the magic eye, and the most powerful ugly heart of the evil beast god were all swallowed into his body.

His body, which has integrated the characteristics of countless monsters, has now gained new members and has become even more powerful.

But he is still stuck in the ecstasy of the peak Heavenly King and cannot move forward half a step.

Saint crystal core!

And the characteristics of the saint!

If he wants to continue to climb, Su Chen can only do the same as his Heavenly King guards, and attack the saint crystal core and the saint characteristics.


This is the real world.

Let alone the Heavenly King, even the high-level materials and crystal cores above level 7 are probably few and far between.

"If I hadn't been lucky enough to find the dream world, I would have been at most level 9 at this moment, and it would have been wishful thinking to have a Heavenly King Guard..."

Speaking of this, Su Chen went back into the dream world.


He followed the original plan and let the Dream Guard inherit this dream world.

The complete dream world, with the terrible power accumulated by the Nightmare Monarch, a peak Heavenly King for tens of thousands of years, can completely allow the Dream Guard to directly become a peak Heavenly King.


The core Nightmare Heart entered Su Chen's body.

The giant whale was directly annihilated by the fortress cannon.

Even the dream world was penetrated.

The current Dream Guard, who controls this broken dream world, can only barely maintain the rank of the high Heavenly King.

But this is enough.

A peak Heavenly King is not that important.

After all.

Now Su Chen's strength is so strong that it is terrifying.

"The Nightmare Monarch's idea is right. He cannot become a saint. He has reached the peak of the Heavenly King. He accumulates excess power outside his body and creates this dream world."

"It can be said that although he is only a peak Heavenly King, even if more than three peak Heavenly Kings hunt together, they will definitely not be able to compete with him with a huge supply of power."

Su Chen sighed at the power of the Nightmare Monarch.

But no matter how powerful he is, what can he do?

He is just the king among the Heavenly Kings.

If he encounters a saint, he will still fall.

"There are only two ways to continue to improve my strength. Find a way to become a saint, but this requires a saint crystal core and saint characteristics, which is really difficult."

"But there is another way, find a way to increase the number of believers, a huge amount of faith power, send me to the fourth stage of divinity, ignite the divine fire, leave a mark, and even have the possibility of skipping the saint and becoming a demigod."

Today, Su Chen is no longer a white who knows nothing.

Every time he merged a characteristic, he could get a little memory from the original owner of the characteristic, which gave him a certain understanding of saints and even demigods.

Su Chen just merged a heart of the God of Evil Beasts.

The God of Evil Beasts.

Before his death, this was a demigod in Purgatory.

"It's just that if I skip the saint and believe in becoming a demigod in a divine way, I will be the weakest demigod."

The weakest demigod can't stand the real world.

He still remembers.

In the Purgatory world, for some reason, those so-called evil gods are eyeing him covetously.

In Purgatory, the pinnacle is the demigod.

Saints can also be called evil gods.


Su Chen made up his mind.

Going on both roads, searching for the footprints of saints and believing in becoming gods!

So, the Jiangcheng Savior God Cult expanded rapidly.

Finally, it was no longer limited to this city, and began to merge other areas of Yang City, constantly searching for the whereabouts of surviving humans and spreading the glory of the Savior God Cult.

After solving the hidden dangers of the dream world.

In the sky fortress that looked like the island of gods, Su Chen had a rare good sleep.

In the dream.

He was no longer an ordinary young working man in the Commonwealth of Great Britain.

Instead, he became a prince of a dynasty similar to ancient times. There were demons making trouble here, and there were countless practitioners, that is, people who controlled extraordinary powers.

The dynasty collapsed.

Countless compatriots became food for demons.

He finally recognized the reality.

Only by becoming the most powerful practitioner can he truly control his own destiny and protect everything he wanted to protect, so he embarked on a road of breaking through waves and thorns.

He succeeded.

In the world of demons, he was crowned as a god as a human being and enslaved many demon gods!



Su Chen suddenly woke up.

Recalling this strange dream.

He looked surprised.

"It's really strange. Even when I fall asleep, I rarely dream. What does this dream mean?"

Su Chen didn't understand the meaning of this dream.

He wanted to continue sleeping, but he couldn't fall asleep.

He was full of energy, feeling the increasing number of believers' light spots around the divine true soul. Obviously, during this period, the Savior God Church had more believers.

In the area near Jiangcheng, even the most hardened atheists would believe it when they came to Jiangcheng and saw the prosperous city of 100,000 people and the sky fortress kingdom of God that was like an island of God in the sky.

What's more,

Su Chen's guards, even the fifth-level centaur female knights, were as fierce as gods, burning with wind and fire, and they were as handsome as gods.

Those Heavenly King guards are naturally even more amazing.

It is like a mountain, reaching a thousand meters high into the sky, like the mountain guard of the God of Mount Tai.

Every one encountered will think that it is not a supernatural being, but a walking god.

The mission was surprisingly smooth.

Su Chen counted carefully.

In just a few months, the number of believers surrounding him has increased several times to 170,000 or 80,000.

"The number of believers of 170,000 to 80,000 is still a bit small."

Su Chen was a little emotional.

In his estimation, if he wanted to quickly enter the fourth stage, the path of belief in becoming a god, he would need at least millions of believers and decades of devout prayers.

Of course, if there are tens of millions of believers, they may be able to do it with just a few years of devout prayer.

Let's do it before the doomsday breaks out.

In the real world, there are billions of people, including tens of millions of believers.

But now is a new era of doomsday outbreak.

The population has dropped sharply, and it is unknown whether there will be tens of millions of survivors around the world.

"I can't bear to wait for tens of millions of believers for several years. What's more, there are only 170,000 to 80,000 devout believers. The path to becoming a god is still a long way away..."

Su Chen tapped his fingers on the table, looking beyond the sky fortress. The majestic divinity and perception covered the sky, spread rapidly with Jiangcheng as the center, and wanted to cover the entire British Association.

Thirty thousand miles!

Three hundred thousand miles!

Su Chen closed his eyes, and everything in the British Association came into his eyes.

The British Association, the old world before the apocalypse, although the population is declining, still has a population of more than one billion, but now there are only about five million surviving humans left.

Five million survivors is too few.

Even if they are all believers, they still have to pray devoutly for about ten years.

"if you can……"

Su Chen concentrated and looked at the thousands of gates of erosion in the territory of the British Alliance. The world of purgatory has swallowed up countless worlds, and there are more than billions of monsters.

If he enters the purgatory world to preach, and everything goes well, he can skip the saint realm in half a year, meet the conditions, directly believe in the gods, and become a demigod.


Su Chen was extremely afraid of Purgatory. Before becoming a demigod, it was absolutely impossible for him to personally get involved in dangerous situations.

That being the case.

Just the last option left.

"It's time to take this step..."

Su Chen closed his eyes.

In the memory of lv9-Demon Sword, Su Chen knew the places where three ancient powerful beings were either sealed or slumbered. One of them was the underground palace under the Fortress.

The evil beast king there has been harvested by him!


He is the pinnacle king underground in the royal capital.

as well as……

On the border of the Great British Alliance, in Qinghe, a saint is suspected to be sealed...

"Why don't you wait a little longer? Now I am the absolute strongest among the peak kings. Unless a saint comes, otherwise, I will be absolutely invincible in the entire real world."

Su Chen was not so quick to confront the saint.

While he was thinking.

A figure as fat as a mountain of flesh walked out of the wall of time in Snow City, staring greedily at the island in the sky suspended above Jiangcheng.

"Nothing wrong!"

"it's him."

"Purgatory searched countless worlds, but I didn't expect to find him."

Gluttony, Jiejie laughed strangely.


His body grew rapidly, and in an instant, the original appearance of the ancestor of the demon in this body was completely lost. It was already a terrifying demon like a mountain of fat.

Su Chen came very quickly, almost in a thought, and arrived in front of this meat mountain monster.

Immediately afterwards.

In Jiangcheng, the lurking Heavenly King guards came from all directions, blocking all the paths of this level 9 monster, obviously preparing to hunt this level 9 monster.

But Su Chen waved his hand and stopped the guards who were about to make a move.

There is something strange about this level 9 monster.

It was obviously just a weak level 9 demon, but inexplicably she felt a great terror gathering on this level 9 demon.

"Level 9 demon?"

"You can't be a demon who came out of the world of purgatory."

"The Corrosion Gate in this world has not yet given birth to a portal that can carry the arrival of level 9 demons. Otherwise, I would have discovered it long ago."

"Are you the ancestor of demons in the royal capital?"

Su Chen asked.


The Roshan Demon in front of him was trembling violently as he looked at him, fear appeared in his eyes, and he subconsciously took a step back.

"This face..."


"No matter how many times I look at this face, I still feel scared."

Gluttony sighed.

There was a vague trance in his eyes.

It was as if he was back in the battle between gods, but as a weak demon, he knelt in front of this man and kept kowtowing, begging this great god to let him live.

At that time, he was just a weak dog.

But now.

He is a demigod!

And that great god is still moving forward with difficulty and has not returned to his position as god.

The weak one now is not him, but the god in front of him!

"Please give me everything you have."

Gluttony roared, opened its bloody mouth, and devoured Su Chen.

Su Chen's Heavenly King Guards present all attacked, and the terrifying attacks burst out, bombarding the 9th level demon, but did not cause any damage at all.


Su Chen's true soul suddenly opened his eyes, and saw a terrifying phantom burning with divine fire on the body of this 9th level demon.

This is not a 9th level demon.

But a demigod!

"I remember."

Su Chen suddenly said.


Gluttony was terrified, and subconsciously thought that Su Chen in front of him remembered everything about being a god. The fear of the past came again. The dignified demigod trembled violently, his knees softened, and he wanted to kneel down.

Gluttony remembered.

In the battle of gods, why did he survive, and why did the other party let him go.

On the mountain of bones piled up by countless saints, demigods, and even gods, a rebellious figure stepped on it and said with a chuckle.

"You will face me and will never have the sharp blade called killing intent again!"

"A frightened stray dog!"

"You will always be afraid of me!"

These words, like a curse, bound the divine fire of Gluttony.


"I can take everything from you just by opening my mouth..."

Gluttony roared unwillingly.

The next moment.

His divine fire went out.

When he descended to this world, his demigod consciousness was directly annihilated.


"Where is this, why am I here?"

"Where is Lord Gluttony?"

After Gluttony disappeared, the demon ancestor of the king's capital regained control of his body. After he was confused, he was ecstatic. Nothing could make people more grateful than surviving a disaster.


"A lot of human flesh and blood."

"By eating these humans, I will definitely be able to make further progress in the 9th level..."

This demon ancestor was extremely happy.


Not only did he survive the catastrophe, but he also received another gift. This was simply amazing.


His consciousness completely returned, and he took control of his body. Only then did he finally see everything clearly. At this moment, he was surrounded by a terrifying monster figure that was a thousand meters or even three thousand meters tall, emitting terrifying waves and distorting the sky and the earth.

Obviously, he was a powerful 9th-level demon ancestor, but compared with these behemoths in front of him, he was so weak and pitiful, just like a primary school student surrounded by a group of thugs.

"Heavenly King?"

"All Heavenly Kings?!"

This demon ancestor screamed, and his voice became sharp.

"Kill him."

Su Chen ordered.

The next moment.

There was no need for any of the Heavenly King guards to take action. This 9th-level demon ancestor scared himself to death.

"My head hurts."

"This gluttonous demigod monarch of Purgatory seems to know me?"

"How come I don't know."

Su Chen covered his forehead, feeling more and more painful, as if he was about to grow a brain.

A powerful demigod monarch, at a huge cost, descended into the world, just to say a few words to him, and then annihilated this demigod consciousness?

It's too crazy.

Demigod consciousness, even if it is only a very small part, its high status is enough to crush most of the kings, and only saints can kill it.

Su Chen originally thought that this was a difficult battle, and he didn't know how much it would cost to destroy the other party, but the other party directly annihilated himself?


"Border Qinghe, I must go there."

"Demigods can descend to clones."


"I must become a saint!"

The peak king can no longer give Su Chen a sense of security. (End of this chapter)

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