If one demigod can come, he can come to the second, or even the third. At first, Su Chen thought that beings at the heavenly king level would only come to the world when the timelines were completely integrated into one. This was obviously a big mistake.

In the fortress, the most powerful high-ranking heavenly king, the Demon King Mosha, and the nightmare tyrant in charge of the dream world were left behind, and they set off with the other three guardians of the heavenly king in a mighty manner.

The British Commonwealth, the far frontier, Qinghe.

Su Chen opened the realm of the three heavenly king guards, tore apart the space, and walked directly through them at a terrifying speed.

There are two high-ranking kings, coupled with the full-level fortress, the fortress cannon can kill monsters such as the peak king with one shot, and it has the power to deal with even demigods.

not to mention.

These demigods are all here for him.

Now that he has left, he might be able to lead the demigod clones behind him to Qinghe...

"Damn it."

"The breath of devouring is gone."

"He ran the fastest, but died the fastest. Could it be that he triggered some kind of backhand left by him? Otherwise, the will of the majestic demigod, even if it faces the king of heaven, cannot fall so quickly."

Xuecheng is adjacent to Yangshi.

At this moment.

The demigods, who looked like the ancestors of demons, all stopped in their tracks, their expressions extremely ugly.

They don't want to be the second Gluttony.

It was clear that Mingyang City was right in front of them, but they did not dare to step into it.

"How about taking a long-term approach?"

"Very good!"

"Anyway, we can't run away from the monk or the temple. We will stay here and find out how Gluttony died before it's too late to get in."

The five demigods standing at the top of Purgatory actually stopped moving forward. They were so frightened by the little king born in a weak world that they did not dare to move forward.

If the kings of purgatory knew about this, their eyes would probably pop out of their heads.

King of heaven?

Of course they are not afraid.

But no one knows the true identity of this weak human king born in this world better than they who have experienced the war of gods! He is God...

"I will first create some subordinates to gather information."

Pride held out his palm.

In a blink of an eye.

The thick snow accumulated on the ground in Snow City began to tremble rapidly, and countless ice and snow condensed together, and finally turned into thousands of conscious extraordinary monsters of ice and snow, heading towards the invasion of Jiangcheng in a mighty manner.

"I'm coming too."

Greed opened its huge mouth, and the countless human corpses swallowed by the ancestor of demons in his belly came out of the huge mouth and turned into a mighty undead army, also heading towards Jiangcheng.

Lust and anger were also unwilling to be outdone, creating an army of monsters and heading towards Jiangcheng.

Only Envy remained silent, looking at these fools who were scared out of their wits because of the death of gluttony, his eyes were full of sneers.

"If you want to play house here, then go ahead and play by yourself."

"I'm here to seize God's throne and kill Him!"

"I am leaving!"

Jealousy spread the wings of the bat, and the wings vibrated, flying thousands of miles in an instant, and disappeared in the mist of the wall of time.

What he captured was the ancestor of the white-haired bat.

Relying on this bat ancestor, he encountered Su Chen and could clearly locate Su Chen's location even though he was thousands of miles away.

Republican frontier.


This was originally a small town with beautiful mountains and clear waters.

Even if the doomsday comes, it will not affect the peace of this small town in the slightest.


In a rotten, dusty cement house, a giant zombie dog with two heads was greedily chewing on the head of a level three flesh and blood zombie.

The apocalypse has been going on for so long, and there are very few living people.

The borders of the Republic are vast and boundless.

A border province is even larger than the entire dozen or so provinces in the interior combined.

The place is vast and sparsely populated.

The monsters have long been unable to find living food.


Hungry, they began to eat each other.

at this time.

Nothingness twisted for a while.

A tall portal slowly took shape, and a slender young man wearing a samurai uniform and a handsome face slowly walked out of it.

Behind him, there was also a man in black robes who seemed to be surrounded by shadows, a pig-headed man, and a stone man.

"It seems that the coordinate positioning is correct."

In this cement house, Su Chen looked around and found that the street outside the window did have the shop sign of Qinghe on the border, and nodded clearly.

Relying on the field to tear apart the space, teleport directly. I tried several times just now, but the direct teleportation was wrong.

The first three times were either deserts or barren mountains and forests.

This fourth time, he finally succeeded and was teleported to Qinghe Town.


A greedy roar sounded.

In the cement house, the two-headed giant dog that was munching on flesh and blood zombies smelled the sudden smell of living flesh and blood in the house. It suddenly went crazy and rancid saliva flowed from the corners of its mouth.

It rushed towards Su Chen.


"Level 4 life."

Su Chen glanced at it and could see the rank mark above its head.

In Jiangcheng, level 4 is no longer enough.

Don't wait for Su Chen to make any move.


There was a gunshot, and a whizzing bullet whizzed in from outside, blasting one of the zombie dog's heads.

Is there someone outside the house?

Su Chen was a little surprised.

Qinghe, there are still living people.

This is where the ancient saints are sealed. Even if a little bit of the remaining power leaks out, it is enough to create an extremely terrifying army of monsters, and it is no problem to slaughter all humans.


The two-headed dog roared, and another bullet hit it, and its other head also exploded.


There was a slightly hurried sound of footsteps outside the house.


Su Chen frowned slightly, and after a little thought, he ordered the three Heavenly King guards behind him.


The door outside opened.

At the same time.

Gangzi and the other three Heavenly King guards also disappeared, and were wrapped by Gangzi and hid in the shadow under Su Chen's feet.

"This is my trophy!"

"I saved you."

"Don't try to steal my trophy!"

A female warrior in her twenties wearing leather armor, with a curvy figure, a high nose bridge and deep eye sockets unique to border people, rushed in with a gun.

She looked at Su Chen warily and walked towards the two-headed dog, fearing that Su Chen would snatch the level 4 crystal core that was about to escape from the two-headed dog, a level 4 monster.

Level 4 crystal core, even if it was given to Su Chen, Su Chen would not want it.

Not to mention the level 4 crystal core.

Now, even if it was a level 9 crystal core, Su Chen might not be interested.

At the level of the king, energy was of little use to him, it was just a number.

"Level 4 crystal core, this tribute is enough."

"No need for human sacrifice!"

The leather armor female gunner talked to herself, obviously very emotional, holding the gun in both hands, facing Su Chen, waiting for the level 4 crystal core to appear.


She did not wait for the level 4 crystal core.

Instead, she waited for the third head of the two-headed dog, a level 4 monster, to drill out from the flesh between the two heads and bite her head fiercely.


Blood splattered.

The zombie dog bit the female gunner madly.

The female gunner didn't expect that she would die here before she died.

This level 4 monster was so insidious and cunning, and it even had a third head hidden!

She was too anxious!


The female gunner's neck was bitten through, and she was bleeding. Before she died, she reminded Su Chen.

Blame her for being too careless!


Su Chen sighed.

He flicked his finger.


The terrifying sonic boom whistled out in his hand, like a terrifying bomb, directly blasting the three-headed zombie dog into a bloody mist, and even the entire concrete house was blown away.

The female gunner's eyes widened, and when she was dying, she saw this scene, and then she realized that the man she had just pointed a gun at was such a powerful extraordinary evolver.

What a pity.

She was going to die!

After a long time.

The female gunner stood up shakily.

Her eyes were full of bloodshot.

The beautiful body was covered with spider-web-like black blood threads.

She turned into a zombie!

Su Chen was a little dazed. He vaguely remembered that before the doomsday, he was in the fortress villa and watched the horrific blood rain that swept the world.

This zombie virus is not a genetic virus, but a curse from the purgatory world.

Even the king of heaven can hardly crack it.

Of course.

People who become zombies cannot become normal living people again, but if there are blood crystals, they can still restore their human memories.

The female corpse staggered towards Su Chen, roaring and wanting to bite Su Chen.


Su Chen gave her a quick death!

Then, he pulled out the things on the female gunman's body, a blasting magazine blessed by extraordinary power, a modified firearm, emergency food, water, and a map.

Su Chen took a closer look.

On the map, Qinghe Town is full of red dots that indicate danger. This concrete house seems to be one of them. Obviously, there are level 4 monsters lurking inside.

As for the area outside Qinghe Town, there is a blue circle.

"Is this the survivor base?"

Su Chen was a little surprised.

Did the humans in Qinghe Town abandon the concrete buildings here and choose to settle in the barren wilderness? Outside Qinghe Town, there are dense forests, where there are no solid concrete houses.

Not right.

The timeline of Qinghe Town may have passed for several decades.

Walls and barriers may have been built in the wilderness.

This world now has all kinds of incredible supernatural powers. Su Chen was not surprised at all that a steel fortress wall was built overnight.

Su Chen was not interested in the survivor base.

Even if he was spreading the Savior God Religion, he should not be preaching with his status.

"I don't know how many humans are still alive here."

"If I had known, I would have brought a priest from the Savior Cult."

Su Chen shook his head, threw away the messy thoughts in his mind, and walked out of the concrete house that he had blown up, and walked on the streets of Qinghe Town.

In fact.

In the memory of lv9-Demon Sword, he only knew that there was a Qinghe Town on the border, where an ancient saint was sealed, and he didn't know anything else.

Where the ancient saint's seal is, he still needs to slowly find it himself.



"Want to eat..."

A hoarse voice sounded slowly.

The moment Su Chen stepped into the street, pairs of monster eyes, either scarlet or pitch black, were already fixed on Su Chen's body, all bearing the lv4 logo.

All are level 4 monsters.


Among them, Su Chen also saw a lv5 monster life.

Change to before.

Su Chen still had some interest in hunting, but now, Su Chen didn't even bother to kill.

"Humans... are delicious..."

Darkness comes.

A ten-meter-tall monster with a body like an inflated giant, staring at a baby's head, was walking towards Su Chen in the dark. It was the only level 5 monster.


"Who is this person?"

"A hunter from our base? How come you haven't seen him before? Is he crazy? He showed up on the street like this. It's over. He's done. He was targeted by the "ghost boy"..."

In the distance, in a high-rise building with a height of 100 meters, there was a temporary base for the hunter team. Andre held a telescope and looked at the darkness that instantly enveloped Su Chen and the ghost child, and lamented for Su Chen.

Although he didn't know this person, if he was targeted by a ghost child, he would definitely die.

"This man is really unlucky..."

Andre had just finished speaking. Before he could put down the telescope in his hand, the next moment, he saw the black mist surrounding the ghost child and Su Chen boiling instantly.


Su Chen walked out of the black mist unscathed.

above the streets.

The remaining level 4 monsters, whether zombies, alienated beasts, or other monsters, all showed humanized fear at this moment and ran towards the distance like crazy.


Andre's eyes almost popped out of his head.

How can it be.

How could he still be alive after encountering Guihai, a boss-level monster entrenched in Qinghe Town?


This is more than just living.

Also scared off a group of level 4 monsters...


Why does he think this person must be human?


"He may not be a human, he may be a higher-level monster..."

Andre became frightened.

next moment.

The black fog dispersed.

There was no trace of Qinghe's boss monster, the Ghost Child, except for a twisted flesh ball the size of a billiard ball rolling around on the ground.

The flesh ball kept trembling, and he opened his mouth in pain, wailing.


"it hurts!"

This was the hoarse voice of a ghost child.

At this moment, Andre's scalp was numb and the hairs all over his body exploded.


This is an absolute monster!

Human beings simply cannot reach level 5 life.

He is not human at all!

It's a higher level humanoid monster!

"We must quickly warn other hunters who are searching for crystal cores and resources to evacuate, otherwise, everyone will die! This is a more terrifying monster above level 5..."

Andre finished speaking tremblingly.

The next moment.

He squeezed the telescope in his hand and rushed to the window of the tall building, looking everywhere, extremely anxious and frightened.

"Where are the people?"

"Where did that high-level monster go?"

at this time.

A faint voice sounded behind Andre.

"You...are looking for me?" (End of Chapter)

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