
Andre's scalp tingled. He was an old hunter after all, otherwise he would not have been the leader this time. He flicked his sleeves, and his fleshy right arm instantly glowed with silver light and turned into a thick steel cannon barrel.

"Monster! Die!"

Andre turned around and roared.


The cannon barrel roared!

Being able to be the leader of the hunter team, his strength is unquestionable. He is a gun evolver and a level 4 transcendent. In today's apocalyptic world, as long as the protein energy in his body can be converted into artillery shells in equal amounts.

This is why Qinghe has no arsenal and an arsenal, but his hunter team can equip everyone with guns.

"I can never be the opponent of this high-level humanoid monster in front of me!"


"The sound of the cannon here and the movement will definitely alert other team members and remind them to run quickly..."

Andre's eyes were full of determination, and he had already had the awareness of a heroic sacrifice.

In front of him, Su Chen had a painful face.

Why do you think he is a monster?

Can't it be human?

Who said that humans can't achieve level 5 life? Although it is impossible to rely on human's own extraordinary evolution, this world has the power of monsters and the ancient heritage...

At least Su Chen has seen level 5 ghost riders and level 5 human life that evolved with ancient power.

"It seems that the humans here are very weak."

"No wonder."

"After all, this place is vast and sparsely populated, and there may not be many powerful extraordinary lives. It is normal that they have no knowledge..."

Su Chen sighed and did not resist the bombardment.

"This monster is too arrogant."

"There is a chance!"

"Even if I hurt him a little bit, my death is valuable..."

Andre thought so in his heart.


The next moment.

I saw a handsome man in a loose martial arts uniform in front of me, stretched out his hand and snapped his fingers, and the scene changed in an instant.

He sat upright on the sofa.

Sitting upright.

He could not feel any extraordinary power all over his body.

He looked at his right hand, trying to turn it into a cannon, but got no response at all.

"Is this the power of a high-level monster?"

Andre's face was full of bitterness.

In front of such a terrifying existence, he was no different from an ant that could be manipulated at will.

"First of all, I am a human."

"Secondly, I have no ill intentions."

"Forget it."

"Just flip through your memories."

Su Chen's true soul of God appeared instantly, and with one hand, the soul of Andre, the bearded man, left his body, and all his memories played like a slide show.

Before the doomsday, Andre was just a railway worker.

After the doomsday, he became the captain of the hunter team by relying on his firearms ability and the continuous supply of elixirs.

At the same time.

He is also one of the three leaders of the Qinghe survivor base. This year's sacrificial ceremony is hosted by him. He does not want to sacrifice people, so he leads the team deep into Qinghe Town, which is occupied by monsters, and wants to hunt some level 4 crystal cores as tribute instead of human sacrifices.

There are 10,000 survivors in the Qinghe stronghold. Ten years after the Doomsday, more than 70% of the people in the stronghold are still ordinary people, and have not started the extraordinary evolution...

In theory, this stronghold with only three level 4 leaders will be submerged by the monster tide in three months at most.


Ten years after the Doomsday, the Qinghe stronghold is still alive and well.

It is by constantly sacrificing to the mysterious and powerful monsters in the cave that it has survived to this day.

"The mysterious existence in the cave?"


"Could it be the saint sealed in the memory of the lv9-demon sword?"

Su Chen became interested.


And the mysterious existence in the cave.

Everything fits!

In a flash.

Su Chen's true soul of God appeared, and his perception instantly expanded rapidly with this tall building as the center. Finally, he came to the stronghold twenty miles away...

He saw towering trees rising from the ground, like a fence, forming a circle, protecting a village. In the deepest part of this stronghold, there was a dark cave that exuded an ominous atmosphere.

Su Chen's true soul of God wanted to explore inside.


A perception that was not weaker than his hit him fiercely.

Su Chen uttered a muffled groan.

He subconsciously took a step back in the command room of this tall building.

"If he is not a saint, he must be at least a peak king. Otherwise, he would have no way to fight back against me..."

"The cave, the sacrificial ceremony, is interesting."

Since he had made a discovery, Su Chen naturally lost interest in Andre.

In a flash.

He crossed twenty miles and rushed towards this Qinghe stronghold.

"So scary..."

"Is he really a human?"

Andre survived the catastrophe, his whole body soaked in sweat. It took him a long time to recover, and he finally felt his superpowers again, his arm turned into a gun barrel.

He picked up the telescope and looked at the street where Su Chen appeared earlier.

At this moment.

There were dozens of level 4 monsters fighting frantically, blood everywhere, they just wanted to snatch the core of the level 5 monster ghost child that Su Chen casually threw on the ground, seriously injured, almost dying, and lost all resistance...

"Level 5 crystal core!"

"Grab it!"

Andre gritted his teeth and was determined. After seeing the real power, he was eager to become a human life of a higher level.

If he could become a level 5 life.

Perhaps, in the face of this terrifying life, there might be a glimmer of power to resist.

Andre called on other hunters to participate in the fight for the core of the level 5 monster.

But he didn't know it at all.

Level 5 monsters, in front of Su Chen, are actually no different from level 4 extraordinary.

Even the peak of the extraordinary level, in front of him, have no ability to resist.

"My king."

"There seems to be something wrong here..."

In the shadows, Gangzi poked his head out, his dark eyes looked at the bottomless cave, and couldn't help but remind him.

Is there a problem?

Su Chen also knew there was a problem.

In terms of strength, he is much stronger than Gangzi.

What's more.

He still has this third form of divine true soul.

A strong intuition told him.

This cave cannot be entered, otherwise there will be extremely terrible consequences.

Su Chen did not know what the consequences were.

This was just a whim, a strong intuition.

"My king!"

"Why don't you let me go in and explore it first."

Gangzi's body, like a black mist, rolled up and stood beside Su Chen.

Su Chen was silent.

But he still nodded.


With Su Chen's approval, Gangzi's black mist-like body walked into the cave. Su Chen also closed his eyes and used Gangzi's vision to explore everything in the cave.

The cave went straight down, like a slope, leading all the way underground, without many bends.

The cave is three hundred meters long.

Gangzi encountered the first corpse, buried in the wall, with only the tip of the iceberg exposed, the edge of a monster bone, even so, it was thirty meters long.

It is conceivable how huge this corpse must have been when he was alive, and it was possible to have a body of a thousand meters.

And a body of a thousand meters is at least a high-level demon of level 7.


Even the life of a Heavenly King is possible.

Continue to go deeper.


Su Chen opened his eyes.

Because he lost contact with Gangzi, it was as if Gangzi was wiped out at that moment, or stepped into another world.


"Too weird."

"Gangzi, but a Heavenly King life, although just an ordinary Heavenly King, it is enough to destroy the lives of billions of monsters in this world, and even directly wipe out a province, or even a country!"

"This cave is very strange."

For a while, Su Chen was in a dilemma.

Nothing was gained, and there was a Heavenly King under his command whose life and death was unknown...

"My Lord..."

The mountain guards and the pig-headed monster all looked at Su Chen, obviously wanting to rush into the cave to see what was going on, but Su Chen didn't dare to be so reckless.

If there was really danger inside, wouldn't everyone fall into it?

"In Andre's memory, the chief of the stronghold was chased by monsters when he was still an ordinary person. He fled into the cave in panic and encountered a mysterious existence in the cave. Then there was an annual sacrifice ceremony..."

"In fact, Andre didn't know what was in the vault. He only knew that as long as he offered the human girl into the cave, he could protect the safety of the camp for a year..."

Su Chen looked gloomy, and his figure appeared with streams of light.

In a flash.

He turned into another look.

Flaxen short hair, beard, rough face, deep eye sockets, blue eyes, about 1.78 meters tall, his right hand turned into a steel cannon barrel, and he looked like Andre.

Su Chen turned into Andre and walked straight into the depths of the camp.

This is the border of the Commonwealth of Great Britain.

After the outbreak of the doomsday.

Not only the natives of Qinghe are here, but even the people of the Giant Bear Country on the other side of the border have fled here, many of them are blond and blue-eyed white people.

That chief is an old white man.

"Captain Andre, when did you come back?"

"Where's my sister Shana?"

There was a quirky mixed-race girl who was originally wiping the barrel of the gun and preparing to aim at the target and practice shooting for a while. When she saw Su Chen appear, she immediately came up to him.

This mixed-race girl looked very similar to the female gunman who died in the mouth of the three-headed dog at the beginning. Obviously, it might be this Shana.

In Andre's memory.

This mixed-race girl is called Sarah. She is a human girl suitable for tribute in the camp. Her sister, the female gunman Shana, went to carry out this dangerous operation in Qinghe Town to protect her.

The female gunman Shana is not an extraordinary person, but just an experienced hunter who hunts level 1 and level 2 monsters. Obviously, she underestimated the power of level 4 monsters and died in Qinghe Town.

"Your sister..."

"She is still on the mission..."

Su Chen was silent for a moment, perfunctorily said, then walked past her and walked towards a cement building deeper in the camp.

The camp was full of yurts, wooden houses, or stone houses, but this was the only place with cement buildings, and even a layer of wall was laid on the outside, making it look like a luxurious villa in peacetime.

Su Chen had excellent five senses, and even if he could suppress his perception, he could still clearly hear the movements in the house and the women's breathing.

The big leader, an old white man who is getting stronger with age, is driving a ladder inside.

"One, two, three...six, seven, eight..."

"This old man is quite fierce!"

Su Chen's eyes looked through the wall and saw the scene inside, and couldn't help but sneer.

Andre, the third leader, was fighting life and death outside, while the big leader was holding a party inside. Among the women with blurred eyes, Su Chen even saw the wife in Andre's memory.

If Su Chen were the extraordinary person in this stronghold, he might have been able to kill the old white man long ago.


Su Chen snapped his fingers.

In an instant.

The villa disappeared into smoke.

It's like an eraser has erased it directly from the screen.

A bed, eight naked women with blurred eyes, and an old white man with short breathing were revealed in the camp.


"Where's my house."

The old white man was frightened. He was stunned for a while and then screamed. He was obviously startled by this strange surprise.

His house actually disappeared.

Could it be that level 5 weird monster from Qinghe came over?

But how is it possible!

The existence in the catacombs has exerted means here. He only has a life of level 5. How dare he come even close to this place...

"what happened?"

"I thought I heard a loud noise just now!"

"Damn it, is there a monster coming in?"

There were shouts.


The extraordinary beings from the camp gathered over.

Suddenly, the old white man and eight women came into view.

"Fake Squid!"

"my wife!"

"It, you old dog, you actually failed to kill my wife!"

In an instant, the eyes of many extraordinary beings turned red. If someone hadn't pulled them, they would have killed him long ago and tore this great leader into pieces.

Old man Yi Te, on the other hand, didn't care and put on his clothes in a hurry. He looked at these cuckolded extraordinary people coldly and sneered.

"What about playing with your wives?"

"You know nothing!"

"This is the oracle sent down by the great god of the underground cave, asking me to purify the muddy bodies of you wives. You should thank me, and don't think about it, who brought you such a peaceful environment?"

"If it weren't for me, you would have been eaten by monsters."

"in addition."

"So what if I play with your wife? Can you beat me?"

It said coldly.

In an instant, those extraordinary beings who had been cuckolded no longer dared to speak out in anger.

after all.

Yi Te is not only the big leader of the camp, but also a priest blessed by the power of the cave. He has a level of power close to level 5, far superior to the other two leaders.

Just when these extraordinary beings were pinching their noses to admit it.

An indifferent voice sounded slowly.

"Can you all tolerate this?"

"I thought I could watch a good show."

"In that case."

"I will kill this person for you."


The next moment.

The originally arrogant Yite had a look of horror on his face. His palms seemed to be out of his control, ruthlessly digging out his heart.


At this moment, the scene was boiling and there was an uproar.

Countless frightened eyes looked towards the place where the sound came from, and focused on Su Chen.

"Andre?" (End of chapter)

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