When did Andre become so strong? He could actually control the great leader Ite, who was infinitely close to level 5 life, to kill himself? Isn't Andre a gun evolver?


He is not Andre at all!

Thinking of the inexplicable disappearance of the villa just now, the extraordinary people present instantly entered an armed combat state, wanting to fight Su Chen fiercely and shoot guns...


They felt that their bodies were out of control.

They couldn't even move at all!


"I'm still in Andre's appearance now."

Su Chen looked at himself, and in an instant, water-like lines appeared, and then he returned to his original appearance, passing the stiff and frightened people, and walked towards the terrified Ite.

When Su Chen first saw this white old man, he found that he was a God-given person, of course, different from those God-given people in the capital.

The God-given power on this guy was pitifully weak.

The demons in the capital who have received the power of God can reach the level 6 life and obtain the terrifying power of the level 7 life.

Because the one who gave them the power was a demigod!

Although this Ite also seemed to be a God-given, he was a level 4 transcendent and could not even have the power of level 5. At best, he was infinitely close to the level of level 5 life.

It was so weak.

It was incomparable to those god walkers of the demons.


The guy in the cave, even if it was a powerful life, was at most a saint life, and even among the saints, it was not a powerful existence.

Otherwise, at this moment, it should have rushed out to wrestle with Su Chen.


"Let me go..."

"Great and noble existence..."

Ite looked at Su Chen in fear.

He was not an ignorant frog in the well. After walking out of the world of the cave, he knew clearly the nine levels of the transcendent level. Above the level 9 life, there were even gods and demons.

The human-looking guy in front of him was a great and noble existence, just like the god he met in the cave.

"Why are you not dead yet?"

Su Chen looked at It with interest.

His heart had been dug out, but It was still alive, as if the heart was not his weak point at all, and he could live well even without the heart.

After thinking about it.

Su Chen snapped his fingers.

At this moment, the body of the white old man It exploded, the flesh and blood shattered, and the intact human skin actually fled away quickly like a living thing.

At this time, Su Chen woke up.

It turned out that this human skin was his true body and true posture, and the heart was not important at all.

"Human skin?"

Su Chen raised his eyebrows and subconsciously thought of human skin paper.


He shook his head.

He did not catch any powerful will coming from the cave.

At this moment, his plan to force the mysterious existence out of the cave to take action failed.

Think about it.

Just a weak human.


At his level, it would be easy for him to have as many servants as he wanted.

The next moment.

A raging fire burned on the human skin, and the human skin trembled, and the old man Itt screamed miserably.

"Spare me!"

"Great being, I am willing to tell you everything about the cave."

"You must have come for the treasure in the cave."

"I can help you!"


Itt seemed to want to reveal some secrets.

It was at this moment.

The terrifying will came out of the cave at this moment and descended on Itt's human skin, erasing Itt's consciousness in an instant and silencing him.

At the same time.

It also occupied Itt's body.

The empty skin sac began to stir, and the human skin showed a creepy smile, a twisted smile.

"You are here as expected."

"I'll wait for you in the cave!"


The next moment.

The Ite human skin disappeared, not to mention the soul fragments, not even the ashes were left.


"This saint doesn't look like it's completely sealed."

Su Chen's eyes sank slightly.

It was at this time.

The extraordinary people present finally regained control of their bodies. Looking at the horrible scene in front of them, they were frightened and collapsed to the ground one after another, and for a moment they didn't know what to do.

They have been living in peace in this camp for too long. Many people have fought monsters many years ago. They have extraordinary powers but don't have the heart of an extraordinary person. They were actually scared silly.

"The other party seems to be very familiar with me, as if they are waiting for me here..."

"Could it be the Seven Lords."


"It's just a saint..."

Su Chen felt a headache.

As for a saint, even if he is a person who surpasses the peak king and is infinitely close to the power of a saint, he may not be able to beat a saint who is not sealed...

Who is this guy?

After thinking about it.

Su Chen clicked on Gangzi's three-dimensional guard image, and there was no reminder of serious injury or dying. Gangzi was fine in the cave, but he had lost contact with him.


"I didn't get anything, but I lost a Heavenly King Guard. This cave is more like a trap that has been waiting for me for a long time..."

Thinking about it.

Su Chen returned to the deep cave again.

He stamped his feet.

Instantly, the pig-headed monster appeared.


Su Chen closed his eyes, and his divine true soul appeared, blooming with colorful brilliance. The true soul man gave up part of his true soul power and injected it into the body of the pig-headed monster.

The next moment.

The pig-headed monster opened his eyes and made Su Chen's voice.

"I still have to go to the cave to see it with my own eyes to feel at ease..."

"Even if I lose another Heavenly King Guard, it's worth it."

"If I leave without taking a look, I always feel that it will be very difficult in the future."

At this moment.

The pig-headed monster's consciousness fell into a deep sleep, and Su Chen's true soul took the lead and entered the pig-headed monster's body, controlling the pig-headed monster's Heavenly King body.

Afterwards, Su Chen controlled the body of the pig-headed monster and walked into the deep cave world.

It was just a part of the true soul.

It was abandoned.

As long as the power of faith was replenished, it could be restored at any time.

Even if the pig-headed monster was lost in the cave, it would be fine. As long as Su Chen grew up and hunted the saint's crystal core, even if it had fallen, it could be resurrected.

The cave was deep and deep. When you stepped into it, it was not a passage, but an underground world where you couldn't see your hand in front of your face.

Su Chen walked forward.

From time to time, he encountered the bones of the king of heaven exposed in the stone wall.

For a while.

Su Chen had only walked for a few hours and encountered at least ten bones of the king of heaven.


He could feel that in the deeper part of the cave, there were more bones of the king of heaven that he had not discovered.

There were more than a hundred, or even a thousand bones of the king of heaven buried here!

"With the corpses of a thousand Heavenly Kings and such a large arm, how could it be the place where a saint is sealed?"

"There is something wrong with the memory of the lv9-demon sword."

"I'm afraid it has been tampered with."

Su Chen's mind sank slightly.

Even if this is the place where a demigod is sealed, he would not feel strange.



Su Chen's scalp tingled, and he finally remembered.

This may not be the underground cave world of Qinghe, but the subspace world of a fallen demigod. The thing on the ground is not the entrance to the cave at all, but the portal to the demigod's subspace...

Only the subspace of a demigod can be so vast.


How could such a place like an underground world appear on the ground of Qinghe. Even if the underground of Qinghe was hollowed out, it would not be so vast.

With Su Chen's foot strength, he could easily walk through thousands of miles of mountains and rivers in two hours.

Finally, Su Chen came to the node where Gangzi disappeared.

There were a lot of bones here, and each corpse was shining with brilliant golden light. Some of them even had colorful brilliance, which made Su Chen's eyelids jump.

He was no longer an ignorant transcendent.

Even in the purgatory world, he had a certain understanding of it after integrating so many memory fragments of the special kings.

If it is said that there are thousands of bones of the kings buried in the stone walls outside and underground.

The huge tiankeng in front of him, which is a full ten thousand miles, the golden bones inside must have been powerful saints in their lifetime. As for the colorful corpses, it is possible that they were demigods.

There are thousands of bones of the kings outside!

There are dozens of saints' corpses here! And a demigod's corpse!

"What exactly is this place?"

Su Chen regretted it a little. He shouldn't have come here.

lv9-Demon Sword, the information that the ancient saints were sealed in Qinghe in the soul fragments is simply false! This may be a dangerous situation that has been set up a long time ago.

The magic sword is just a level 9 ancient human, and it is easy for his memory to be tampered with.

Not to mention the saints.

Even when Su Chen was not yet a king of heaven, but only a quasi-king of heaven, he could do it easily.

After all.

This magic sword is not that strong even among level 9 lives.

The truly strong ancient life must be like the Nightmare Monarch or the Asura God, who directly killed into the purgatory world and could stand for thousands of years or even tens of thousands of years.

At this moment.

As long as Su Chen took a step, he could enter the area of ​​the corpse pit.

At least ten thousand years, or even one hundred thousand years, have passed in this semi-god subspace of the cave. The thousands of king corpses on the outermost edge have turned into bones. Even if they have characteristics, they have long since dissipated.

There is no value in using them. They are really just bones, which are just a little bigger in size.

But the saint's skeleton and the half-god's skeleton inside, even after tens of thousands of years, or even a hundred thousand years, are still shining, and retain extraordinary characteristics and power.

Su Chen can even feel that in this pit of bones, there is still the power of the saint's crystal core.

At this moment.

Countless muscle fibers and even cells in Su Chen's body are cheering, urging Su Chen to step into the world of the pit, plunder the vast amount of saint's characteristics and crystal cores, and directly step into the threshold of the saint.

Even if he devoured all the saint skeletons here, Su Chen even felt that he could step into the peak of the saint realm and directly derive his own saint world.

"Saint-level materials detected..."

"Saint-level materials detected..."

The prompt sound kept ringing in Su Chen's ears, buzzing.

But Su Chen was not carried away.

He knew clearly.

This was a dangerous place. At this moment, his true soul kept trembling, reminding him of the horror ahead. If he stepped in, he would die without a burial place.

At that time.

It was also here that Gangzi lost contact with him.

He has not appeared until now.

"It's just... this temptation is really too great."

Su Chen sighed.

Under normal circumstances, knowing that there was a dangerous place ahead, he must have run as far as he could, but now he really couldn't take his eyes off everything in front of him.

The dangerous place is really dangerous, but the treasure is also a real treasure.

Even the semi-god characteristics are prepared for him.

The saint in the cave has not appeared yet. He is very patient, as if he has predicted that Su Chen will not be able to resist the risk of facing a saint and will rush in.

Time passed little by little.

Su Chen stood on the edge of the tiankeng without moving a step.

For a long time.

Finally, the saint in the tiankeng lost his patience and roared.

"Cowardly rat?"

"Such a treasure is in front of you, why don't you come in?"



The saint in the tiankeng appeared, and the tiankeng rolled violently. A terrifying monster with blood and flesh all over its body and densely covered human skin with square gaps appeared.

This saint appeared!

He has always been there, sealed in this tiankeng world. A broken hand surrounded by colorful light pierced its heart and sealed it here.

"Su Chen, it's been a long time since we last met. I didn't expect that you have become a peak Heavenly King now..."

"When I first met you, you were still level 4. For the sake of a level 5 crystal core, you almost got trapped in the Purgatory World..."

This saint laughed strangely.

In an instant.

Su Chen understood the identity of this Tiankeng Saint monster.

It is human skin paper!

Unexpectedly, Su Chen would meet the human skin paper again in this posture and in such a scene.

He turned out to be a saint?

Su Chen thought that even if this human skin paper had a great background in the Purgatory World, it was at most a level 9 demon, or a Heavenly King life. Unexpectedly, it turned out to be a saint.

It seems that he is still a peak saint, infinitely close to a demigod. Otherwise, how could a demigod seal him here at the cost of breaking his hand?

"Purgatory has eroded countless worlds, and I have released countless human skins. I didn't expect that I would actually meet you. What a great opportunity..."

The Human Skin Saint laughed strangely and raised the square human skin gap on his body.


The human skin paper that Su Chen encountered in the present world was just a part of his human skin.


Su Chen sneered and turned around and ran without saying a word.


The next moment, the sky collapsed and the human skin saint took action.

"Since you are here, don't leave. If you don't come in, then I will go out!"

"Although it is only part of the divinity, it is worth my effort!"

The human skin saint grinned and killed.

In the end, he lost his patience and took the lead.

Su Chen's eyes went dark.

When he opened his eyes again, he had already appeared outside the cave. The pig-headed monster and the part of the true soul that was separated were trapped in the cave world. (End of this chapter)

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