Doom: I have a fortress and a puppet army!

Chapter 169 Battle of Two Gods

He got nothing, but lost two Heavenly King Guards, and even lost 30% of his divine power...

Su Chen's face flashed with a cold look.

No matter how much he ate, he would have to spit out double or even triple the price.

He didn't get nothing!

This human-skinned saint was very weak. Although incredible, he was dying! Every time he attacked, he wasted his limited survival time.


A saint, even a weak and dying saint, would never be something Su Chen could deal with.

But there are always exceptions.

Looking into the distance, feeling the familiar will of the demigod, Su Chen stepped into the cave world again.

"I hope you won't let me down."

This time, Su Chen did not enter the cave as a guard, but directly entered in person.

The intelligence of the cave world has been explored.


It's his turn.

Su Chen deliberately left the 30% of divine power to the human skin saint. Otherwise, with Su Chen's means, he might have a chance to escape.

After all.

There are saint characteristics everywhere, and there are saint crystal cores underground.

At the risk of death.

As long as he can snatch a saint crystal core, he can directly create a saint-level guard.

But Su Chen didn't.

He showed weakness to the enemy, and at the same time left the seeds of provoking a fight.

Su Chen disappeared in the cave world.

There are countless mottled breaths of fallen kings, fallen saints, and even fallen demigods in this cave, which are enough to cover up all of Su Chen's breath, even his divinity...

Not long after.

In the distant sky.

A huge bat emitting a cold and frosty breath descended.


The terrifying divine power crushed the Qinghe town on the road like a catastrophe. The monsters in it were all shattered and killed in an instant.

"His breath disappeared here?"

Finally, the jealous monarch waved his bat wings and slowly descended on the camp. He stood in front of this deep cave and frowned.

Because he recognized it.

This is the door of a demigod subspace, and there is a familiar breath of the mark of God inside.

In the war of gods, this demigod is his old friend.

The God of Evil Beasts!

At the end of the subspace, in the tiankeng skeleton, at the end where the corpses of dozens of saints gathered, the only demigod skeleton is the God of Evil Beasts! An unparalleled demigod.

"During the God War, the God of Evil Beasts fought his way out, but was chased by a group of top saints who wanted his divine fire, and fled without a trace..."

"I didn't expect that he would fall here."


"No wonder there are traces of the God of Evil Beasts in this world. Logically, his subspace should be pulled back to the Purgatory World."

The Jealous Monarch walked forward, turning a blind eye to the corpses of the Heavenly Kings along the way.

The Purgatory Heavenly King can still be considered a role in the Purgatory World today.

But before the God War.

The so-called Heavenly King is just a stronger cannon fodder.

Before the God War, the Purgatory World was extremely prosperous. There were hundreds of saints, and even more than two dozen demigods. Of course, there was only one god, and there was only one true god.

Even the Jealous Monarch, until now, has never taken the so-called Heavenly King seriously.

After all.

He is a demigod.

An ancient demigod who survived the God War.

One of the seven monarchs who now rule Purgatory.

Finally, Jealousy came to the end of the cave world. This ten thousand li tiankeng buried the golden skeletons of dozens of saints and the skeleton of a demigod...

At this moment.

The human skin saint, who was surrounded by blood, was devouring the 30% of the true soul power left by Su Chen.

"As long as I refine this 30% of divinity!"


"This only god position will have 30% of mine!"


The human skin saint laughed crazily.

Su Chen, whose divinity is incomplete, will never be able to step on the throne of the true god, even if he is Him, and even the belief in deification, from saint to demigod, is no longer possible.

Divinity is the ticket, and if the ticket is not complete, how can it lead to demigod?

At that time.

As long as Su Chen cannot become a demigod, once he recovers the demigod level, it will be easy to seize the remaining 70%.


The human skin saint, he is not a peak saint at all, he is also a demigod.


In the past.

When he was still a human skin, how dare he ignore the seven monarchs of Purgatory.

"Evil beast, you are still alive?"

"So whose skeleton is this demigod..."

Just when the human skin saint, no, the evil beast god was full of pride, a faint voice slowly sounded in this world of the tiankeng.

In an instant.

The evil beast god changed color and looked towards the place where the voice came from.

He suddenly saw a huge white-haired bat standing up, frost condensed around it, and an illusory gray-white god figure gathered above its head.

The seven monarchs of hell, the demigods who hold the name of the seven sins of jealousy!



"The timeline has not yet been unified, and the time barrier still exists. How did you come to the world?"

The evil beast god's eyes almost popped out.

It never occurred to him.

The Seven Lords of Hell, whom he paid the least attention to, came to this world quietly and silently.

Jealousy cannot come alone.

So, all the seven demigod monarchs with complete lives in hell have descended into this world?

Go crazy, they!

In order to seize the position of the only true god, you risked your destiny and divine fire?

"never mind."

"It doesn't matter anymore."

"It seems that since you escaped from the God War, in addition to dozens of saints, you have also faced the encirclement and suppression of a demigod. No wonder you are so weak now. You can't even stabilize the fate of a demigod..."

"So, I just accepted it!"


After the jealous monarch finished speaking, he took action.

The gray-white divine figure stared at the 30% divinity that the God of Evil Beasts was devouring. The fire of jealousy in his eyes almost took shape as he roared.

"You, a guy whose divine fire has been extinguished and who has no destiny as a demigod, are you worthy of taking up the position of true god?"


roared the jealous monarch.

The gray-white divine shadow directly abandoned the body of the ancestor of the white-haired bat and walked towards the God of Evil Beasts. Wherever he passed, the world turned gray.

Jealousy of the monarch is only a demigod's destiny.

It's just a demigod born from the world of purgatory.

It is not that he is jealous of the authority held by the monarch.

The real name of the Jealous Monarch before the God War was the God of Death who controls time and wind and frost!

He stirred up real fire.

"Damn it!"

"Why did you come!"

"Damn it!"

The gray-white wind, if the bone-scraping knife whizzed by, would be like a toothpick in front of the huge God of Evil Beasts. However, the gray-white wind blew by, and the skin and flesh of the God of Evil Beasts disappeared, revealing the golden bones underneath. .

"you wanna die!"

The God of Evil Beasts was also beaten out of real fire.


He took out the demigod palm that penetrated his chest.

This is not a sealed item at all.

It is the last resort he left behind as a demigod.

Demigod's method!

Facing the descending clone of a demigod, only the same demigod clone, or a peak saint, can deal with it. The God of Evil Beasts is not a peak saint, he is just a saint who is so weak that he is about to die.

But as the former God of Evil Beasts, he also had the means to save his life. Otherwise, why wouldn't he take the Seven Lords of Hell into consideration and get involved in this battle for the throne?


The demigod's palms swelled against the storm, and he savaged towards the gray-white divine figure.

For a while.

Both demigods came out with real fire.

As time goes by.

The demigod's palm was covered in bruises, leaving scars that were deep enough to show the bones.

The gray shadow of the jealous monarch is getting thinner and thinner!

A long time passed.

This battle finally came to an end.


"Finally I won~!"

"Jealous of the monarch? Haha, you are still too young. If it weren't for my bad luck in the God War, how could I have ended up like this?"

"When I was at the peak of my power, you, the so-called Seven Monarchs, probably had not yet ignited the divine fire to stabilize the fate of the demigods."

The god of evil beasts laughed ferociously.

In front of him.

The gray-white divine shadow was almost too thin to be seen.

But his demigod method also fell to the ground, as if dead, gradually losing all its colorful luster, and his last demigod method was also exhausted.

Now he is really just a weak saint who is about to die.

"Is it really you who won?"

At this moment, the gray-white divine figure disappeared.

Since the Gluttonous King, the Jealous King has also been out.

At this moment.

In the distant snow city, four terrifying figures covering the sky and the sun were silent for a while. They looked far away in the direction of Qinghe River on the border of the Republic. They felt frightened in their hearts and wondered what tricks that person had left behind.

Two purgatory monarchs in a row are out!

This is a demigod clone!


"Too fierce!"

The demon, the ancestor of bats, woke up and was frightened. Seeing the death of the avatar of the Lord of Hell, he was so frightened that he dared not stay here any longer. He rolled and crawled, his wings vibrated, and he wanted to run away.


However, he bumped into a human figure, and the entire huge demon body was blown away.

"Who dares to block grandpa's way!"

The ancestor of bats was extremely angry.

After seeing the appearance of the person clearly, his knees softened and he almost knelt on the ground.

Because this is Su Chen.

No wonder he, a majestic level 9 demon, was knocked away.

Opposite is a terrifying king of heaven.

This makes sense!

"Is the beating done inside?"

Su Chen raised his eyes and glanced at the ancestor of bats.

In an instant.

The ancestor of bats nodded repeatedly and gave way.

"The fight is over!"

"Both lose, they both died."

After all, he is the ancestor of demons. At this moment, he is still thinking of tricking Su Chen.

But who kind of person is Su Chen, how could he not know the thoughts of this demon ancestor?

"In that case, just go with me for a while!"

No matter how much the ancestor of the white-haired bat begged for mercy, Su Chen kicked it back to the direction of the sinkhole world.

In an instant.


"Good guy, you little monster, how dare you come back?"

"Let you go, you still don't know whether to live or die, in that case, I will help you!"


The god of evil beasts roared.

He took action.


Blood splattered everywhere.

The ancestor of the bat demon, this powerful level 9 demon exploded into countless blood mist.


"No, this level 9 demon seems to have been beaten in."

"who is it?"

"Could it be that there is a clone of the Lord of Hell around here..."

At this moment, the God of Evil Beasts' face turned extremely pale, without even a trace of blood.

If that's the case.

He might as well surrender from the beginning and give up 30% of his divinity.

He had already exhausted all his means after defeating a demigod clone. Now, he might not be able to withstand a second battle.

Not to mention a demigod clone.

Even if he is a heavenly king, it will be extremely difficult for him to deal with him.

"It turns out that your condition has deteriorated to this level."

In the blood mist.

A voice sounded.

There are many corpses of saints and even demigods in this sinkhole, and their auras are mottled. Even the God of Evil Beasts cannot let go and sense everything. He doesn't know who is coming for a while.

But the next moment, he knew.

Because the 30% divinity in front of him was twisting rapidly, trying to fly into the blood mist.

So and so.

How could he not understand who the visitor was!

"How brave!"

"You are a little heavenly king, how dare you come back in the face of the life of a saint like me?"

"In this case, don't even think about leaving!"

The god of evil beasts roared.

On him, the terrifying prestige suddenly erupted, and the terrifying pressure like a peak saint instantly fell on Su Chen, trying to block Su Chen's arrival.

If it were a person with a weaker mind, I am afraid that facing this situation, he would have been scared out of his wits, thinking that this was a peak saint, and ran away without looking back.

But who is Su Chen?

Since the apocalypse broke out and purgatory came, he has grown all the way and is now a peak king.

If he was afraid, he wouldn't have achieved such success.

"It seems that you are really a slut and you are about to die. Facing me, a peak king, you need to bluff and hope to scare me away. It's really ridiculous."

As the voice fell.

Su Chen arrived instantly and punched the god of evil beasts.


Su Chen was blown away.

But it also exposed the true strength level of this evil beast god.


The God of Evil Beasts was panting. It was obvious that the collision just now consumed a lot of his energy.

He's exposed!

"The Peak King, is this kid really the Peak King? In the collision just now, I almost thought I was fighting against a guy who had just reached the realm of a saint..."

The god of evil beasts was panting.

However, he felt vaguely lucky in his heart.

Fortunately, he is more than enough to suppress the peak king. Maybe, in a desperate fight, he may be able to hold the remaining 70% of the divinity in his hands.


Su Chen did not confront the God of Evil Beasts again.

His body flew past and turned into a sinkhole with countless bones.

"Are you trying to escape?"



The God of Evil Beasts thought that Su Chen was afraid of him. However, the next moment he suddenly remembered something and his expression became extremely frightened.

He didn't know how Su Chen quickly rose through the ranks.

But he guessed that it must be related to the crystal nucleus...

Under this sinkhole, although there are very few crystal nuclei and many saint skeletons, there are still a few saint crystal nuclei.


The God of Evil Beasts is frantically trying to stop him.


It's too late!

"Level 9, the guardian of the heavenly king, the monarch of Mount Tai, will you sacrifice this saint's crystal core, inherit the saint's world, and advance to the saint's realm?"


Su Chen clicked OK. (End of chapter)

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