Doom: I have a fortress and a puppet army!

Chapter 172 Persuasion by Force

In the empty royal capital, Su Chen's true soul of God recorded the scene where he destroyed the royal capital. At this moment, he activated his ability and transmitted it directly to the minds of all surviving humans on the earth.

Perhaps, the King of Heaven is not yet called a god.

But saints who have mastered the power of rules are basically no different from gods on this small earth.


If Su Chen is willing.

He can easily create blizzards, meteorites, huge sea storms, and destroy a country or even a continent!

Now he is a living god!

God of salvation! Deserved!

"I am the god of salvation! I will end all this suffering!"

"Believe in me!"

"Only by believing in me can you regain your life in this doomsday..."

Su Chen murmured, his body glowing with a god-like gilded light.

At this moment, all the surviving humans on this planet heard Su Chen's divine voice.

The whole world is buzzing on this day!


"Someone claims to be God?"

"Isn't it some kind of high-level monster?"

"Our Sakura Kingdom has given birth to a level 6 human being who is only one step away from the high level. Whether he can resist this divine voice, my God, he must be a level 7 being!"

"Level 7 life forms have been born among us humans. Now we can be saved!"

"Bah! Level 7 lives are nothing. Level 8 monsters and even level 9 demons have been born in the world today. Where can humans take them? What kind of bullshit gods are level 7..."

"No! This is a level 9 life."

At this moment, in Su Chen's global perception range, countless noisy voices gathered at this moment, as noisy as a vegetable market.


Nowadays, the extraordinary life of human beings has barely reached the threshold of a high level.

Within Su Chen's perception range.

In the British Association, a city that was originally the central war zone, there is an aura of level 8 human life! In the Sakura Kingdom next door, there is only one level 6 life figure...

As for the other side of the ocean next door, in the country that used to be the overlord of the planet before the apocalypse broke out, there was a level 9 being standing there, but it was not a human being, but a legendary demon...

This is clearly an ancient being!

"How can this apocalypse end!"

"too weak."

"Humans are too weak!"

Countless voices spoke of despair in Su Chen's ears.

Over the years since the end of the world, the surviving humans have long been frightened by the terrifying monsters.

The speed of human beings' extraordinary evolution cannot keep up with the speed of monsters' mutation. What's more, there are also demons in the world of purgatory that are constantly invading this world...

Normally, it is impossible for humans to win this war.

When the world of purgatory pulls the entire present world into it, it will be the end of all remaining human beings!

But who allowed the variable Su Chen to exist in this world.

For Su Chen.

Ending this apocalypse is too easy.

He only needs to snap his fingers to make monsters, demons, and evil spirits disappear, so that all humans can return to a peaceful era and rebuild their homes on top of the ruins.

However, this is of no benefit to Su Chen. What he wants are believers!

"The thirty million survivors must all become my followers..."

Su Chen whispered.

next moment.

He appeared in the sky over the central theater of the British Alliance.

In his perception, this planet has three gathering points with a population of more than 100,000, and Jiangcheng is undoubtedly one of them. With him sitting in Jiangcheng, even if the King of Heaven comes, he will fall into ashes...

But Jiangcheng only has a population of 100,000, and the remaining two gathering point cities each have a population of more than 300,000, almost half a million.

After throwing out the anomaly in Jiangcheng.

no doubt.

These two cities are the core of the 30 million human survivors on the east and west continents.



"What a monster!"

At this moment, in the central war zone, in the city, a man in military uniform rose directly into the sky, looking in horror at Su Chen who appeared inexplicably above the city.

He recognized Su Chen's appearance at a glance.

Astonishingly, it was the mysterious and powerful being who claimed to be the God of Salvation just now.

The man in military uniform did not think that the Su Chen in front of him could be a human being. Even at the human level, after more than thirty years of evolution, he could not reach the terrifying level that affects the world.

There is no doubt that the Su Chen in front of him must be a monster! Moreover, he is also a terrifying monster coming out of purgatory.

"No matter what you want to seduce, I can't let you achieve your goal!"

"Die here!"


The man in military uniform, the only eighth-level human being in the British Association, rushed towards Su Chen at this moment, and a terrifying wave of fire exploded in the sky at this moment.

Very strong!

Even an ordinary level 8 demon can be easily killed by the man in military uniform in front of him.

"What is your ability?"

"It's a little weird."

Su Chen was naturally not injured, he was just a weak level 8 being, but the attack of the man in military uniform in front of him was really strange, and it didn't look like he had extraordinary power.

It's more like...

Nuclear bomb!

Su Chen's perception can cover every corner of the world.

After the doomsday breaks out.

Naturally, there are cities that were destroyed by nuclear weapons and eventually turned into scorched earth. The radiation power left in these nuclear ruins is very similar to the attack of the man in military uniform in front of him.


"The extraordinary ability I awakened is weapon fusion. The more powerful the fused weapon is, the more powerful I am!"

"In this world, is there any weapon more powerful than a nuclear bomb!"

"I, fused a nuclear bomb!"

"You can call me the nuclear king!"


The next moment, the man in military uniform hit again.

In his opinion.

Even if the man in front of him who looks like a human is really a level 9 monster that walked out of purgatory, he may not be a match! But the power in his body is a nuclear bomb! As long as the equivalent is enough, level 9 can also kill...

The radiation power that emerges from the explosion of nuclear weapons will make even demons retreat.

"Not bad!"

"You really have the power of level 9, no wonder you can build such a large base city."

"It's a pity."

"I'm not level 9..."

Su Chen applauded.

The next moment.

Time is banned in an instant.

The man in military uniform was terrified. Looking at the still time, the uncontrollable body, and the terrifying nuclear power hidden in his body, his consciousness was still able to move, which made the despair in his heart reach its peak.

What a powerful force!

Is it really something that humans can master?

Level 9 demon?

Is the level 9 demon in purgatory so powerful!


Absolutely impossible!

It's not like he hasn't fought with level 9 lives that came out of purgatory before, and it's far from reaching such a desperate level! In fact, he could clearly sense that the man in front of him who claimed to be the savior of the world could easily wipe out the city with 500,000 people under his feet from this planet.

"Are you calm now?"

Su Chen said lightly.


The stillness of time was lifted.


The man in military uniform fell directly from the sky, and on this clean and tidy street, he smashed a huge deep pit directly, and he gasped violently.

At this moment.

The fear and despair in his heart still did not recede at all.

"Too powerful!"

"You are... the king of Purgatory?"

The man in military uniform looked bitter.

The timeline has not yet merged into one.

In a corner of the world, has the erosion gate that can allow the king to descend actually appeared?

Humanity is really going to be finished!

As for the human-like man in front of him, he is a human life. The possibility of a human king was just passed through his mind once and then directly erased.


Humans are at most level 8 life, or even level 9 life, and it is impossible to give birth to a king life.

"I am human!"

"Not a demon from Purgatory..."

Su Chen frowned and corrected it lightly.


The man in military uniform still didn't believe it, with a bitter face, thinking that this terrifying king of Purgatory was playing a trick on him.

"Forget it."

"It's not important."

"I'm here to talk to you about this city!"

Su Chen no longer had any interest in correcting the uniformed man, and instead got straight to the point.


He only had less than 100,000 devout believers.

If he could directly develop this 500,000-person base in the Central War Zone into believers of the Savior God, it is conceivable that he could go a long way on the road to the fourth stage of divinity.

At this moment, the uniformed man came back to his senses and recalled Su Chen's speech as the Savior God in his mind.


This king of purgatory actually wanted to develop believers...

As a person who could create a 500,000-person base and could reach the level of level 8 life, the uniformed man was naturally not someone who knew nothing.

In fact.

He was able to become a level 8 life without becoming a monster, and he had a lot of ancient civilization relics excavated in his hands.

There are many things about the gate of the demon world, that is, the gate of erosion, as well as ancient cultivation methods, and even inheritance items left over from ancient times to save the future erosion of Purgatory.

It is precisely because of this that he was able to become a level 8 life.

The current leader of the human race of the British Commonwealth!

"Aren't you a heavenly king?"

"Isn't it too early for you to develop believers?"

"To ignite the divine fire, you need a lot of believers. In the Purgatory world, there are countless demons and weird things with consciousness. Why do you want to come to the world..."

At this moment, the man in military uniforms woke up.


The human existence in front of him who calls himself the savior of the world is really a human life!


"How is this possible!"

"How can humans reach the level of heavenly king?"

"Even in the ancient times of the past dynasties, at most... Yes, you are a person born with luck, a person who can become a heavenly king in the legend..."

At this moment, the man in military uniforms became excited, and tears flowed from his eyes.

There is salvation!

There is really hope!

This God of salvation is not a monster in purgatory, but a human life. Moreover, he is truly on the side of the human camp and wants to end the end of the world!

The person who deserves to be robbed!

It is said in the ancient books that those who are destined to face the doomsday of purgatory are the ones to be punished! It actually exists!

"You know quite a lot."


"The person who deserves the calamity, the King of Humanity, what you said is probably not wrong..."

Su Chen spoke calmly, acknowledging what the man in military uniform said.

If this man in military uniform knew that he was not a human king, but a human saint, an extremely powerful existence even in the world of purgatory, it would probably scare him crazy.

Not to mention.

Just now, Su Chen had just wiped out a demon king!


"That demon dragon ancestor doesn't have the King of Heaven logo on its head. Even if it does, they can't see it. Otherwise, it might save a lot of effort..."

This thought passed through Su Chen's mind.

The man in military uniform on the side, the strongest level 8 human born by the British Association, was half-kneeling on the ground and spoke respectfully to Su Chen.

"grown ups!"

"Everything goes according to your wishes."

"The 500,000 survivors in the Central Plains Base will become your most devout believers within three days!"

next moment.

Su Chen nodded.

Then, he stretched out his palm and directly tore the space apart, creating a portal leading to Jiang City. The preaching priests of the Salvation Cult that Su Xiaoyi had prepared long ago walked in one after another.


It's just a matter of men in military uniforms.

The God of Salvation, at this moment, directly preached throughout the city, forcing everyone to pray to the God of Salvation, Su Chen.

In this way, things are much simpler.

Even a powerful level 8 being who prays for a long time will be affected by the divine power unconsciously and become Su Chen's most devout believer!


Su Chen went directly to another giant city worth 500,000 yuan.

Far away across the ocean.

The former hegemonic country of liberal democracy.

"Who Is It? (Who are you?)"

As soon as Su Chen landed on this giant city, a piercing siren sounded, and he heard a burst of bird chirping, and then he was attacked. The fist of the level 9 demon on the West Main Road hit Su Chen directly.

In the center of the giant city and on the highest temple, there is a white pope with a hooked nose. He is holding a scepter and controlling this ancient level 9 demon to hunt Su Chen.

"Want to develop what we call your followers, dream!"

The white pope spoke unfamiliar Chinese and looked at Su Chen with a sneer.

In his opinion, this so-called God of Salvation is nothing but the ancient heritage of the awakened Eastern country on the other side of the ocean. At most, it is an existence on the same level as the level 9 ancient demon he controls.

He can control a level 9 ancient demon, let alone this ancient human being from the East?

By the time.

He can have two level 9 lives!

After the apocalypse of Purgatory completely breaks out, completely dominating the entire world is no longer a dream.

"I want to be the king of the world!"

The white pope roared excitedly.

The next moment.

The level 9 ancient sheep-headed demon hit the ground hard with its fist, killing an unknown number of innocent lives, but the white pope didn't care at all.

He looked at the bloody ruins and pits and smiled ferociously.

"The God of Savior? That's all." (End of Chapter)

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