Doom: I have a fortress and a puppet army!

Chapter 173 Final Catastrophe

"To be able to be crushed so easily, it seems that he is not a level 9 being, but a guy of level 7-8 at best. Just like that, you still want to collect the power of faith?"


The white pope sneered, thinking that the goat-headed devil had succeeded.


He is also aware of the power of faith.

Even he himself is collecting faith and developing believers. Otherwise, he would not wear the attire of the Pope and build such a huge and towering temple in the center of this huge city with a population of 500,000.

When he learned that someone was going to compete with him for the power of faith, he immediately made preparations and stood ready.

Able to transmit sounds and images directly into the minds of all surviving humans around the world, the oriental-faced human in front of him is definitely a level 9 psychic superpower.

But none of that matters anymore.

Because he has won, he has enslaved the level 9 ancient demon and is absolutely invincible on the road to the west.


Because the real core of the doomsday outbreak is the British Alliance, across the ocean, the doomsday outbreak is not that serious at all, and the white pope does not take this doomsday seriously at all.

"Competing with me for believers, is that all?"


"It seems that the extraordinary evolution of the East is not that good. No wonder the technological power in peacetime has always been controlled by us."

The white pope said with a sneer on his face.


Take control of the level 9 goat-headed demon and prepare to return to the temple.


The corner of the white pope's eye glanced somewhere above the goat-headed devil's head. His pupils were shaken instantly. He saw a young man wearing a loose warrior uniform standing in the wind, looking at him like a fool.


"I am a level 9 sheep-headed demon, but I have even killed real level 9 demons that invaded from another world. Why are you okay!"

"This is absolutely impossible! You are only at level 9 of psychic ability. You are not good at fighting at all..."

the white pope hissed.


He quickly controlled the sheep-headed demon to strangle Su Chen a second time.

"This time, if I let the sheep-headed demon unleash its full strength, I will definitely be able to..."

The white pope looked ferocious


Facing the terrifying sheep-headed demon that roared towards him like a mountain, Su Chen just lightly snapped his fingers.

In an instant.

The terrible power of rules has arrived.

"Destroy it!"


The goat-headed demon disappeared.

The dignified level 9 ancient demon disappeared directly, as if it had been wiped directly from the world by some kind of terrifying existence.

"This is……"

The white pope sat slumped on the ground, the panic in his eyes no longer suppressed.

Above the 9 extraordinary levels.

The realm among legends!

King of heaven!

In their ancient Western civilization books, it is called the King of Archangels!

"How could it be a king of archangels?"

The white pope knelt down tremblingly.

If he had known earlier, the oriental that descended was not a level 9 being, but an ancient archangel king, and he would have been impossible to fight against.


In the eyes of the white pope, Su Chen is definitely an ancient angel king who has awakened from ancient civilization. Otherwise, how could a heavenly king be born just a few years after the extraordinary evolution began in modern times?

"The humble human pope, Haru, comes to see you, the noble King of Archangels of the East!"

The white pope knelt on the ground tremblingly and gave Su Chen the most noble courtesy.

Perhaps feeling that these alone could not offset the sins committed just now, the white Pope Haru fearfully removed the crystal core from the papal scepter.

The crystal core is full of the power of devout faith.

"The ignorant human being Haru is willing to be the first believer of the noble and great God of Salvation in the West, and is willing to be the most devout and loyal dog for the God of Salvation to herd believers..."

Su Chen felt that in front of his divine true soul, there was an extra point of light, it was Haru.

This white pope really changed quickly.

This is how you become a believer!

"I originally wanted to kill you."

"But I didn't expect you to be so aware of current affairs."

The crystal core is broken.

More than a million power of faith poured into Su Chen's body.


The white Pope Haru is talented in preaching. The religion he organized has more than one million followers!

To know.

The British Commonwealth, in the old days, had a terrifying population of over one billion.

The combined population of the entire Western world is comparable to that of the British Commonwealth.

There are five million survivors of the Great British Confederacy!

The entire Western world is in pieces, and dozens of countries combined may not have more than five million survivors.

But this hundred-man Pope Haru has created millions of believers!

"These millions of believers..."

Su Chen said lightly.

The white Pope Haru was immediately overjoyed. He kowtowed as if pounding garlic as in the ancient oriental rituals, and spoke in an unfamiliar oriental language.

"These millions of believers will become the most devout believers of the God of Salvation!"

The next moment.

Haru, I don’t know what means he used.

The hands were clasped together and a prayer was said.

The next moment.

Su Chen actually felt that on this western continent, there were sporadic points of light constantly approaching his true soul of God, all of which were the survivors of this land.

There were white people, black people, and yellow people...

As long as you try to pray to him, you will be affected by his true soul of God and will inevitably become the most devout believer.


Su Chen said.

The white pope Haru breathed a sigh of relief.

He knew.

After giving up all the believers, his life was finally saved.

Su Chen naturally would not believe in the white pope Haru. A human who reached level 7 by relying on the power of faith would quickly fall to the level of ordinary humans if he lost his faith. There was nothing to worry about.

It was naturally impossible for Haru to carry out the missionary work.

Just like in the Central Plains base.

Su Chen stretched out his hand and opened a passage connecting Jiangcheng. One by one, the priests of the Savior God Church came out.

The Savior God Church in Jiangcheng has been cultivated for such a long time.

It's time.

Let them spread the doctrine to the whole world.


Su Chen left.

After solving the two largest survivor bases, in just three or five days, his believers jumped to a terrifying number of three million.

Global survivors, more than 30 million!

It won’t be long.

It will reach the 10 million mark.

Su Chen, who had originally transformed to the third stage, the true soul of God, could clearly sense at this moment that as long as he reached the 10 million believers mark, he could try to ignite the divine fire.

As long as the divine fire is ignited and the mark is left in the world, he can become a demigod and gain authority.

Of course.

On Earth, it is impossible to carry a saint, so naturally a demigod cannot be born.

Only by leaving a mark in the purgatory world can a demigod be created.

But Su Chen is not a demon king. He has no foundation in the purgatory world, so he naturally cannot gain the faith of the demons in the purgatory world. He can only ignite the divine fire on Earth and then go to the purgatory world to leave a mark.

In the present world, they will be dragged into purgatory sooner or later.

"Three million believers?"

In the fortress, Su Chen rubbed his brows.

Since reaching three million believers, the growth of faith has been sporadic. Obviously, the believers of the Central Plains Base and the Western sects have reached their limits.

The remaining 27 million or so survivors are all watching, or they think that Su Chen is an evil god from purgatory, leading them into another abyss...

Three million believers are really too few.

As long as it expands ten times, the divine fire can be ignited. This temptation is not great.

In this regard.

Su Chen has been waiting patiently.

Three months have passed in the timeline of Jiangcheng.

On this day, the entire planet was shaking violently, like the terrible vibration of a dragon turning over, sweeping the entire world at this moment. Both the Eastern and Western continents clearly felt the changes that were happening in the present world.

In the bedroom, Su Chen woke up from Su Xiaoyi's arms.

Finally waited!

The timeline merged into one.

The great terror of purgatory is about to come.

Of course, this so-called great terror is nothing to Su Chen. At most, there are monsters at the level of demon kings and a large number of high-level life forms entering the earth.

For him, as long as they are not saints or demigods, this earth is completely his backyard, and anyone who comes will die.

"A year ago, when I was not yet a king, I was very afraid of the fusion of timelines."

"But now it seems that this is the case!"

The next moment.

Su Chen saw it clearly.

Above the earth, thousands, even hundreds of thousands of erosion gates rose up rapidly, and on the east and west continents, the sky was rapidly melting.

The purgatory world is bordering the present world and is pulling the earth into it...

On the other side of purgatory.

Those high-level demons who have been waiting for a long time can no longer hold back their desire for fresh human flesh and blood, and they launched a crazy attack on the earth.

This is the real doomsday!

If we say that, at the beginning of the global bloody rain that kicked off the doomsday, facing the zombies that started to evolve abnormally, and the monsters, humans could still struggle and resist, and had a chance to breathe.

However, facing the vast number of high-level demons that far surpassed the level of humans on Earth, they no longer had any hope, only endless despair.

Except for Su Chen, the outlier, the extraordinary people who really stood at the pinnacle of human extraordinary evolution were only level 7 life, or level 8 life.


There were only a handful of them.

Level 7 humans, level 8 humans, and humans who became half-monsters, together, did not exceed the number of hands.

And now.

The Purgatory demons that rushed in were all high-level life, with hundreds and thousands of them, like a mighty army, as if there was no end.

This is the power of the Purgatory World, the terrifying foundation of the Purgatory World!


"Ah?! Level 7 demons, level 8 demons, and level 9 demons, too many! Too many!"

"Humanity is finished!"

"There is no hope for humanity!"

At this moment, despair boiled, shrouding the hearts of all human survivors.

Even in the center of the two continents, the Central Plains Base, and the Western Holy City, despair inevitably emerged.

"Don't worry."

"It's just a high-level demon. Even if there are hundreds or thousands of them, we don't need to worry. After all, we humans have a Heavenly King (the king of ancient archangels)!"

In the Central Plains Base, the Holy City, the military-uniformed men, and the white pope were all soothing.

What a great existence the Heavenly King is!

They knew in their hearts that although they were afraid of the massive number of high-level demons, they were not afraid to the point of despair.

Humans have the Heavenly King! There is still hope.

At worst.

Their two giant cities can also continue as the last hope of mankind.


When the earth was quickly pulled into the purgatory world, at the end of the distant purgatory, there were terrifying demon shadows standing, towering to the sky, with a terrifying height of 30,000 meters.

A city, under their feet, was like tiny dust.

Demon King!

The Demon King of the Purgatory World came to the world.

At this moment, even the Central Plains Base and the Western Holy City were terrified.

"Demon King!"

"Why did the Demon King of the Purgatory World appear so early!"

"And there are more than a dozen of them. Not good. They want to speed up the speed of the Purgatory World swallowing the present world..."

Whether it is the man in military uniform or the white pope Haru, at this moment, their bodies are trembling violently, and a sense of despair surges in their hearts.

This is the Demon King of Purgatory! And there are more than a dozen of them.

Humanity has no hope!

On their human side, there is only one known ancient king, Su Chen...

Not to mention.

The Demon King of Purgatory is originally more powerful than the king born in the small world! Not to mention, each of these Purgatory Demon Kings is as tall as the sky, and they are obviously extremely powerful among the Purgatory Demon Kings.

"Humanity is finished!"

"This situation has never been recorded in ancient books."

"Normally, after being pulled into the Purgatory World, the Demon King rarely appears. After all, the flesh and blood of living people have no temptation for the Demon King. It should be only some high-level demons that impact the world..."

"Why? Why are there so many Demon Kings..."

The military man and the white pope, the two human leaders, are already desperate.

More than a dozen Demon Kings!

This planet can be destroyed.

Unless the human side can give birth to a being above the saint.


Is it possible?

This is impossible!

Above the Heavenly King, even in the Purgatory World, it is almost extinct.

They are already waiting to die!

On the other side.

In the Purgatory World, among a dozen terrifying demon shadows that are thousands of feet high, there is a one-horned puppet surrounded by people, staring coldly at the earth that is merging into the Purgatory World.

"Su Chen, Su Chen!"

"More than a dozen peak Heavenly King-level demons attack together. I wonder how you can escape this time! Unless you become a saint, is that possible?"

"In this small world, Heavenly King is the limit. You can't become a saint."

The one-horned puppet, that is, the ghost cabinet, waved his hand and ordered.


"Kill all the humans in this world and capture the people your king wants!"

In an instant.

More than a dozen terrifying demon kings who were towering towards the earth walked towards the earth. They came for Su Chen. (End of this chapter)

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