Doom: I have a fortress and a puppet army!

Chapter 174 Millions of Believers

In the distant Purgatory World, more than a dozen terrifying demon kings that towered over the sky came towards the Earth. Not to mention that the humans were frightened to death, even these high-ranking demons were trembling.

"What's going on?"

"Why are there so many demon kings coming..."

"Human flesh and blood should have no appeal to the noble demon kings."

In the Purgatory World, the hierarchy is clear.

For a moment.

The high-ranking demons nearby stopped hunting and knelt down to worship the dozen demon kings.

Peak Heavenly Kings!

They were all peak demon kings!

It was hard for these high-ranking demons to imagine that this world, which looked so weak, had any place that could attract these demon kings to come.


"Really weak."

"It's hard to imagine that such a weak planet world can actually give birth to a human king, far from the counterfeit king forcibly created by the world power..."

The strongest skeleton demon king who led the group glanced at the weak humans and spoke coldly.

He was burning with blazing flames, and there was a faint golden halo shining.

It is obvious that among the peak kings, he is an extremely powerful existence, because he has already touched the threshold barrier of the saint, of course, he touched it tens of thousands of years ago.

Touching is two levels from stepping on it.

This threshold of the saint has stuck him for tens of thousands of years.

But if it is so easy to break through, the saints in the purgatory world will not be extinct.


"Everyone here is a peak king."

"Your Majesty, you are making a fuss about nothing. Why do so many peak kings need to attack together? I alone can let him know the difference between the Purgatory King and the weak king."

A demon king laughed strangely.

As soon as these words came out.

It immediately triggered a burst of laughter.


Being able to fight out of billions of demons, these peak demon kings can easily crush the peak kings born in other worlds.

More than a dozen peak demon kings went out together, which really gave a great face to the human king born in this world.

The kings of the big world and the kings from the small world are fundamentally different in strength!

"Don't take it lightly."

"This human king may not be simple, otherwise, how could the monarch send more than a dozen of our peak demon kings to go out together at once..."

"At least, until now, my sight has explored every corner of this world, and I haven't found where the human king is hiding!"

The demon king, who was covered in black mist and had a purple one-eye, said solemnly.


The next moment.

A voice suddenly sounded in the ears of these demon kings.

"Are you looking for me?"


"Because I'm arranging priests to preach, I came a little late. I wonder if you mind if I broadcast this scene of slaughtering you live?"

The voice was faint. Although it was human words, there was a kind of magic in it, speaking directly to their souls, so that even if they were demons, they could understand the meaning of the words.

At this moment, more than a dozen peak demon kings present were all shocked.


He actually came to their side, and they didn't notice it at all.


According to the meaning of this person's words.

Good guy!

This person seems to be the human king they are looking for!



At this moment, more than a dozen peak demon kings became angry, and finally found a weak human standing on a tall building next to them, wearing loose samurai clothes, looking at them indifferently.

They became angry.

A mere weak human dared to provoke them like this, he really didn't know how to live or die!


More than a dozen peak demon kings attacked together, what a grand scene it was, at this moment, all the humans on the earth saw it clearly.

"Who is this man?"

"He dared to provoke these world-destroying gods and demons. Does he want to die? Could it be that a high-ranking strongman among us humans has taken action?"


"I remember."

"He is an evil god who wants me to believe in him!"

"Yes, I remember it too."

"He calls himself a god, a savior, and wants us to believe in him..."

At this moment, 30 million people around the world are watching this battle, this catastrophe of world destruction. They are desperate and desperate for hope.


Su Chen has become this hope!

Evil God!

Even if you may be an evil god from another world!

But if you can save us, we are willing to believe in you!

At the same time.

Su Chen can clearly sense that more and more faith points appear around the true soul.

Sure enough!

Just as he guessed.

He calls himself the savior god. In this final catastrophe, in the endless despair, he can save all mankind. He must be able to harvest the faith power of 30 million people.

Once you pray to him, you can't escape, you will definitely be influenced by his divinity and become a devout believer.

"It seems that these dozen demon kings cannot be killed instantly..."

"You have to pretend again."

Su Chen suppressed his power to the level of a heavenly king and began to "fight hard" with these peak demon kings.

In fact.

If a saint wants to kill a group of kings, even the peak kings, he only needs to snap his fingers to mobilize the power of the rules to kill them.

In order to win over 30 million believers, Su Chen did not do this.

"The world is about to be destroyed. Only by believing in the God of Salvation can we be saved! Only by the God of Salvation can we end this doomsday disaster!"

Thousands of priests appeared around the world to preach.

as expected.

Many of the desperate survivors began to pray to Su Chen, eager to become believers and contribute to ending this apocalypse.


"Bullshit god of salvation!"

"It's just a peak king. The power of faith can only be effective if you ignite the divine fire as a saint in purgatory. I don't believe you can suddenly become a saint..."

In the distance, the ghost cabinet, that is, the one-horned puppet, sneered ferociously.

at the same time.

Guiqiu felt a little strange in his heart.

It was clear that the Su Chen in front of him showed only the strength of a mere king of life, and he was also caught in the strangulation of a group of peak kings. He had been fighting hard for such a long time, so why hadn't he been killed yet?


Why didn't this kid have any injuries at all?


Ghost Cabinet vaguely sensed something was wrong.


"Come back to me all."

A terrifying suspicion emerged in Guijie's mind.

Although he doesn't want to believe it, it may not be impossible!

"Sir, wait a moment! This kid is a bit weird, but he is too weak. We can kill him if we work harder."

A demon king responded.

at the same time.

The leader of the demon kings, the demon king's expression changed slightly when he touched the threshold of the saint. He, like the demon king, sensed something was wrong.


"Let's go!"

"There's something wrong with this kid. He's not a king at all. He's a saint!!"

A roar sounded.

The demon king who was a half-step saint wanted to escape back to the bloody world representing purgatory like crazy.

Now Su Chen could no longer pretend.

after all.

His strength has been revealed!

At the same time, he cannot let these demon kings leave, otherwise, how can he show his holiness in front of others and win over 30 million believers!

"Now that you have discovered it."


Su Chen stood erect. The bright white radiance that represented the King of Heaven had long since disappeared, replaced by the gilded radiance of a saint.

"No way!"

"Damn it, the golden holy glory..."

"He turned out to be really a saint. How did he do it? This is a weak world, and it can only hold the king of heaven to its limit. How did he become a saint, and he hasn't exploded the whole world yet..."

Guijiqi was stunned, looking at the gilded light, and didn't react for a long time.

It turned out to be true.

This guy actually became a saint.

Obviously, when we parted last time, in the dream world, he was just a weak Heavenly King. He relied on the Heavenly King's guards under his command to successfully hunt down three demon kings.

At that time, Su Chen faced three weak demon kings and had to engage in guerrilla warfare like crazy, fighting and escaping. He was chased by a high-ranking king and two ordinary kings and had no way to go to heaven and no way to earth.

Even fighting to death for the characteristics left behind by the fall of a peak king.

Now there is a group of peak kings, each of whom is a nightmare monarch level existence, and a guy who is stronger than the nightmare monarch, but they can't solve him.

This is simply off the mark!


"So you destroy!"

Su Chen snapped his fingers.

In an instant.

The power of rules comes.

At this moment, all the bodies of all the terrifying demon kings who towered over the sky, like the world-destroying gods and demons in mythology, were all shattered into pieces, and their existence was directly wiped from this world.

They are dead!

Seventeen terrifying demon kings at the peak of the Heavenly King level!

And the leader, the ancient demon king who touched the threshold of the saint!

There are a total of eighteen demon kings, and any one of them can conquer a whole world!

They are all dead!


Guessing is one thing.

But seeing it with your own eyes is something else.

The ghost closet is completely desperate.

He lost!

Even if he is placed in the rank of a saint, the Su Chen in front of him is not weak! Even if he was resurrected directly and returned to his peak state, he might not be able to defeat Su Chen in front of him.

If he wants to snatch the divine position and divine power, he is no longer qualified.


Weaker saints may not be qualified to enter the game!

"If I read it correctly, he is already saving money, so he wants to accumulate followers in this world and directly light the divine fire. When he goes to the world of purgatory, he can directly leave his mark and attack the demigods... "

The ghost closet wanted to escape, but he couldn't escape at all.

The next moment.

A snap of the fingers.

Its consciousness gradually blurred, its body was shattered, and it was directly wiped out from the world.


"Lord Demon King!"

"They all fell!"

"King of Heaven? No, how could the terrifying Demon King, who can slaughter a group of peak Heavenly Kings, be a Heavenly King, a Saint? This is a human Saint..."

At this moment, the whole world is boiling.

Countless surviving humans are rejoicing and ushering in a new life. They are praying, and they are calling the name of the God of Salvation. At this moment, 30 million humans have all become followers of Su Chen.

Quite the opposite.

It was the mighty army of high-ranking demons that rushed in.

Where in this world is it still a paradise for them to wreak havoc? It's hell for them.


"You will definitely die if you don't escape!"

The high-ranking demons fled frantically.

A snap of the fingers can obliterate more than a dozen purgatory kings, and naturally it can also obliterate high-ranking demons like them.

In a blink of an eye.

All the demons fled towards the world of purgatory in panic.

In this world, there are only zombies and monsters left.

All the lives that came from purgatory escaped back to purgatory!

Although this world is still very dangerous, it has become much better. Human beings can completely deal with the remaining monsters by themselves and rebuild their homes in these ruins.

At this moment, the end is over.

Su Chen single-handedly ended the apocalypse.

Even the sky portal formed by the gathering of countless erosion gates can no longer move forward, unable to continue to pull the earth into the world of purgatory.

Inferno was withheld.

The earth is still their earth, and this is still their world!

"My God! He is actually a saint..."


Perhaps the rest of humanity is rejoicing at the end of the apocalypse, but the men in military uniforms and the white pope have their eyes widened, clearly knowing the meaning of this saint.

Humans actually have saints?

Never before!

This is something unprecedented!

The other side.

Su Chen disappeared in mid-air and returned to the world of the fortress. He clearly felt that his true soul of God was shining brightly, shining with golden light, like a sun, exuding divine power. Light and heat.

at the same time.

Surrounding the divine true soul, there are thirty million points of light shining like stars. These are his thirty million believers! Like ocean waves, like strong winds, waves of massive faith power keep coming.

Saint! There are also realm divisions.

Starlight, moon shadow, sun shine.


Su Chen directly went from the weak Star Sage to the Moon Shadow stage of accumulating power, and directly became the Great Sage with the Shining Sun! The next step is to prepare for lighting the sacred fire.

Su Chen wants to become a god!

Thirty million believers are enough to elevate him to the status of a demi-god.

Su Chen had a feeling.

He was supposed to be a demigod, or even a higher god! After he gained the faith power of 30 million believers, his mind became increasingly drowsy, and he could see some chaotic picture fragments from time to time.

Those scenes look like a battlefield...

Among some of the memory fragments, the seven demi-god monarchs who are as powerful as the seven current Seven Sins in charge of Purgatory knelt down in front of him, praying for life!

at the same time.

After having that round of sunshine, the guards and the fortress icon in Su Chen's field of vision had disappeared without a trace.

"It seems it's time to go to purgatory."

Su Chen looked in the distance in the direction of Purgatory, that terrifying world that was vast and billions of times larger than the earth. (End of chapter)

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