Doom: I have a fortress and a puppet army!

Chapter 175: Evil God Invasion

Before rushing to the Purgatory World, Su Chen still needs to do is to deal with all the affairs on Earth now, otherwise, the present world may fall into chaos.

The terrifying demon king who destroyed the world was wiped out!

The demon feast that should have been a cruel catastrophe was also frightened by Su Chen and fled back to Purgatory.

The real world was not really pulled into Purgatory, but it was still bordering the Purgatory World. The sky and the sun had long disappeared, replaced by the bloody Purgatory World.

Demons may sneak into the present world anytime and anywhere.

"However, with so many demon kings dead, it is estimated that no demon dares to set foot here for a while."

"As for the saints..."

"The Purgatory Saints are extinct, not to mention that the saints can't step into the small world at all..."

The earth is now temporarily safe.

Next, it is the era of returning to humans.

The end of the world is gradually passing.

Looking at the countless demons who escaped into the Purgatory World.

The humans on Earth are jubilant.

Such a terrifying existence was born among them humans!


He is God!

Apart from the real gods, they could not imagine who else could easily wipe out the Destroyer God of Hell!

"Has he reached the Saint realm?"

"It seems."

"With 30 million believers, it is not impossible for him to become a Shining Sun Saint."

"He is getting closer and closer to returning..."

In Jiangcheng, a figure lurked in the darkness, his eyes fixed on Su Chen in the distant sky.

He is Laziness.

The only Hell Lord left on Earth, the incarnation of a demigod.

At this moment.

His eyes were shining, and I don't know what he was thinking.

At the same time.

The Savior God Cult, which had been developing in Jiangcheng for many years, also spread its influence all over the world through the portal opened by Su Chen at this moment. Taking advantage of the name of the Savior God at this time, it quickly built temples all over the world.

"Next, just wait."

"My head hurts!"

"There are more and more memory fragments in my mind."


"I'm so tired."

"I'll take a nap first..."

Su Chen returned to Jiangcheng.

His head was dizzy.

After gaining the faith of 30 million believers, he became the most powerful saint, the Yaoyang Saint, and pictures would flow through his mind from time to time.

Su Chen knew that this might be the real secret of him.

Even saints, even demigods, are chasing the secret.

Now everything is finally revealed!

That's it.

Su Chen returned to the space of the fortress and fell into a deep sleep.

Inside and outside the fortress.

Su Chen's Heavenly King Guards and the Guard Corps protected him and did not allow any creatures to approach the sleeping Su Chen...

Su Chen fell into a deep sleep! Only his divine true soul was still receiving the power of faith.

After that.

The 30 million humans who survived on Earth were expelling the remaining zombies and monsters. They began to build a new home on the original ruins.

The doomsday is really over!

At least, with Su Chen here, the invasion of the Purgatory World can no longer cause any waves.

The doomsday is over!

In this way, although the remaining zombies and monsters on Earth have already started extraordinary evolution and reached the high-level 7 or above, they can no longer cause any waves.

Not to mention Su Chen's Heavenly King Guard Corps in Jiangcheng, just the Central Plains Base and the two high-level human leaders of the Western Holy Church can solve these high-level monsters.

Time passed quickly.

In a blink of an eye.

Three years have passed.

The Purgatory World did not cause any fluctuations.

On the earth.

In every corner of the world, magnificent temples were erected. In the temples, Su Chen's towering statue stood like this, and countless believers were praying devoutly.

"Praise the God of Savior!"

Countless devout prayers were transmitted to Su Chen through the statues.

Not only that.

With the statues in various parts of the world as the center, these surviving humans have built a steel city, standing on the ruins of the old civilization.

For a time, the earth actually showed signs of restoring its former prosperity.

If not.

Outside this steel city, there are still zombies and monsters wandering in the ruins, otherwise, people would really think that they have returned to the old times.

On this day, in Jiangcheng, the half-god monarch clone, Laziness, who had been lurking for three years, finally took action.


The dark underground temple.

There are thousands of believers in black robes, looking at the lazy monarch on the high platform with fanatical eyes. At this time, the lazy monarch looks like a priest of the Savior God.

In addition, in this underground temple, a statue of Su Chen has been erected in a proper manner.


Although the appearance is indeed that of Su Chen, the savior god, the statue is pitch black and it is unknown what material it is made of, and it exudes an ominous aura.

It is said to be a statue of a god, but it does not have the aura of a god at all. Instead, it looks more like an evil demon god who is falling in purgatory...

“It took three years to prepare.

"Finally I've been waiting for this opportunity."

"bring it on."

"Let me use the corruption ritual and the authority of laziness, one of my seven sins, to erode your godhead..."

"In this prosperous new era, it is really not easy to prepare thousands of fallen evil believers, but I finally finished it."

Lazy showed a smile.

In the past three years, he has been hiding in Jiangcheng, and he has certainly not been idle. The other clones of the demigod monarch were either defeated or scared and escaped, but he is different.

He is always looking for the right opportunity.

Don't think that by hiding in the fortress realm, he will have no chance to use his methods to usurp authority.


He found an opportunity.

"The great God of the end of the world is above, and we will give him real power with our sincere prayers."

"His real name is Su Chen!"

"An evil god who brings doom and despair."

"Now let us pray together and praise Him! Praying heartily for the next doomsday to come."

Lazy is on the high platform, in front of the evil statue of Su Chen, preaching twisted and depraved doctrines, and is using means to usurp and change Su Chen's authority.

Saints and above, if they want to step into the realm of demigods, they must find their own believers, set up anchors, and then ignite the divine fire. Only then can they leave their mark on the world and become a demigod with authority.

It is difficult to create new authority.

But fighting over the old authority is easy.

The seven demigods who were in charge of the purgatory world directly snatched away the power of the Seven Sins after the War of Gods, and became the only seven demigods in the world...

Now, on this earth, what Su Chen wants to leave is to create a new authority, called the God of Salvation, the authority to bring salvation and hope. Naturally, the lazy monarch cannot let Su Chen get his wish.


In the third stage of sainthood, Su Chen has become a saint.

If he really continues to climb up and touches the authority of a demigod, then what's the point? I'm afraid that by then, no one in the purgatory world will be able to control Su Chen.

"Praise be to the great God of the last days!"

"He brings destruction and despair, cloaked in redemption and hope, with doom and destruction. He is our faith, the evil god of doom, who plays with all believers in applause..."

The twisted doctrine was slowly spoken in the mouths of the evil believers in the underground temple at this moment.

this moment.

Thousands of twisted powers of faith poured into the statue, and followed the statue towards the sky above Jiangcheng Fortress, where Su Chen's true divine soul gathered.

Su Chen, who was sleeping, felt quite uncomfortable and frowned unconsciously.


"Hahaha! It seems my strategy is right."

"You want the God of salvation, the power of hope and redemption, but I am not as good as you want, and I will turn you into the evil god who brings the doomsday. When the time comes, you will have no power to return, and even a demigod will not be able to step in. …”

The fallen monarch's eyes seemed to be able to overcome countless obstacles and clearly see Su Chen's movements in the fortress.

He laughed triumphantly.


These thousands of evil believers who distort the power of faith are just the appetizer.


There are more evil believers waiting to join the army of believers in the God of the end of the world.

In the doomsday era, the remaining humans faced the threat of terrifying monsters and had not had time to think so much. But after they truly settled down, the struggle for power and intrigue reappeared again.

There are many human beings who are frustrated in life and have twisted minds to serve as his cult followers.

It's not like he did nothing in the past three years.

"Even if you really come back, I will let you return to the world of purgatory as an evil god!"

"How can the true god of the purgatory world not be an evil god?"

The power held by the lazy monarch is called corruption.

If Su Chen could be allowed to degenerate from the power of salvation and hope into the evil god of destruction and despair, then he could definitely usurp power and become a brand new god.


In the past three years, the Lazy Monarch's arrangements have begun to take effect.

In every steel city, beneath the temple of the God of Salvation on the ground, there is an underground temple, where dark, damp, dirty and twisted evil believers preach twisted doctrines and praise the true name of the God of the End of the World.

They are also believers, and they are extremely devout, but they believe in a twisted evil god constructed by themselves!

Time flies.

In the fortress.

Su Chen, who was sleeping, frowned deeper and deeper.

at the same time.

About 10% of the believers' light spots surrounding Su Chen's true soul turned from the bright starlight into twisted black spots, constantly eroding his divine soul.

The originally brilliant brilliance of the true soul seemed to be polluted at this moment, and became quite dim.

Thirty million believers.

One-tenth is three million.

At this moment, the authority that was originally anchored began to tremble violently.

Now, let alone light the divine fire.

Even the road leading to the demigod collapsed.

The god of redemption and hope, and the god of destruction and despair. These two authorities are completely in conflict with each other. One represents the god of good, and the other is the god of evil.

The two authorities could not blend together, and there was a fierce repulsion.

This rejection is so great that it affects the true divine soul.

It even suddenly woke up Su Chen who was sleeping and regaining his memory.

"What exactly is going on?"

"Three million evil believers, why do I still have evil believers..."

"What the hell is going on!"

"Who on earth knows me so well and can actually perform rituals to interfere with my ritual of lighting the divine fire and creating authority? Who is it!"

Su Chen became angry.

The God of salvation and hope, he has indeed achieved it and successfully created it.

Whether it’s ending the apocalypse or bringing hope.

He single-handedly expelled the tide of demons and killed more than a dozen terrifying demon kings. He fully implemented his purpose as the God of Salvation.


This apocalypse is indeed coming from Purgatory following his trail. It is not an exaggeration to say that he is the god of the apocalypse who brings destruction and despair.

But it is impossible for ordinary humans to know this.

Even in the world of purgatory, many demon kings may not be able to keep this secret.

"Who is it?"

Su Chen clearly felt that his authority was unstable. The divine fire that was originally bred in the shining sun and the power of thirty million faith slowly extinguished.

This time, he was directly brought back to the realm of a saint from the level of touching the threshold of a demigod.

"Let me see who it is!"

For the first time in three years, Su Chen walked out of the fortress and looked down at the whole world.

at this moment.

Two completely different sounds of prayer sounded in his ears.

On the one hand, they praise him as the great savior god who brings salvation and hope and ends the end of the world! The other group talks about twisted transactions like a wave, saying that he brings destruction and despair, brings doomsday to the earth, and is an evil god dressed in the garb of the god of salvation!

Su Chen also saw it.

On a global scale, under every above-ground temple erected in a steel city, there will be an underground palace, in which there is a twisted statue of the evil god, and countless black-robed believers are praying.

"Who is it?"

Following his perception, Su Chen looked at the source where all the evil believers' belief rituals gathered.

that's all.

In the sky above the Jiangcheng Fortress Temple, Su Chen lowered his head and looked at Jiangcheng below his feet. He was shocked to see that just underground in Jiangcheng, there were evil ritual altars created with the blood of countless cultists' corpses.

In this evil ritual altar.

There was a figure holding a book of evil teachings and looking at him.

"Fallen monarch?"

"The demigod in charge of one of the seven sins, laziness..."

"It's you!"

Su Chen could see clearly that there was a twisted gray-white divine figure on the underground figure, which was clearly one of the demigods in purgatory...


"There are actually evil gods left on earth?"

"You deserve to be damned if you destroy my authority!"

Su Chen was extremely angry and took action directly.

He came across the ground, the power of rules came, and the terrifying power of the Yaoyang Saint directly obliterated the demigod projection. (End of chapter)

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