Chapter 177 Two Authorities

As a saint, the most powerful Yaoyang Saint, he may be powerless in the face of a real demigod, but on this earth, it is easy for him to kill a mere demigod projection.

The next moment.

The world turned upside down, and one of the seven sins lords with fallen authority revealed his true appearance. A twisted and deformed monster, after a brief appearance in Jiangcheng, completely disappeared and was wiped out by the power of rules.

Just before death.

This fallen god who holds one of the seven sins, the authority of laziness, is laughing.

Because his goal has been achieved!

It damaged Su Chen's authority!

At this moment, Su Chen will no longer be able to step into the demigod. Even if he really enters the purgatory world, he will not be able to threaten these seven evil gods of sin.

In the purgatory world, they, the demigods, can exert all their strength. As long as they are not demigods, even if Su Chen is now the most powerful level among the saints, he can't compete with the demigods at all.

Now Su Chen can wipe them out at will.

After entering the Purgatory World, even if it is a Shining Sun Saint, as long as they are willing, the seven evil gods in charge of Purgatory can easily wipe out Su Chen.


"I blocked your way to demigod, you can't go to Purgatory World to become a demigod directly."

"Even if you continue to collect faith, what can you do with 300 million or even 300 million believers?"

"The foundation of your authority has been shaken by me..."

"The more believers you have, the more intense your authority conflict will be. Of course, you can wipe out 3 million evil believers, but you can't stop the formation of the authority of the God of the End of the World..."

"Not only can you not become a demigod, but you also have to face the endless pain of power confrontation..."

The lazy monarch, when the smoke disappeared, showed a rampant smile.

The next moment.

It disappeared without a trace.

In this regard.

In the Purgatory World, the real body of the lazy monarch did not care.

A clone is just a sneak shot.

If you die, you die.

Fortunately, his goal was achieved, which was enough.

This true god grew too fast, almost to the point where he could threaten these demigods and really take back the power.

Fortunately, all this disappeared.

He woke up from his deep sleep, and he looked far away in the direction of the distant earth world, revealing a contemptuous smile.

"Didn't expect it."

"I blocked your path to demigod!"

He lost only one clone, and Su Chen's path to demigod was broken.

Unable to become a demigod, Su Chen naturally could not come to the Purgatory World again. After all, in this Purgatory World, there were seven demigods waiting for him.

If a mere saint dared to come, he would definitely end up in an extremely miserable end.


The only way was to ignite the divine fire.

With the same identity of a demigod, Su Chen dared to come to the Purgatory World.

"It's just a little regrettable that this guy woke up too early. He didn't completely corrode him into a real evil god while he was sleeping with evil believers."

"What a pity."

"If I succeed, I may be able to directly usurp the godhood, take the throne he left in the purgatory world before him, and become a true god..."

The Fallen Monarch himself had a look of regret on his face.

He had a feeling.

If he missed this step, he would never have the chance to usurp the throne again in his life.

Because Su Chen could no longer be a demigod, he would naturally never enter the purgatory world again! The throne in this purgatory world will never be inherited by anyone.

However, this is also good.

There is no true god.

The purgatory is still ruled by the seven demigods.

"Then the throne of God will be vacant."

"When the two powers repel each other, he will fall from the saint to the lowest level, and then die. He will naturally have a next life. Purgatory will chase him and find him in the third life. At that time, he can still seize the throne of God."

The lazy monarch thought so.

It's just that I don't know how long I have to wait for the next life. This time is really too long.

In order to wait for this second life, they have waited for hundreds of thousands of years.



"Damn it!"

"Seeing that the power is about to take shape and the divine fire is about to be ignited, it was actually hit."

In the sky, Su Chen, who was like a god, was angry in his heart, but there was no change on his face. He was surrounded by gilded light, like a real god.

The scene just now was just him casually killing the monster lurking in the underground of Jiangcheng.

For the sake of face, Su Chen did not dare to show any anger.

He is a god.

Naturally, he has to maintain the posture of a god.


The power of faith will be lost on this earth.

Although the 30 million surviving humans have become believers under the influence of the divine true soul, there is still a difference in whether the power of faith is pious or not.

"The God of Savior has appeared!"

"The great God of Savior has saved us again!"

At the same time, there was a cry of surprise from all over Jiangcheng.

As the headquarters of the God of Savior, the people here can be said to be particularly pious.

Not long after.

A large number of people knelt down.

In Jiangcheng, countless people all knelt on the ground and worshiped Su Chen, the God of Savior.

"God of Savior!"

"After three years, I finally saw the great God of Savior again. He showed his miracles as soon as he appeared, slaughtered monsters, and protected our safety."

"The God of Savior brings hope and salvation, which is really great!"

Under the leadership of the priests, countless voices of praise spread throughout Jiangcheng.

As the headquarters of the God of Savior, many priests are particularly fanatical about Su Chen's faith, and always bring the strongest power of faith.

This worship is not a big deal.

Su Chen can clearly feel that the power of the God of Savior in his body, which has gained the power of faith, has become stronger and hit the power of the God of the End of the World fiercely.


The power of the evil god surrounded by black fog counterattacked without hesitation.

Power confrontation.

Involving the power of the demigod level, this made the saint Yaoyang origin in Su Chen's body tremble violently.

If the two powers continue to fight, let alone the path of demigod, if things go wrong, the saint realm may not be able to be preserved.

"This damn lazy monarch, the damn guy who holds the power of corruption in hell, really achieved his goal!"

"My path to becoming a demigod is blocked..."

Su Chen could clearly sense that two new demigod handles had formed in his body, one was glowing with light and warmth, and the other was surrounded by black fog, full of ominous aura.

One was the power of a good god, and the other was the power of an evil god.


After three years of sleep, there was no power that had taken shape.

At this moment.

Under the influence of the fallen god of laziness.

He formed two powers at once.

One was redemption and hope, and the other was destruction and despair. ,

Su Chen became more and more angry.

After ending the doomsday.

He thought everything was over.

Unexpectedly, the evil god of purgatory hidden in Jiangcheng actually gave him a big gift directly.


Su Chen returned to the fortress.

At this moment, Su Xiaoyi walked in.

"What's wrong?"

"Didn't you say that you would not wake up until you become a real god?"

Su Xiaoyi, wearing the Pope's clothing, walked slowly. She looked at Su Chen, who looked grim, and asked softly what happened.

"Your complexion is not very good. Is it related to that monster?"

"Hasn't the monster been wiped out by you?"

"I don't think that monster is that strong."

In response to this, Su Chen remained silent.

The matter of power is too high-level. Even if he told the king of heaven, it could not be transmitted to the king's mind at all. It was as if there was a will in the dark that was covering up the cognition of power.

At this moment, he integrated a lot of memories and figured it out.

He finally figured out the secret on his body!

If we follow the theory of reincarnation.

He was the only true god born in the purgatory world a long time ago.

At that time, he was in charge of the purgatory world. He was the only true god, a true human god. All those terrible evil gods of purgatory were under his hands, and they dared not speak out.

Then, he made rules for Purgatory.

Many evil gods in Purgatory who were unwilling to obey him rebelled against him. That rebellion was called the War of Gods, which brought the Purgatory world, which was originally at its peak, down to the point where there were no saints now.

Purgatory is now ruled by seven gods. They are called the Seven Lords, who are the authority of the Seven Original Sins. They are all survivors of the War of Gods and have fled back in disgrace.

In the Purgatory world now, there are almost no saints, no demigods, and the only ones who are truly kings are the demon kings at the level of the Heavenly King.

Before the War of Gods, the Purgatory world, which was at the peak, had basically no difference between the Heavenly King rank and the ordinary seventh-level demons now, and it can be said that they were everywhere.

In Purgatory at that time, even saints were worse than dogs.

The only ones who can really be called overlords are demigods, and there are dozens or hundreds of these demigods, which can be said to be at the peak. This is the true style of the Purgatory world.

However, after the War of Gods, the Purgatory world has been devastated and has become what it is now.

He once stayed in the position of the true god of Purgatory, chasing his breath and searching countless worlds along the way.

The reason why the earth broke out of the doomsday is because Purgatory followed his footsteps and detonated this terrible disaster that killed billions of people around the world.

Under the ceremony of the lazy monarch, the whole world really responded, and the authority of the God of Doomsday was indeed real.

In the twisted doctrine.

The doomsday was indeed brought by him.


The authority of the evil god, the God of Doomsday, was formed.

He ended the doomsday with one hand and created the authority of the God of Savior! But the doomsday that killed billions of people around the world did have a huge causal relationship with him, and the authority of the God of Doomsday was also formed.

That's it.

Two completely exclusive authorities swirled in Su Chen's body.

It was because these two authorities were completely exclusive that the fallen monarch said that his path to becoming a demigod was blocked, he could not become a demigod, and he would even die.

It is completely impossible to directly bypass the demigod and become a true god.

"If I had been able to detect the plan of this fallen god earlier, perhaps all this would not have happened."

"I was too careless."

"Two powers, how should I resolve them..."

Su Chen returned to the fortress space, where he had been sleeping, and could not help rubbing his brows.

Only 3 million believers actually managed to pry open the faith of his 30 million believers.

If there was no lazy monarch, three years later, at this moment, Su Chen should have reached the fourth stage of divinity and ignited the divine fire.

By then.

Once you step into Purgatory, you will naturally have the mark of a demigod left behind, and then become a demigod in Purgatory, with the authority of the savior of the earth, salvation and hope.

As a result, everything is now in vain.

If the two authorities continue to conflict, not only will he lose his saintly realm, but he may also fall.


At this moment.

Su Chen suddenly thought of a way. He could create guards and separate the extra characteristics in his body.

This ability to separate characteristics has not been used for a long time.

Demigod authority?

Isn't this just a demigod characteristic!

It may not be impossible to separate it directly as a characteristic.

"It's the only way."


"The only way is to destroy both powers."

"If you destroy the powers, you won't be able to control them anymore. At that time, you won't be able to control either salvation and hope or destruction and despair. These are the two most powerful powers..."

Su Chen can only try his best now.


The muscle fibers in Su Chen's body surged.

A line of text also appeared in front of him.

"Do you want to separate [Demigod Characteristics] God of the End of the World: the power of despair and destruction from the body!"

"Or separate [Demigod Characteristics] God of Savior: the power of salvation and hope?"

At this moment, Su Chen's eyes widened.

It can actually be done.


Such a huge problem can be solved so easily.

At this moment, Su Chen was ecstatic.


"Separate immediately!"

"Separate the power of the evil god from the body!"

In an instant.

As time passed, the black mist representing the authority of the evil god in Su Chen's body really left Su Chen's divine soul at this moment.

In the fortress space, Su Chen looked at this scene in disbelief.

His divine soul once again glowed with dazzling brilliance.

At this moment.

The problem of the repulsion of the two powers was directly solved.

Not only that.

Su Chen could also clearly sense that the evil god's authority in front of him was also his authority, being controlled by him at this moment.

All of a sudden, he had two demigod powers, and they were both extremely powerful among many powers...

He could even use these two powers to directly ignite two divine fires, and one person had the power of two powerful demigods at the same time.

What is a blessing in disguise!

This is a blessing in disguise!

Even in the memory of being the True God of Purgatory in the previous life, Su Chen had never heard of the existence of a demigod who could control two mutually exclusive powers.

He will be the only demigod with dual powers!


The power he holds now can be called the most powerful power in the history of demigods, the god of good and evil...

Once the divine fire is ignited and he steps into purgatory, he will become the strongest demigod under the true god!

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