In the fortress, Su Chen looked at the palm-sized, black as ink, and black fog-surrounded evil god authority outside his body, and his heart surged.

I'm afraid that the demigod monarch in hell would never have thought that the ceremony he planned for three years with three million cultists as the trigger would bring him a great fortune.

"Dual god authority."


Su Chen couldn't help laughing. This was the inner space of the fortress, a place specially prepared for him to sleep. There was no one there, so he could naturally ignore his image and laugh or scold as he wanted.

Outside, as the savior god, Su Chen didn't dare to do this, for fear of losing the power of faith.

Each of these 30 million devout faith powers was hard-won, and Su Chen couldn't afford to waste any of it.

"Do you want to separate the [demigod characteristics] savior god, salvation and hope?"

Su Chen tried.


In an instant.

A ball of white light, with a faint gilded color, appeared in front of Su Chen like a small sun.

This is the power of salvation and hope.

For a moment.

In the inner space of the fortress, in this place, the two powers sensed each other again and began to repel each other violently.

However, this time, because they were not in Su Chen's body, they had no effect on Su Chen.

Previously, the two opposing and conflicting semi-god characteristics confronted Su Chen's body, and almost shattered Su Chen's saint origin, the shining sun.

Once the shining sun is shattered, falling back to the first stage of the Starlight Saint is light, and it may directly fall down to the level of the Heavenly King life and become a level 9 extraordinary life.


It is possible to die suddenly.

"This damn fallen god of laziness who controls the seven sins is so insidious."

Su Chen cursed, but actually smiled.

This fallen god had no idea what kind of opportunity and good fortune he had brought to Su Chen. It could be said that he had directly made Su Chen abandon the path of ordinary demigods and embark on a path that led directly to the strongest demigod.

"The next step is to ignite the divine fire."

Su Chen pondered.

It is actually very simple for a saint to become a demigod. ① Clearly define your anchor, that is, authority. For example, when Su Chen found his anchor, it was the authority of salvation and hope at the beginning. For this reason, he became the savior god and has been doing it in the posture of the savior god.

② The power of faith, that is, the more believers, the better, the more pious the better! Compared with the demigods in hell, he may have too few believers of 30 million, but his believers are extremely pious, and their quality is much stronger than those demons in hell.

③ Even if you are not a saint, you may also be able to become a god through faith and become a demigod, but you will be very weak, very weak. The truly powerful demigods normally reach the realm of the Sun Shining Saint before they attack the demigod.

④ is the fourth stage of divinity, burning the true soul and igniting the divine fire!

Su Chen has authority, two at once.

He also has the power of faith, which is just enough.

The realm of the saint, the level of the sun, many ancient saints in Purgatory have this level.

Now the only difficulty for Su Chen is to burn the divinity and ignite the divine fire.

"I lost 30% of my divinity, and I can't directly merge with the authority and ignite the divine fire..."

Su Chen gritted his teeth.

When he became a saint, in the cave world, facing the god of evil beasts, he lost 30% of his divinity. In the Purgatory world, two of the kings were lost.

Su Chen didn't forget all these, but he was stuck at this last level, his divinity was incomplete, and he couldn't ignite the divine fire smoothly.


At this time, he already had dual authority and was in charge of the god of good and evil. Once he entered Purgatory, he was the strongest. He killed gods and Buddhas, and he was invincible.

The strongest demigod suppressed the seven lords of Purgatory by himself, which was not too much.

"It's tricky."

"It's stuck at the last step."

Su Chen sighed.


He tore the space and left the fortress directly. In order to be more comfortable, he twisted his body and turned into an ordinary young man.

Wearing a suit and tie.


As soon as he walked out, Su Chen regretted it. He hadn't been out for three years. He saw that the humans in Jiangcheng in the distance were all wearing armor or monster leather armor.

These clothes looked too much like the doomsday world.

On the contrary, Su Chen's outfit seemed a bit out of place.

However, fortunately, Su Chen followed the local customs and soon became a warrior in armor, wearing a thick helmet.

"Come and see, the fur of the best level 3 monster, the coyote beast, is perfect for leather armor material, only 100 moon coins."

With the end of the doomsday, this world, although still connected to the purgatory world, has already had a new human order.

Humans built cities on the ruins, and each city had a temple of Su Chen and a full-level guard.

That's right.

Now Su Chen can replenish his energy by relying on the radiance of the Shining Sun Saint's Origin. He successfully upgraded each guard to level 9 life, a full-level guard.

If it weren't for the Heavenly King Guard, which not only requires energy but also the Heavenly King Crystal Core, Su Chen would have been able to create the Heavenly King Guard long ago.

However, in this new world after the apocalypse, a level 9 guard is enough. After all, the most powerful local monster lord has not yet reached level 9, which is just the peak of level 8.

"What is a moon coin?"

Su Chen couldn't help but pull a passerby to ask.

The passerby looked at Su Chen in surprise and couldn't help asking.

"You didn't come out of some deep mountain forest, did you?"

"You don't even know about the Moon Coin."

"This is a modern currency jointly issued by the Temple of the Savior, the Central Plains Base, and the Western Holy City."

"1 Moon Coin is equal to 1,000 Star Coins, and 1 Sun Coin is equal to 1,000 Moon Coins."

"Star Coins are made of crushed and forged Level 1 crystal cores, Moon Coins are made of Level 2 crystal cores, and Sun Coins are made of Level 3 crystal cores..."

"Of course, above the Sun Coin, there is a higher currency system, Kyanite Coins, Amethyst Coins, and Saint Crystal Coins..."

After saying this, the passerby was too lazy to continue to care about Su Chen, the country bumpkin, and turned around and went into the shop to buy things.

Has the currency system come out?

Su Chen couldn't help but exclaimed.

It seems that during the three years he was asleep, Su Xiaoyi made the Savior Church look like a real thing.

In a trance.

It was difficult for Su Chen to connect the prosperous and bustling Jiangcheng in front of him with the ruins of the city full of zombies when the doomsday broke out.

"What is this?"

Su Chen continued walking, and soon stopped in front of a bookstore.

There were actually quite a few books in it, including mathematics, physics and chemistry in the technological era, books on the extraordinary level, and books on wild monsters.

There was even a history book.

Su Chen flipped through it casually, and then he was embarrassed.

The whole book can be called a propaganda book for the Savior God Cult.

What about the Savior God in the technological era before the doomsday, when he was born, the red clouds rolled for thousands of miles.

There are also some who are born extraordinary, ancient companions, guarding around...

"Too fantasy."

"It's even more outrageous than Liu Bang's uprising of killing the white snake..."

In history books, the era before the doomsday is called the old technological era, and the doomsday is the era of heavenly changes, also called the era of god awakening. The awakened god is naturally Su Chen, the savior god.

On the day of the third young, Purgatory eroded the human world, which was the day of heaven change and the day of God awakening.

The three years after that entered the extraordinary evolution era, also known as the three years of the salvation calendar.


Su Chen did not wander around for long before he left Jiangcheng. He did not return to the fortress space, but went to the distant border Qinghe.


Perhaps it cannot be called the border Qinghe.

After the Savior God Church ruled the entire world, the British Commonwealth had long become a thing of the past. Now there is no country, only a series of extraordinary cities that help each other.

Qinghe, the old place.

There is now a fortress city called Black Iron City.

The distance of tens of thousands of miles is reached in a flash for a life of Su Chen's level.

He looked at the old place of Qinghe, which had changed a lot in just three years, and couldn't help sighing.

"Three years."

"The end of the world is over just like this, it's really incredible."


Su Chen did not step into the Black Iron City, but came to a dense forest built on a desolate ruin in the far distance.

There are countless dark and powerful monsters entrenched here. Because of the cave world, the energy here is extremely strong, and there are more and more monsters that have started to mutate and evolve nearby.

For Su Chen, the hundreds of Heavenly King skeletons in the cave world are of no use and are completely scrapped, but even the scrapped Heavenly King skeletons can still breed a terrible army of mutant monsters.

"Damn it!"

"How long has it been?"

"The monsters in this ghost forest have become particularly powerful again, and there are more of them."

"Damn it! It won't be long before the monster tide will hit Black Iron City again..."

In the dense forest composed of towering ancient trees, an off-road vehicle is galloping at a high speed, and from time to time it roars the throttle, crashes into ancient trees, and flees towards the distance.

Obviously, the off-road vehicles of the current era are also mixed with some incredible extraordinary technology.

"Damn it, why can't I get rid of it!"

In the car, the bearded man driving the off-road vehicle was so angry that he cursed.

Behind him, in the back seat, every member of the team was injured and bleeding, staining the interior of the off-road vehicle red.

The strong smell of blood was why the group of monsters behind the car chased them relentlessly.

Monsters rarely have the opportunity to devour fresh flesh and blood, and most of them devour each other. The monsters that devour each other are mostly rotten meat, which is not as delicious as fresh flesh and blood.

This group of rotten monsters is of a very high level, many of which are level 4 monsters. Even with the performance of their off-road vehicles, they can't get rid of them at all, and even in this mountainous area, the distance between them is getting closer and closer.

"Damn it!"

Just when the bearded man leading the group was anxiously turning around.

The seriously injured teenager in the co-pilot suddenly spoke up, pointed to the front of the vehicle, and reminded him urgently.

"Brother Hu, there is someone in front, turn the steering wheel quickly, otherwise you will hit someone to death!"

The bearded man took a closer look and saw that there was indeed a figure in front of the off-road vehicle. Seeing this, his eyes became fierce. Not only did he not slow down, but he stepped on the accelerator and rammed the man hard.

That's right.

The rotten monsters behind were chasing them because of the smell of blood and the breath of fresh flesh and blood.

If the man in front of him was killed, the rotten monsters behind might stop and eat the flesh and blood of the living person they killed.

Even if it was the worst, after this person was killed, he would block many corrosive monsters for them, and the pressure of being chased would be greatly reduced.

"Kill you!"

"Don't blame me!"

"This is a wasteland outside the city, and monsters are rampant. If I turn the steering wheel, I might hit a tree. In this case, none of our team can escape."

"Sorry! Weakness is the original sin, so please die!"

The bearded man stepped on the accelerator to the bottom, with a ferocious smile on his face.

At this moment.

Su Chen, who had just used his skill to jump through space and directly jumped over, had not yet found the cave when he turned his head and saw a crazy off-road vehicle roaring and slamming into him fiercely.

"What's going on?"

Su Chen narrowed his eyes slightly. The bright lights of the off-road vehicle made him feel a little uncomfortable, as if he had returned to the old times before the end of the world.

The next moment.

Su Chen did nothing.


The off-road vehicle suddenly shook, and all the people sitting inside suffered a huge recoil. Some of them were already seriously injured, but at this moment, some died on the spot.

The bearded man felt that the off-road vehicle seemed to have hit a wall, and the front body of the vehicle was directly deformed. The deformed off-road vehicle squeezed him fiercely in the deformed space of the driver's seat.

Even though he was a level 4 life, at this moment, a steel bar pierced his chest, and blood kept flowing out. He was dying.

"What's going on? Why did it hit the wall?"

The bearded man was a little confused.

At this time. He glanced at the rearview mirror of the off-road vehicle from the corner of his eye, and suddenly saw the rotten monsters that had been chasing them relentlessly, screaming in fear, and fled madly as if they had seen a flood of beasts.

No matter how stupid he was, he understood what had happened at this time.

That's right.

Outside this dangerous city, even their group of level 3 and level 4 extraordinary people had to form a team before they dared to walk. How could there be people walking alone here? ,

You know.

Even the group of rotten monsters behind them, all level 4 monsters, were walking in groups.

To be able to walk alone in the wilderness.

Either a top human powerhouse! Or an extremely terrifying humanoid monster!


No matter which of the two answers, he was finished.


"Save me..."

The bearded man prayed for Su Chen in front to lend a hand.

In response.

Su Chen ignored him.

He just looked at the level 4 monsters fleeing in the distance and couldn't help but sigh.

"Even monsters are smarter than you. They know that I cannot mess with them. They also don't know how a fool like you managed to survive for so long after the Doomsday outbreak..." (End of this chapter)

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