Without Su Chen's rescue, the bearded man, even if he was a peak level 4 physical evolution transcendent, still couldn't withstand such serious injuries. After a while, his lips turned white and he lost his breath.

He is dead!

Not just him, almost no one in the entire off-road vehicle could survive.

To this.

Su Chen dragged them out of the car, dug a deep pit, and buried them one after another into it.

With his saint strength, it is extremely easy to resurrect these people.

But Su Chen didn't do that.

It is true that he is the god of salvation, but he is also not idle and full of love. He will save everyone he sees.

"This off-road vehicle looks good!"

Su Chen snapped his fingers.

In a blink of an eye.

Off-road vehicles, time goes back. The off-road vehicles that were originally scrapped due to deformation of the front hood became brand new again, even the fuel tank was full.


This kind of off-road vehicle modified to carry extraordinary power cannot naturally burn gasoline to provide energy like in the old days. Now it is directly put into the sun coins for burning.


It is the currency system that was created under the leadership of the Salvation Cult.

These currencies are created by crushing crystal cores. They are absolute hard currencies. Many modified extraordinary weapons and extraordinary vehicles can directly use these extraordinary currencies for energy supply.

"In just three years, the world has advanced by leaps and bounds, and I don't even recognize some of the developments.\

,"Su Chen sighed with emotion.


Su Chen drove the off-road vehicle towards the cave in his memory.


A roar came.

Su Chen had not been driving for long.

Suddenly they came to a battlefield.

This is also the adventurer team, which is being blocked here by a terrifying demon bear with three heads, and is carrying out a one-sided massacre.

This demonic bear was burning with rolling flames and burning the air. It was clearly a level 5 monster.

The most powerful leader of these adventurer teams in front of us is only level 4.

In this Black Iron City, which was formerly Qinghe, there may be Level 5 human life, but it is absolutely impossible for them to dare to take the risk of hunting monsters and obtaining materials.

After all, currently, in this world, monsters still have the upper hand in the number of high-end and high-end ranks.

Even if a level 5 human being is not good, he will be attacked by several level 5 monsters in the wild, and even possible level 6 monsters.

"Please save us!"

"Powerful Extraordinary One!"

This team of adventurers was much smarter than the bearded men. Seeing Su Chen driving an off-road vehicle here alone, they immediately understood that this was a strong man.

Strong human being!

Even the expression on the face of this level 5 demon bear monster did not change at all.

"Save you?"

Originally, Su Chen wasn't interested at all.

However, after seeing the snow-white ribs of the King behind these adventurers, Su Chen immediately became interested.

"It's not impossible."

Su Chen quickly changed his mind.

Turn off the engine and stop.

He got out of the off-road vehicle with a smile and walked towards the magic bear.

I have been wandering around in this dense forest for a while, but the terrain here has changed too much. It is obviously only three years.

Even Su Chen couldn't find the original location of the cave.

Obviously based on memory.

The old camp and the mysterious cave should be here.

This team of adventurers was able to capture the Broken Bones of the Heavenly King. It was obvious that they had just come out of the cave world. This was why Su Chen became interested in them and decided to take action.

"Mighty extraordinary lord, don't you have any weapons?"

"The flames on this demon bear are extremely powerful. Why don't I lend you my weapon..."

The leader of the adventurer team, speaking, was about to throw the weapon to Su Chen.

Without weapons.

Even if the lone traveler in front of him is the same level 5 being, he will definitely suffer in the face of this terrifying demon bear.


Next, an incredible scene happened.

Their eyes almost popped out of their heads.

As Su Chen approached, the Level 5 Demonic Bear, which was still extremely arrogant, suddenly let out a frightened whine, as if it had encountered a natural enemy.

The next moment.

This demonic bear that brought them terrible oppression didn't even look back, and ran away by rolling and crawling. Even when escaping, it even lost its way and even fell hard.

Not to mention how funny this look is.


None of the members of this adventurer team could laugh.

This world is not just filled with monsters.

There are still weird things.

Is this lone guy in front of me really a human being? What kind of rank could he be able to scare this famously ferocious flame demon bear into this state?

It is absolutely impossible for both of them to be level 5 beings.


Even level 6 life is unlikely, otherwise, this demon bear would not be known as ferocious.

"Is it level 7?"

"But in the entire northern border human area, there are seventy-five extraordinary cities, and I have never heard of a human level 7 life..."

"Is it really not human?"

"But it's weird..."

At this moment, all the members of the adventurer team changed their faces.

They couldn't help but get scared.

In this regard.

Su Chen stopped, which was why he didn't like to have more contact with these adventurers.

Low life level.

Thinking too much.

They are completely in a different circle.

Su Chen noticed the fear of these adventurers, and pointed to the white bones of the king behind them in a concise manner, and asked.

"One sentence."

"I saved your lives."

"Tell me where you found this thing."

"After saying that, I turned around and left."

Hearing Su Chen's words, the members of the adventurer team looked at each other. Obviously, the location of the broken bones of the king was their biggest secret.

This broken bone is made of special material, which can be regarded as a good thing for making high-grade armor.

Just grind a little powder and add it to the armor, and the firmness can be immediately increased to an extremely terrifying level.

In Black Iron City, the powder of this broken bone is almost sold at a sky-high price.

But that place is also very dangerous.

Almost every time they go there, more than half of the members will be killed.

This is because of their low rank. If this powerful extraordinary life in front of them goes there, I am afraid that all these broken bones can be looted.

If Su Chen knew what they were thinking, he would definitely sneer.

In the underground cave world, there are hundreds of Heavenly King skeletons. Even the smallest Heavenly King skeleton is a thousand meters high. How can it be easily taken away.

What's more.

He is a saint, a person who is about to become the strongest demigod. What does he want with this pile of Heavenly King skeletons that have lost their characteristics?

"Three thousand meters to the east, there is a giant tree!"

"At that moment, the giant tree's life level is extremely high, but as long as you bribe it with sun coins or gold and silver, it will swallow you in one gulp, and then you will enter a strange world..."

"These broken bones are obtained from that world."

The captain of the adventurer team said slowly, but his heart burst with malice, and he deliberately kept a secret and did not tell Su Chen how to escape from the giant tree.

In this regard, Su Chen's heart was as clear as a mirror, and he couldn't help shaking his head in his heart.


It really hurts people.

In this case.

Su Chen didn't mean to continue to protect them here. He turned his head and got on the off-road vehicle directly. He stepped on the accelerator and rushed directly in the direction they pointed.

"Captain, why don't you tell him how to leave."

"If you don't know how to leave, in that world, even a level 6 life, or even stronger, will definitely die without a burial place."

A young team member couldn't help but say.

In an instant.

He was slapped.

"Stop talking nonsense."

"As long as the information about that place is not leaked, only we can collect these broken bones, and that place will become our endless treasure pot."

"It's good that he died, so that the secrets about that place will not be leaked."

"What's more."

"That's the deal I made with him, it's done!"

The captain of the adventurer team had a fierce look in his eyes, giving people the feeling that if the young team member in front of him continued to say a second sentence, he would directly chop off the boy's head.

At the same time.

Su Chen, who was thousands of meters away, heard these words clearly and couldn't help but sighed in the same way.


"The deal is done."

"In that case, there is no need for me to continue to protect you."

The next moment.

Su Chen retracted his breath.

In a flash.

The demon bear that had originally fled with a rolling and crawling movement returned to this place, staring greedily at the broken bones of the king behind the adventurer team.

The broken bones of the Heavenly King, even the most ferocious monsters, will be fascinated and crazy when they smell the breath of the broken bones.

Previously, because of Su Chen, the greedy demon bear was directly awakened.


This time, the demon bear had no scruples and rushed over with a roar.

"Demon bear!"

"Damn it!"

"Why hasn't this level 5 demon bear left yet?"


"Go and see if that adult has gone far, where is the off-road vehicle? Why is it going so fast, damn it, why is it going so fast! Ah..."

A shrill scream sounded.

In a flash.

Only bloody and fleshy remains were left on the ground.

The demon bear looked at the last young team member who was huddled in the corner and was so scared that he couldn't hold the sword steadily. Feeling the residual breath of Su Chen on this person, he shuddered instantly, and was dominated by fear again. He left directly with the broken bones of the Heavenly King in his mouth.

"I... am I still alive?"

"Oh my god!"

"I'm still alive..."

This young team member was the one who had reminded the captain earlier. He stumbled and crawled towards the Black Iron City.

At this moment, he was full of despair.

A team of elite adventurers was now left with only a small fry at level 2. Although he didn't know why this level 5 demon bear didn't kill him, he was afraid that he would never be able to walk back to the Black Iron City alive in this dangerous wilderness forest.

If any powerful level 2 monster appeared, it would probably take his life.

What's more,

In this wilderness forest, the monsters are all level 3, and level 4 monsters are everywhere. Even the level 5 monster bear is not the most powerful lord here.

The most powerful monster lord here is the giant tree.

"I'm done..."

Not long after walking.

The young team member sat down on the ground with a look of despair, because he clearly saw that in the bushes not far away, there was a blood-red haired ape with a ghost face, staring at him fiercely.

Level 5 monster, ghost-faced demon ape.

Its degree of danger is even higher than that of the flame demon bear...

Just when he was in despair.

This ghost-faced demon ape walked towards him, full of surprise and uncertainty, and then sniffed him for a while, and a look of fear suddenly appeared in his eyes.

Then, this demon ape fled in panic without looking back.

It was as if he was a level 5 terrible life.

Just like that.

The dangerous wilderness forest was actually passed by a weak and small fish like him at level 2.

"I'm walking out?"

Looking at the tall walls of Black Iron City, the young team member's eyes were full of trance, and he understood in an instant that it must be that mysterious lone strongman who left a trick on him.

This person is too strong!

Could it be the high-level life in the rumors?

A terrifying existence of level 7!

"Oh my God!"

The young man couldn't help but exclaimed.

Because when he entered the city, he passed by the newly built Temple of Savior, and saw the statue erected in the temple, which looked exactly like the lone mysterious strongman he saw in the wild.

They actually met the God of Savior in the wild? !

Oh my God!

How incredible this is.



On the other side.

The end of the dense forest mountain range.

Su Chen stood in front of the terrifying giant tree that was 30,000 meters tall, walked back and forth for a while, and finally couldn't help knocking.

"Stop pretending to be dead."

"Open your eyes quickly."

"You are pretending to be quite convincing. I just saw such a giant tree and thought it was an ordinary tree. I didn't expect it to be conscious..."

"I heard that you need sun coins or gold and silver to open the cave passage? Can I owe you first?"

In a flash.

This 30,000-meter giant tree revealed a face full of bitter smiles.

"Great God of Savior."

"It is my honor to have you here."

"I will open the passage for you..."

This 30,000-meter giant tree was quite terrified when speaking.

After he stopped pretending to be dead.

Su Chen finally saw its rank mark, which was the lv Heavenly King - Deformed Ancient Giant Tree!

Good guy!

It turned out to be a Heavenly King!

And it was an ancient Heavenly King of the old times!

No wonder it could hide under his nose. If it didn't have two brushes, it couldn't escape the ancient turbulent era of the invasion of the demon world.

It is no wonder that this 30,000-meter-tall giant tree is so scared. If Su Chen had met it earlier, he would have hunted it without hesitation to obtain the Heavenly King Crystal Core and create the Heavenly King Guard.

At this moment, Su Chen stepped into the mouth of the giant tree and returned to the underground cave world. (End of this chapter)

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