The cave world is still the same as before, it leads directly to the dark underground world, and everywhere it passes are the white skeletons of the kings, but there are some more skeletal lives born from these skeletons of the kings.

Black will-o'-the-wisps, pale bodies, holding all kinds of ancient weapons, and even a bone knight riding a skeletal horse, charging towards Su Chen with a spear.

"Cemetery of the Gods, death to intruders!"

A hoarse voice came out of the mouth of this bone-white creature.


next moment.

Thousands of bone soldiers, led by the Bone Knight, charged towards Su Chen.

To this.

Su Chen touched his chin, a little surprised.

"It's weird."

"Why didn't we have these things the last time we set foot in this cave world, but now we have them?"

"The Cemetery of the Gods is somewhat appropriate. After all, the bones of a demigod were buried here, as well as a god of evil beasts, as well as the corpses of countless saints, and the bones of the king of heaven..."

"In the ancient old world, the king of heaven was already a god like a demon king."

"The reason why there were no skeletal lives last time is probably because the God of Evil Beasts exists here. He regularly cleans up these skeletal lives. After the death of the God of Evil Beasts, these skeletal lives reappeared."

To this.

Su Chen snapped his fingers.



The terrifying air waves boiled, with him as the center, and violently washed away in all directions.

In a blink of an eye.

All these bones of life exploded and turned into bones on the ground again. They all looked like human adventurers who had been here.

Seeing this, Su Chen took another look here.

did not expect.

There are actually many curses from the saint families who have died here. Every life that passes away here will turn into an undead warrior to guard everything here.

It’s no wonder that these skeletal beings call this place the Cemetery of the Gods.

Having mastered such a cursed power, isn't it a great power like a god!

"It's just a little weaker."

"These bone soldiers, the more common ones have level 2 life, while the more powerful ones have level 3 life. When it comes to level 4 life, only the two bone knights..."

In this underground cave world, Su Chen strolled leisurely as if walking in his own back garden.

With the strength shown previously, no bone soldiers dared to offend Su Chen this time. But whenever Su Chen appeared, these bone soldiers would run away.

They have no memory of being human before they were alive, but they don't have this simple monster instinct. They can still distinguish clearly who can be provoked and who cannot be provoked.

It didn't take long.

As Su Chen continued to go deeper, the ground in the cave world began to tremble slightly.

Getting closer.

Not long after, a white-bone monster burning with sticky blood flames appeared in front of Su Chen. Its cold will-o'-the-wisp eyes stared at Su Chen coldly.

It was like a monster formed by countless bone fragments glued together. This reminded Su Chen of the fused zombies he had seen in Jiangcheng before.

"Level 7 life?"

"There is still something in this cave world, although not much."

A blink of an eye.

This Skeleton Lord was already face to face with Su Chen, very close to him.

Any other ordinary human adventurer would have been frightened out of his wits, but Su Chen didn't change his expression, instead he wanted to laugh.

"Human, this is not the place you should come. Anyone who disturbs the gods' sleep will be cursed and will never sleep..."

This Skeleton Lord obviously has something. He was able to sense Su Chen's power, and with a low voice, he actually tried to persuade Su Chen to leave.

But how is it possible.

Su Chen took a step, bypassed the white-bone monster, and walked straight deeper into the cave.

See this.

The will-o'-the-wisps in the skeletal monster's eyes pulsed with ferocious light.

In this cave world, countless skeleton lives, whether they are ordinary skeleton soldiers or more powerful skeleton knights, are looming at this moment, holding the weapons in their hands.

Just waiting for an order, the hundreds of thousands of skeleton soldiers gathered here in the entire cave world will swarm forward and cover Su Chen's body with a human sea tactic.

"Lord, let's do it."


"If he really disturbs the sleeping master inside, it will be all over, and we will all suffer unreasonable disasters."

"not to mention."

"Now outside the world, in that city where humans gather, we all know what level of human life there is. The strongest one is just a level 5 temple priest."

"No matter how powerful this person is, he comes from another city and is only a level 6 life, the peak of the middle class. You are an elite lord-level monster, comparable to a level 8 life..."

Behind the Skeleton Lord, there was a much smaller skeletal being trying to persuade him. However, the Skeleton Lord was unmoved.

After a while of silence.

This powerful skeleton lord turned his head and dived into the darkness, not daring to stop Su Chen at all. The strong beast intuition told him.

If you touch it, it will die.


At this moment, the 100,000 skeleton soldiers gathered here dispersed.

The originally tense atmosphere disappeared instantly.

Su Chen's power is obvious to all. No one is willing to provoke such a powerful human being, unless he wants to destroy himself and is tired of living.

"There's something about this Bone Lord. I've concealed my aura to such an extent that I'm basically the same as an ordinary human being, yet he actually noticed it..."


"Let me see what kind of thing has come into this cave world."

Su Chen shook his head with a smile.

In the past, hunting extraordinary monsters required crystal nuclei to convert them into the energy they needed. In this doomsday world full of dangers, he had his own army of powerful guards.

But now.

He was invincible, and this energy was of little use.

Su Chen was not very interested in these monsters that could be easily wiped out.

As long as he is not provoked, Su Chen will let him go if he can.

As for human beings, although he bears the name of a God of Salvation, he has no consciousness of being a God of Salvation. Anyway, his authority has already been formed.

He also has little interest in human beings. If you die in front of him, you will die. If you can live, you can live. If you can't live, he won't save you. He is too lazy to be contaminated by the cause and effect.

The closer you get to the 10,000-meter sinkhole, the end of the cave world, the more powerful the bone monster you encounter becomes.

There are even some that cannot be easily erased even by Su Chen snapping his fingers.


The corpse of the white-bone demon collapsed.

"The outermost ones are all small soldiers, level 2, level 3, and even level 4 miscellaneous fish. The most powerful one is the level 7 skeleton lord..."

"When you get to the area around this sinkhole, you'll find the White Tiger Demon. They're all high-level beings, even those at level 9."

"It's only been three short years. What happened in this cave world?"

Su Chen pushed open the door formed by layers of fog, stepped out, and stepped directly into the 10,000-meter tiankeng area. He saw the truth of everything.

Gilded bones!

Dark will-o'-the-wisp!

His cold eyes, filled with malice, stared at Su Chen, the uninvited guest.


The changes in the cave world indeed have their origin. The bones of life that were born here are all because of this bone saint from the world of purgatory...

"A saint?"

"When will saints from the purgatory world be able to sneak into the earth world without being discovered?"

At this moment, a severe sense of panic emerged in Su Chen's heart.

An indescribable feeling of being out of control made him feel particularly uneasy.

The world of Earth is small.

Logically speaking, it cannot accommodate the arrival of a saint from other worlds. Even a saint born in the earth world cannot easily leave the earth world.


With his saintly stature, he can even explode the entire earth.

This is also the reason why Su Chen lives in seclusion and never walks on the earth after becoming the most powerful Yaoyang Saint after setting foot on the Saint...

But now.

In this cave world, he unexpectedly saw a white-bone saint who came from purgatory. The golden glory could not be false in the slightest. Even a weak saint was still a saint.

By then, it will be easy to explode the entire earth.

"Who are you?"

"Why disturb my peace..."

The gilded white-bone saint does not look like the corpse of a monster, but looks like a human skeleton. At this moment, he is sitting cross-legged and staring at Su Chen coldly.

At this glance, Su Chen felt this person's weakness.

It suffered serious injuries.

The skeletal body was almost cut in half and split into two.

At this moment.

He is hiding in this cave world to heal his wounds.

He was obviously a defeated dog in the world of purgatory. Even so, he was still a terrifying demon saint who was countless times more powerful than the previous god of evil beasts...

at the same time.

He also felt the rank of the white-bone saint in front of him.

He is a star-level saint.

Far inferior to him.

If he were in the world of purgatory, he could easily hunt down such a weak saint, but at this moment, Su Chen did not dare to act rashly.

Because in the hands of this demon saint, there is a light group shining with colorful streams of light.


This is the authority of a fallen demigod.

Or maybe.

It can be called a demi-god.

As long as any saint can obtain the authority left by the death of the demigod, he can easily inherit everything in it and become a new demigod.

This was the case with the hell monarch that Su Chen encountered before.

None of their authority is their own.

Rather, they were directly usurped and inherited from other fallen demigods.

This means that his real methods are not in line with the authority he inherited. Among demigods, he cannot be said to be very powerful.

Of course, even if they are not powerful enough among demigods, there are only seven demigods in the purgatory world, so naturally they will only be in charge of the purgatory world.

"no offense."

"I just want to borrow a path from here to the world of purgatory."

Su Chen said this.

But there was a feeling of trouble in my heart.

He never thought that at the end of the cave world, in this 10,000-meter sinkhole, he would encounter a demigod who had escaped from the purgatory world...

Su Chen has awakened many memories now, and he is no longer a white man who knows nothing.

If a saint has the authority left by the fallen demigod, he is no longer a saint. Even the weakest star saint can temporarily possess the power of a demigod.

He can borrow the remaining power in the demigod's authority.

Fortunately, this kind of borrowing is not without cost. Every time you borrow power, you will suffer the backlash of authority.

The star saint in front of him is already seriously injured. If he dares to use the power of the demigod in his hand, his soul will be scattered and his body will be gone...

Of course.

If Su Chen is bombarded by this demigod power, he will definitely end up with no body left and his soul will be scattered.

"This is my place, you go back."

The demon saint pondered for a while, and seemed to recognize that the human in front of him was a human saint, and in terms of realm and aura, it seemed that he was much stronger than him.

It was either the Moon Saint or the Sun Saint. It was also fearful and subconsciously clenched the demigod power in its hand, full of threats.


Su Chen did not believe that this White Bone Saint dared to die with him.

After all, when the time came, the two of them would die together, and this demigod power would only benefit the next human who came here.

"I only borrowed a road to the Purgatory World, and there would be no conflict with you..."

"You don't need to worry."

"I will snatch the demigod power you got..."

Su Chen said slowly.

At the edge of this Wanli Tiankeng, he was facing off with this White Bone Demon Saint who broke in within three years.

In response to this.

The White Bone Demon Saint's eyes became colder and colder.

He clenched the demigod power in his hand.

Subconsciously, he thought that Su Chen wanted to snatch the demigod power in his hand, so he was unwilling to leave.

After all.

He was just a weak demon of the Star Saint, while the human Saint in front of him was the last realm among the Saints, the Sun Saint.

It was normal for a powerful Sun Saint to want to snatch the power of the Demigod from the weak and seriously injured Star Saint...

"How about we die together?"

The Bone Saint, with fierce light in his eyes, was actually a little crazy and wanted to drive the power of the Demigod in his hand to die with Su Chen.

"Mad man!"

Su Chen cursed.


Without any hesitation, he directly withdrew from the Tiankeng world.

At this moment, he returned to the cave.

He still had a bright future, and he was only one step away from the Demigod, so why should he die here.

The next moment.

Su Chen left a coordinate in this cave world and left the cave world directly.

It's very simple.

As long as you have the coordinates in your memory, you can go directly to any place in the world by slightly tearing the void. This is the power of the rules of the saints.

"Why would a demon saint appear in such a peaceful underground world? What on earth happened in this purgatory world? This is too abnormal." (End of this chapter)

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