Doom: I have a fortress and a puppet army!

Chapter 182: Stepping into Purgatory

Originally, these rotten monsters were patient, and their hunting instinct told them that this place had been marked by a terrible life, making it particularly dangerous.

But there are still rotten monsters who can't stand hunger and are tempted by human blood and flesh, and they have taken the first step!

There is the first monster to step out.

In an instant.

In the dense forest, there are countless rotten monsters in groups. Some are just rotten and alienated rats, but some are giant monsters with bodies like tall buildings, exuding rottenness and stench.

At this moment, Black Iron City was boiling.

"Enemy attack!"

"Monsters! Lots of monsters!"

"Oh my God!"

"I recognize this rotten giant elephant like a tall building. He is a level 7 monster, the overlord of the endless jungle outside the city! Oh my God! Why..."

At this moment, Black Iron City fell into despair.

At this moment.

Only then did they understand what the standing of this temple of salvation meant.

Only when the Temple of Salvation stands, can human cities survive in this world of countless terrifying monsters, because this is a city allowed by God.


That god took back this permission.

In an instant.

Black Iron City fell into hell.

The doomsday that belongs to Black Iron City has broken out.

This time, there is no such god appearing, like ending the doomsday disaster, ending the end of the Black Iron City.

A moment.

At the residents' gate of Black Iron City, the smug three-hundred-meter steel city wall was directly trampled to pieces. More than 100,000 powerful monsters, like a torrent of rotten legions, rushed into this city abandoned by the gods, opening a new world. A feast.

at the same time.

Su Chen returned to the cave world.

"As expected."

Su Chen couldn't help but get a headache.

In front of him.

The light and shadow condensed by the two authorities were revealed before his eyes.

In the cave world, his evil god's authority, which represents despair and destruction, expanded rapidly and violently at this moment.

In just a short moment, his body size suddenly increased.

And the authority that represented redemption and hope was completely overwhelmed, and the white light that could still be revealed was completely eclipsed at this moment.

"Case solved."

"Now it's all figured out."

"Why on earth, my evil god's authority expanded rapidly in an instant, even reaching the point of losing control, and it can directly affect my mind unconsciously..."

To this.

Su Chen couldn't help but sigh.

He actually forgot about this incident.

In the earth world, he ended the apocalypse and defeated the invading evil gods. After such a long period of peace, he actually lost even this sense of crisis.

Where is the world of Purgatory?

The demon is entrenched!

Monsters are rampant!

Zombies, also known as walking zombies, even the King of Zombies up to level 5, are just cannon fodder at the bottom, not worth mentioning.

The world of purgatory is so vast, even among the kings of purgatory, they all follow the rule that the weak can eat the strong, and the powerful king can devour the weak king at will.

One can imagine.

The hundreds of millions of creatures there can contain such terrifying despair and destruction.

Even outside the world of purgatory, even in the world of purgatory where there are no evil believers who believe in Su Chen, the despair and destruction brewing there have given the evil god a near feast.

"Authority is the anchor of a demigod!"


"The power of good gods is weak, and the power of evil gods is great, so I lost control."

"And this was just standing in front of the gap in the purgatory world in the Ten Thousand Meter Tiankeng, and it had such an impact. It is conceivable that when I really step into the purgatory world, the power of the evil god will expand. To what extent..."

At this moment, Su Chen even felt a little grateful for the white-bone demon saint.

If it hadn't been for him, I'm afraid Su Chen would have stepped directly into the world of purgatory. By then, he would have already lost control and fallen into the mind of the evil god.

Power imbalance!

It would not be surprising at all even if Su Chen was replaced by the evil god himself.

"It's really troublesome."

"It seems that my authority and power cannot be brought into the world of purgatory."

At this moment, Su Chen focused his attention on the Black Iron City Temple in front of him, his own statue.

Naturally, he didn't want to go to the Black Iron City Temple just on a whim.

At first.

He had this plan.


The true divine soul also appeared.


Even Su Chen's saint origin, the power of the sun saint that looked like a bright sun, was revealed at this moment.


Su Chen started making clone guards.


This was what Su Chen had prepared from the beginning.

When he comes to the world of purgatory, once his breath appears, he will naturally be besieged by the seven demigods of purgatory. With the strength of his saint, even the sun saint can never be the opponent of the one demigod of purgatory.

not to mention.

Still seven demigods!

Therefore, the way Su Chen prepared to deal with it was to directly create a clone to go in, find the lost 30% of the divinity, and then bring it back to the earth world.

With his divinity intact, he can naturally light the divine fire.

Wait until you step into the world of purgatory.

Directly, he will be the strongest demigod, holding the power of good and evil. At that time, the so-called seven monarchs who rule the purgatory can be wiped out in a snap of his fingers.

The strongest demigod is probably the most powerful existence under the true god. It is not a true god, but it is better than a true god.


A familiar voice sounded in Su Chen's ears.

"30% of the characteristics of the saint are detected, 30% of the divinity is detected, special materials are detected, and the statue of faith is detected. Do you want to use the statue of faith as the body, the incomplete characteristics of the winner as the core, and 30% of the divinity as the origin to create a saint-level clone guard?"

As expected.

Su Chen's plan is feasible.

In an instant.


Su Chen clicked to confirm.

In an instant.

The saint's core, the origin of divinity, and the stone statue clone that he had already divided were all shrouded in a ball of light. In an instant, a stone statue saint life that looked exactly like Su Chen was born.

"The rest is up to me."

Su Chen closed his eyes, and at this moment, his consciousness slowly revived in the stone statue guard.

"This is the first time I've set foot in the Purgatory World."

"I hope..."

"Everything goes well."

Su Chen controlled the stone statue and came to the outside of the cave world. In this dense forest mountain range, he found a place at random, dug a pit, made a coffin with trees, and directly stuffed his body into the ground and buried it.


He clapped his hands, shook off the dust on his body, and then walked away and came back to the towering 10,000-meter-high, King of Heaven tree.

This guard did not give birth to the consciousness of the guard.

So it was just a guard similar to a puppet.

What's more.

Whether it was divinity or the origin of the saint, Su Chen would take it back again.

So the power contained in this stone statue saint guard was used a little less, and there was no automatic recovery function.

In order to save a little, Su Chen naturally walked back to the cave world.

"Honorable and great God of Savior, please come in! Please come in quickly!"

The giant tree of the Heavenly King had a flattering look on his face.

At the same time.

He was full of shock.

He knew very well what was at the end of the cave world. That white-bone demon saint was an ancient saint of the Purgatory World...

But he didn't expect that this saint born in the present world could escape from the hands of the white-bone demon saint calmly. He was obviously a strong saint among the real saints.

What's more,

he knew clearly the wrath of God that erupted in the Black Iron City.

Since that was the case, he would never dare to offend Su Chen, let alone ask around, for fear that he would die if he was not careful.

At this moment.

Su Chen was unimpeded, pushed open the door formed by the thick black fog, and walked back to the Wanli Tiankeng.

"You, why are you still here?"

The white bone demon, who was trying to directly merge the power of the demigod with the rank of the Star Saint, opened his eyes again at this moment, and his cold ghost fire eyes focused on Su Chen again.

There was a hint of anger in the air!

It was angry.

This human saint didn't take its warning seriously at all, and simply didn't take him seriously at all.

Even if it was the most powerful saint, the Sun Saint, so what.

Although it was only a wounded Star Saint, it had the power of a demigod in its hands, and even the Sun Saint could wipe it out.

Of course.

The price it had to pay was also extremely heavy, that is, to perish together.

"I'll say it again."

"I need to step into the Purgatory World."

"Give you two choices!"

"Either go back to the Purgatory World, or make way for me."

At this moment, Su Chen's eyes were cold, and he was extremely tough, not taking the threat of this white bone demon saint seriously at all.

The annihilation of the power of the demigod?


Su Chen was not afraid at all.

Even if this white-bone demon saint really wanted to die with him, then let them die together. Anyway, he was just a clone guard here.

It was damaged.

His original body could still live well.

By then.

He only lost 30% of the saint's original power.

But even if he lost 30% of the saint's original power, he was still a saint, but he would be one level weaker from the sun saint to the moon saint.

But as long as he was given three years to recover, with the help of 30 million believers, he could rise again and become the sun saint again.

As for the 30% of the divine true soul power in the clone guard?


Even the power of the demigod could not erase this 30% of the divine true soul power, because Su Chen already had two powers, and even if the white-bone demon saint used the power of the demigod, he could not erase it.

By then.

Although Su Chen's return here would seriously hurt his vitality and delay his speed of becoming a demigod, after picking up 30% of his divinity, he could also obtain the demigod power and godhood in the hands of the White Bone Demon Saint, which was a good choice.

"Are you really not afraid of dying together?"

The tone of the White Bone Demon Saint became increasingly cold, ready to take action at any time.


The next moment.

Su Chen was indeed a little impatient.

Step by step, he jumped directly into the tiankeng, and when he went up, he gave the White Bone Demon Saint a big nose.

"You don't dare to die together, why are you pretending here?"


"What a waste of my time."

Then, looking at the white-bone demon saint whose face was full of anger, but dared not speak out, and hugged the demigod's power and godhead tightly to himself, Su Chen took a sip, turned his head and stepped directly into the void crack in the world of purgatory. among.

Where does this white-bone demon saint come from? He is really stupid!


"Human boy!"

"No! Human Saint, how dare you humiliate me like this? I'll see if I don't wipe you out together with the entire human world after I become a demigod!"

"Damn! Everyone deserves to die!"

"Whether it's you, those subordinates who rebelled against me, or that damn big snake, you all deserve to die. I'll kill you all before the time comes!"

"If I want to become a demigod, I must become a demigod!"

The Bone Demon Saint roared angrily.

Take one step.

Heaven and earth change.

In the blink of an eye, Su Chen appeared on the other side of the spatial rift.

Su Chen came to a world full of blood.

This is purgatory.

Then, he turned his head and looked at the void behind him. There was no trace at all, and he could not tell that there was a demigod's subspace connected here.

Even the demigods of Purgatory may not know that this cave world is connected to the world of Purgatory and the Earth world, and it has entrances and exits to both worlds.

"No matter how many times I come to this world, I still don't like the smell of this world."

Su Chen said slowly.

Then, he stretched out and his stone body creaked.

This clone also has a shelf life.

If he cannot return within three months, Su Chen's consciousness will be withdrawn directly and return to his original body. At that time, the clone guard will directly disintegrate.

By the time.

There is more than 30% of the divine power left in this purgatory world.

But 60% of divine power.

By the time.

No matter who gets this 60% of the divine power, he can become at least the level of Sun Saint. At that time, it will be extremely difficult for Su Chen to take back his divinity.

The world of purgatory is a world full of blood and darkness.


Not a shred of vegetation.

It can be said.

All vibrant and beautiful things have nothing to do with this world. There is only despair and destruction here, as well as countless fights and endless death.

This is the best soil for evil gods to live in! It is a place where good gods disappear.

In Purgatory, all saints, all demigods, and even many purgatory kings are absolutely evil beings born from sin.

"The last time I entered the vicinity of purgatory, it was in Shura City. The last time, it seemed that I was pulled into the core inner city of purgatory in Jiang City?"


"It seems that my strategy is very effective."

"That's it now."

"No demigod has sensed my breath coming..."

I waited there for a long time.

After seeing that there was no disturbance at all and everything was calm, Su Chen slowly breathed a sigh of relief.

Although he has stepped into the world of purgatory more than once, it is still the first time for Su Chen to truly walk in this world of purgatory. (End of chapter)

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