Doom: I have a fortress and a puppet army!

Chapter 183: Stepping into Purgatory【2】

Su Chen was still a little afraid of the world of purgatory.

to this end.

He made many preparations.

If a demigod arrives, or if a saint directly attacks him, he will definitely retreat directly into the cave world without hesitation.

But fortunately not.

The strategy of creating clone guards is the right one.

As long as his aura is not contaminated, even if he comes to purgatory, the seven demigods and monarchs in charge of purgatory will not be aware of it at all.

"This human appearance is a bit too eye-catching."

"Not even human stone statues."

Think about it.

Su Chen's body rippled.

In a blink of an eye.

He turned into a short, thin stone man wrapped in a black robe, with no trace of any connection to a flesh-and-blood human being.

Now, Su Chen felt relieved and walked towards the distant city.


In the world of purgatory, a world dominated by demons, there are also cities. After all, every high-level creature has extremely high intelligence. In addition to the lairs in the wild, they also need to communicate with each other and exchange information.

Leaving aside the wilderness for now, at least in this city, there is still a basic order, and killing is not allowed. Of course, if you are strong enough, it will still not be able to restrain you.

These giant cities located in the world of purgatory all represent the demon king who is the overlord here.

Only the terrifying Demon King, who rules the world at least a hundred thousand miles in radius, is qualified to build such an orderly and huge city.

The other weak demon kings, even after building the giant city, will probably be killed together with the giant city by other demon kings who stir up trouble in a very short period of time!

In Su Chen's memory, the Ghost Dragon Demon King, a high-ranking heavenly king, could not build such a huge city in this purgatory world.

"Looking at the size, it should be a peak-level demon king."

Su Chen looked at it and said this.

In fact.

In the vast land of Purgatory World, most of the giant cities were built by the peak demon king, and a very small part were built by other heavenly kings.

There are nearly tens of thousands of giant cities like this in the vast and boundless world of purgatory. This represents the terrifying foundation of the world of purgatory, containing thousands of lives of terrifying kings.

But these have nothing to do with Su Chen.

"Divinity and divinity can sense each other, but the range is limited. They can only attract each other within a thousand meters, but my heavenly king guards are different..."

Looking at the huge city in the distance, Su Chen could clearly sense that in this huge city, there was one of his lost Heavenly King guards, who was the aura of the shadow master Gangzi.

As a heavenly king, Gangzi should live well even in this purgatory world. However, at this time, Su Chen felt that Gangzi's aura was particularly weak, as if he was about to die.


Su Chen flew towards the giant city. With the strength of his star saint, if he wanted to save people, he could just come to the giant city and start killing people, but Su Chen didn't do that.

After all, there are still saints in this purgatory world, not to mention, there are seven demigods who are high above and in charge of the entire purgatory world.

If these seven purgatory monarchs were to notice that he had arrived in the world of purgatory, everything would be over. Not to mention becoming the strongest demigod, it would be a problem for him to save his own life.

that's all.

Su Chen kept walking closer to the giant city.


at this time.


Su Chen passed through a canyon. The mountain walls around the canyon collapsed instantly, billowing smoke and dust raged, and hit Su Chen fiercely.

The terrifying rope net burning with flames also covered Su Chen at this moment.



"It looks like he's still a high-level being?"

"Boss, we are in for a treat this time!"

The two huge demons opened their bloody mouths and smiled strangely. They looked down at Su Chen greedily, as if they were looking at the food tonight, and the saliva from the corners of their mouths kept flowing out.

In fact.

These two huge monsters are just level 8 monsters.

Su Chen didn't know how many people he killed back in the dream world of Earth. Su Chen really didn't expect that the first wave of attacks and killings he encountered in this purgatory world turned out to be two such weak monsters.

A level 8 demon is not considered weak even in the world of purgatory.

But this is also relative.

Compared with Su Chen, who can easily kill even the King of Purgatory, this so-called level 8 demon is really no different from an ant.


"I didn't expect it to be a stone demon."

"Damn it!"

"The dry stone demon doesn't have any taste of flesh and blood, and it's too hard to bite. That means his level 5 crystal core still has some flavor."

The two level 8 demons looked at Su Chen who looked like a stone man, and they suddenly looked disgusted.

At this moment.

Su Chen was already hung up by the rope net.

next moment.

The rope net exploded.

The bodies of the two level 8 monsters were shattered into pieces, leaving only two heads with disgusting expressions on their faces. They still haven't recovered and don't know what happened.

Su Chen killed them so quickly that these two eighth-level monsters didn't even realize they were dead.

"Let me see what this purgatory world is like."

"Leave the memory to me."

Following Su Chen's words, the power of rules emerged and acted on the heads of the two level 8 monsters. He began to read the memory in this monster's mind.

No other saint can achieve this step.

But Su Chen can.

Because he has divinity!

Divinity is omnipotent. As long as its rank is high enough, it can completely dominate these low-level beings. The power of the rules of the structure can be said to be omnipotent on low-level beings.


Su Chen frowned.

He already understands what is going on in the purgatory world here.

"The situation is a little bad."

"The person who captured Gangzi, the guardian of the heavenly king, turned out to be a true master of the saint realm in the world of purgatory. What does it seem to be called..."

"The eight-headed snake that devours the world, Jormungandr!"

This is an ancient saint demon. Even if it is placed in the realm of the Sun Saint, it can be regarded as a unique and terrifying existence.

He has already touched the threshold of demigods.

But I don’t know why, but I have never been able to successfully gather authority, ignite the divine fire, challenge the seven monarchs, and become the eighth demigod in the purgatory world...

There is no doubt that this serpent saint is extremely terrifying.

"It seems that the reinforcements that Ghost Cabinet found earlier are this eight-headed snake, Jörmungandr!"


"His rank is too low, and he is not qualified to ask an ancient saint to personally take action, and he cannot do it. After all, Jörmungandr can crush the earth and cannot step into the real world at all..."

"Fortunately, the ghost closet is dead."

Su Chen pondered.

The body shape changes rapidly.

Although he looks like a stone statue and can easily be identified as a low-level stone demon in the purgatory world, many ancient saints may recognize this face.

After all, his face is exactly the same as the true god who once ruled Purgatory.

As long as the ancient saint has experienced the era before and after the War of Gods, his human appearance will be unforgettable, even if he dies, he will never forget it.

Su Chen changed into another appearance.

Monster armor!

Decaying wings!

His cold eyes were watching everything.

At this moment, Su Chen spread his wings in this purgatory world and dived directly into the giant city of monsters in the distance. His cold roar was earth-shattering, telling the monsters here that a powerful and noble being who could not be offended had arrived.

After getting to know this place, Su Chen decided not to pretend so thoroughly, but also to show his terrifying power when it was time.

In the current purgatory, saints are almost extinct and only exist in ancient devil caves and ancient legends.

A saint is an absolutely noble and invincible existence.

At this moment.

He is like God!

"The execution begins now!"

On the high platform in the center of the giant city of demons, a mass of black mist condensed into a human-shaped body, Gangzi, who was being restrained by countless thick chains, with rolling blazing flames burning on his black mist body.

Gangzi did not say a word about this bone-gnawing and heart-gnawing pain, staring at the three purgatory kings and monsters on the high platform with indifferent eyes.

"What are you looking at?"

"This black mist monster, do you think he still has a chance to take revenge?"

"That's ridiculous!"

"He is the Lord Saint, who personally ordered his death! What's more, how can a mere ordinary heavenly king escape from death at the hands of our three heavenly kings?"

On the high platform, three demon kings smiled ferociously.

As for someone to rescue?

How can it be!

They inquired very clearly.

This Black Mist King has only one companion in the world of purgatory, and he is also an ordinary King, imprisoned by the Saint Jormungandr.

If his comrades can't save themselves, how can anyone come to save him?

As for the rumored human master behind this heavenly king's life, haha, it's just a mere peak king's life.

Any one of their three peak kings can kill the so-called human master!

not to mention.

This is a world of purgatory where demons are entrenched.

A mere human being is still just a human king. Wherever he dares to set foot in their demon world, he is afraid that if he dares to set foot, he will be hunted by countless demon kings.

"Increase the dose!"

"You must kill this monster king who is willing to be a lackey for mankind within a stick of incense. I will make his soul fly away!"

On the high platform, the most powerful peak demon king spoke ferociously.

It lives a long, long time.

Once upon a time, before the War of Gods, it had survived.

Every demon who was born before the God War has extreme hatred for humans in their hearts, because they have experienced an era when they were ruled by a human.

A mere weak human being can actually become the true god of purgatory, superior to powerful demonic beings like them, as well as the king of purgatory, saints, and even demigods.

This is a disgrace to all their purgatory natives!

Therefore, he also hates humans very much.

"What are you looking at?"

"Do you still think you can have someone come to save you?"

"I think your human master doesn't even dare to step into the world of purgatory!"


Around the high platform, there were numerous demonic beings, mocking and laughing wantonly.

The air is full of joy.


at this time.


An extremely terrifying pressure came.

From far to near.

Almost in the blink of an eye, they crossed thousands of miles and landed in this ancient giant city of monsters.

Here comes someone wearing monster armor!

Behind him, a pair of decaying wings vibrated.

His cold eyes watched everything.

Under the armor.

It's a body of stone.



"It's just a stone demon? Even if it's a bloodline mutation, it's just a level 8-9 monster life. This is a giant city of demons!"

"Do you know where this place is?"

"This huge city is the territory of the Eight-Headed Snake Saint, Jörmungandr~! It's not something a lowly life like you can do so recklessly..."

"Get off here!"

A roar sounded.

Around the high platform.

One by one, each of them was 700 to 800 meters tall. The terrifying demon figures, like the Sky Tower, roared and took action at this moment.

In their opinion, it is just a stone demon. Although its aura is powerful, its true life level is definitely not that powerful.

In the world of purgatory, demons are the real masters. Evil spirits and twisted monsters are all the lowest existences.

The most powerful of the strange flow of evil spirits is the birth of a saint.

Monsters and their like have never heard of a king.

Naturally, a stone demon cannot be the king of heaven. At best, it is a level 9 life.


They are wrong!


"Stop it quickly!"

"Don't offend this gentleman!"

Seeing that his powerful demon subordinates wanted to take action against the terrifying being descending from the sky, the three demon kings at the peak of the heavenly king level on the high platform were all frightened and their expressions changed.

They are clear.

The only person who can make peak demon kings like them feel powerful oppression is a peak heavenly king. Even if he is not a saint, he should be a quasi-saint who has touched the threshold of a saint.

If someone offends such a powerful being, he will definitely end up dead.


What they said was still a step too late.


Su Chen's cold eyes stared at all the monsters in front of him.

at this moment.

The wrath of God is coming!

It's almost a blink of an eye.

The power of rules unique to the saint comes.

But wherever Su Chen looked, all the monsters turned into stone statues. There was still a frightened look in the stone statues' eyes. It was obvious that even they did not expect that the person they offended turned out to be a powerful saint.


"He is actually a saint~!"

"How can this be?"

"A mere stone demon from a monster group can actually give birth to a terrifying life at the level of a saint..."

On the high platform, the three peak demon kings, whose bodies were a thousand feet high, which was more than three thousand meters, were trembling at this moment. (End of chapter)

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