Doom: I have a fortress and a puppet army!

Chapter 187 Reclaiming Divinity

"It's a gamble!"

"Sure, he is the strongest demigod!"

"It won't work..."

Su Chen's expression turned cold.

If not.

There is nothing left.

Once he loses 60% of his characteristics and ends up in the world of purgatory, the only end that awaits him is death.

Su Chen closed his eyes and clicked on the guard icon in his field of vision. The pig-headed monster's three-dimensional guard light and shadow were shining brightly, and its breath was in an extremely distant place in the world of purgatory.

And there is the kingdom of God on earth in Jormungandr!

So just right.

"Today, I bet everything!"

In the Wanli Tiankeng, the cloned guard collapsed.

The body of the statue was torn apart.

The origin of the saint, as well as 30% of the divinity, enveloped Su Chen's consciousness and penetrated towards the light and shadow of the pig-headed monster's three-dimensional guard.


"This breath is..."


"True God's Divinity!"

"Good guy! It's you! I didn't even recognize it. You are not some demon saint, you are Him..."


Jörmungandr went crazy, laughing twistedly, and his increasingly crazier snake body accelerated the destruction of the cave world, eager to seize the flash of divine power in the cave world.

As long as the complete divinity is captured.

With the power of the hundreds of millions of demon believers he has accumulated over millions of years, as long as he ignites the divine fire, and with the power of the world-devouring snake he has formed, he can become the only true god in charge of the world of purgatory!

"During that divine battle back then, you shattered the divinity I was born into, preventing me from ever being able to step into the realm of demigods. Now, I'm taking away your divinity!"

"That's fair!"

Jörmungandr, with eight heads and sixteen sun eyes, burst out with unprecedented coldness at this moment.

He has been resentful for millions of years.

did not expect.

There is actually a chance to take revenge personally!

This is just... just awesome!


In the cave world, cracks appeared in all directions.

A demigod's subspace, even if it has fallen, should not be destroyed by a saint. However, this world-devouring snake has indeed achieved this step.

It is not a demigod, it is better than a demigod!

At this moment.

The world-devouring snake, immersed in hatred, did not notice that Su Chen's aura had long since disappeared without a trace in the cave world.


"Where is this?"

Su Chen panted violently.

Looking at everything in front of him, this was a huge valley with countless lakes poured into it. He was surrounded by countless thick chains.

Thick steel nails that were twisted like hills and hundreds of meters long penetrated his body.


"This is not my body."

"This is a pig-headed monster..."

Armor as thick as blood.

Boar tusks.

At this moment, Su Chen looked like a pig-headed monster.

It's just that the situation of the pig-headed monster at this time is really extremely miserable. It is actually being burned by the demons of the Kingdom of God on this earth, using the valley as a pot and the rivers and lakes as water.

These monsters actually wanted to cook the pig-headed monster and then eat it.

"A monster like the Heavenly King has never eaten the flesh and blood of a Heavenly King. I didn't expect it to be so delicious today."


"Such a weak life has offended Lord Jörmungandr, and can be devoured by us. This kind of death is considered an advantage for him."

In my ears, voices came one after another.

These weak demons kept adding firewood outside the valley, and soon the water in the rivers, lakes and seas began to boil.

The pig-headed monster's consciousness has fallen into coma.

The kingdom of God on earth in Jormungandr has an indescribable power of rules.

The pig-headed monster, a majestic king of life, was suppressed in the Kingdom of God on this earth like an ordinary wild boar life, except that it was quite larger.

Continue like this.

The majestic Su Chen's heavenly king's bodyguard may die in such a way, and be divided and eaten in the earthly kingdom of Jormungandr.

"Now that I'm here."

"Let this farce end."

Su Chen's cold words came out of the pig-headed monster's mouth.

this moment.

He opened his eyes and took complete control of the pig-headed monster's body.

In the terrestrial kingdom of Jormungandr, if the power of rules suppresses it, then resist with the same power of rules. He is also a Sun Saint.


At this moment, the source of the sun, which came with Su Chen's consciousness, opened up the world at this moment, including the world of wind and snow, the world of the undead, and other worlds.

In an instant.

The power of rules left by Jormungandr in the kingdom of God on earth was directly crushed.

The chains surrounding the pig-headed monster were completely shattered at this moment!


Su Chen took one step forward.

The valley collapsed!

Countless rivers flowed backwards and poured out.

The steel nails driven into the body of the pig-headed monster exploded into pieces, corroded by the sticky blood armor, and disappeared.

this moment.

What comes out is no longer a guardian of the heavenly king!

But a Sun Saint!


"A little king can actually escape?"

"what happened!"

"Go and invite the leader!"

Near the valley, the monsters who were adding materials were frightened to death when they saw the huge body of the pig-headed monster breaking through the valley and walking out.

It’s not that the pig-headed monster is so powerful!

But Jörmungandr has a violent temper. If he knew that they were not doing well, the end would be more than just miserable.

A mere heavenly monster. To be honest, although they are all high-level monsters, they really don't take it seriously. They serve the snake that devours the world.

"time is limited."

"Snatch the divinity quickly and then escape."

"We must not give Jormungandr a chance to react."


"When he comes back and I haven't escaped, everything will be over."

Su Chen responded quickly.

Divinity and divinity attract each other.

This is true even for different divinities.

not to mention.

The 30% of his divinity has the same origin, so the attraction is naturally stronger.

Not long after.

Su Chen found the direction of the divine call and rushed there.

The huge pig-headed monster's body opened up the world, crushing in all directions, crushing thousands of monsters into ashes, leaving no one alive.

"Damn it!"

"How dare a mere monster king dare to do this..."


"Not the King of Heaven! But the Saint? Or the Saint of the Sun..."

"This is how the same thing!"

The demon leader who stayed behind in the Kingdom of God on earth was a peak demon king who had touched the threshold of a saint. He smiled ferociously and rushed over, preparing to repair this ordinary king-level pig-headed monster.

At a glance, I saw the spread out world of saints, including the world of wind and snow, the world of the undead, and...

So and so.

How could it be that weak pig-headed monster?

"A saint has arrived?"

The eyes of this demon leader almost popped out of his head.

He turned around and ran away without any hesitation. It was not because he was timid, but because he was really no match. He had to inform Lord Jörmungandr immediately.

The kingdom of God on earth is a kingdom of faith that belongs exclusively to Jormungandr. Every demon here is very important and can provide Lord Jormungandr with the power of pious faith.

at the same time.

There are no saints here.

So much so that he, the peak king, is already the strongest.

Under normal circumstances.

A peak king acts as the leader of the demons, and he is more than capable of rubbing them.

after all.

No one has the sense to offend this world-devouring snake, the king of demons and saints in the East!

This is true even for demigods.

There is no need for other saints and demons to stay here.


That's why.

On this day, this kingdom of God on earth ushered in a devastating disaster.

"If you want to report the news, don't even think about it."

Su Chen glanced at it.

This peak demon king was turned into ashes all over the sky and disappeared with the wind.

The Sun Saint is so strong and unreasonable.

The strength of Jörmungandr compared to the Sun Saint is probably equivalent to the gap between the demon king and Su Chen...

"Success or failure depends on this!"

Su Chen roared.

In a blink of an eye.

In Jormungandr’s earthly kingdom of God, countless monsters and monsters disappeared.

Su Chen controlled the huge body of the pig-headed monster, consuming the source of the sun regardless of loss, and rushed into the deepest part of this place, where Jörmungandr slept.

The seal was broken directly!

Su Chen saw 30% of the divinity suspended in mid-air, wrapped in the power of faith of countless faith-devouring world-devouring snakes...

Jörmungandr is suddenly using his power of belief in millions of demons as firewood, preparing to ignite these 30% of his divinity and become the divine fire on his path to being a demigod!

"Damn it!"

"Fortunately, I caught up."


"Three percent of my divinity has been completely lost."

Su Chen looked ugly.

Once Jormungandr succeeds in doing this, and Jormungandr becomes a demigod, he will never be able to become a demigod, and he directly loses all possibilities.


At this moment, Su Chen regained 30% of his divinity!

at the same time.

In front of the distant cave world, Jormungandr had completely shattered the subspace of the fallen demigod. He looked at the broken statue of the god that fell out and was silent for a while.

"How is this going?"

"He died on his own before I took action."


“Where did the divinity go?”

Jormungandr didn't care about Su Chen's life or death and did not kill him personally, which indeed made him feel a little disappointed, but what he really cared about was divinity.

With 30% divinity, he dared to light the divine fire and become a demigod.

Once it gets complete!

Then he is the true God!

When gods fight.

None of the gods in purgatory has the authority to take back the true god, so the god of purgatory will be taken back by him.


The eight heads of Jörmungandr were all breathing heavily.


"There's nothing here either..."

Jörmungandr searched almost every corner, but there was still nothing.

Damn it!

Jörmungandr, looking up to the sky and roaring.

His anger can be heard in the entire East District demon world, no, even the entire world of Purgatory.


At this moment, he finally noticed the commotion in the kingdom of God on earth. Someone had broken into his kingdom of God on earth, and the culprit was the pig-headed monster.

"Just a pig-headed monster..."

Jörmungandr's snake pupils were cold.

It was at this moment.

He finally came to his senses.

"Not good!"

"My divinity!"

"He ran away. He ran to my kingdom of God on earth to take my divinity."

Jörmungandr roared.

At this moment, he roared, ordering all the demons in the Eastern world, and his believers to keep Su Chen at all costs and wait for him to arrive...

At this moment, Purgatory trembled.

Countless demon kings heard the news and moved!


There were also saints who Su Chen had not killed, and they were also dispatched.

This was a hunt.

The hunt of the Eastern demon world!

"Get out!"

Su Chen roared and roared.

In an instant.

The air wave rolled and spread over 100,000 miles.

In a range of 100,000 miles, hundreds of thousands of demons were crushed into ashes by him.

His footsteps were fast, like a blood-colored stream, and he fled to the distance.

After obtaining the divinity.

He fled in a hurry!

Only by escaping back to the earth can he truly escape!

The cave world can no longer be reached.

After all.

The terrifying Purgatory Saint of the Devouring World Serpent was rushing towards him there, not to mention that there was a question mark whether the cave world still existed.

There was not the only way to the earth.

You know.

The earth has already merged with the Purgatory world to a certain extent.

What Su Chen needed was to return to the earth world directly from there before Jörmungandr descended.

"Don't leave!"

"Leave the things you looted from the kingdom of God on the earth!"

There was a roar.

One demon king after another descended, trying to stop Su Chen's steps.

This was not what they wanted in their hearts.

Instead, as followers of Jörmungandr, they were equipped with some means, and now all of them were activated to stop Su Chen.


The demon kings really couldn't compete with the Sun Saint.

But the huge fluctuations caused by the self-explosion of the demon kings were enough to delay Su Chen's departure for a short time.

Not to mention.

This huge movement can be felt thousands of miles away, and it can completely guide Jörmungandr and the other saints who came to hunt down Su Chen.

This move is indeed very effective.

The self-explosion of ten demon kings is nothing.


What about the self-explosion of hundreds of demon kings?

This huge scene is like the end of the world, even a dozen earths can be refined into ashes.

In the normal war of erosion of the world, each demon king can be regarded as the last super boss to appear, and can destroy the creatures of a world.


At this moment.

It's just cannon fodder to die.

Whether they were willing or not, at this moment, they all rushed forward and blew themselves up.

"The demon king is used as cannon fodder!"

"Moreover, they are all his devout believers who have been cultivated for tens of thousands of years. He is really willing to do so."


"I am more and more curious about what you have, what you took from his kingdom of God, and what can make Jörmungandr so crazy!"

A cold voice sounded.

A saint has descended.

The next moment.

A huge ice palm fell from the sky.


The earth is roaring.

The sky is wailing.

It seems to be responding to the power of this saint. (End of this chapter)

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