Doom: I have a fortress and a puppet army!

Chapter 188 Ignite the Divine Fire

This saint is a Sun Saint, not one of the Four Kings that covers the land of the Purgatory World, but just an ordinary Sun Saint...

But even so, Su Chen still feels it is difficult.

Because he is just a Sun Saint, and he is the kind that uses less power...



Su Chen roared, not retreating but advancing, killing head-on.

On the distant horizon.

He can already see the majestic world shadow of the earth.

He only needs to kill the Sun Saint in front of him, and he can rush back to the earth.

At that time.

Ignite the divine fire.

Become the most powerful demigod!

End everything in the Purgatory World...

At that time, he can end all this damned thing!




The saint is wailing.

At this moment, the sky is also screaming.

At this moment, the dripping blood rain covers the Eastern Demon Region, because a Sun Saint has fallen.

"With this little strength, you still want to stop me?"

Su Chen threw away the head of the Sun Saint, and did not even look at the origin of the Sun Saint that was about to be separated. He did not have time for this.

He went towards the distant earth like crazy.

That is, after the fall of this Sun Saint, Su Chen could clearly sense that more and more powerful demon saints were looking at this place.

With the fall of a Sun Saint.

This is no longer just a matter of the Eastern Demon World.

Even the powerful demon saints in the other three regions have cast their eyes here.

If this continues.

Su Chen can't leave at all!

When Jörmungandr, or a demigod casts his eyes on it, everything will be over!

These demigods have met him before!

It can be seen at a glance that the consciousness in the pig-headed monster is not a pig-headed monster at all, but him, Su Chen!

At that time.

It will not be a hunt by the Eastern Demon World!

It is a hunt from the Seven Gods, the entire Purgatory!


"Finally here."

At this moment.

When Su Chen was only one step away from the earth.

A burst of crazy laughter came.


The whole world seemed to be in stillness at this moment.

Blue thunder and purple lightning!

Rolling clouds of destruction covered it.

Sixteen cold snake eyes like the sun!

The huge eight-headed snake, Jörmungandr, as huge as the world, came at this moment.

His eyes were red and he looked crazy.

"I finally caught up with you!"

"You can't get away!"


He was laughing.

At this moment, time was forbidden.

Jörmungandr showed his true terror.

It was only one step away from the earth, but he could never take this step because time had stopped.

"The divinity is mine."

"Thank you for sending it."


"This is simply amazing!"

Jörmungandr laughed wildly, opened his bloody mouth, and the eight heads were about to tear Su Chen into pieces and then eat him.

Under the time ban. '

Su Chen couldn't make any waves at all.

Everything seemed to be a foregone conclusion.

At this time.

Su Chen was sighing.

"I'm sorry."

"Pig-headed monster!"

"If there is a day in the future, if it is possible, I will look for a chance to revive you."

Su Chen whispered.

At this moment, he was in a desperate situation, and his consciousness, wrapped with 60% of his divinity, left the body of the pig-headed monster and took the last step towards the distant earth.


"Do you think I'm air?"

"In that case."

"I'll just swallow your consciousness and divinity directly."

The giant snake growled, as if mocking, and the cold snake eyes seemed to be watching something funny.


The next moment.

The pig-headed monster's consciousness returned, detonating the saint's origin that Su Chen left in his body.

"My king!"

"It is my honor to die on the eve of my king's ascension to the peak!"

"With my death, my king's glory is forged! It is also my glory."

At this moment, the pig-headed monster disappeared.

In an instant.

A round of sun quickly swallowed everything, expanded to a hundred thousand feet, and exploded.

The terrifying air waves rolled.

It blocked Jörmungandr and Su Chen.

At this moment.

Su Chen took the last step.

He returned to Earth!


Jörmungandr roared in disbelief.

At this moment.

His time ban was broken.

In a moment, he could not stop Su Chen from returning to Earth.

Su Chen escaped!

At the same time. In the dense forests and mountains far away in Qinghe, a hand broke out of the ground, and then a figure wearing loose warrior clothes rose into the sky, crossed thousands of miles in an instant, and landed at the end of the sky where the earth and purgatory met.

In the earth world, Su Chen's original body reintroduced consciousness into his body, and took back the 60% of divinity suspended in the air.

From then on.

Su Chen's divinity was complete.

He could ignite the divine fire at any time, directly integrate into the authority, leave the demigod mark in the purgatory world, and become the strongest demigod in charge of good and evil.


"Give me back my divinity!"

Jörmungandr rushed over at this moment and hit the barrier between the earth and purgatory, making a dull roar.

He wants to drill into the earth.


It simply cannot be done.

He was too big.

Even though the world of Earth is extremely huge, in front of his huge body that has swallowed up countless worlds, it is still as small as a round ball.

In fact, the entire earth is not as big as his head!

"Give it back! Give it back!"

"I have been waiting for millions of years for the possibility of becoming a demigod..."

"You destroyed my divinity! You should take your divinity and give it back to me!"

Jormungandr roared angrily.

this moment.

The world of Purgatory was shaken.

At this time, countless powerful figures arrived one after another. They were just paying attention at first, but then they realized what happened just now.

It was the true god who once destroyed the divinity of Jormungandr!

So, what caused a huge commotion in the Eastern demon world just now is the reincarnation of the true god?

"He just came to the world of purgatory?"

The seven gods of purgatory in the distance also looked ugly.

The arrival of Su Chen!

They didn't even notice.

They didn't even notice this great opportunity to kill him.


"No! You have no chance."


"I set foot in the world of purgatory again, and when the time comes, I will hunt you down with my own hands!"

Su Chen said indifferently.


Turn around and leave.

He will begin to prepare for the fusion of the authorities of good and evil.

At this moment.

For the first time, Jörmungandr felt too powerful and too large, which was not a good thing.

The earth is like a shell.

Keep him from entering.

I could only watch Su Chen leave.


"Hunt me?"

"You deserve it too!"

"During the war between gods, it's not like I haven't hunted powerful demigods before. As long as you dare to step into the world of purgatory, even if you become a demigod, I can still kill you..."

Jörmungandr roared.

He didn't leave.


Blue thunder and purple lightning, as well as the black cloud of destruction, together with his huge body, covered the earth at this moment. It can crush the demigod's subspace, let alone this small earth world.

He couldn't wait for Su Chen to enter the world of purgatory!

Crazy him! Even at the expense of himself, he must destroy the earth and force Su Chen out.

This world-devouring snake has already gone crazy!

The earth could be destroyed if it were that simple.

The world of Purgatory will not choose to erode the earth, and slowly pull him into the territory of the world of Purgatory...

What he does is destined to be in vain!

"If this world could be destroyed so easily, we would have done so long ago, together with Him inside..."

"He poses no threat to us."

"Because the authority he established has been used by me, and problems have arisen. Now, even if he has complete divinity, he cannot become a demigod at all..."

The fallen god monarch who is in charge of the original sin of laziness sneered coldly, seemingly full of ridicule towards Su Chen.

What about the true God?

It wasn't because he had played with her in the applause that she was so sinister.

Authority is confused.

How can one become a god?

Forcibly igniting the divine fire with the conflicting authority of good and evil is tantamount to digging one's own grave.

At this time, he didn't know anything.

The conflict between good and evil has long been resolved by Su Chen. For Su Chen, this is not an evil thing, but a great blessing.

This fallen god doesn’t know anything yet.

"Light the divine fire."


"I can't wait to see you end up in ashes."

The fallen god was still laughing twistedly.

Jormungandr orbits the earth, wanting to destroy the world and swallow the earth into its belly, doing this thing that is destined to be in vain.

Earth, calm and calm.

Extraordinary cities are built in every corner of the world, and no one knows about the thrilling things happening in the world of purgatory and outside the earth today.

Everything, the years are quiet, as if nothing happened.

The humans on Earth do not know that at this time, there is a huge devouring snake that is many times larger than the Earth. It is surrounding the Earth and wants to destroy the world.

"Destroy the earth?"

"If it can be destroyed directly."

"I'm afraid the seven monarchs have already done this..."

To this.

Su Chen shook his head, tore apart the space, and returned directly to the fortress space.

It just didn't take long.

Su Chen walked out of the fortress space and stood in the courtyard of the fortress, looking towards the distant Jiangcheng and even the entire world.


Su Chen stretched out his palm.

at this time.

From the sky, there are snowflakes floating all over the sky, falling continuously.

This is since the apocalypse broke out.

The only time it snowed properly!

In the world, the snow that fell in the past was either bloody snowflakes full of virus curses, or black snowflakes surrounded by ominous signs, or snow as cold and desolate as a snow city.


This snow is the most normal snow.

"The virus curse from the purgatory world is slowly receding..."

Su Chen said slowly.

Behind him.

A figure came over, it was Su Xiaoyi, she put the snow-white robe in her hand on Su Chen.

"Isn't this good?"

"Everything is back on track..."

"The end of the world, everything is back, peace and tranquility..."

Su Xiaoyi said slowly.

Is it back on track?

Su Chen shook his head.

At this time, Su Xiaoyi did not know that there was an angry snake surrounding the earth, trying to destroy the whole world.

He also did not know that he had just killed out of purgatory.

He did not know even more.

The Purgatory World is still trying to pull the Earth into Purgatory, and the seven gods in Purgatory are still full of malice towards him.

Doomsday seems to have been ended by him, but if the source of Purgatory is not solved, the Doomsday of the Earth can come a second time, or even a third time, and there will be no source forever...

"What are you looking at?"

Su Xiaoyi followed Su Chen's gaze and looked up at the sky, but she saw nothing. Only the blood color representing the Purgatory World was shrouded there.

"Looking at a stupid big snake..."

Su Chen shook his head, picked up Su Xiaoyi and walked towards the bedroom inside.

"No, it's still daytime."

"There are still many affairs waiting to be dealt with in the Divine Religion..."

Su Xiaoyi said coquettishly.


Su Chen doesn't care about these.

"I miss you."

Su Chen blew slightly in Su Xiaoyi's ear.

So many years have passed.

Su Xiaoyi is no longer a young and immature girl. Upon hearing this, she raised Su Chen's face and went to meet him.


In the bedroom, a not-so-healthy voice sounded.

Time passed quickly.

In a flash.

A year passed in the blink of an eye.

Another year of spring and autumn, the winter snow arrived as promised, covering the extremely prosperous Jiangcheng, which was faintly the world's largest city.

In the depths of the fortress, Su Chen, who had been sleeping for another year, slowly opened his eyes.


There was a black and white light flowing.

At this moment, a brand-new authority was formed in his body, representing the God of Savior of salvation and hope, and the authority of the God of the End of the World, which represented destruction and despair, and at this moment they were completely integrated together.

The authority of the evil god of despair and destruction was outside the body.

The authority of the good god of salvation and hope was inside the body.

Who said that the God of the End of the World and the God of Savior could not coexist?

The end of the world came because of him. Purgatory followed his footsteps and devoured one world after another. The end of the world he ended brought salvation and hope to the earth...

He is both the god of the end of the world and the god of salvation!

At this moment, the power of good and evil was integrated into Su Chen's divinity, just like a flame splashing into an oil pan. In an instant, a raging fire burned up.

On this day, the fourth year of the Earth's new calendar, winter, December 27th.

Su Chen's divine fire was ignited!

As long as he stepped into the Purgatory world again, he could become a demigod, the god who controls good and evil, and the most powerful demigod in history...

At this moment, Su Chen walked out of the fortress and looked beyond the distant earth. The big snake was still circling the earth, trying to destroy the world.

In Jörmungandr's view, as long as Su Chen could be forced out to the Purgatory world, he would be able to kill him easily.


It didn't know that at this time, it was no longer Su Chen's opponent! (End of this chapter)

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