Doom: I have a fortress and a puppet army!

Chapter 189 Return to Purgatory

"Stupid snake!"

On the fortress, Su Chen put his hands behind his back, threw himself over the barrier of the world, and looked at the world-devouring snake that was even bigger than the world.

A year ago, in the purgatory world, he fled in a panic when facing Jörmungandr, and paid the life of the pig-headed monster, and barely escaped, as embarrassed as a stray dog.


Even if he is still at the stage of divine fire and has not officially become a demigod, the surging power in Su Chen's body tells him that at this moment, he can easily crush this world-devouring snake.

"It's time to put an end to all this."

Su Chen said so.

Not only Jörmungandr, but also the Seven Gods, together with this purgatory that brings endless doomsday, it's time to end.

"What are you doing?"

"Why don't you go after finishing this meal at the end of the year."

Su Xiaoyi hugged Su Chen from behind.

In response to this.

Su Chen patted Su Xiaoyi's palm, with a gentle face, and said with a smile.

"Don't worry, this is just a small matter. For me, I can solve it with just one trip. There is no danger. Everything will come to an end, right?"

"The former purgatory, and the monster demon monarchs in it, are like a sword hanging over my head, giving me endless pressure, making me dare not slack off or stay for a moment..."

"It's time to give back to them..."

Su Chen let Su Xiaoyi relax, took her into his arms, and kissed her forehead.


The black wings covering the sky opened behind him.

At this moment.

Su Chen soared into the sky and headed towards purgatory.

He wanted to end it all!

At the same time.

As Su Chen approached, the seven demigod monarchs of the purgatory world and the four demon saints all felt it. It was not that they were always paying attention to Su Chen's breath.

But Su Chen was full of the aura of the ignited divine fire at this time. This was already a quasi-demigod.

As long as you set foot in a vast world like the Purgatory World, you will be branded, the divine fire will rise, and you will become a demigod directly!


How could he become a demigod?

Didn't the Fallen God do something to make his power conflict? Logically speaking, even if Su Chen didn't die, he would definitely lose the possibility of becoming a demigod forever.

Not to mention the step of igniting the divine fire, even the threshold of power condensation should have blocked him!

"The lazy monarch who holds the power of the fallen, tell me, what's going on? Is this what you said, he did something to make his power conflict, and he will never pose a threat to us?"

"He is about to become a demigod now, this is what you did!"

"I have a feeling that since he dared to come to the Purgatory World to become a demigod, he must be the most powerful existence among the demigods, not inferior to any of us!"

"Fallen, this is what you did! You are about to kill us all."

The three kings on the demon land roared angrily. If they were not afraid that the internal strife would give Su Chen an opportunity, they would have rushed to the end of Purgatory and hunted down the lazy monarch, the fallen evil god.

As for the fallen god, this original sin monarch is a demigod?


During the war of gods, which of the four demon saint kings had not killed demigods?

It's ridiculous.

Shit demigods!

The seven sin monarchs were all driven to the corner of Gaza by them, how could they be qualified to challenge them! Do you really think that these seven demigods do not touch the demon land of the purgatory world because they do not have such ambition?


It is because these seven gods cannot beat their four kings!

Not to mention that the kings of the three great demon saints were extremely angry, even the other six monarchs who were also seven monarchs and were expelled by the four kings at the end of the purgatory were also looking over angrily.

"Fallen, come and see what you have done!"

"Power conflict?"

"Where is his power conflict? I can clearly sense that his power is so strong that it is unimaginable. Even my power has to tremble and surrender in front of his power..."

At this moment.

Even the God of Fall, the lazy monarch, was unbelievable, and his eyes were almost filled with fear.

What exactly is going on?

At that time, when his clone perished, he could see clearly that the power of the evil god representing despair and destruction had already grown in his body.

Once they are born, the two powers are naturally opposed and conflict with each other. The best result is that the power is completely destroyed. It will take at least millions of years to gather the next power...



"Why can his power conflict be resolved..."

The fallen god was horrified.

As Su Chen got closer and closer, he was only one step away from purgatory. The demigods finally realized what Su Chen's power was.

The power of good and evil!

Once he steps on it, he will become a demigod who controls good and evil!

"Oh my God!"

"What kind of power is this? The power of good and evil. Oh, damn, there is such a power. Why haven't I heard of it? Isn't it conflicting?"

"Not only did he not suffer any damage, he also used the power of the evil god on himself..."

At this moment, the Fallen God was horrified and finally understood what was going on.

After a long time.

He sacrificed an avatar and three million cultists, but he actually gave Su Chen a great fortune, a great fortune, creating this unprecedented power to control good and evil!

Since the birth of the Purgatory World, there has never been such a powerful authority...


The border between the Earth and Purgatory.

One step away.

On the side of Purgatory, there are four kings and seven gods! Behind them, there are also traces of saints, standing in the dark, watching this century-long battle.

On this side of the Earth, there is only Su Chen, with black wings, like monster armor made of black jade.

"Don't let him step into the Purgatory World!"

"Otherwise, everything is over."

Among the seven monarchs of Purgatory, the Angry Monarch said solemnly.


Once Su Chen steps into the land of Purgatory, he will instantly become a demigod.

A demigod who controls good and evil is unheard of and unseen, but there is no doubt that he must be the most powerful demigod.

Su Chen is on the other side of the world, and he has not yet become a demigod. The oppression brought by his own authority makes them feel breathless.

Moreover, their respective powers are trembling, and they dare not fight at all.

I am afraid that they can't play half of their combat power.

In this case.

What can they use to fight Su Chen?

"In this case."

"Directly separate the purgatory world from this world and let him stay in that world forever..."

A red giant said slowly.

He is one of the four kings.

He controls the northern demon world and the master of the endless sea.

At this moment, the four kings and seven gods are trembling with fear. Once upon a time, it was them who pushed the purgatory to continuously devour the worlds one by one, looking for the footprints of the true god.


The true god is right in front of them, but they are crazy about separating the purgatory world from the world in front of them.

"I have no objection! Do it this way!"

"We can't let him become a demigod..."

At this moment, even the World Devouring Serpent, Jörmungandr, had no objection at all.

I don't know when.

He retreated from the earth, and his original rage and murderous intent had long disappeared without a trace, and his snake eyes like the sun were replaced by fear.

At this moment, the four kings and seven gods present, together with all the saints, recalled the fear dominated by Him in the war of gods millions of years ago.

"Who should not be allowed in?"

"I agree too!"

"The Purgatory World should not let people in or out casually anymore."

At this time, a strange voice interrupted.


The four kings and seven monarchs present were all furious.

It seems that some blind saint interrupted.

He really doesn't know how to live or die.

A demigod-level game, is it possible for a small saint like you to interrupt? It's ridiculous.

"Where did the saint come from? Give me..."

Just when the seven gods and four kings were full of rage and followed the sound to find him.

Suddenly, they saw a figure standing behind them.

On the land of the Purgatory World.

He had black wings and monster-like armor. They could even see his smiling face under the mask.

"But, I'm already in!"

At this moment, Su Chen said with a smile.

The next moment.

On his body, the blazing divine fire burned fiercely, and the entire Purgatory World responded in an instant.

Whether it was the East District or the other three major areas, the entire Purgatory World, the vast land, and the sky were all bursting with many visions, responding to Su Chen's arrival.

This is the scene of the birth of a demigod!

The birth of a demigod, with the strength of the power, brings different visions.

The weak seven gods can't even beat the four ancient saints and demon kings.

When they stepped into the demigod world, the response brought by their own authority was only one percent of the range of the purgatory world at most.

Although the four kings were demon saints, they each had believers and the power of faith. They had already condensed their own powerful authority, but they had lost their divinity.

When their authority was formed, the response in purgatory was only one-thirtieth of the purgatory world.

Relying on this powerful authority, they forcibly achieved the realm of saints. The four kings joined forces to drive the seven demigods to the end of the purgatory world.

And now.

Su Chen had just stepped into the purgatory world, and the authority he condensed made the entire purgatory world cheer and the whole world responded. It can be imagined how powerful this authority is.



Such a shocking scene, the whole purgatory was responding, and all the demons present were stunned.

Whether it was the four kings, the seven monarchs, or the saints, they were all stunned, their faces full of disbelief.

What kind of authority is this!

The four kings and seven monarchs originally had the idea of ​​​​taking advantage of Su Chen's lack of a demigod to attack and kill him together.

At this moment.

After witnessing Su Chen's strength with their own eyes, this idea disappeared in an instant.


They had a feeling.

At this time, Su Chen stood in place, and did not respond to the response of the Purgatory World. He left his mark of God, just waiting for them to take action.

"It is worthy of him, the only true god..."

When this thought came, all the demons broke out in cold sweat.


"Cowardly rat."

Su Chen sneered.

It was ridiculous to want to pull Purgatory back.

He ignited the divine fire and held the power of good and evil. Even if he did not take the last step and become a demigod, he could easily sweep away all the Purgatory creatures present!


At this time, Su Chen walked in front of Jörmungandr. Under the monster's armor, a pair of cold eyes stared at this ancient demon saint who was said to be able to devour a demigod.


Jörmungandr was a little scared, but his face was particularly tough. Eight snake heads and sixteen sun-like snake pupils were all staring at Su Chen, containing dangerous and murderous light.


"A year ago, my guards were killed because of you. Today..."

"Just kill you!"

At this moment, Su Chen made a move.

He pressed his palm downwards.


In an instant, the wind and clouds surged, and the sky of millions of miles trembled at this moment. A huge palm fell from the sky and locked onto Jörmungandr.

Jörmungandr's body was larger than the world, but under this huge palm, it looked like a twisting earthworm.

"You're looking for death!"

"You haven't even set foot on the demigod, do you really think I'm afraid of you?"

"Look at me eating you!"

Jörmungandr roared, and eight huge snake heads devoured Su Chen together.


Before he could do anything.

In an instant.

The giant palm covering the sky fell from the sky.


The thunder dragon transformed by the blue thunder and purple lightning disappeared at this moment, along with the terrifying black cloud of destruction.

After the palm fell.

After that.

In this purgatory world, there is no longer the Eastern Demon Saint King, the World Devouring Serpent, Jörmungandr!

It is dead!

And at this moment.

Su Chen is still at the stage of igniting the divine fire, and still has not responded to the response of the purgatory world, leaving a mark to become a demigod. He is still only at the level of quasi-demigod.

In this way, Su Chen's killing of Jörmungandr is still as simple as killing an ant.


The evil gods of purgatory and the ancient demon saint kings looked at each other at this moment, and all saw the horror in each other's eyes.

The power in the imagination and the power witnessed with one's own eyes are two different things.

Although they had long suspected Su Chen's strength, when all this appeared before their eyes, they still trembled in their hearts, as if they were drunk in an ice cave, and were extremely frightened.

At this moment, Su Chen didn't need to say anything harsh! These real masters of the Purgatory World had already lost their will to fight, their knees softened, and they almost knelt on the ground.

"I surrender! I surrender!"

"Don't kill me!"

At this time, an untimely and fearful voice sounded.

The demon giants looked over.

At this time.

The Gluttonous Monarch, one of the evil gods of Purgatory, had already knelt on the ground and kowtowed to Su Chen like pounding garlic. His huge body seemed particularly weak and powerless at this time.

He had already been scared out of his wits!

The war between gods millions of years ago was like this, and it is even more so now. (End of this chapter)

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