Doom: I have a fortress and a puppet army!

Chapter 190 The Strongest Demigod

The Gluttonous Lord's kneeling made many demon giants, who were already extremely frightened, feel slightly relieved, and the Seven Gods subconsciously looked at Su Chen.

They wanted to see Su Chen's reaction.

If gluttony can survive...

In that case, there is no shame in kneeling down!

"what about you?"

Su Chen did not look at the Gluttonous Lord, but instead looked at the other powerful masters. The remaining six gods looked at each other, as did the three demon saint kings.

No one spoke.

Su Chen is also very patient.


The red giant, the master of the endless sea in the north, finally couldn't stand the dead silence and silence anymore.


"I will not accompany you on this matter."

"A human being continues to be the master of the world of purgatory. This only true god, in my opinion, is just the second war of gods that will eventually usher in."

After the red giant finished speaking, he sneered and was about to leave.


Just when he was about ten kilometers away.

Su Chen snapped his fingers.


The giant palm covering the sky fell from the sky again, and even Jörmungandr could not stop it. This giant surrounded by red clouds, the master of the endless sea, naturally could not resist it either.

The next moment.

He, too, died.

The atmosphere that was originally slightly relaxed suddenly became tense again.


The second Lord of Purgatory knelt down.

"Spare your life! Spare your life!"

He is still the demigod of the Seven Lords.

He is a demigod, but his knees are softer than those of a saint and a demon. He kneels down when asked to do so.

Kneeling is the fallen god, the lazy monarch.

Su Chen didn't make a move.

At this moment, all the masters of purgatory woke up.

Even the lazy monarch who once took advantage of his authority can be let go. If he speaks like this, just kneel down and today's matter can be turned over?

In this case, falling to one's knees is nothing.


When enough power is accumulated, it will be able to start another chaos among the gods.

They cannot tolerate a true human god stepping on the heads of these unruly evil gods! This was true millions of years ago, and it is true now.

A blink of an eye.

The evil gods of purgatory and the ancient saint, the king of demons, all knelt in a row.

"Ask for your forgiveness, great true God of mankind, Lord of Purgatory!"

They spoke in low tones.


Su Chen laughed, getting louder and louder.


"So funny."

"Hahaha! Do you think I will really let you go? A group of evil demons born in purgatory, who were able to rebel once, will naturally be able to rebel a second time..."

"I was just playing tricks on you. I didn't expect that you would be so cooperative and kneel in front of me. Think about it with your brain, you have brought me so many dangers on earth, how could I let you go! "

Su Chen laughed so hard that he laughed uproariously, as if the scene in front of him was an extremely funny scene.

"Damn it!"

"Damn humans."

"How dare you play tricks on us!"

At this moment, the two kings and the seven monarchs who were still alive all became angry and burst out with ferocity. At this moment, they all took action in unison.

"Let's take action together. He has not become a demigod yet, but is a quasi-demigod. No matter how strong he is, there is a limit. Let's take action together and join forces to kill him!"

"The saints also come to contribute."


The angry monarch roared and roared.

At this moment, it turned into a huge angry monster.


"It is possible to join forces and kill him."

The other purgatory masters responded and transformed into their true colors.



The next moment.

Hundreds of giant palms covering the sky descended from the sky and continued to roar.

Look at this almost infinite giant palm.

The courage that these purgatory masters finally mustered up disappeared in an instant.

They were stunned.

" can we fight like this?"

The smoke dissipates.


In the world of purgatory, there are no more beings above the king of heaven.

Four demon kings! All seven demigod monarchs were destroyed! Together with the purgatory saints who were watching nearby, Su Chen did not let go of the fish that slipped through the net in the divine war, and eliminated them one by one.

At this moment, the endless demons in purgatory all knelt on the ground, trembling and surrendering, fearing that this great true god would return to his throne.


Su Chen sighed.

In fact.

It's not like he was stained with so much evil.

But there is no way.

He wants to end the doomsday single-handedly. This is a necessary sacrifice. Of course, the sacrifices are all his enemies!

At this moment.

Su Chen still has not left a mark and has become the demigod of this purgatory world. At this moment, the purgatory world seems to be a little confused, and there are waves of consciousness, as if he wants to ask Su Chen.

Why not become a demigod and welcome his throne! Take charge of Purgatory again and become the Lord of Purgatory, the only true god of mankind...


A small world like the earth can be created, and a person who deserves the disaster can be forcibly raised to the level of the king of heaven to protect himself.

How could this purgatory world, which had swallowed up countless worlds, not have its own consciousness?

It has always been there.

Millions of years ago.

It was he who guided his past life, and along the way, he became a true god, and as a human, he ruled many evil gods of purgatory and ascended to the highest throne.


In this life, Su Chen did not intend to do so.


"There are still family members waiting for me on Earth. In this life, I cannot become a true god, the master of this purgatory, or your slave..."

Su Chen put his palms together and said apologetically.

The next moment.

The entire purgatory world was furious.


In an instant.

A pair of angry blood-red eyes suddenly opened above the sky of the purgatory world at this moment, choosing people to devour, staring at Su Chen.

At the outbreak of the doomsday.

It was this blood-red eye that descended on the earth, carrying the cursed breath of purgatory, and was stained.

It is the will of the purgatory world.

"In this case, why do you want to kill all my purgatory masters!"

It was extremely angry.

"Sorry, sorry, I'll kill you if I want to."

"Not only that."

"I want to seal you too..."

Su Chen said with a smile, without any apology.

In an instant.

This blood eye was furious to the limit, and when it looked at Su Chen again, it was full of murderous intent.

Millions of years ago.

That war of gods was actually the will of the Purgatory World. It was instigated by the will of the Purgatory World, which noticed that Su Chen, a true human god, was hypocritical and unwilling to continue invading other Purgatory Worlds.

Otherwise, no real Purgatory Evil God would dare to face the anger of a true god.

It was with the instigation and support of the will of the Purgatory World that this war of gods could break out. Otherwise, how could a group of demigods be able to defeat a true god of a higher level.


"There is no carrier that can carry the accumulated power of your world..."

"Because I killed them all."

Su Chen said lightly.

In fact.

It was only after he ignited the divine fire that he remembered all the things about the war of gods.

The will of the Purgatory World continuously accumulated the world's power on the demigods, raising them to the level of true gods, and attacking him in turns.

After killing a false true god, the world's power accumulated immediately, and another false true god was born, and then controlled by the will of Purgatory, rushing towards him.

Even if it is a true god, he will die in battle.

The so-called four kings of demon saints, they are not some divinity destroyed by him in the war of gods, but they carried the accumulation of world power, became true gods for a short time, and survived.

The divinity was naturally destroyed in that battle.

The four of them were once powerful demigods!

The will of the Purgatory World tampered with their memories of the war of gods, making them mistakenly believe that they were just saints, saints who escaped the war of gods.

On the contrary, the seven demigods of Purgatory, the seven demigods, were the saints who escaped the war of gods by chance, and obtained the authority and divinity of the fallen demigods, and embarked on the road of demigods.

Even Su Chen's own memory was tampered with, and everything about the will of the Purgatory World was erased, as if everything was just a betrayal war started by these Purgatory Evil Gods who disobeyed him.

If Su Chen hadn't figured out this powerful authority that controls good and evil, an unprecedented authority, otherwise, this life would have repeated the same mistakes, and continued to become a pawn of the Purgatory World to erode other worlds like in the previous life.

"You are helpless."

Su Chen was laughing.


The blood eye condensed by the will of the Purgatory World was rapidly moving away.

At this moment, a sense of badness surged in Su Chen's heart.

"It shouldn't be."

"Is there any fish that slipped through the net?"

"But all the demigods, even the saints, should have been slaughtered by me in this battle..."

Su Chen's sight swept every corner of the Purgatory World. After several confirmations, he still couldn't find the shadow of other saints. He even cast his gaze on the peak king who touched the threshold of the saint.


"Could it be..."

Su Chen's face changed suddenly. For the first time, he lost his composure. His face looked extremely ugly at this moment.

He finally remembered.

What was missing!

There was still a fish that slipped through the net.

And it was a true god!

"That is..."

Su Chen looked at the end of the purgatory world. Outside the demon land, under the endless black abyss, the battlefield of the war of gods, there was a throne made of piled bones of gods.

On the throne, there was a figure.

It was...

His own true god's corpse!

If there was a carrier that could carry the accumulated power of the purgatory world, the true god's corpse in his previous life would be the best carrier.


At this moment, Su Chen tore through the space and instantly descended to the end of the purgatory world, the abyss, the battlefield of the war of gods.

At this moment.

Su Chen was still a step late.

The blood-red eyes transformed from the will of the purgatory world stared at him coldly, and the huge world power accumulated and headed towards the human corpse on the throne that had the same face as his.

On the throne, the young man, with white hair like snow and skin, was wearing a silver armor like an ancient general. He held his chin with one hand, as if he was not dead, but just sleeping.

Millions of years passed.

This corpse of a true god is still immortal.

At this moment, the wreckage trembled rapidly. Above the sky of the abyss, the blood-red eye showed a sarcastic look, and the next moment it poured into this body.

This damn ant, a disobedient servant, had rebelled last time. He gave it a second chance to reform, but it didn't cherish it.

In this case.

He would let the weak humans know the consequences of betraying him.


At this moment, above the abyss, the young man in white clothes and silver armor on the throne suddenly opened his eyes, revealing the same blood-red eyes as the one above the sky before.

At the same time.

Its breath emerged.

It was an unprecedentedly powerful demigod!

As time passed.

The accumulation of power in the Purgatory World, even if it accumulates to become a true god, it is just around the corner.

"Ant human, today I will let you see clearly how I use you in the first life to kill you in the second life!"


With bloodshot eyes and white hair, it showed a cold smile.

"It seems that I have to take this step after all..."


Su Chen sighed.

Ordinary weak demigods, like the Seven Lords of Purgatory, can be easily crushed to death with one hand, and there is no need to step into the realm of demigods, but this time is different.

This corpse is the corpse of the true god in his previous life. Although it is only half of the body at present, its horror is far beyond the reach of ordinary demigods.


At this moment, the air waves roared, and the entire Purgatory World cheered.

At this time.

Su Chen's authority merged into the divine fire, leaving a mark between heaven and earth.

At this moment, Su Chen became a demigod, with a flame robe made of divine fire condensed all over his body. He officially became a demigod who controls good and evil...

At this moment, Su Chen stepped into the abyss.


The two terrible demigods collided at this moment.

In an instant.

The entire abyss of thousands of miles, together with the battlefield of the gods under the abyss, was shattered at this moment, and it was difficult to withstand this terrible fluctuation!

The abyss was razed to the ground.

The two figures fought and collided rapidly in the storm, and fought for thousands of rounds in just a moment.

Even this piece of land at the end of Purgatory could not bear the battle between them!

Millions of years ago, the outbreak of the God War was actually in the center of the Purgatory World, but after the God War, this place became the edge of the God War...

Half of the Purgatory World was directly separated.


This huge purgatory world is only half of the most complete purgatory in the past.

"Damn it!"

"If I had known that you would be a wolf cub in your second life, I would have found a way to kill you in the bud..."

The bloodshot eyes and white hair of the purgatory will showed resentment.

Even he did not expect that the power that Su Chen had condensed and the demigod realm he had stepped into were so powerful. He was simply the most powerful demigod, without a doubt.

If his body was not the immortal corpse of a true god, he would have been beaten to death long ago. (End of this chapter)

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