Doom: I have a fortress and a puppet army!

Chapter 191 Sealing Purgatory Returning to Earth

The authority in charge of good and evil is truly unparalleled. Even the demigods created in the purgatory world are no match for Su Chen.

If the corpse descended by the will of purgatory was not the corpse of a true god, I am afraid that Su Chen would have exploded by this time.

Time flies by.

The world of purgatory has returned to peace, and the demons have returned to their appearance of conquering, killing, devouring and evolving each other.

With the disappearance of the four kings, seven monarchs, and many hidden saints, the demons in the four realms of east, west, south, and north have been peaceful for a while.

Then, a brutal fight broke out.

In order to compete for resources, countless demons fought, even the demon kings of purgatory, and they fought the hardest.

Everything in the world of purgatory is being reshuffled!

The destruction and despair that spawned gave Su Chen unparalleled strength.

It's just that while bringing this power, the authority of good and evil has become somewhat imbalanced. If this continues, Su Chen will be swallowed up by the authority of the evil god.

Under the abyss of destruction, Su Chen's struggle with the world of purgatory continues without stopping.

Purgatory Will is blessed by a steady stream of world power.

Su Chen, on the other hand, has endless destruction and despair.


"In the short term, you can indeed have the upper hand, but what happens when your authority is out of balance? Are you still the one who is devoured by the evil god's authority?"

"As long as you continue to stay in the world of purgatory, even if you come to the world of purgatory again, you will face the end of being devoured by evil gods! I am looking forward to joining forces with a group of evil gods to continue to conquer other worlds..."

Purgatory Will smiled ferociously.

at this moment.

He was finally defeated.

The speed at which the power of the world was transported could not withstand the speed of consumption. Even with the corpse of the true god, it was of no use. Finally, he ran out of power, and the will of the world wanted to withdraw from the corpse of the true god.

Just at this moment.

A long sigh sounded at this moment.

"It's so boring."

"Purgatory Will, are you always this weak?"

This voice was clearly Su Chen's. However, the voice was cold and indifferent, not filled with any emotion, as if it were from a high god.

At this moment, after hearing these words, the Purgatory Will, which had always been as stable as Mount Tai, finally changed his expression at this moment, revealing a look of fear and disbelief.


"How could it be you!"

"Didn't you die millions of years ago?"

Purgatory Will searched for the discovery of the voice, but was shocked to find that the voice came from his mouth, that is, the mouth of the true god's corpse that he now controlled.

At this time, Purgatory Will seemed to have guessed something and showed a hint of shock.

He frantically wanted to escape from the corpse of the true god.

But it simply cannot be done!

It was as if he had lost contact with the world of purgatory. He could not even control the corpse of the true god, and the power instilled in the world was exhausted in the war.

He couldn't even resist anymore.

At this moment, he was sealed in the corpse of the true god like a prisoner.

"This is a game!"

"The trap was laid millions of years ago!"

"You're not dead at all. You exploded to death again just to seal me in your body today?"

The will of Purgatory roared crazily.


Even if he wanted to do something at this time, there was nothing he could do.

after all.

Even when he was at his peak, it was extremely difficult to control this true god! He originally thought that after exhausting all the evil gods at the peak of purgatory, he finally killed this uncontrollable slave of the true god...


What I never expected was that this guy never died.

Among the ruins of the broken abyss, Su Chen was wearing monster armor with a pair of black wings behind his back. He retreated far away and looked at the silver-armored true god with white hair and blood-stained eyes warily.


Although his awakened past life memories contained sporadic images of these plots and layouts, at this moment, if he hadn't witnessed everything with his own eyes, it would still be difficult for him to believe everything.

Since the true god of purgatory in his previous life is still alive, what will happen to his reincarnated second life?


"Sealing Purgatory is what we agreed on."

"did not expect."

"It actually happened just like that."

The true god of purgatory with white hair and blood-stained eyes, who looked like Su Chen in silver armor, stretched his waist, sat back on the throne with some fatigue, and stared at Su Chen.

"Don't look at me in such surprise. The one who should be really surprised is me. According to the plan, I should wake up decades earlier than expected, and then start planning to help you grow to this point..."

"I really didn't expect that you could reach this point by yourself. It's simply appalling and unheard of."

"You know, it was only because of the support of this purgatory will that I was able to practice as a human and become the true god of purgatory step by step."

"He wanted me to check and balance the evil gods in Purgatory who were gradually getting out of control, but he didn't expect to support monsters like you and me, and directly became the only true god who was even more out of control..."

Silver-armored Su Chen, the true god of purgatory, slowly spoke.

this moment.

Su Chen remembered everything.

In fact.

In his first life, he was a human being with one body and two souls. According to earth science, he was a mental patient with split personality. He had two personalities and could be considered himself.

The two of them supported each other along the way and reached the position of true god.

Not even the will of Purgatory knows this secret.

Many evil gods in Purgatory were backstabbing, and on the eve of the God's War, he got the news, and the two of them worked together to prepare to attack the will of Purgatory.

Although the will of purgatory is not at the level of a true god, it is the embodiment of the will of this vast world of purgatory. It does not have the rank of a true god, but in terms of power, it is still above the true god.


It is also impossible to simply instill power to temporarily elevate a purgatory evil god to the level of a true god. Although it is only used as cannon fodder, there is no doubt that the will of purgatory is extremely powerful.

Even the true God is inferior.


There is this plan.

The two are separated.

One person was killed in the explosion and is waiting in this battlefield of gods, while the other person is reincarnated in a second life to attract the will of purgatory...

The last thing is this scene.

The will of purgatory exhausted its power, and was finally sealed in the body of the silver-armored Su Chen's true god corpse.

The silver-armored Su Chen is in his first life. Although he has experienced the battle between gods and suffered heavy injuries, he is still a true god and has not fallen into the rank of a true god.

As for Su Chen, in his second life, he was an extremely terrifying demigod. He could even vaguely compete with the true gods. He wielded the unprecedented power of good and evil and could be called the strongest demigod.

With the cooperation of a true god and the strongest demigod, the will of purgatory was finally sealed.


"It's incredible."

"A plan that took millions of years..."

"It's really not a loss to lose to you and others!"

Purgatory Will roared viciously, but neither of them paid any attention to him.

at this time.

There was silence in the abyss.

Whether it was the silver-armored Su Chen in the first life or the monster black-armored Su Chen in the second life, the two of them were extremely complicated for a while, and no one spoke.

After all, they are said to be the same person, but millions of years have passed, and they are already brand new people.

If you want to talk about contact.

I'm afraid only Su Chen was once the same schizophrenic person.

a long time.

In the end, it was Su Chen who broke the calm.

"I gotta go."

"The will of Purgatory has been sealed. I will separate the world of Purgatory from the earth. When the time comes, I will use my means to make the world of Purgatory go away..."

"This endless world is as vast as the bright stars in the sky. In this life, we may not see each other again."

Su Chen said slowly.

This was also his purpose from the beginning.

After igniting the divine fire and becoming the strongest demigod, Su Chen was ready to leave. He wanted to return to the earth, which was his true home.

In fact, he never thought about extraordinary evolution, becoming a god who saves the apocalypse, becoming the strongest demigod, or even the only true god in purgatory...

What he wants is actually very simple.

It’s just about being safe on earth and having a home of your own.


At the beginning, his home in Jiangcheng was destroyed. It was not until the end of the world that he regained his home.

"Is there anyone waiting for you on Earth?"

Shinjia Su Chen asked.


"Earth, there are still people waiting for me."

A touch of warmth appeared in Su Chen's eyes, and the shadow of Su Xiaoyi appeared in his heart.


After he goes back, he can settle down and run his family with Su Xiaoyi.


And Ling Xueyi, Bai Xue, Feng Yao and their families...


For him, Su Xiaoyi still comes first.

"very nice."

The cold face of the silver-armored Su Chen, who had not seen him for thousands of years, actually showed an envious look for the first time.


This is such a distant term.

It has been so long that he has almost forgotten what his home was like when he was a human child.

Even the faces of his parents were blurred.

After millions of years of time washed away, sleeping in this abyss, he only remembered that his name was Su Chen, and he was the true human god of the purgatory world, waiting to seal purgatory one day...

Silver-armored Su Chen, the true god of purgatory in his previous life, sent Su Chen out of the abyss. If he went further, he would not be able to step out.

Because he was still seriously injured and could not move too far away from the abyss, in that battle between gods, his vitality was truly seriously injured, and even a true god could not recover from it.

Su Chen is about to leave purgatory and return to earth.

this moment.

Suddenly remembering something, Su Chen turned his head towards the abyss. He pointed at the guards in front of him and the light and shadow pattern of the fortress, and couldn't help but ask.

"What's going on?"

"In my mind, there are no memories of past lives like these things. Did you prepare this for me? What is this?"

Su Chen asked.

It can be said.

In this doomsday earth, until now, if it were not for this guard and the fortress, he might not be able to leave the earth until now.

Let alone becoming a demigod, even if the apocalypse breaks out, he may not be able to survive it, let alone his extraordinary evolution in the future, all the way to the level of the strongest demigod!

Even, Su Chen felt that there was still a realm above the True God.

As long as he can get the origin of the true god, he can directly devour and evolve and become a true god; if he can get the origin above the true god, then he will be above the true god...

The ability he was given was far from reaching the upper limit of use.


"What are you talking about?"

"I don't quite understand what you mean. There is nothing in front of you."

The silver-armored Su Chen frowned and looked at the place that Su Chen was pointing at carefully. He even used his true god's senses, but still couldn't find anything.

"Speaking of which, I'm a little sorry."

"The means I prepared should have been delivered to you when the apocalypse broke out, but unfortunately, I didn't wake up until now, and I slept for more than ten years."

"These means of preparation have not been used, nor have they been given to you..."


"As a matter of fact."

"I'm also very curious about how you became so powerful in less than ten years, and what are the guards you created..."

"Their life essence is a bit strange, like..."

When Shinjia Su Chen said this, he fell silent and stopped talking.

To this.

Su Chen was not curious, but looked at the two icons in front of him with a strange expression.

he wondered.

He's not a time traveler, and this thing isn't a panel. It can't be the golden finger he has for no apparent reason. This isn't some online world.

In this way, Su Chen left purgatory and returned to earth.

After leaving purgatory.

His divine mark is in the world of purgatory.

Therefore, after Su Chen arrived on Earth, his own powers of good and evil were directly suppressed, and he transformed back into a saint-level life.

After he completely divided the world of purgatory and the earth.

With the departure of the world of purgatory.

The authority of good and evil in Su Chen's body seemed to be sealed at this moment, and fell silent. If he hadn't been born as a saint on earth, he might not even be able to maintain his status as a saint.

After the world of purgatory is gone.


Su Chen, in silver armor, looked far away in the direction of the earth, frowned, and finally finished the last sentence he had not finished.

"Their life essence is so strange, so strange that it makes it difficult for me to speak, for fear of being overheard by them..."

"Their life essence is a bit strange, like...a true god..."

"But how could such a weak true god be born in this world, and there are still so many of them, and they still follow a weak human being..."

The other side.


Su Chen returned to the fortress and looked at the end of the world and the rebuilding of a new world of human civilization on the ruins. He held Su Xiaoyi in his arms.

"it's all over."

"This time, I won't go anywhere and will stay with you."

"And you, of course."

Feeling a chill behind her, Su Chen quickly looked behind him and smiled.

Behind him are Feng Yao, Ling Xueyi and others. (End of chapter)

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