Doom: I have a fortress and a puppet army!

Chapter 20: Yellow Hair Reappears

Security booth.

Su Chen looked at the monitor. The monitor in the cafeteria had just gone completely black, and nothing could be seen.

The pig-headed monster encountered the injured level 3 armored monster and fought with it.

In a short period of time, it is afraid that it will not be able to get away.

But with the size of the pig-headed monster and its special ability to hack and kill, it will not be a big problem to encounter this injured level 3 armored zombie.

Metal creatures, extraordinary life, no vital points, armored monsters lack means to fight against the enemy, and even if the pig-headed monster is not an opponent, it will not be crushed.


I don’t know if it is an illusion.

Just now, when the monitor was not turned off.

The logo on the head of this armored monster was not the orange logo of level 3, but the peak level 2 logo of brilliant blue light.

This kind of blazing light can only be regarded as level 3.

Not level 2.

But it should be a mistake.

Because the next moment, when the monitor was turned off, the dazzling orange level 3 logo appeared again.

"That's right."

"There must be survivors. In order to collect supplies, they went to the cafeteria or the cafeteria store to collect."

"How could the armored zombies let go of a place that can nourish so many level 1 zombies?"

"He hasn't even got a zombie crystal core yet, but a high-end combat force has been held back."

Su Chen rubbed his eyebrows, feeling a little headache.

However, there is also good news.

On another monitor, the fine steel guard walking in the teaching building was already covered with weapons.

They were all collected by him in the high school club along the way. There were martial arts spears, sharpened martial arts swords, and even a slender eight-sided Han sword from somewhere.

These three weapons were the most important to Su Chen.

Others, such as baseball bats and kitchen knives, were not taken seriously by Su Chen. Even if he created a guard, what kind of killing power could a baseball bat have.

I'm afraid that after hitting the zombies twice, they would be corroded and broken. If it were a mace made of alloy steel, Su Chen would still be interested.

As for the kitchen knife, Su Chen thought of the pig-headed monster.

When it was created, the kitchen knife was completely useless, and its combat power relied entirely on its one-ton huge body to push horizontally.

However, the martial arts spear, martial arts long sword, and eight-sided Han sword, the guards created by the ground, should be quite effective.


There was a roar of a car.

Su Chen poked his head out of the security booth and looked towards the place where the car roared, and suddenly saw a familiar car.

It was an Audi, and there was a red ribbon wrapped on it by Su Chen himself.

But this Audi car now looks very miserable, with dents everywhere, and the right rear door was broken by something.

The broken door swayed in the wind, dragged on the ground, and soon broke on the ground.

In the car, the driver was a yellow-haired man.

There was a spider web-like scarlet mark on his face, proving that he had survived the evolution process and was also a level 1 strength evolver.

In the back seat, there were two women in their 17s and 18s, also wearing steel factory uniforms, sitting on the front passenger seat.

Behind the Audi, there were three agile zombies that could leap five meters and chased them at high speed.

They were both level 1 zombies, and the power zombies were almost common. The agile zombies, on the contrary, became dangerous characters for the evolvers.

Most of the evolvers nowadays were power-oriented, and the crystal cores of the power zombies were easier to obtain.


"Your car is mine."

"You drove away without telling me last time."

Su Chen stuck his head out and couldn't help but say something.

In the field of vision.

The three agile zombies all had the 1 logo on their heads, which was not too bright. Obviously, they were only level 0 zombies before.

The danger was not too great.

He still had a crossbow female warrior in his pocket. He had killed the level 2 agile zombies. How could he be afraid of the level 1 agile zombies?

It was because he saw that there was no danger and met familiar people and cars that Su Chen showed up.

"Damn it."

"This zombie is haunting me."

"I'm so unlucky. I finally became a power evolver and caught a new girl. Before I could taste her, I met a dangerous weirdo..."

The yellow-haired man cursed and looked gloomy.

Unlike Su Chen in the forum, who listed agile zombies and power zombies as level 1 zombies.

In the Jiangcheng forum, Dr. Su set the danger level of power zombies to three stars, calling them deformed zombies, with deformed muscles and flesh and blood zombies. They are two or three meters tall and can kill ordinary people like chickens. This is also appropriate.

Agile zombies are called weirdos. They crawl on the wall like spiders, as if they were walking on flat ground. They can jump five meters and three meters at a time. They can also act with zombie dogs, dig holes and sneak attacks, and break into windows. It is more appropriate to call them weirdos.

The danger level of weirdos is directly maxed out, five stars.

Compared to the titles of strength zombies and agility zombies, the local survivors in Jiangcheng are more willing to accept the titles made up by Dr. Su.

As for the acid zombies, they are covered in blood and are all strong sulfuric acid. They are called bloodbaths, which are one level higher than the strength zombies, four stars.

"But speaking of it, the doomsday is really cool. I can get whichever woman I want first, and if I don't get it, I will just kill her."

"Men, I caught them as my little brothers and used them to attract zombies. They are all used up."

"I really don't want to give them up."

The yellow-haired man showed a perverted smile, held the steering wheel, and kicked the woman in the passenger seat next to him.


"I slept with you."

"Why are you still doing this to me..."

The pretty girl was kicked out of the car with the door in fear, attracting the attention of two agile zombies.


She screamed miserably.

The two agile zombies stopped chasing her, scrambled to pry open her skull, and ate her alive.

Not long after.

A flesh-and-blood zombie stood up staggeringly.

Behind the Audi, there was another strange species chasing, and it could eat anything.

"Get off."

The yellow-haired man's face was distorted, and he kept reaching out, trying to grab the girl in the back seat and throw her down, but he was bitten instead.

The girl huddled up in fear.

"Damn it."

"You bitch, I haven't deflowered you yet, but you don't know how powerful I am. When I'm safe, I'll kill you."

"I'll kill you, strip you naked, and throw you into the zombie pile, so you know the consequences of not stopping me."

The yellow-haired man looked crazy and twisted. Seeing that he couldn't throw the girl down, he looked around.


He saw a head popping out of the security booth of Chiyang High School in front of him. He stepped on the accelerator and rushed towards Chiyang High School.

"Got it."

"I found the scapegoat."

"As long as I kill this guy and fill the stomach of the strange species, I can run away."

"There's not even a trace of evolution on his face. He's just a strong little security guard. Haha, I'm afraid any level 0 zombie will scare him to death."


"He'll be the scapegoat."

He used this method many times along the way.

It works every time.

Just feed the zombies with human lives.

The yellow-haired man showed a sinister smile, reached for his waist, and actually pulled out a bloodstained, black pistol, who was stolen from nowhere.

"This yellow-haired man deserves death."

"He drove my car, not only broke it, but also did something unpleasant to see, and I was caught in it."

In the security booth, Su Chen narrowed his eyes and walked out.

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