Doom: I have a fortress and a puppet army!

Chapter 21 Do you dare to kill someone?

Su Chen witnessed with his own eyes the scene where Huang Mao pushed the girl out of the car. Although he had known for a long time that this was the early stage of the apocalypse when order was gradually collapsing.

This kind of thing will keep happening.

But he was still unhappy. ,


"This is my car."

"Having my car for someone like you is a taint for me."

Su Chen walked out of the security booth and said something, as if he was looking for a reason to kill himself.

After all, it is murder.

Even if it's the end of the world, Su Chen doesn't want to have a bad conscience.

"Coming out?"


"An ordinary security guard really doesn't understand the sinister nature of people in the apocalypse. In this case, don't blame me."

"It just so happens that I can save a bullet. The Jockey Club is right here at the security booth, fucking this stinky bitch..."

Huang Mao smiled evilly and stepped on the accelerator.

The car roars!

Galloping towards Su Chen.


Facing a speeding car, it is possible to be smashed into a pulp.

But Su Chen didn't move.

He figured it out.

"What's the reason for killing?"

"It's the end!"

"If you make me unhappy and want to kill you, I will kill you."

Facing the car, under Su Chen's leather armor, nearly a hundred flesh and blood fibers spread instantly and condensed into flesh and blood armor.

Su Chen stretched out his palm and headed towards the speeding car in front of him.


"It's good not to hide."

Huang Mao smiled ferociously.


His ferocious smile disappeared, and he felt as if the car had hit a copper wall. The huge inertia caused him to smash the windshield on the spot and fly out of the window.

It's all doomed.

Who even wears a seat belt?

The girl in the back seat was fastened, so she was fine. Huang Mao flew out of the car with blood on his face and rolled in front of Su Chen.

Huang Mao clearly saw that the front hood of the Audi car was smoking. Su Chen pressed his palm on it, leaving a clear five-finger fingerprint.

"What the hell?"

"Is this still power that humans can have?"

"Even a level 1 power zombie can't do this. Could it be that he is a level 2 power evolution? That's not right. Why doesn't his face have the unique lines of an evolved person?"

Huang Mao was so frightened that he almost went crazy.

An ordinary security guard who thought he could be pinched to death at will turned out to be a level 2 evolution boss who was ahead of most of the evolvers in Jiangcheng.

"Boss, there's a pretty girl in my car. I'm giving it to you. Do you like her?"

Huang Mao showed a flattering smile.

He looked like he wanted to be Su Chen's younger brother.


next moment.

He instantly pulled out the pistol from his waist and was about to pull the trigger.

"What bullshit level 2 evolution? I don't believe you can strengthen your brain. I'll send you home with just one bullet."

Level 1 evolution only increases strength and physical fitness. Level 2 evolution is not much stronger. It cannot withstand bullets and can only rely on steel plate armor or something.

But Su Chen is not on a normal evolutionary path.

He is the extraordinary path to directly plunder zombie characteristic materials! Not to mention evolved, he is far better than the so-called awakened ones.

"too slow."

Before Huang Mao could pull the trigger, Su Chen jumped three meters and came to his side in an instant. Under Huang Mao's horrified gaze, he broke his palm.


"This speed, this power...Level 3 evolution?"

Huang Mao let out a shrill scream. This time he was really frightened and went crazy. He pulled out the machete from his waist.

He didn't slash at Su Chen.

Instead, he chopped off his broken arm, dragged the blood all over the floor, and ran like crazy into the depths of Alder High School.


Whoosh whoosh!

A small figure appeared in Su Chen's pocket, he raised his crossbow and fired several arrows.


Huang Mao's hamstring was broken.

"Forgive me."

"Boss, I can be your little brother. I will grab many women for you in these last days."

"If you spare me, I will be your most loyal horse boy. In this zombie apocalypse, how can the boss not have any subordinates?"

Looking at Su Chen approaching, Huang Mao burst into tears.

Su Chen picked up his mobile phone.

Open Tieba.

ID: I am the craziest.

Click to comment.

They were all slandering him under the experience post.

The black man in the steel factory.

Su Chen was finally caught.

"Little Heizi."

"It's really you."

"People like ID are really crazy."

Su Chen looked at Huang Mao, who was crying bitterly, and said lightly.

"Do you know my post bar ID?"

Huang Mao was stunned.

Then, his eyes became frightened.

"Are you the boss?"


It’s no wonder that on the first day of the apocalypse, he had level 1 evolution and could kill level 1 power zombies alone. Only this boss could reach the threshold of level 3 evolution in just three or four days at the end of the world.

"Spare me, boss, I shouldn't have insulted you and scolded you on Tieba."

Huang Mao cried bitterly and regretted his mistake.

To know.

This is a real boss, he doesn't dare to say anything negative.


"Taking advantage of the end of the world and the collapse of order, you became an evolver and had a lot of fun! Do you really think you are the master?"

Su Chen opened the photo album coldly and saw several videos of the murder of colleagues in the steel refinery, as well as slightly bloody videos.

"You really deserve to die."

"It's not wrong to kill him."

Su Chen put aside his yellow hair and walked towards the Audi car. The girl who was huddled in the car got out of the car timidly, showing no joy at being rescued.

"come over."

Su Chen waved.

The girl hesitated a little, but still walked over and took off her clothes. With tears in her eyes, she knelt on the ground unfamiliarly and pulled the belt of Su Chen's pants.


Su Chen slapped the woman.

"Why are you taking off my pants?"

The girl was stunned for a moment, a little at a loss.

Now the end.

A strong man.

Call her over.

Don't you just want to do this, play something exciting?

Did she meet a good guy?

Su Chen picked up the shirt on the ground, threw it on the girl, and tightened the belt back silently.

"Dare you kill someone?"

"kill him."

Su Chen threw the pistol to the girl.

A gun is a murder weapon.

This girl is considered a stranger. The flesh and blood fibers under Su Chen's skin have condensed, ready to resist bullets at any time.

In his pocket, the small figure also raised its crossbow and aimed at the girl.

If the girl acted strangely or went crazy, the crossbow female warrior would immediately execute her.

This girl seems to have a brain problem.

Have to guard against it.

Su Chen praised his wit.

"Have I met a good person?"

The girl put on her clothes at a loss, her eyes filled with tears, and she couldn't help crying when she thought of what she had seen along the way.

I met really good people.

Mom and Dad.

"Ask me again, do you dare to kill someone?"

Su Chen asked again.


The girl looked at the blood-stained pistol in front of her and instinctively wanted to shrink back, but she still clenched the pistol and said something.

"Who do you want me to kill?"

In the pocket, a small figure popped out, and the crossbow was loaded, ready to aim and shoot at any time.

"come over."

Su Chen waved and led the girl to Huang Mao, who was lying on the ground and crawling forward miserably.

"Kill him and show me your determination."

No hesitation.

The girl pulled the trigger.

No movement.

"Open insurance first."

Su Chen hid behind the girl, guiding the other party, taking her hand with both hands and holding the handle of the gun tightly.

"Keep your hand steady, turn on the safety, and then pull the trigger."

"The recoil of the gun is strong, so be careful."

Feeling the strong breath behind her, the girl felt a sense of security for the first time, and her heart was beating fast.

"You bitch, do you dare to kill me?"

"I protected you all the way."

"Oh shit."

Huang Mao yelled and cursed.


The bullet penetrated Huang Mao's head, and blood and brain matter spattered all over the girl.

As for Su Chen?

He had already stayed away.

How could blood be so dirty on his body? You know, he had just taken a shower in the fortress.

"Okay, good."

Su Chen nodded.


The girl stammered.

Handed the gun back.

Su Chen didn't answer because it wasn't finished yet.

far away.

The strange species that had been chasing Huang Mao earlier, the agile zombies, were looking at everything in a timid manner from a distance, making hissing sounds, but they didn't dare to get close at all.

Su Chen looked at it. The girl looked at the ferocious Qixingzhong, her body trembled slightly, and the fear struck again.

Hunting it, she couldn't.

She is so scared!

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