"This is it."

Green Osmanthus Garden.

Su Xiaoyi, riding a centaur female knight, with a small figure holding a crossbow and shooting on her shoulders.

Clean up all the way.

Level 1 zombies are not an enemy in one go.

That is, level 2 zombies, which can stop them for a while.


There are still not many level 2 zombies after all.

They arrived at the 15th building.

Take the elevator.

Came to 704.

at this time.

In front of the door of 704, the corridor is broken, and spider-like Level 2 strange species at both ends are climbing on the wall and corroding the special alloy door of 704.

A Level 2 aberrant was beating the special alloy door continuously, leaving fist marks one after another.

There were body parts and fragments everywhere near the corridor.

There was a metal man, half of his body was torn off, but he was still struggling to survive with just one breath.

"Are you Mr. Su Gogou?"

"I didn't expect that Boss Su Gogou was actually a woman."

Mo Qing struggled to get up.


The female crossbow warrior shot out an arrow and nailed Mo Qing's metal arm to the cement floor.

The firearm hidden under him was revealed.

He just wanted to attack Su Xiaoyi with a gun.

"This fat bastard, in the early days of the apocalypse, if Qilin and Momo hadn't rescued him together, he would have either starved to death or been fed to zombies."

"Without us, how will he, a powerless psychic, survive in the end of the world?"

"How dare he backstab us, how dare he backstab us!"

"If you want to save him, you will die!"

Mo Qing roared, his expression distorted.

His ability to metalize finally came around.

For a while.

Blood flowed.

It looked like he was no longer alive.

Three level 2 zombies sniffed and smelled the smell of flesh, blood and brains, and rushed over like crazy.

"I'm here to kill him."

Su Xiaoyi said a word.

It made Mo Qing's expression particularly exciting.

Before death.

He threw out a brass key.

"Kill him for me."

Take the key.

The three level 2 zombies also finished eating, leaving corrosive saliva, and stared at Su Xiaoyi again.

a long time.

The crossbow lady, who transformed into a Valkyrie, pulled out the giant crossbow from the corpses of the two strange species.

The aberrant one looked at the battlefield and actually retreated.

Key inserted.

Special alloy door, open.

A girl moaned in pain.

inside the house.

There are many young girls without clothes, all tied with thick hemp ropes, lying or kneeling in humiliating postures, with empty and numb eyes.

There are some marks on the body that may or may not be dry.

Obviously, these girls have been humiliated here for more than a day or two. Not to mention Dr. Su, I am afraid that other teammates are also involved.

The doomsday order collapses.

This kind of thing is completely normal.

Dr. Su, who was humiliating the girl like a fat pig in heat, hurriedly put on his pants and wanted to run away.

But when it became clear that the person who came in was not a monster, I was immediately overjoyed.

"Are you the boss?"

Su Xiaoyi looked at the disheveled girl in the room with angry eyes.

"Aren't you a boss?"


"It seems like what I guessed. The big boss doesn't like my place. In this end of the world, there must be a better team."

Dr. Su, my heart is burning.

The team is great.

In this way, his non-combat ability can enjoy better safety treatment.

The boss is the boss.

With just a few men under his command, he can deal with the aberrants and strange species. These level 2 monsters are truly worthy of being at the forefront of evolution.

"Why are you staring at me?"

"I am a rare person with the ability to communicate at a distance. After joining the team, I will definitely be above you."

"The intelligence benefits I can bring are definitely beyond your imagination. Hurry up and send me to the boss's safe house."

Dr. Su, put on his pants and urged.

According to his communication with other people with similar abilities, people with abilities like his are extremely popular.

It can be said to be the safest profession.

The status is still high.

Dr. Su, think about it.

When Boss Su Gogou's team gets a foothold, he must find a way to seize power and win over a group of his own team members by relying on poor information.

By the time.

There is a more powerful awakening organization, and if he gets closer, he relies on his ability anyway, and he has a lot of information...

Just when Dr. Su was thinking about the future.

Su Xiaoyi pinched his head.


Dr. Su's head was crushed alive by her strength.

"The boss's order is to kill you."

Su Xiaoyi said indifferently.

A fragment of azure light penetrated into her body as expected. Now she has the ability to communicate at a distance.

As for the centaur female knight and the crossbow lady, they were shrinking.

In just a short while.

I collected 5 level 2 crystal cores, and more than 10 level 1 crystal cores. Together they are almost enough to give birth to 2 level 2 guards.

"You are safe."

Su Xiaoyi stretched out her hand to touch the girl who was tortured to the point of numbness in the room.


"Get away!"

Building 704 collapsed.

A huge skeleton zombie with corrosive flames all over its body corroded from the roof all the way to the seventh floor, and was still falling downwards.

Acid water zombies.

An advanced version of Level 2 Bloodbath.

Level 3 Corroded Bone Corpse.

The building collapsed.


From the 7th floor upwards, all the high-rise buildings of more than ten floors collapsed.

In the sky full of smoke and dust.

The female centaur knight ran at a high speed, grabbed Su Xiaoyi who was still in a daze, and rushed forward with the female crossbow warrior who was leading the way in front.

On the female centaur knight, Su Xiaoyi looked behind her and vaguely saw the roof of the building not far away.

There was a figure facing the siege of several five-meter monsters.

Level 3 Erosion Flame Skeleton Corpse.

Just one of them.

There was also a level 3 distorted giant monster, a level 3 mutant freak species like a giant spider.

Su Xiaoyi is back.

The female centaur knight was carrying a broken special alloy door.

It was the one that Dr. Su had.

She resisted three level 2 monsters and was fine for a long time. The female centaur knight thought it should be a good thing.

"Fulfilled the mission."

Su Xiaoyi was about to hand over the ability fragment.

Su Chen waved his hand.

He just needs to hide behind the scenes.

Su Xiaoyi is enough for this kind of intelligence gathering and exposure.

"Gangzi just brought the drone."

"Just in time."

Weighing it, Su Chen felt it was very light, so light that it was not proportional to its huge size.

The arm made of muscle knots and flesh fibers punched on it again and again.

After a while, it left some marks on it.

Su Chen's eyes were even brighter.


"Light and strong."

"This is the best choice for my seventh drone guard."

Su Chen was like finding a treasure.

Without hesitation.

Made it.

"Level 0 special guard production, it takes 4 energy to activate, do you want to make it?"

Special guards are equivalent to being born with their own characteristics.

The mechanical policewoman has the characteristic of firepower.

This seventh drone guard must have the characteristic of flying.

No doubt.

4 points of energy, custom-made flying guards, absolutely worth the money.


Su Chen's energy points were only 40.5.

The seventh guard was born.

With smooth hair, wearing a flight suit, 1.3 meters tall, like a little girl, with dragonfly flying wings on his back.

The new seventh guard stood at attention and gave Su Chen a standard military salute.

"Commander, your pilot salutes you."

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