Chapter 31 Birth of lv.2

The iron door forged with special alloy steel disappeared.

The drone also disappeared.

In the sky.

A 1.3-meter-tall flying loli is soaring, almost 100 meters above the ground.

This height is already her limit.

But it is enough.

In Jiangcheng, the tallest building is only 25 stories high, just approaching a height of 100 meters.

If Jiangcheng had not produced flying zombie beasts, then the flying guards would be absolutely safe.

After all.

It is impossible for a monster to jump a hundred meters high and accurately hunt down a flying guard.

"Maybe a level 4 monster can do it."

"But the strongest monster in Jiangcheng is only level 3 now."

With the birth of the flying guard, the characteristics of the flying guard's promotion to lv.1 were also revealed to Su Chen.

lv.0【Flying Guard】(0/5)→lv.1(Available characteristics: Vision Sharing/Flight Acceleration)

These two are auxiliary characteristics.

One is for reconnaissance.

One is for running away.

For Su Chen, both are very useful, and he wants them both, but he can only choose one.

He thought about it.

Shared vision may be more in line with his plan to survive the doomsday.

Without hesitation.

Su Chen upgraded the loli pilot.

The fastest record of his subordinates to reach lv.1 was achieved.


There are only 35.5 energy points left.

It is not enough to give birth to a lv.2.


Gangzi and other guards will be back soon.

There should be some gains.

The lv1 flying loli has not changed, and the change appeared here in Su Chen.

In his field of vision.

There is an additional light curtain.

It shows everything in the flying loli's field of vision.

Looking down from a height of 100 meters.

Jiangcheng is in full view.

In the distance.

In the resettlement area.

In the high-rise.

There are still many surviving people.

They looked at the strange humans who suddenly appeared in the sky with some fear, and did not dare to act rashly.

Simply counted.

There are still many survivors in the resettlement area.

He saw that there were more than a hundred households with survivors hiding.

"That's right."

"The zombies that can break into the house are at least a group of level 1 zombies, or a zombie tide, or a lone level 2 monster..."

"As long as you don't come out, it's still safer on the upper floors because of the solid concrete walls."

"Of course, all this is based on sufficient supplies."

"According to the living habits of the Commonwealth, no one will save too many supplies and keep them at home."

Seven days.

Seven days at most.

All the survivors' supplies will be exhausted.

By then.

No matter how reluctant they are, all the survivors will go out of the house and fight with zombies or their own kind to snatch daily necessities.

Zombies evolve by eating human brains and flesh and blood.

Seven days after the doomsday.

Evolved zombies will inevitably explode.

"Seven days?"

"What day is it now?"

Su Chen took out his mobile phone and checked the time.

August 5th.

It was past 11pm.

This was the fifth day of the doomsday outbreak, almost the sixth day.

Su Chen was a little dazed.

It turned out that only five days had passed.

He thought it had been five months.


The experiment was over.

The flying guards descended from the sky and saluted Su Chen at attention.

"Commander, the review is over. Please issue new instructions."

During this time.

Gangzi, the RoboCop, and other hunting guards also came back.

The harvest was not much.

It was not little either.

There was only one level 2 crystal core hunted by Gangzi, which was a level 2 anomaly, that is, an agile zombie that was easier to hunt among the level 2.

There were quite a few level 1 crystal cores.

There were seventeen or eight.

They were all power zombies that were easy to hunt.

"There are some here, too, looted from Dr. Su."

Su Xiaoyi handed over three level 2 crystal cores.

Level 1 crystal cores.

Lost in the chaos.

There is only a level 2 crystal core, which she keeps in her personal collection.

Upgrade the aircraft guard to level 1.

Energy points, only 35.5 left.

The level 2 crystal cores in Dr. Su's hands are not clean, they are all inferior crystal cores, which are probably similar to those obtained by Su Chen.

They are all obtained by killing level 2 evolvers.

Level 2 inferior crystal cores like this can only get 5 energy, which is a little more than level 1 medium quality crystal cores.

But it is better than nothing.

Three level 2 inferior crystal cores, get 15 energy points.

One level 2 abnormal crystal core, get 8 energy points.

Seventeen or eighteen power zombie crystal cores, plus a few level 1 crystal cores taken from Jiang Xu, a total of twenty.

Twenty level 1 crystal cores, get 30.5 energy points

Energy: 35.5+15+8+30.5=89.

To get two lv.2 guards, it is still not enough, there is still 11 energy points, that is, at least one level 2 deformer's crystal core, or 4 level 1 mutants.

Level 2 deformers are much more ferocious than 4 mutants.

The latter is easier.

In Su Chen's mind, he constructed a map of Jiangcheng.


On the road to Chiyang High School, he thought of a place where mutants might be entrenched.

That is the flower and bird market.

It is said to be a flower and bird market, but in fact, the most popular items sold are cats and dogs.

Cats and dogs become zombies.

Whether the ratio is fifty to one, a corpse-turned-beast is born.

Su Chen didn't know.

But it took so long for the apocalypse to break out.

There must be no shortage of level 1 alienated beasts in that pet street.

"Before that."

Su Chen looked at the pig-headed monster with pits on its body and rust and debris falling from it.

The pig-headed monster was seriously injured.

There is no way to heal just by eating scrap metal.

That rusty sword seemed to carry an incurable curse, which had been eroding the pig-headed monster, making the pig-headed monster's condition worse and worse.

If this continues, the pig-headed monster may die.

Metal creations are not immortal creations, they are just stronger than physical life.

Without hesitation.

Fifty energy consumption.

The energy becomes 39.

Characteristics, choose to kill.


The pig-headed monster, which was sitting slumped in the corner, breathless and depressed, let out a clear roar.

A ball of bloody brilliance enveloped its body.


Not only did his figure not expand, but it contracted.

The body that was originally nearly three meters tall and resembled a walking house has now grown to two meters tall.

The two machetes merged into one machete.

His eyes turned red.


The pig-headed monster slashed.

Fast as the wind.

Next to it, a Hummer was cut into two pieces on the spot and exploded.

His boar tusks also became sharper.

It looks more and more like a terrifying level 3 monster.

The terrifying aura on his body cannot be compared to the level 3 aberrant controlled by the parasitic zombie.

"Greetings to my lord."

The pig-headed monster that could only growl and growl finally made a sound, and its agility improved a lot.

Bend your knees half-kneeling.

He couldn't control his body like the first time and fell to the ground funny.


Su Chen responded.

He led the huge team of guards under his command and headed towards the flower and bird market.

In this little river city.

Except for the old city, there are only a handful of monsters that can threaten Su Chen.

There are also level 3 monsters under him.

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