Zombies speak?

How is it possible.

Fang Xiaoya was horrified and could not help but step back.

Even Su Xiaoyi was stunned, and for a moment she was a little surprised.

Can a level 3 zombie awaken wisdom?

Doesn't that mean.

Human pills?

"Can you, a monster, speak?"

Su Chen's eyes moved.

The next moment.

The Guards Corps advanced the front line.

He hid behind the pig-headed monster without making a sound.

Even Gangzi clenched his fierce teeth, and dozens of twisted black chains under his feet were ready to attack this intelligent zombie at any time.


"I am... a human... why can't I speak..."

"It's you... I've always felt strange... not a zombie... why do you have... I feel the breath of the same kind..."

The skinny old man, a parasitic zombie with sharp fangs, muttered.

Can speak.

Intelligent zombie.

Conscious of being a human.

There is a parasitic zombie on his body that feels like the same kind.

He also likes to eat zombie crystal cores.


Su Chen just remembered.

In his fortress, there is a similar zombie.

But this zombie is too weak, so weak that it feels like it is not even level 1, and has no ability.

He suspected that it was Xiao Xiaoxiao, the intelligent zombie.

But Xiao Xiaoxiao is very different from the weird parasitic zombie in front of him.

Strength is only part of it.

In addition.

Xiao Xiaoxiao, after putting on clothes, really doesn't look like a zombie at all. It's more like a sexy zombie queen in cosplay.

On the contrary.

This parasitic zombie has black pupils, blood, rotten stench, rotten flesh, and festering face, revealing two rows of sharp fangs like a beast.

He can also control zombies.

At first glance, he is a vicious zombie thug.

"Is it really based on appearance?"

"If it was this old zombie that came out of the safe, I'm afraid I would have scattered his ashes at the first moment."

Su Chen didn't say anything.

For a while.

In Chiyang High School, there were shadows of corpses. From the dark corners, there were shriveled and abnormal zombies crawling out.

They were all level 1 and level 2 zombies.

Level 1 zombies accounted for the majority.

There were only two or three level 2 zombies.

These zombies were in good fighting strength. There was no parasitic zombie digging open their skulls to eat the crystal core. Instead, their pupils were all the same as it, as black as ink.

These zombies were controlled by parasitic zombies.

For a while.

In Chiyang High School, there was a tendency to confront Su Chen's guards.

"What do you mean?"

"We are all human beings. Why are you surrounding me?"

Su Chen asked.

"Yes... You surround me first..."

Even though he was surrounded, Su Chen did not call back Gangzi, who was equivalent to a level 3 monster.

Can an assassin who revealed his tracks still be called an assassin?

After upgrading.

Gangzi, who was strengthened again, had his stealth characteristics strengthened again. He stood in the dark behind the parasitic zombie for a long time without being noticed by the parasitic zombie.

If there was only one level 3 parasitic zombie, Gangzi would be fully confident of killing it instantly.

Even if he could not kill it instantly, he could seriously injure the parasitic zombie.


The Iron Pig Head advanced like a tank.

A level 3 crystal core must be obtained.

What a pity.

The parasitic zombie is not just one person.

A level 3 mutant.

Su Chen even had some doubts.

Can this mutant fight against two level 3 monsters alone?

Thinking about it.

Seeing that there is still room for negotiation.

Su Chen still did not decide to go head-to-head with the parasitic zombie, and he was ready to withdraw.

He roughly estimated the direction.

Feng Yao, if she hasn't moved, is probably on the roof of the first-year high school building.

Su Chen said to the flying guard behind him.


"Bring the humans there to me."


"These humans... are all food for my zombies... You can't take them away..."

The parasitic zombie thought that Su Chen wanted to rescue the humans of Chiyang High School, and suddenly became anxious and roared.

Beside it, except for the most powerful mutant, the rest of the zombies under his control, whether level 2 or level 1, roared together.

This discovery made Su Chen's eyes move again.

The parasitic zombie seemed unable to completely control this powerful level 3 mutant?

If that was true.

He would accept the crystal core of this zombie thug with a smile.

"Aren't you a human?"

"Why don't you help humans escape, but use them as food to feed zombies?"

"You still say you are a human. You have clearly chosen the zombie camp, but you still claim to be a human. It's ridiculous."

The parasitic zombie looked ferocious, and his sharp fangs rubbed for a while, as if he could no longer pretend.

After he became a zombie, he did retain some human memories, but he felt more like a zombie.

A zombie with human consciousness.

It was with this consciousness that he knew the habits, language, and behavior of humans. He hunted many awakened people and powerful evolutionists.

He dug out the brains of these powerful humans and successfully captured this powerful mutant.

However, this powerful mutant needs to be fed with fresh human brains regularly.


This powerful mutant will attack him, dig open his skull and eat his brain.

There are still survivors in Chiyang High School, all of which are the mutant rations it prepared.


The flying guard came back carrying a female high school student.

Feng Yao.

"Thank you."

Feng Yao looked at the confrontation between the metal monsters and the zombie monsters with some fear.

After thinking for a while.

She moved closer to Su Chen and wanted to hide behind him.

"Another bitch..."

Su Xiaoyi looked at Feng Yao, who had a young face and a huge body, and her teeth were almost broken.

Without hesitation, she pulled her to her side.

"If you don't want to be kicked, be more conscious."


If Feng Yao went over, Su Chen would definitely kick her without hesitation.

After all, they just met.

So close, who knows if she has a weapon and wants to sneak attack him.

Although he came here to rescue her, it doesn't mean that they are familiar with each other and have a good relationship.

"Let's go."

The powerful guards slowly moved away from Chiyang High School with Su Chen as the center.

In the teaching building of Chiyang High School, a group of young students frantically held banners to attract Su Chen's attention.

Su Chen saw it, but did not rescue.

If only one human was taken away, the parasitic zombies would turn hostile. If all were rescued.

There would definitely be a fight.

It's not the time yet.

The parasitic zombies can be called the zombie monarchs. Not only do they still have human wisdom, but they can also control zombies now.


"See how long you can be arrogant."

"The tide of disaster will burst out in the next two days, and the whole Jiangcheng will fall. I am a zombie, and the zombie monsters will not attack me."

"You are a human, and the same kind of people standing in the human camp are already dead!"

The parasitic zombie sneered.

It didn't stutter at all when it spoke. It had done so on purpose just now, pretending to be weak in front of Su Chen.

It was a pity that Su Chen didn't do anything.


It had to dissect this human awakener who could control and create powerful metal life to see what was wrong.

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