After the Guard Corps left.

When the parasitic zombie sneered.

Gangzi took action.

Dozens of shackles created by darkness came out from the shadows and bombarded the parasitic zombie.

At the same time.

He descended on the parasitic zombie, and with his fierce teeth, he looked at its head fiercely.

Pried it open.


There was no crystal core inside.

There was not even a brain. Maybe it had been eaten by some unknown monster before it became a zombie.




The parasitic zombie roared angrily.

Under this strange shackle, he could not move an inch, and even his thinking was much slower.

The order that could have been issued to the mutant aberrant in an instant was only issued after the skull was pried open.

Gangzi did not attack the aberrant.

This powerful aberrant could not be easily restrained by the dark chains.


A fist as big as a car hit Gangzi hard.

The wind whistled.

Even if it scratched a little, an ordinary level 3 evolver would probably be torn apart by blood and broken bones.

Gangzi cut off the head of the parasitic zombie without hesitation and prepared to retreat with it.


The parasitic zombie had extremely strong vitality.

The head was out of the body.

It was still fine.

Instead, it controlled the mutant deformer and kept attacking.

In the end, it left no brain.

Gangzi couldn't retreat at all.

He had to flatten it and throw it at the deformer.


The huge fist stopped in front of the parasitic zombie's head.

When the parasitic zombie put the deformed head back on its body, Gangzi had already disappeared without a trace.

"Damn it."

"He has this level of metal creation under his control, and I didn't even notice it."

"With so many powerful abilities, if they are all created by his awakened abilities, how powerful he should be..."

The parasitic zombie gnashed his teeth and remembered Su Chen deeply in his heart.

Even if there were several powerful extraordinary people in Yang City who could fight against peak level 3 monsters, he had never been so scared.

Su Chen was the first one.

"Although I don't want to eat, I still have to eat two human brains to make up for such a serious injury..."

"Fortunately, my brain was eaten a long time ago, so I don't like to put the crystal core in my skull, otherwise I would be really finished..."

The parasitic zombie became ferocious.

His silent heart beat a few times, and a blood-colored crystal core moved rapidly in his body...

On the other side.

"Damn it."

"This damn awakener, the greater the ability, the greater the responsibility, why don't they save us."

"Since God has given them great power, they should have the obligation to protect us weak people!"

After a vicious curse, these survivors wished that the zombie tyrant of Chiyang High School would immediately open Su Chen's brain and eat it.


What awaited them was a zombie breaking into the door.


"Is the head empty?"

"No crystal core..."

Su Chen thought about it, and asked Gangzi to return to Chiyang High School and retrieve the dashcam in the Audi car near the gate booth.

Then, the guard corps roared, swaggered through the city, and ran to the steel plant.

The steel plant was cleared several times.


That is, the level 1 zombies are wandering around.

Taking advantage of the fact that it has only been a week since the doomsday outbreak, the electricity and other things are still running.

Su Chen found a computer in the office building and checked the Audi dashcam of the general manager.

Driving records, seven days of coverage, just right now.

He was not checking the parasitic zombies, of course, but the evolved female zombie in his home, Xiao Xiaoxiao.


The picture appeared.

This is a deep country road outside the steel plant.

The dark night.

In front of the bright headlights.

A girl who was running away in panic appeared. Facing the girl, there were shouts and curses from the car.

With a roar of a kick, the girl was knocked out directly.

Broken bones and tendons.

Fell into a pool of blood.

She was actually knocked to death directly.


It can still be seen clearly that this girl is the female zombie of Suchen Fortress, Xiao Xiaoxiao.

Her chest was not moving.

She had died long ago.

The people in the car panicked.

They avoided the security guards and hurriedly took her back to the office building.


"The memory described by Xiao Xiaoxiao has some deviations."

"Keep checking."

"If you don't check it out, it's like there's a time bomb hidden in the fortress."

After experiencing the scene at Chiyang High School and knowing the characteristics of parasitic zombies, Xiao Xiaoxiao's danger level soared.

If I'm not wrong.

The parasitic zombies follow the path of zombie monarchs and the like. They absolutely control zombies and are the future zombie kings.


Su Chen began to search the surveillance hard drive in the office building again and finally found it.

Start playing.

The plot became coherent.

When transporting.

The mutation started and the end of the world came.

In the sky.

Countless scarlet blood rains fell.

One of the crystals shining with blood light was hidden in the blood rain and fell into the office building.

The body of Xiao Xiaoxiao, who had long been dead and was dragged, accidentally touched this blood crystal.

Then, the blood-colored crystals, like flowing water, flowed into Xiao Xiaoxiao's body, and Xiao Xiaoxiao's fingers moved slightly.

"Blood-colored crystals?"

Su Chen continued to check.

The surveillance was finished.

He checked other things, computers, mobile phones, and documents.


He found a video of the night of the doomsday outbreak in the spare mobile phone that the general manager placed in the office.

A temporary worker was crushed to death while walking under the heavy lifting.

And this temporary worker was the weird old man who parasitized the zombie.

Su Chen began to focus on the surveillance of the lifting operation area again, and finally saw what he wanted to see.

A blood-colored crystal, very small, almost invisible.

In the surveillance screen.

If the blood-colored crystal had not bloomed with blood light, Su Chen might have thought that the monitor screen was a little distorted.

What really concerned Su Chen was.

The blood-colored crystal that created the parasitic zombie was very small, probably only the size of a grain of rice.

And how big was the blood-colored crystal that Xiao Xiaoxiao fused?


Or as big as a pear?

If the fusion condition of the blood crystal is a newly dead body, then what is created is a future zombie king.

Possessing many characteristics such as control, fusion, and parasitism.

Then it is not surprising that Xiao Xiaoxiao can easily predict the existence of monsters.

"Such a large blood crystal, what kind of existence is Xiao Xiaoxiao now..."

Su Chen personally went to the Human Resources Department, rummaged through boxes and cabinets, and found Xiao Xiaoxiao's personnel file.

He was ready to return to the fortress.

If it is really a zombie queen, if it is controllable, he will cultivate it himself.

Can't let such a high-end combat force eat and wait for death.

If it is uncontrollable...

"I hope it can be controlled, otherwise, it would be a pity to kill it."

The Guard Corps advanced.

Su Chen rushed to his three-story villa.

However, an accident happened.

He was forced to change his route by the massive zombie wave and hid in a busy street in an industrial area.

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