Doom: I have a fortress and a puppet army!

Chapter 38 Intelligence Transaction

"Has anything happened in Jiangcheng?"

"Why, in a sparsely populated suburban industrial park, would so many zombies suddenly appear?"

Under the protection of the Guard Corps, Su Chen hid in a hotel. He was on the second floor and couldn't help looking down.

Densely packed.

The tide of zombies surged.

Everywhere he looked was a sea of ​​zombies. There were tens of thousands of zombies on this street alone.

There were even hundreds of zombies, as if they were glued together by something like jelly, crawling and wriggling, as big as a two- or three-story building.

Just one look made Su Chen feel uncomfortable and he had intensive phobia.

This is the fourth new type of zombie after the strange species, the deformed, and the bloodbathed. Su Chen decided to name it the slime zombie.

The slime zombie in front of him had a lv.3 logo on his head, and the orange glow was particularly dazzling.

However, it was not the creator of this zombie wave, but it seemed to be caught and attracted.

Look away.

Su Chen glanced at the zombie tide and felt uncomfortable. After all, there were so many lv.1 and lv.2 signs, moving like worms, it was not beautiful at all.

"I'm afraid that the zombies from the entire suburban industrial park and half of the township have gathered here."

"Oh my God."

"What a terrible thing happened."

"Will you protect me, brother~"

Fang Xiaoya was flirting again, twisting her butt and sitting on the big bed in the hotel.

Feng Yao was not a good person either.

In the hotel, she had just taken a shower, and the hazy bath towel could not wrap the girl's figure, revealing her slender and white legs.

A tender face and a devilish figure.

It's hard to imagine.

With such a figure, she would be just a high school girl.

Combined with this, this room full of charming atmosphere, is filled with an indescribable atmosphere.


Su Chen was speechless.

To be honest.

He really wanted to throw these two women down to feed the zombies.

What time is it.

Why don't you do something serious, for example, collect intelligence information on the Internet.

Half an hour passed.

This zombie wave finally went away.

Su Chen also lowered the curtains and estimated in his mind that there were about 30,000 zombies.

About 500 level 1 zombies.

About 30 level 2 zombies.

For level 3 zombies, he only saw a new type of mutant zombie, the slime zombie.

In Jiangcheng, level 3 zombies are already the ceiling. Except for the old city where the situation is still unclear, it is basically impossible for level 4 zombies to appear.

"What's going on?"

"Have you contacted someone with the ability of long-distance telepathy like you?"

Su Chen looked at Su Xiaoyi who was sleeping with her eyes closed.

Dr. Su's ability is very good.

What a pity.

He died too quickly.


Su Xiaoyi is one of the few people with the same ability who can take over his work and build a good cooperative relationship.

It has been a while since he got this ability. Whenever he has free time, Su Xiaoyi has been working hard to collect intelligence and wants to contact people with the same ability in Shangyang City or other cities.

But unfortunately.

There has been no progress.

After a long time.

Su Xiaoyi opened her eyes with a strange look.

"I contacted one."


"This person with the same ability seems to have mental problems. No, she thinks I have mental problems..."

Su Chen, who was constantly refreshing the forum online, looked up at Su Xiaoyi and felt a little strange.

Mental problems can still awaken abilities?


Su Xiaoyi spoke.

"I think there's something wrong with this person because her time doesn't match hers."

"She said today is November 7, 2023."

"But how is that possible?"

"Can my ability allow me to travel through the future and have a conversation?"

"If that were the case, Dr. Su would have already ascended to heaven with future intelligence."

"It's only August 7 now, and it's only the seventh day of the doomsday, but they insist that the doomsday has already broken out there for four months."

"What doomsday survivor base?"

"What do you mean the first month, the tide of disaster failed to break out, and was blocked by their extraordinary organization."

"They built a fortress, blocked the increasingly terrifying zombie monsters, and established a limited new order..."

What's going on?

Could it be that the person who can communicate with the mind over there is a psychopath?

Su Chen was a little annoyed.

It's not just because a large number of alienated zombies, that is, a huge amount of energy, were allowed to leave under his nose.

It's not because the zombies in Jiangcheng have undergone some strange changes.

It's because...

The Internet is disconnected.

Seven days after the doomsday.

The Internet finally crashed.

No matter how Su Chen refreshed, he could not log into the forum, Tieba, or other Jiangcheng online communities.

Su Chen knew it very well.

Without the Internet.

Order will collapse rapidly.

Loneliness and fear, as well as confusion about the future, will devour the last bit of hope in people's hearts.

Without order and hope, even the kindest people in the civilized society may turn into demons in an instant.

As for water.

Su Chen turned on the tap.

There was still water.

But it was not drinkable.


From the hotel faucet, bright red blood flowed out, and its color was exactly the same as the blood rain that fell when the doomsday broke out.

The water plant was not paralyzed, but it might as well be paralyzed. The water source of the whole city was polluted.

If you drink it, you may become a zombie.


It's gone too.

I don't know if there is a problem with the power of the hotel or the power of the whole Jiangcheng.

Su Chen even reached into the wires and didn't feel any electricity.

The water and electricity network is gone.

Civilized society has completely disappeared.

"Is that person still there?"

Su Chen removed his hand from the wires, and the thick blood and flesh fibers on his body drilled back into his body.

"Still there."

"Ask her about the information about the slime zombies."

Su Xiaoyi nodded and did as she was told.


Got a reply.

"Slime zombies, they don't call them slime zombies, they call them fusion monsters."

"Ordinary fusion monsters can grow in size by gluing ordinary zombies, giving birth to toxins and becoming extremely terrifying monsters."

"There are also mutant fusion monsters, which can gluing alienated zombies..."

"There is no detailed information about mutant fusion monsters, because no one who encounters it can survive."

"In addition, this information needs to be paid. They need clean water resources. They have teleporters, but they can only teleport items at present."

"If you are willing to continue cooperation, can you send 100 liters of pure water to them to show their sincerity?"

Su Chen put away his mobile phone and finally stopped trying to refresh the webpage. He became a little interested.


If it is really four months after the doomsday outbreak, and there is a survivor base that has gained a foothold, the awakened will surely explode like a blowout.

Maybe there is such a ability.

"Do as he says."

Very quickly.

Su Chen asked Gangzi to search the hotel warehouse and quickly collected 10 large barrels of farmer's mountain bandit mineral water.

10 large buckets of water disappeared under Su Chen's eyes.

Just a moment ago.

He just felt a strange fluctuation, which flashed by.

Su Xiaoyi closed her eyes and pretended to sleep, and was talking to the psychic again.

She opened her eyes.

Her expression changed unpredictably.

"What happened?"

"They said that they are not people from the future, but people from the same planet, the same space, and the same country as me."

"In fact."

"After the outbreak of the doomsday, sometimes, districts and counties, cities and cities, and even provinces and provinces may be isolated, forming different time flows."

"We may have a slower time flow here. Only seven days have passed, while they have already passed four full months."


"In the neighboring province next door, there is a city that has long been reduced to a paradise of ruins, a dead city, and even there are not many monsters alive..."

"Because the nuclear bomb washed the ground in this city, and it has been thirty years in that city..."

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