Doom: I have a fortress and a puppet army!

Chapter 39: Changes in the Fortress


There was a roar in his mind.

Su Chen felt it was incredible.

The speed of time is different?

How is it possible?

How could such a sci-fi, even fantasy thing happen in the real world?

However, when he thought about the outbreak of the doomsday.

Although Su Chen didn't dare to believe it in his heart, he was still a little skeptical when facing the reality.

At the beginning of the outbreak of the doomsday.

Strange network structure.

People in Jiangcheng County can only access the network in the Jiangcheng County area, which easily gathers the survivors of Jiangcheng.

The higher-level Yang City network forum area is not accessible at all. Those Jiangcheng people who have relatives in Yang City can't contact their families in Yang City at all.

It's as if Yang City has evaporated directly from the face of the earth.

But this is impossible.

At that time, when the doomsday just broke out, mobile phones could still be dialed, of course, only limited to calls between Jiangcheng areas.

If the speed of time is really different and the area is divided, it is really possible to form such a strange thing.

"Where's the evidence?"

"I don't lack supplies."

"There are ten large supermarkets in Jiangcheng, as well as food factories and purified water OEM factories. These are all in my pocket."

"Continue to let the other side show sincerity..."

Su Chen said.

It is extremely important for Su Chen to contact a person with the ability of telepathy in a city where the doomsday outbreak has lasted for more than 4 months.

Even Dr. Su, the awakener of the true telepathy, may not have received any news about the speed of time.

The person with the same ability he contacted should be from Yang City.

I can't contact him now.

He should be dead.

"The other party said that if it is really August 7 here, then we should receive a text message reminder in ten minutes!"

Su Xiaoyi finished speaking.

Ding Dong——

In the hotel, all the mobile phones that still have power have their screens lit up at this time. After seven days, the official text messages have finally arrived.

And each one is more explosive than the other.

"Mr. President of the Federation, on the fifth day of the doomsday outbreak, he personally commanded the war zone to conquer the fallen area, but unfortunately he was infected with the virus..."

"After two days of rescue, Mr. President, he still turned into a zombie, and a powerful monster was born in the fallen area to counterattack, and half of the Western War Zone was killed..."

"In the other three war zones, the virus broke out in the huge army of the Eastern War Zone, and a powerful zombie king was born, who resisted missiles and survived..."

"In the South China Sea War Zone, a huge beast emerged from the bloody portal in the sea area, and all warships were destroyed..."

"Northern War Zone..."

"The doomsday has really come, order has collapsed, but hope is still there. We will send the awakening method and evolution method developed by the scientific research elites gathered across the country to everyone now."

"The old era has ended, and a new era is about to come. I hope that the compatriots in the new world can take back the land under their feet..."

Then, there is a long text.

Awakening methods are divided into two types.

Innate natural awakening.

Acquired potion awakening.

Innate awakening is a natural awakening, and its potential is stronger than the potion awakening that overdraws future awakening.

In addition to the crystal core method, there is also a method of evolution by cutting off the flesh and blood of zombies.

The crystal core method is weaker, and the flesh and blood evolution method is stronger.

And this flesh and blood evolution method.

Su Chen's pupils shrank when he saw it.

This is not zombie flesh and blood, but evolution by cutting off zombie characteristics.

The mortality rate is frighteningly high if you only rely on eating characteristics for strong evolution. Even with various top equipment, the success rate is still one hundred to one.

After today.

The whole world pattern will change.

The most powerful country on this planet has personally admitted that the end of the world is coming, order will collapse, and mankind will usher in a dark age of fall...


"This is not true!"

Su Chen switched to the view of the flying guard.

See clearly.

In an apartment across the street, a decadent man was looking at the contents of his mobile phone like crazy. He smashed the glass and jumped down, falling to a bloody mess.

He was skinny and looked rotten.


He stayed at home during this period, waiting for the official military rescue.

There was also a young man, fully armed, carrying homemade weapons, rushed out of the house and charged at the zombies on the street.

"Evolution, awakening, this new extraordinary life is waiting for me!"

"What class, what capitalist, as long as I become extraordinary, become an evolution, or awakener, I can trample them under my feet."

"BMW, beautiful women will be available in the future."

"As long as I can successfully hunt an alienated zombie, I can become a superior person."

There are many survivors like the young man.


Eager to become a superior person in this doomsday era.

It's a pity.

The young man died.

He was torn to pieces by several zombies.

The best time to evolve and kill zombies is on the first day of the doomsday outbreak, not on the seventh day when there are 0-level mutant zombies everywhere.

One step slow, every step slow.

The real top-level extraordinary, like Su Chen, has already walked ahead of everyone.

"The era has come."

Su Chen sighed, as if he was sighing, and seemed to regret the fall of the old era.

On this day, people in Jiangcheng kept jumping off buildings to commit suicide, and people kept going out of the streets to fight zombies.

There were also gunshots. It was the remnant official forces that stepped forward for the first time, trying to gather the survivors and re-establish a new order in Jiangcheng.

All this had nothing to do with Su Chen.

It also had nothing to do with the powerful extraordinary people who fled from Yang City and passed through Jiangcheng.

Because they had become strong enough.

In Jiangcheng, most of the so-called dangers could be ignored.

Commercial streets.


The pig-headed monster took the lead and flattened the cars and zombie monsters on the road.

Gangzi, holding the dagger Fierce Fang, wandered in the darkness.

Su Chen rode on the Centaur Knight.

The Guard Corps pushed forward again.


Su Chen returned to his territory.

The fortress was in sight.

It was almost the same as before Su Chen left. The lonely three-story villa was covered with ivy. It was not conspicuous at all in this field full of wild grass.

The six-meter-high barrier wall looked like a rock wall at this time, and it was impossible to tell that it was actually a three-story villa.

But in front of the three-story villa, there was a huge wave of zombies, and a zombie that Su Chen was very familiar with was among them.

It was not a parasitic zombie, but a powerful deformer.

It was another level 3 zombie monster.

Slime zombie.

It was also called a fusion in another city.

Not only that.

Outside the zombie wave, there was a familiar pickup truck parked.

"Lao Liang?"

Very familiar.

Because this pickup truck once carried Su Chen through Jiangcheng, purchased a large amount of supplies, and built the entire early stage of the villa.

"However, judging from the situation, these zombies seem to be protecting my fortress..."

"The group of people on the pickup truck are more like enemies!"

Su Chen narrowed his eyes.

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