"Damn it."

"That's a tough idea."

"Brother Lang, why don't we retreat? We just wanted to get some supplies, but we didn't expect to meet a zombie queen here."

"Damn it, the only zombie tyrant in our Yang City, when it was level 3, it only summoned thousands of zombies below level 2 within ten miles."

"This one is good, it's only level 2, but it summoned 30,000 zombies and attracted a level 3 alien zombie..."

Xu Hu cursed and killed his way through the zombie tide. He returned to the pickup truck, removed the heavy artillery, and turned back into a skinny young man, still looking like he had done something wrong.

There were three people in front of the pickup truck.

A one-eyed man with glasses in black clothes, and a freckled woman in a tight dress.

And the pickup truck owner, Lao Liang, who was bowing his head and looking at the three people in a flattering way.

"I really don't know."

"Three extraordinary people from Yang City, you said that you wanted supplies, and the monsters occupying the supermarket were too powerful, so I brought you here."

"I just wanted to curry favor with you, how dare I harm you, this was originally a dilapidated villa, the owner is just a doomsday enthusiast who likes to hoard supplies."

"Who knew that the villa would suddenly become like this, and there is a monster inside."

Lao Liang was so scared that his face turned pale and he kowtowed on the ground repeatedly.

The three extraordinary people in front of him from Yang City are all ruthless people who have killed their way to Jiangcheng.

The zombie monsters that ate hundreds of people near his rental house were killed by the three of them.

It was because he saw the strength of these three people that he deliberately sold this place, wanting to make a pledge of loyalty and become a younger brother.

Being able to be the younger brother of these three extraordinary people, even if he plays with the women who are not wanted by the three, this life is also happy.

As for Su Chen's life and death, what does it have to do with him.

Two days of hard work.

He only earned a few tens of thousands of dollars worth of waste paper.

He didn't tell him anything about the doomsday, and he lost a great opportunity to become extraordinary.

He is a piece of shit.

This kid deserves to die.

Lao Liang gritted his teeth, and had a deep resentment towards Su Chen. He completely forgot that he could survive the seven days of the doomsday only because of the water and food that Su Chen brought to him.

Shen Lang looked at the zombie queen wearing men's clothes standing on the six-meter fortress wall in the midst of the 30,000 zombie waves, and his heart surged.

Zombie Queen.

There is also wisdom.

In terms of the ability to control the zombie group, it is many times stronger than the zombie tyrant in their Yang City.

If he can be subdued.

In the future, no matter where he escapes, he will have absolute say.

This Jiangcheng zombie queen will surpass the level 5 zombie tyrant in Yang City and become a level 6 monster or a level 7 monster.

By then, how many zombie waves can be controlled, and what level of zombie monsters can be summoned?

A wave of 100,000 zombies or an army of 1 million zombies is possible.

By then.

There are also level 5 or even level 6 monster bosses, which can easily flatten a city.

"Subdue this zombie queen at all costs."

"Keep charging!"

"Break out a gap and take down this zombie queen! No matter how much it costs, everything is worth it for the future."

Shen Lang gave the order.

Level 3 evolution means three consecutive evolutions and the fusion of a crystal core of the highest level 3.

Level 3 awakening means that after the ability awakens, it has advanced three times and has certain powerful abilities.

But the title of level 3 extraordinary is different from level 3 evolution and level 3 awakening. Only those who have truly killed level 3 monsters alone can call themselves level 3 extraordinary.

Level 3 extraordinary is definitely much more powerful than level 3 evolution and level 3 awakening without a title.

Two of the three of them are level 3 supernormals, and Shen Lang is the strongest. As a contract ability user, he has contracted a level 3 mutant monster in the zombie world.

The only weaker level 2 supernormal is also the peak level 2, which can transform into various heavy weapons, artillery, and even ultra-small tanks.

In this zombie-occupied city, his strength is even more useful than some level 3 supernormals who may be infected by the virus.


Xu Dahu smiled bitterly, and his body changed. He wanted to continue to transform into an artillery tank, but he failed. He could only transform into a tracked tank the size of a car and continue to attack the fortress.

Zombies, one shot, a large number of them died.

But the artillery that can easily blow up the house, under the explosion, can't even damage the six-meter wall of the fortress.


"It seems that this building is also a good thing. No wonder it is valued by the zombie queen and entrenched here as a territory."

"I want it too."

Shen Lang, greed appeared in his eyes, and his breathing was heavy.


A strong wind came.

A rusty arrow shot into Shen Lang's arm, and then dozens of black chains pierced him, and a black dagger pierced his head.

Shen Lang was dead.

A level 3 transcendent who roamed Jiangcheng didn't even have the chance to release his powerful contracted beast.

He died in the hands of Gangzi, the old shady dog.

"So easy to get?"

"The dragon from Yang City is not very good."

In the distance.

In the mountains and forests.

Su Chen, who was protected by the guards, sat on the centaur knight and watched the whole battle clearly with the help of the flying guards' vision.

I thought I could see a fight between dragons and tigers.


Gangzi and the crossbow lady made a move, and the strongest of the three dragons crossing the river in Yang City was killed instantly.

It was so fast that Su Chen even doubted whether this person was being blown to death!

Wait a little longer.

After harvesting the others, get closer.

"Pig-headed monster, you go too."

Su Chen thought about it.

Released the second strongest force.

"Brother Lang."

The freckled woman let out a shrill roar.

Only then did she react.

The man she valued was killed.

It was still an instant kill!

"A sneak attack."

"Shameless villain, damn it!"

She roared.

Her body changed rapidly.

It turned out to be the same transformation ability as the dog teddy man, but it was different from the fusion transformation of the teddy dog-headed man.

The transformation of this freckled woman had fewer restrictions.

In a flash.

She changed into a muscular giant ape with blood and tears flowing from her eyes, four or five meters tall, with powerful tendon strength bursting out all over her body.

One punch!

Gangzi was knocked out.

He took the assassin route. Although he was one of the two lv2 statues, he had the level of 3 monsters, but in a head-on confrontation, he was as weak as a level 2 deformer.


Level 2 deformers may not be defeated.

"You all deserve to die!"


"Kill you all, and the female zombies!"

The giant ape transformed by the freckled woman lost human reason, but in exchange, it gained the power of a genuine level 3 monster.

She pulled out the arrow that shot through Shen Lang's arm and threw it out. The terrible power made the arrow not inferior to the crossbow blessing of the crossbow female warrior.


The crossbow female warrior was pierced.

If it were a normal person.

Even if it was a capable person or an evolver, such an injury would have been fatal and dead.

The crossbow female warrior was just weak in breath, and she didn't even have time to switch to the Valkyrie state before she was seriously injured.

The freckled woman also died.

The pig-headed monster appeared, and the characteristic slashing and killing burst out at the same time, splitting her in half with one knife.

"In terms of strength, you are not worthy of being compared with the pig-headed monster."

"You can't beat two level 3 boss templates, parasitic zombies, and mutants, and you two little level 3 humans?"

Waited for a while.

Confirmed that they were not blown to death.

Su Chen came late and picked up two level 3 extraordinary people, also the ability fragments of level 4 and level 3 awakening.

Shen Lang, level 4 advanced ability, monster contract.

Freckle girl, level 3 advanced ability, simulated change.

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