The flesh zombies died.

The crystal nuclei have been dug out.

All over his body, the bright red muscle lines were still squirming, like living creatures.

"Special material?"

"Pick up."

Su Chen confirmed.

next moment.

He was shocked.

This living creature-like flesh and blood fiber actually squirmed towards him, trying to get into his body. If the stainless steel attendant had quick eyesight and quick hands, he would succeed.

"what happened."

Su Chen retreated behind the stainless steel attendant.


He had a guess.

Tentatively, he stretched out a finger and made contact with the flesh and blood fibers.


Thirty veins of blood muscle were drilled into his arm, and his arm became stronger visible to the naked eye.

"Come here and arm-wrestle with me."

Su Chen called for the stainless steel attendant.

On the table.

Flesh armor reappears.

He and the 300kg Iron Guard were in a stalemate for a minute before slowly losing, and the flesh and blood fibers burrowed back into his arm.


"I have strength too."

"Even if you face the alienated zombies alone, you still have a way to save your life. Unfortunately, it is missing and you can only attach one arm..."

The special materials are indeed used directly to make level 1 guards.

But there has to be a place to store it.

The special materials are directly stored in Su Chen's body, and can also be used by Su Chen to gain the ability to transform zombies during his lifetime.

This flesh and blood armor is not simple.

More resistant to beating than steel plates.

At critical moments, bullets can be blocked and can be used as a life-saving trump card.

Just a little less.


office building.

Let out a scream.


Su Chen saw a zombie black shadow crawling down from top to bottom, with traces of bloodshot brains on its sharp teeth.

Looking at the security booth, it was eager to try.

in sight.

There is also an entry of 1 hanging on its head.

“Kind of like agile.”

"It's not easy."

"But it can be done."

Su Chen signaled.

The adamantine attendant threw out the skinny power zombie with its head opened.


The zombie shadow retreated.

This actually made Su Chen look bad.

Be wise.

Not much though.

This one is also an alienated zombie.

Agility + wisdom, it’s really hard to deal with this time.

Late at night.

It's three o'clock in the morning.

The blood rain became heavier and heavier.

It was still drizzle before, but now it is a heavy rain, and the strong wind is carrying a rain of blood, beating the world like a wave.

The drainage of the steel factory is not very good.

Outside the security booth.

The blood and water accumulated twenty to thirty centimeters deep. It was impossible to walk tonight.


Can't sleep either.

Who knows if that agile zombie will trick him and attack him, a 20-year-old man.

Scrap metal attendants blocked the door.

Stainless steel attendants guard the house.

As long as there are no more than three first-level agile zombies, Su Chen will be safe.

sit on the chair.

Su Chen opened the Jiangcheng Tieba.

ID Jiangcheng Chu Mo: [Help! I'm trapped in Xincheng District, Building 15, 704, Green Osmanthus Garden. There are zombies outside. Help! I have supplies at home, who will save me? 】

ID kills me: [Please form a team! Fight out! This community is too densely populated. I think the zombies are mutating and corroding the security door next door. 】

ID: I am Dr. Su: [Zombies seem to become stronger by eating people! The zombie whose face was covered in blood after I beat him with a baseball bat just now ate my neighbor's family. Now he's kicking my door, and I even interrupted him with the baseball bat. What should I do? Waiting online! 】

The more I brush, the heavier my heart becomes.

Most are posts from new urban areas.

There aren’t many posts about the old town.

That bloody portal the size of a basketball court stands in the center of the old city. I'm afraid it has become a real purgatory.

Blood rain falls.

The first batch of zombies created had a ratio of fifty to one. Mutated zombies appeared. How many mutated zombies should there be among the massive zombies coming out of another world.

"It still doesn't feel safe."

"We have to get a third guard."

"You also need to collect more special materials."

"Otherwise, after the guards were created, they were all cumbersome and slow power guards, and I was killed by someone's beheading tactics. That would be such an injustice."

Think about it.

Su Chen also posted a post.

[Share your zombie experience]

[Ordinary zombies move slowly and have no intelligence. They act based on the instinct of hunting for flesh and blood. They have hearing and smell. It is not difficult to hunt one-on-one with weapons in their hands.]

[But remember, when zombies are over fifty, alienated zombies may be born. Level 0 alienated zombies can only spit acid water, and the corrosion level can probably rot the skin (note: the level 0 alienated zombies I encountered are like this)]

[Level 1 zombies, I met two, one is a two-meter-tall muscular zombie (strength type), and the other is a shadow zombie (agility type) that climbs a six-story building as if walking on the ground]

[Currently, I have killed a power zombie, and the agility zombie has escaped. Please note that when ordinary people encounter these two types, please run away! Don’t take chances and run as far as you can]

[Power zombies can punch through thin steel plates with one punch, spit out corrosive acid water, and withstand the impact of speeding vehicles without being damaged. Even if you have a gun, you must be careful]

[If you really want to kill a power zombie, be careful of his exposed flesh and blood. Be sure to stab him in the eye socket. He will be killed with one blow]

[The agile zombies have not fought yet, so the situation is unknown, but they are probably more difficult to deal with than the powerful zombies]

The post is written here.

Think about it.

Su Chen added another sentence.

[If you are really capable and kill level 0 and level 1 alienated zombies, remember to dig open the skull and take out the crystal core inside. I am very interested in this stuff]

[If I have the chance, I can trade cigarettes, liquor and food]

[If I kill other types of zombies, I will update the post and continue to add. If you are interested, you can move the post to other places and circulate it to gain more opportunities for others to survive]

After writing it, Su Chen sent it out.

The whole province A dare not say it.

But in Jiangcheng, this is three-thirds of an acre.

Su Chen was sure.

He is definitely the first person to kill level 0 and level 1 zombies.

Even if you have a gun in your hand, you can't compare with him.

Whoever lets him come up will have extraordinary creations, a 1-ton iron pig-headed guard, and a 300kg steel guard, which can crush a level 1 zombie to death.

Post sent.

Su Chen looked at the surveillance of the steel factory.

There are more than a dozen display screens and fifty or sixty surveillance pictures. Without exception, they are full of wandering zombies with no trace of living people.

It was as if the entire steel factory had become a zombie paradise.

Searched for a while.

Su Chen saw no trace of agile zombies.

I did see a strange zombie.

This zombie is a skinny little old man with sharp fangs and dark eyes. His body seems to have melted, growing together with the zombie underneath him.

At this time, this strange zombie was lying on the shoulder of the zombie below him, prying open his head and sucking something.

Seeing this high-definition picture made Su Chen's scalp numb.

in his field of vision.

Both zombies have a 1 mark.

I watched it for a long time.

Only then did Su Chen recognize the sucked zombie. It looked a bit like a power zombie, but this power zombie was too thin.

He is about 1.89 meters tall.


The skin on his body is rotten, and his scarlet muscles are not full, but rather shriveled. He is probably no more powerful than a level 0 alienated zombie.

"What is this? Parasitic zombies, or some other ghost thing. It feels a bit scary."


Under monitoring.

Power zombies, the lv1 logo disappears.

The mark on the head of that strange zombie changed to 2!


The chair fell to the ground.

Su Chen stood up in shock and tightened his grip on the long angle iron knife in his hand.

Level 2 zombies? !

This is the first night of change.

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