Doom: I have a fortress and a puppet army!

Chapter 6 Conducting Transactions

Run away!

Must run away!

Su Chen's spiritual spirit was stimulated again.

The agile zombies of 1 are difficult to deal with, but Su Chen is not afraid, but is a little worried about capsizing in the ditch.

But this looked like an evil parasitic zombie, and Su Chen was really scared.

As the zombie level increases, the physical quality will inevitably increase.

No matter how weak a level 2 zombie is, it must have some of the strength and agility of level 1. If there are other special means...

Looking at the heavy rain of blood and the Audi car parked in the parking lot next to it, Su Chen remembered the help post from the steel factory that he had read earlier.

Su Chen entered Jiangcheng Tieba again.

Didi didi!


Under his experience post, there were all kinds of ridicules and questions, as if to vent the fear in his heart, and there were only a few replies of genuine thanks.

【Just pretend! If you are really so evil as you said, you can't even be killed by a car collision. How can you kill such a powerful zombie? 】

[I passed by and looked through the history of the poster. He was not a policeman or a kung fu master. He was just a high school student who graduated three years ago. 】

[Grandstanding, a thimble at a glance, purebred Dasha*, identification completed. 】

[The big talker, get out of the forum and feed the zombies! 】

I flipped through the three most popular items.

You don’t need to look at the rest. Nine times out of ten, they are all personal attacks.

Not much was said.

Su Chen opened another post.

Take a photo of the door.

At the entrance of the security booth, twenty or thirty people were either twisted into twists or flattened and deformed. There was a three-meter-high pile of zombies, as well as a two-meter-high zombie that was still ferocious even if it died.

【Fuck! Boss! 】

[This is a real boss! 】

【Boss, help! I'm in the old town of Jiangcheng, Green Osmanthus Garden 704! I have supplies and manpower here. Forming a team together to fight out of Jiangcheng or save your life is an excellent choice. 】

【Wori! I almost died in the room after killing three zombies. The boss actually killed so many alienated zombies! It’s really an alienated zombie! 】


The Tieba screen was blown away.

Su Chen's two posts were instantly ranked as the first and second most popular posts in the forum. These two posts were also shared by people in other local community forums and WeChat contact groups.

Su Chen posted a private message on the forum and instantly went viral.

They are all distress messages.

Without reading the private message, Su Chen updated it under the zombie experience post.

[Parasite zombies, currently level 2, are suspected of being able to parasitize on alien zombies and absorb nutrients to grow. The method is unknown. If anyone knows the information, please contact me for a fee. 】

I glanced at the private message.

Su Chen found a familiar ID: [Su Xiaoyan is very hard-working], which was the person he was going to find from the steel factory who posted a message asking for help.

Steel can be used to make weapons.

One sentence attracted Su Chen.

[Boss, help me, boss. 】

[Woo woo woo. 】

[Boss, did you save me after seeing my post? 】

[Boss, you are such a good person. 】

[I think the photo you sent should be of the security booth at gate 1 of the steel factory. Gate 1 is the south gate. I hid it in a cabinet in the storage room next to the small north door. 】

[Boss, help me, boss! 】

"North Gate."

"Storage Room."

Su Chen checked the monitor.

Saw a familiar dark shadow.

Agile zombies!

The one just now.

In addition, there are about a hundred zombies wandering around two to three hundred meters away, and there should be two alienated zombies lurking inside.

It's too far away, I just don't know if it's level 0 or level 1.

The rescue is very difficult.

He needs to cross the entire factory area from south to north, a distance of six to seven hundred meters.

Or go around the factory.

But Beixiaomen is close to a residential area in a township, and God knows how many zombies are lurking nearby.

Su Chen didn't care if he could help and do whatever he wanted, but he had no interest in risking his life to save an unrelated person.

"Too far."

"Cannot be rescued."

"I'm at the security booth, getting ready to leave. I see an Audi car next to the security booth. Do you know where the car keys are?"

"Also, are there any weapons or special materials nearby? I need to collect them. If you help me, I owe you a favor."

"I'll find a way to help you."

Su Chen sent a message.

A bit like a blank wolf.

But there is nothing we can do.

There is only one life.

After living alone for three years in a big city, Su Chen has experienced the warmth and coldness of human relationships. He will only respond to others' kindness first.

In Tieba.

If he hadn't seen someone sharing information about the city, which would be more useful to him, he wouldn't have posted a post sharing information about zombies.

Waited for a while.

No response.

Su Chen put on a raincoat, held an umbrella, climbed onto the shoulders of the scrap iron attendant, and, guarded by two guards, prepared to venture back to the country villa.

Four or five miles.

It's also possible to get caught in a zombie wave.

Su Chen tightened his grip on the long angle iron knife.

He is just stubborn.

Not a coward.

He is also unambiguous when it comes to risking his life.


News comes from Tieba.

【Boss! 】

[I asked my colleague. 】

[That Audi car belongs to the general manager. The key should be in the general manager's office on the fourth floor, probably there. 】

[Weapons, the general manager likes to collect some crossbows. I don’t know if they have them in the office. Materials: In the chairman’s cabinet, there is a piece of imported light alloy steel. 】

[Boss, you must come back to save me! 】


car key!


Light alloy steel!

Isn't this the best material for the third agile guard?


Su Chen replied.


Returned to the security booth.

He put on the stainless steel attendant an explosion-proof suit, an anti-riot fork, and an explosion-proof shield, and then pulled out a mobile phone from the drawer.

Phone reset.

Download WeChat, log in to your account, add friends, and make video calls.

Tape the phone to the steel squire's chest.

"Gangzi, go to the office building and get the things."

"Follow my instructions the whole time."

Office building, confined space.

Not suitable for wielding long angle iron knives.

The Scrap Iron Attendant was fat and burly, and would suffer even more if he got into it. Su Chen decided to command remotely, so it shouldn't be a big problem.

Gangzi got into the building.

The fourth floor has arrived.

"Turn right and go straight."

It's the end.

"Turn around and go back."

Found the general manager's office.

"Break the door!"


Gangzi kicked the wooden door open and rushed in.


A bloody figure rushed over.


Gangzi exploded with one punch.

This guy is the idiot who knocked on the pot and threw the flower pot just now, but why doesn't this fat man wear pants?

The key was found.

What about the crossbow?

I searched everywhere and couldn't find it.

"Bring the safe back."


The safe was uprooted.

The stainless steel attendant went straight to the chairman's office on the fifth floor.

Break the door.

There were countless trophies and honorary certificates placed in the cabinet. After searching for a long time, Su Chen discovered that the piece of light alloy steel was used to pad the corner of the cabinet.

Carrying the safe and the light alloy steel, the stainless steel attendant went downstairs.


The zombies wandering around the office building appeared.

This was a zombie with acidic water all over its body, and the corrosive mucus emitted from its body corroded the cement floor into holes.


Almost hot.

Not 1.

Another direction of evolution?

"Kill him!"

Su Chen ordered.

The riot control fork poked out.

Corrosion fracture.

The stainless steel attendant savagely charged, hitting it against the wall again and again, and the leather armor corroded with a sizzling sound.

Become a normal human being.

This acid water zombie is indeed difficult to deal with. It is like a walking pool of strong sulfuric acid. It will corrode if touched and will die over time.

Fortunately Gangzi is a metal life form.

Bump a few times.

Knocked it to death.

Gangzi pulled out the broad bean-sized crystal core and went downstairs.


"I got another crystal core."

"I don't know if I can upgrade to a level 1 guard."

After taking the crystal and stuffing it into his pocket, Su Chen came to the parking lot under the protection of two guards, trotted into the car, and started the car.

A safe half the height of a person was thrown into the trunk.

Old rules.

With two guards, one on the left and one on the right, Su Chen was "sprinting" along the country road at a speed of 15 yards.

no way.

Steel Squire is okay.

Scrap Iron Attendant, a metal pig-headed monster, ran with all his strength, but that was the speed.

If you walk normally.

I'm afraid Su Chen can ride faster than it in a wheelchair.

far away.

Su Chen's fortress villa is in sight.

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