"I will make it my mission to recover all the occupied areas of the country."

"The first step is to kill the tide of disaster today and restore normal order to Jiangcheng."

next moment.

King Dali took the lead and entered the old city shrouded in a thin layer of blood mist.


In various places, the powerful Yangshi River-crossing Dragons gathered by King Dali also followed closely and entered the old city.


On this day, with the rain of blood and flesh from the sky, the people of Jiangcheng were excited.

"Restore order?"

"Oh my God!"

"Is this true? What the national army has not been able to do, can it really be done here? Maybe it can be done."

"This powerful king is so powerful!"


"He is the savior of us Jiangcheng people! The king of Jiangcheng!"

Countless survivors who were still alive were extremely upset. Some cried with joy, some cried with their heads in arms, and many held a pessimistic attitude with hope.

far away.

On top of the fortress.

Watching this scene, even though Su Chen had some suspicions in his mind, he was still shocked by the thought of this real dragon crossing the river in Yangshi.

Terrible! What this man did was horrific.

He actually wanted to end Jiangcheng's doomsday era on his own.

Even because of certain rules, many cities in the world have been independently divided into their own space and time flow.

But there are four major areas in Jiang City, where millions of zombies and walking corpses are lurking.

Level 4 monsters are not necessarily the end.

"It's hard though."

"But I also want you to succeed."

Su Chen looked at the figure of King Dali in the distance, and his heart was touched.

Although in his opinion.

This king of Yang City is very likely to hit a wall and return.

The mind recovered.

Seeing the flesh and blood of zombies scattered all over the sky, Su Chen's heart surged. As far as he could see, they were all information entries.

"Level 4 special material (incomplete) giant corpse commanding flesh and blood essence found! Do you want to pick it up?"

The sky is full of entries.

Densely packed.

In this area alone, dozens of residual blood and flesh essences can be extracted from the rain of blood in the sky.

Pick up.


The flesh and blood armor on Su Chen's body was partially dismembered and turned into flesh and blood threads, winding towards the flesh and blood essence.


The blood boils.

On the surface of Su Chen's body, the flesh and blood armor composed of muscle fibers trembled and underwent some kind of transformation.

He is stronger now.

"What a great person."

"I'm afraid this powerful king is really taking action to regain the land for mankind..."

Doesn’t King Mighty know that the flesh and blood essence of level 4 giant zombies is precious?

This complete set of level 4 zombie characteristics will have a certain effect on him.


He broke it without hesitation.

Give good fortune to the humans in Jiangcheng and the survivors who are still alive.

A survivor of Jiangcheng killed a zombie that devoured giant flesh and blood, and let out a cry of surprise.

"I actually passed the evolutionary path of zombie characteristics. I am now an evolver."

"Oh my God."

"Zombies that have eaten the flesh and blood of giant corpses, as long as they are killed now, they will be able to merge with the residual characteristics of the zombies they killed with a very high probability."

On this day, Jiangcheng was boiling, and countless survivors emerged from their pupae.

It can be said.

After today.

The number of survivors in Jiangcheng will explode.

"Wind King!"

"King of Power!"

"Plus me."

"did not expect."

"The three kings are actually gathered here."

"King Mighty still hasn't given up on his intention to restore human order, the republic's land, and lawful civilization! It's obvious that now it's a new world dominated by extraordinary masters."

"He is so stupid..."

There were murmurs.

Su Chen turned around and looked, and saw a figure jumping up from nowhere on the wall of the fortress.

Stubborn beard.

Black trench coat.

Smoking one cigarette after another.

Surprisingly, it was Xu Yifeng, the puppet king who had a relationship with Su Chen.

The third king of Yang City.

To become one of the three kings, he is undoubtedly a level 4 transcendent. Even if he does not have level 4 combat power, he can definitely enslave level 4 monsters.

The characteristic ability of the heart of the beast: beast intuition, predicting danger.

and did not start.

This is not because his ability is malfunctioning. Xu Yifeng is a level 4 extraordinary, but he is still not powerful enough to malfunction the heart of the beast.

To a large extent.

The other party may not have any malicious intentions.

But just in case.

Su Chen's wings shook and he moved away from Xu Yifeng.

at the same time.

The four level 3 crystal cores from the crow monster and the three mutated vicious dogs disappeared and were embedded in the energy tank of the machine cannon.

A level 3 crystal core with at least 50 energy.

4 pieces are enough for 200 energy.

The power of a single shot can cause death even at level 4. Even if he doesn't die, he will definitely be seriously injured.


"With my strength, I am the best in Yang City. If I want to touch you, it will be easy..."

"If I had any ill intentions, I would have attacked you just now, and you wouldn't have had any time to react."

Seeing Su Chen's alert look, Xu Yifeng felt a little funny.

Level 4 Extraordinary.

The young people in front of me probably don't know what it means.

At least for now.

At least in Jiangcheng.

These level 4s are considered the gods of the new world!


Su Chen looked at Xu Yifeng who was supporting him, and suddenly thought of Shen Lang, one of the twelve apostles, and felt a little funny for no reason.

These people are too trusting.

In Jiangcheng, do you think you are invincible and at the top of the extraordinary sequence?

Just ridiculous.

Shen Lang could fall into his hands.

Why is it impossible for Xu Yifeng, the puppet king in front of him?

He now has a level 3 crystal core in his hand, and with the machine cannon, he has the capital to threaten level 4 creatures.

"I came to form an alliance with you."

"You must also know that with the power of level 4, there is absolutely nothing that can be done about the tide of disaster created by this huge erosion gate in Jiangcheng."

"The powerful king will surely return in defeat."

"Forming an alliance and fighting out of Jiangcheng together is the best solution for someone as powerful and extraordinary as you and me, isn't it?"

Xu Yifeng lit a cigarette and spoke slowly.

Strong power gives him absolute confidence.

Even though he was surrounded by Su Chen's fortress guards, he didn't care at all.

Just five level 3 creatures.

"An alliance? I don't need one."

"Please get out of here."

Su Chen replied.

With his extraordinary path and golden finger, level 4, 5, or even level 6 cannot be his end.

If he wants, one person is an army.

Why alliance?


"You can't tolerate this."

"I'm very interested in these intelligent metal creations of yours. They carry explosives and launch suicide attacks. This will be very helpful for those who want to escape in the future."

"You have no right to refuse, you must ally with me."

Xu Yifeng's expression turned cold.

Three Kings, One Lord and Twelve Apostles.

There are three camps: lawful, neutral, and evil. There is no doubt that he belongs to evil.


"Because you need my guards as cannon fodder, you want me to ally with you? Are you treating me like a dog?"

"You can think so too. Of course, I still think the title of ally sounds better."

"It's normal for the weak to obey the strong and make necessary sacrifices, isn't it?"


Su Chen's expression turned cold.

Just a few sentences.

They had broken down the conversation.

The atmosphere instantly became tense.

"You want me to get out?"

Xu Yifeng's originally cheerful face was stunned, and he crushed the cigarette that was still burning in his hand.

How dare a little powerful level 3 extraordinary dare to humiliate him, a level 4 extraordinary king? God of the New World?

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