
"I'll let you go."

Su Chen nodded.


"It seems that I still need to stretch my muscles and show you the real level 4 extraordinary power."

"Although, in my opinion, you have the potential to become a [King], a level 4 life, and a god."

"But you are still too young now."

Xu Yifeng smiled coldly, looking at Su Chen, a level 3 ant who didn't know the height of the world, extinguished his cigarette, and his eyes burst into murderous intent.

In the shadow under him, the darkness was boiling like boiling water, and pairs of monster eyes opened and stared at Su Chen.

It was full of terrible oppression.

The strength of its monster lineup was far beyond the guard corps that Su Chen had built in seven or eight days.


All level 3 monsters.

There are monsters from Yang City.

There are also monsters from Jiang City that have been subdued and suppressed.

There is no top level 3 BOSS like the loss of the giant.

But there are more than half of the elite monsters like the mutant three-headed vicious dog.

In addition.

There is also a pair of monster eyes, sleeping, but even if it is sleeping, the terrifying sense of oppression is still frightening.

This is a level 4 monster.

Although it may be weaker than the level 4 giant zombie that is the leader of the zombie army, it is also the real deal! Level 4 monster.

This is the foundation of a king in Yang City.

The foundation that can survive the disaster that broke out in Yang City.


"Sure enough."

"This newcomer is not honest, now it's good, he has pissed off the boss."

"He's going to suffer."

The two apostles hiding in the dark gloated.

They were all taught a lesson this way.

I like to see qualified newcomers go through this.


"This is the power I have!"

"You are far from being able to resist it."

"Kneel down now and offer everything you have accumulated in the doomsday. I can still take back my anger and let you continue to be my ally."

Xu Yifeng smiled coldly and looked at Su Chen with contempt, wanting to see Su Chen show a fearful expression and then kneel on the ground.


Su Chen looked calm.


"Don't know whether to live or die."

"How dare ants ignore God like this?"

Xu Yifeng was angry.

He took action.

One by one, powerful level 3 monsters walked out of the shadows under his feet, showing their ferocity and full of terrifying aura.

They smiled grimly, wanting to release their murderous nature as zombies and monsters, and they walked towards Su Chen.


"Eat, my little cuties."

Xu Yifeng laughed loudly.

But the next moment.

The laughter stopped abruptly.

He couldn't laugh anymore. Like a chicken with its neck stuck, his face flushed, his body trembled, and fear appeared in the depths of his eyes.

He was one of the three top extraordinary beings in Zonghengyang City. Even the tide of disaster, which could be called a terrible catastrophe that cleansed the world, could not change his color.

But in this small Jiangcheng, in front of this mere level 3 kid, he felt the fear of death.

This kid! He actually had a terrifying killing move that threatened the life of a level 4.

Behind him.

That was Su Chen's fortress.


The dark muzzle slowly turned, locking onto this arrogant and domineering level 4 extraordinary.

Mechanical cannon!

Five level 3 crystal cores can surely kill a level 4 creature.

Although Su Chen only had four crystal cores, at such a distance, Xu Yifeng could not escape at all.

For Xu Yifeng, this was still a terrible and life-threatening situation.


The sleeping level 4 monster in the shadow under Xu Yifeng's feet woke up and roared in anger.

This is a 10-meter-long giant snake with mutated horns. Its cold scales emit a faint red light and exhale terrible poisonous gas.

In a flash.

It surrounded Xu Yifeng, like a piece of armor, guarding him closely.

But even so.

With the protection of the level 4 monster, the breath of death in Xu Yifeng's heart did not dissipate much.

In short.

Even if it was a shot, the result would not change.

He Xu Yifeng would still die.


The scene was silent for a while.

Xu Yifeng had thought about capturing the thief first and implementing the decapitation tactic on Su Chen, but he really couldn't figure out what trump card the kid in front of him had.

Damn it!

The strongest monster that has come out of this small Jiangcheng so far is just the giant zombie that was just killed today.

How did they create such a terrible guy like this kid in front of them?

You have to know.

In the month of the doomsday outbreak in Yang City, he experienced countless dangers and plundered countless resources to reach this point.

And Jiang City has only passed eight or nine days of doomsday.

"Are you still arrogant?"

Su Chen's wings fluttered, floating in the air, squinting his eyes, greeting this arrogant and domineering Yang City Supernatural King.

"No... no more arrogant."

"I was wrong."

"Let me go, okay?"

Xu Yifeng said with difficulty.

He never expected it.

He, a dignified level 4 life, could dominate the world even in Yang City with a population of tens of millions, but he capsized in this small ditch of Jiang City.



Su Chen glanced at Xu Yifeng and hovered around his waist.

"I heard that the extraordinary strong men who escaped from your Yang City looted a lot of good things."

"I heard that there are level 4 and even level 5 crystal cores among them..."

Xu Yifeng was angry.

Level 4 crystal core.

It is enough to create a level 4 evolver with a strengthened body. If the talent is enough, it may not be impossible to become the second powerful king.

Even if he only has one at present.

This kid is so bold.

"Don't push me too much!"

Xu Yifeng wanted to turn his face, but after weighing it, he felt that compared with his life, the level 4 crystal core was not so important.

He turned around slowly and stared at this so-called cannon that he didn't take seriously at all.

Not to mention the level 4 life.

Even the peak level 3 monster can withstand the artillery fire for a short time without dying.

To be honest.

He didn't take this thing seriously at all.

Who would have thought that this thing actually had the terrifying power to strangle his level 4 life.

"Can this thing really kill me?"

"I don't know."

"But I hope you try. It's the same if I can remake a level 4 crystal core from you."

"Maybe, together with that level 4 python, I can get two level 4 crystal cores at once."

Xu Yifen admitted defeat.

Looking at the barrel of the mechanical cannon that was swallowing and spitting out terrible waves, he was silent for a while and regretted coming here today.

How did such a terrifying character come out of the small Jiangcheng?


He threw out a blue crystal core.

"It is indeed a level 4 crystal core."

Su Chen looked at the shining logo on it and nodded.

Xu Yifeng is leaving!


The mechanical cannon locked onto him again.

"You can leave."

"Except for that level 4 monster python, all the others must stay."

Nine level 3 monsters.

Half of them are elite monsters comparable to mutant deformers and three-headed mutant dogs.

I'm afraid that even if you count the zombies, there are not so many local monsters born in Jiangcheng during this period.

Xu Yifeng, since I've provoked him.

Might as well provoke him to the end.


Xu Yifeng was very angry. He was extremely angry for several minutes, and finally left in disgrace.

He can still catch monsters, but if his life is gone, it's really gone.

You know.

Su Chen has level 4 means.

He dare not provoke me even if he is beaten to death!

"I've made a fortune."

Looking at the nine-headed level 3 terrifying monsters surrounded by the Guard Corps, Su Chen's eyes lit up.

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