Chapter 53 A lv.3

"Boss, didn't you say that you would form an alliance with this kid and use his metal creations as cannon fodder?"

"Why are you so good to this kid?"

"You actually gave him the level 4 crystal core and the monsters."

Two peak level 3 evil apostles walked towards Xu Yifeng, complaining and jealous.


Xu Yifeng was furious.

He slapped him hard on the face.

Give it to him?

Do you really think he volunteered?

He was forced to volunteer.

What a joke!

Today, he, the puppet king, almost died here. The terrifying energy fluctuations could definitely kill a level 4 life instantly.

"Let's go."

Xu Yifeng turned his head and took a deep look at the fortress floating in the air and the figure on the fortress.

"I'll remember you."

Xu Yifeng gritted his teeth and was about to remember Su Chen firmly in his heart.


The machine cannon fired.

The terrifying energy light wave penetrated like a long rainbow, fiercely locking onto the three people.

Wherever the energy light wave passed, no grass grew, leaving traces of scorched earth.


"You took the things, but you didn't keep your promise."

"Damn it! Ah! Chi Jiao, help me!"

Xu Yifeng roared.


With the Chi Jiao protecting him, he narrowly escaped most of the energy cannon attacks.

Relying on the protection of the level 4 monster and his own level 4 ability, he survived.

But two of his apostles died.

"Damn it."

Xu Yifeng cursed, looking at the half-dead Chi Jiao in fear, and fled in fear.

A level 4 monster, almost killed in one shot.

What kind of prop is this?

Could it be the prop that eroded the world mentioned in the top-secret documents of Yang City?

But how could the prop that eroded the world be in the shape of a cannon?

The wings vibrated.

Su Chen came here, wanting to pick up the power fragments dropped by the Apostle of Evil.

As a result, he found that the power fragments had long been turned into charred powder.

The mechanical cannon is indeed very powerful.

It is a bit too powerful.

Even the treasure that should have dropped was destroyed.

"It is too far away."

"Even if it is locked, it cannot burst out the most powerful power. What a pity."

"Xu Yifeng actually escaped."

"I thought this cannon could get rid of him."

Su Chen said regretfully.

Revenge is not delayed overnight.

It has always been his purpose.

What's more.

This puppet king knows so many of his trump cards and still has malice towards him. How can he feel at ease if he doesn't kill him?


Su Chen returned to the fortress.

With him in charge.

The nine powerful level 3 monsters gradually lost their strength under the siege of the Guard Corps and the Bone-Eroding Blood Ape.


Like the level 3 deformers, level 3 odd species, and level 3 bloodbaths, Su Chen solved them all.

As level 3 zombie monsters, they are also very strong, standing at the top of the local zombie monsters in Jiangcheng.

But now for Su Chen, they are not good enough.

Only mutant elite monsters can catch his eye.


The pig-headed monster's big knife slid down.

Five level 3 monsters, only the corpses, zombie characteristics, and crystal core materials are left.

Level 3 deformers, dropped level 3 crystal cores, and level 3 special materials: a thick deformed muscle.

Level 3 odd species, dropped level 3 crystal cores, and level 3 special materials: a thin but spider-web-like odd tendon.

Level 3 bloodbaths, dropped level 3 mutant crystal cores, and level 3 mutant materials: an eyeball burning with corrosive flames.

In addition, there are two level 3 ordinary monsters, with two heads, scarlet eyes, and drooling alienated zombie dogs.

The other one was an armored zombie with two horns and one eye.

These two monsters dropped nothing, except for a large mass of flesh and blood essence left after the death of the level 4 giant zombie.

Su Chen accepted all of these with a smile.

The armor turned into muscle threads, absorbing nutrients from these special materials, and finally gathered into Su Chen's body.

"It's getting stronger again."

"However, it's still at the level 2 level, but it's getting stronger in the level 3 monster combat power."

"Maybe, I'm already the boss template combat power of that level 3 giant zombie."

Without actual combat, Su Chen didn't know.

Anyway, Su Chen knew very well.

Now he is stronger than all the guards under his command combined. Except for the level 4 extraordinary, there is no other person who can suppress him.


In Su Chen's right eye socket, the normal eye was instantly replaced by a mutant zombie eye at this moment.

Scarlet and hideous, burning with bone-eating flames.

His eyes swept over a level 2 zombie on the ground.


This level 2 zombie spontaneously combusted without wind.

Instantly it turned into a pile of ash.

"This method is not weak. Even if a level 3 monster is stared at by this gaze, it will be burned by the bone-eating flames and die a miserable death."

After doing all this, Su Chen drove the remaining four powerful level 3 elite monsters into the space inside the fortress for imprisonment.

Each elite monster is extraordinary, as a transcendent who plundered Shen Lang's monster contract ability.

Su Chen is still very interested in enslaving these monsters.


"The most important thing to do now."

"I still have to..."

Su Chen shifted his gaze, holding the five level 3 crystal cores he had just obtained, and fixed them on the pig-headed monster.

lv2, a little bit not enough.


Even level 4 monsters and level 4 extraordinary people appeared.

Although the cannons were charged today, the puppet king was forced to lose his troops and generals, and also gained a lot of benefits.

But when encountering two or more level 4 extraordinary beings, the mechanical cannon would be unable to react.

"In the apocalyptic world, you really have to rely on yourself."

"The optimal solution is to upgrade yourself to level 4 extraordinary level lv.3, but in the short term, it is not realistic."

Five level 3 crystal nuclei were ablated.

Gain energy 250.

There are still 50 left before the birth of a lv.3 statue.

Su Chen asked the guards to search the food factory again and hunted a dozen level 2 zombies before he could save up to 300 energy.

Level 4 crystal core.

There are also remaining level 3 elite monsters that cannot be moved for a short period of time. This is reserved for Su Chen to advance to level 3.

"Iron Pig Monster lv.2, current characteristics (slashing, killing) → (0/250) lv3, obtained status [kill]!"



The originally ferocious metal pig-headed monster let out a strange cry, and its strong metal muscles protruded from its metal and steel body.

A layer of armor made of liquid as thick as donated blood was attached to the entire body.

No longer a feature.

This upgrade directly changed the life form.

The pig-headed monster is no longer a metal creature.

But a true extraordinary life.

"My lord!"

"The iron pig comes before my lord!"

Pig-headed monster, bow down respectfully.

Now, his level is exactly the same as the Level 4 Extraordinary King in Yang City, and he is even stronger than the Puppet King.

Because Xu Yifeng relies on driving monsters, and the pig-headed monster is the level 4 monster itself.

At this moment, Su Chen truly had the qualifications to stand at the top of Jiangcheng's extraordinary ranks.

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