The pig-headed monster bowed respectfully, and the armor on his body, which was as sticky as blood, sometimes condensed into armor, and sometimes turned into various weapons.

He was in a killing state at this time, eager to try, wanting to hunt powerful lives and fight as an opponent.

Su Chen decided to satisfy him.

The wings vibrated.

Su Chen flew across the sky like a big bird and stood on the six-meter wall of the fortress again.

He looked down at the whole Jiangcheng.


The powerful king led a group of strong dragons from Yang City to cross the river. First, he killed the giant zombies and disbanded the zombie army. Later, he established a self-help association, threatened to recapture Jiangcheng, and gathered the hearts of the survivors in the whole Jiangcheng.

Jiangcheng evolvers, and even awakeners, are erupting in a blowout.

"If you don't collect guard materials and zombie crystal cores now, what are you waiting for?"

Su Chen looked at his guards.


"Go and kill zombies and monsters."

"Although I don't know much about King Dali, since we are going to recapture Jiangcheng, as a Jiangcheng native, I will do my part."

"Save yourself, right?"


"Go and kill level 3 monsters and level 2 monsters to accumulate nutrients for your comrades to upgrade to level 3."

"Level 3 crystal cores, level 2 crystal cores, level 1 crystal cores, I want them all!"

Su Chen gave the order.

In an instant.

Except for the flying guards who were still flying in the sky to provide vision for Su Chen, the other six guards all scattered.

Apart from the old city with the Gate of Erosion, the strongest monster that can be born in Jiangcheng in seven days is the level 3 boss.

Just like the level 3 giant zombie guy just now.

With the current guard lineup under Su Chen, led by the level 4 monster pig-headed monster, he is really not afraid of danger.

In a flash.

Only Su Chen and Su Xiaoyi are left here.

It is foreseeable.

When the guards return.

A large number of crystal cores are obtained.

The guard lineup under Su Chen will be improved explosively.

Since the beginning of the apocalypse.

Su Chen deliberately did not show off, but there was no way. If Jiangcheng could really recover the lost territory, he could not hide at all.

Before that, he would naturally improve to the maximum limit.

"Let's go."

"Let's go collect materials for the guards."

Su Chen and Su Xiaoyi, these two extraordinary people, are not very conspicuous in the current Jiangcheng.

Because every street is full of survivors collecting supplies.

Everyone knows.

If Jiangcheng can really be restored to order by the powerful king, this will be the last chance to collect supplies.

"There are already people here."

"If you want to collect supplies, go somewhere else."

In front of the car city.

A man, wearing a tattered and dirty suit, holding a homemade spear in his hand, stared at Su Chen threateningly.

In the car city.

There were also the roars of monsters and the sounds of fighting, and it was obvious that a battle was breaking out inside.

The awakeners or evolvers inside were so weak that they had not yet taken down the monsters inside.


"Otherwise, die."

The man in the suit, with a spear in his hand blazing with flames, was actually a person with abilities who was in the awakening stage.

However, it should be around level 1.

At least, Su Chen did not see the lv mark on him.

This man was very weak.

So Su Chen did not take him seriously.

Not to mention the level 1 awakener.

Even the level 3 awakener was just barely between the level 2 peak monster and the level 3 monster.

And now all the level 3 monsters are no threat to Su Chen.

In Jiangcheng.

The only ones who can threaten Su Chen are the two crossing river dragons, the mighty king, and the wind king.


"It was dark just now, I couldn't see clearly."

"There is a woman next to you, and her skin is so tender. Okay, both of you don't leave."

"I want to have a big fight with you in front of your man..."

The man in the suit began to breathe heavily, his eyes full of lust, and he rushed forward to subdue Su Chen and the other man.


A dull heartbeat sounded.

This was the beating of the beast heart in Su Chen's body.

The next moment.

The man in the suit stopped, his heart was beating violently, more and more violently, he covered his chest and struggled in pain.


At this time, he realized something.

Today is August 10th.

The tenth day of the doomsday outbreak.

How precious is water? Even if they are awakened people in the team, they dare not use any water to take a bath or wash their faces, let alone wash clothes.

But the two people in front of them can still dress so neatly and cleanly, and they don't care about water at all.

How could they be weak survivors walking alone on this street full of zombies?

They must be powerful people!

At least they are level 2 peak extraordinary people who are local survivors in Jiangcheng.

He has only seen one type of people who don't care about clean water, that is, the powerful extraordinary people from Yang City.

And only the extraordinary people from Yang City who start at level 3 dare to waste water resources so wantonly.

"Forgive me."


"Superior extraordinary, I am blinded by greed. I have a daughter who is well-behaved and lovely. I am willing to give her to you..."

The man in a suit, with a pleading look on his face, covered his chest in pain, begging for mercy from Su Chen.

Su Chen looked at him with interest.

The next moment.

The beast's heart beat again.

In an instant.

The man in the suit lost control of his superpowers.

The blazing flames were no longer under his control and engulfed him, accompanied by a scream.

The man in the suit died and turned into ashes.

Of course.

There was still a fragment of ability left.

Ability fragment [Fire Control]: Level 1 Advanced (Level 0 just awakened)

"Xiaoyi, take it."

Su Chen was not very interested in the ability fragments of the 0-level awakener.

Too weak.

He now started by plundering the 3-level advanced ability fragments, that is, the fragments of the 2-level peak extraordinary-3-level extraordinary.

Su Xiaoyi took this ability fragment.


The two strolled leisurely and walked into this prosperous car city before the doomsday outbreak.

The cars sold here, except for the cheap ones worth tens or hundreds of thousands of dollars on the outside, are all high-end luxury cars worth millions of dollars.

Before the apocalypse, Su Chen, who only had hundreds of thousands of dollars in savings, did not dare to go to the inner circle.

Now, there are only zombies wearing 4S shop staff uniforms wandering around here.

Su Chen can drive any of the million-dollar luxury cars here as long as he can find the car keys.

It seems that the production of guards can only be based on weapons, and the materials can be used to create the body and produce it.

Drones can be counted as weapons.

Why can't cars be used?

With such a large weight and Mercedes-Benz speed, a step on the accelerator roars, except for the deformed ones who are good at strength, even a level 2 abnormal species, as long as they can hit it, I am afraid that the car will be knocked out.


"How can I forget that there is such a thing."

Su Chen's eyes shifted and looked at a large heavy truck parked in front of the 4th son's store that can transport coal, steel, and even a large number of cars, with a light in his eyes.

I just talked about ordinary cars. This kind of super-large heavy truck, on the highway, speed up, I am afraid that a level 2 deformed will be smashed into a meat paste.

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