"As long as it is transported to the steel factory, this is definitely a boss among the guards of the same level."

"After upgrading and adding some features, won't it take off?"

"The pig-headed monsters and the others are too weak at first, with just kitchen knife leather armor and so on, but this heavy truck warrior has innate strength right here."

Su Chen stepped forward and touched this heavy truck, unable to put it down.

Right now.

In the car city, chaotic movements were approaching rapidly, and it turned out that the monsters who were surrounded and suppressed were fleeing here.

"Stop this monster."

"It's not easy to encounter a seriously injured level 3 monster. This is the rumored level 3 crystal core."

"Don't let it go!"


The shouts of killing continued.

There was also the sound of shots being fired.

In a blink of an eye.

A fluffy canine monster was shot away by the survivor hunting team in the Motor City.

This monster with the shape of a normal large dog hit the truck that Su Chen couldn't put down, leaving a large blood stain.

Dirty and smelly blood splashed all over Su Chen.

But the good thing is.

Su Chen was very fast and had the experience of being contaminated by the dirty blood of Teddy dogs.

At that moment.

Muscle fibers are beating rapidly.

In a blink of an eye.

The flesh and blood armor composed of monster characteristics wrapped around his body and enveloped him.

I am afraid that the loss of characteristics exudes a terrible dangerous atmosphere.

This made the fluffy canine monster whine in fear and subconsciously huddled in the corner, trying to stay away from Su Chen. ,

This canine monster is not a level 3 monster. At least in Su Chen's eyes, it only has a level 2 logo on its head.

And, I don’t even want to be a monster.

Su Chen saw it clearly.

The eyes of this canine monster are clear, without any of the scarlet and violent aura unique to zombie monsters.

More like a normally evolved creature.

Walking in this doomsday world, Su Chen's knowledge of monsters is far beyond what these ragtag hunting teams can match.

"Is it possible that there are still beast-like awakened creatures that have not been infected by the zombie virus and have evolved normally?"

"That's it too."

"It is possible for surviving humans who are not infected to give birth to awakened persons and evolved beings. Why is it impossible to give birth to beast-like evolved life forms?"

Su Chen became somewhat interested.

He wants this dog.

This will take a while.

The extraordinary gang that occupied the Motor City also appeared, each armed with a firearm, pistol, or micro submachine gun.

One of the leaders was covered in flames, exuding a terrifying aura, and had a lv2 logo on his head.


This is a genuine Level 2 Extraordinary.

Other than that.

There was nothing for Su Chen to care about.

The others are only as strong as Level 1 Extraordinary, only two or three, and the rest, even if they are Evolved or Awakened, are at most Level 0.

Level 0, what is the difference between that and garbage?


"I discovered this level 3 monster first."

"You want to snatch the crystal core from monsters?"

The flames dissipated and the face of the leading man was revealed. He was a fierce man with scars all over his face.

It seems that he thinks that showing his appearance can scare away the ignorant person in front of him.

As a level 2 transcendent, he felt a terrible threat from the mysterious armored man in front of him.

For a moment, he didn't dare to take action.

Otherwise, according to his past temperament, he would definitely take action directly, killing the men first and plundering the women later.

He asked himself, among his group, there have been awakened people born since the first day of the apocalypse.

Later, a team was formed, and in communities such as Tieba, Su Gougou, the evil supplement master, and all kinds of amazing things shared by Dr. Su, the team grew rapidly.

He had the foresight and kept hunting zombies, and then he reached the forefront of all the extraordinary people in Jiangcheng.

Now, his team can even hunt down seriously injured level 3 monsters, which is evident.

He couldn't be a native of Jiangcheng who could pose a threat.

Could it be an adult from Yang City?

The thought of this.

Scar Wolf couldn't help but retreat. Anyone who could escape from Yang City was useless.

The weakest ones are all level 2 pinnacle extraordinary, capable of one-on-one combat, and are probably even stronger than him. The strongest Qing Yishui is level 3.

Moreover, corresponding organizations have long been formed, and there are also level 4 extraordinary experts as backers.

The Self-Rescue Association was created by the strong men of Yang City, wasn't it?

"However, the level 3 crystal core must not be given away! Otherwise, I don't mind eating a piece of Mr. Yangshi's flesh..."

Scar Wolf's eyes were fierce, his heart was ruthless, and his eyes were filled with cruelty.


"Look at that little girl, she has such dewy skin..."

There was the sound of heavy breathing.

There was actually a younger brother behind him who couldn't help but be attracted by Su Xiaoyi's beauty and exclaimed.

"Brother, grab this little bitch."

Brothers, are eager to give it a try.

They have always been used to being domineering.

They also formed a gang, so naturally they didn't care about other survivors. Even if the other party was extraordinary, they were not afraid.

They are more than mortal!


Scar Wolf's backhand was a slap, and the blazing flames burned the level 1 extraordinary head that had spoken earlier into slag.

"grown ups!"

"This level 3 monster is given to you."

“I don’t want the crystal core anymore.”

"Let's go now!"

"Let's leave now!"

Scar Wolf said with difficulty.

Just because after the younger brother finished speaking, he felt as if the man in front of him had transformed into some extremely terrifying monster.

The breath of terror made him breathless.

It was as if this person could suffocate him just by looking at him.


He has also seen one Level 3 Transcendent in Yang City, but he was not to such a terrifying level.

Could it be that, according to rumors, there is the third king in Yang City?


The puppet king who has never appeared before?


Su Chen did not reply.

Only the heart of the beast keeps beating.

More and more intense.

Attacks all lives within range indiscriminately.

The heart of the beast not only has an early warning function, it can indeed provide early warning for the intrusion and hiding of powerful beings.

But its small beating is not something that weak creatures can resist.


The evolver who had a strong body and followed the path of physical evolution roared, trying to resist the sound of the heartbeat.


next moment.

He exploded into a bloody mist.


Scar Wolf thought he was powerful and was at the forefront of Jiang City. The team he had spent countless efforts building was constantly dying at this moment.


"I am so weak."

On this day, Scar Wolf saw true power.


"Die to me."

Tongues of fire vented.

The awakened ones who could still struggle raised their mini-submachine guns and fired at Su Chen. Unfortunately, they were unable to break through Su Chen's armor at all.

Not even a trace can be left behind.

In a blink of an eye.

Only Scar Wolf, the leader, is still barely holding on.

"I am a member of the Self-Help Society!"

"kill me."

"Even if I offend the Self-Rescue Society, even you, the Puppet King, will feel uncomfortable."

"Why don't you accept me! I'm willing to hand over women and supplies to you, and let me be a dog under your hand..."

Su Chen looked at Scar Wolf and felt a little familiar. Then he remembered that he seemed to be a fugitive who had been on Jiangcheng's wanted list.

If the Puppet King was really here, he would probably like this vicious criminal very much.

Too bad he wasn't.

"Keep your eyes open before you die. You have recognized the wrong person. I am not Xu Yifeng, I am Su Gougou."


The next second.

In Scar Wolf's shocked and incredible eyes, his whole body exploded into a ball of blood mist.

Before death.

He was still thinking.

How can it be!

How could it be possible for Jiangcheng to give birth to a level 3 peak extraordinary being, or even a suspected level 4 extraordinary being.


It's still Su Gogou, the big boss who has disappeared for so long.

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