After eliminating the enemy, Su Chen routinely touched the corpses and found that they were pitifully poor.

Not to mention the level 2 crystal core on my body.

Even level 1 crystal nuclei are not many.

"If you are so poor, no wonder you want to hunt monsters, but you are really ignorant. A level 2 creature actually thought it was a level 3 monster..."

at this time.

Su Chen's beast heart was also beating constantly.

Except for Su Xiaoyi, who can ignore it.

within the range.

The fluffy canine creature was still struggling to resist, but it did not explode into blood mist like Scar Wolf and his group.

This level of strength is considered rare among level 2 monsters.


"This is the first time I've seen a monster. It's not a blood-red bloodthirsty eye."

Su Chen stretched out his hand.


The flesh and blood fibers stretched out and turned into a cage, catching the canine creature.

Give the guy a little wiggle.

Su Chen also lifted up his tail to see, what a good guy, it turned out to be a female dog.


Su Chen pointed at the mess of blood and flesh on the ground.

The canine creature remained unmoved.


Still shivering.

No wonder that despite having the toughness of nearly a level 3 monster, peak level 2, and far stronger than the leader Scar Wolf, he was still being hunted to such an extent.

Don't dare to kill.

Not even the slightest bit vicious.


Su Chen lost interest.

In this doomsday-ridden world, such a waste, no matter how great his potential, is still useless.

Su Chen casually discarded the level 2 canine creature and began to look at the heavy truck with bright eyes.


The fluffy Level 2 canine creature clamped its tail, seemed a little embarrassed and angry, and turned to look at Su Chen.

In the end, he ran away in fear.

See this.

Su Chen turned his head and looked at the direction in which the canine creature was leaving, and followed with Su Xiaoyi.

A possibility suddenly occurred to him.

Clear eyes.

There is no tyranny of monster zombies.

In addition to the naturally evolved beast creatures, there is another possibility, such as the transforming awakened ones.

There may be another survivor base nearby.

The roof of a 25-story high-rise building in Auto City was turned into a prison cell.

There are all kinds of women, no hair or hair, ranging from eleven or twelve years old to early thirties.

They are fixed on brackets by wires, showing shameful postures to make it easier for users to enter.

These women's eyes were hollow and numb. It was obvious that what they had suffered during this period was beyond their imagination in peacetime.

Many of the messy clothes on the ground were uniforms from 4S stores. Obviously, these were survivors from the Motor City area.

They were all caught.

In this end of the world when order collapses, apart from water, food, and crystal nuclei, women, especially young women, are also a resource.

Order collapses.

Power is everything, and those who are awakened and capable can do whatever they want.

The fluffy canine creature broke open the door, rushed into the cell, chewed through the wire, and released the women.

But these women were at a loss and had no intention of escaping. They gathered together and did not dare to step out of the house.

There is a monster outside the house.

They are more afraid of the outside world than what they encounter inside the house.

After releasing these women.

The canine creature, with its tail between its legs, opened another door in the back room. Inside, there was a woman who could not be caught but was being held in solitary confinement.

This woman is exceptionally tall, more than 1.9 meters tall, nearly two meters tall, with a slender figure. Not only is she not oppressive at all, but she also has a gentle temperament.

From a distance, everything from the neck down is legs, and that's not just talk.

This is not an evolver.

This woman is just an ordinary person.

She was born so tall. In this world where apocalyptic evolution is possible, being born two meters tall is an advantage.

As long as she can embark on the path of evolution, she will definitely become stronger than everyone else.

"elder sister."

The fluffy canine creature rushed to the feet of the tall woman, and its body changed, turning into a short girl about 1.7 meters tall.

He was completely naked except for his tail, which had not changed back and was sandwiched between his legs.

As if she thought of something, the girl's face turned red and she became embarrassed and angry again.

"elder sister."

"Although the bad guy killed those bullies, he bullied me. Not only did he lift me up, he also hit me there with his fingers."

The canine girl was extremely angry, and now she still had residual feelings that made her feel ashamed and angry.

As she spoke, she couldn't help but reveal her ferocious little canine teeth, wanting to bite something and vent her anger.

Listen to everything the girl said.

The tall woman frowned and asked.


"He calls himself Su Gogou?"

"Is he the boss who kept posting in the first few days of the apocalypse and then disappeared?"

"I let you go."

The tall woman frowned deeper and deeper, and finally looked at the empty stairwell and spoke slowly.

"Now that we're here."

"Why bother hiding it..."

"Mr. Su!"

The stairs are silent.


Two figures came slowly, wearing monster armor, and Su Xiaoyi who was following Su Chen.


The canine girl was startled, and then she remembered that she had just untied her clothes and had not put on any more clothes, so she hurriedly hid behind the tall woman.

"Ms. Xu."

Su Chen greeted her.

Xu Lele.

27 years old.

Gold medal salesperson at a 4S store.

When Su Chen's family was not yet in decline, his family was still quite well-off. After he got his driver's license in high school, his family was ready to buy him a car.

At that time.

It was this Ms. Xu who received him.

Her 1.9-meter tall figure was hard to forget.

It was just that during the period of buying a car, the real estate economy was in a downturn, and real estate companies continued to go bankrupt, affecting Jiangcheng.

As a small contractor, Su Chen's father could not get the final payment and was forced to jump off the building.

After his death, he was forced by public opinion to get the final payment and settle the debt.

But Su Chen's family was also broken up.

The car purchase also ended in vain.

"Father Shen, Mother Shen..."

A hatred grew.

The two families were old friends.

In the end, Shen Linlin's family destroyed his family. At that time, it was ruled that Su Chen's father committed suicide, and even the debt was paid under pressure from public opinion.

Su Chen went to first-tier cities and was far away from his hometown. Now he is back, but he is full of familiar scenes, which makes him sad.

"Mr. Su knows me?"


"A local of Jiangcheng, whoever has seen me, how can he not have a deep impression of me."

"I didn't expect it."

"Mr. Su, as a local of Jiangcheng, can reach this level in just ten days."

"Mr. Su should be level 3 or level 4?"


"Mr. Su, is he the same as those fugitives of Scar Wolf, running here to catch women, as playthings/slaves, and venting animal desires?"

Seeing that the other party was staring at the two sisters, Xu Lele showed a mocking smile and touched her waist, where there was a dagger.



If he really dares to touch the two sisters.

Even if it means death.

She will take the so-called Mr. Su away.

"Is Mr. Shen still alive? I heard he moved, where did he move to?"

Xu Lele was stunned.

He recognized the man in front of him.

The protagonist of the incident that made headlines in Jiangcheng, causing a sensation in the city, with the unfinished building and the contractor jumping off the building.

The young man whose family was destroyed by the developer of the building on the river.

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