Doom: I have a fortress and a puppet army!

Chapter 57: Follow Your Heart

Jiangcheng is a small county town. Although it is small, it has its own local strength. It is a tree with deep roots and luxuriant branches and leaves.


It can cover the sky with one hand.

The developer of Jiangshang real estate, the Shen family, or the Shen family, is like this.


Even in civilized society and the era of technology, it still exists, whether in big cities or small counties.

That incident was a big deal back then.

The whole city was in turmoil.

Xu Lele still remembers the cold eyes of the boy when she went to Su Chen's house to return the deposit.

Parents passed away.

Pain to numbness.

Numbness grows, and eyes become cold.

Just heard.

After the funeral.

Su Chen, who was in high school in Yang City, did not even finish high school, and went to other cities and never returned to Jiangcheng.

"The doomsday broke out, and the big boss Su Gou Gou in the online community... was you?"

"When did you come back."

Xu Lele exclaimed.

The flesh and blood armor dissipated, and the muscle fibers returned to Su Chen's body, revealing Su Chen's deep eyes and his still delicate and tender face.

This year.

He is only in his early twenties.

But with his strength, even any monsters and extraordinary people who dominate Jiangcheng now cannot ignore him.

Because he stands at the top of Jiangcheng's extraordinary combat power.

He is a real boss!

In this world where the doomsday is coming and order is collapsing, he is the fourth king, and he can kill whoever he kills first.


It won't be long.

He will become the only king.

Even the three kings who escaped from Yang City will still be trampled under his feet, and he will be looked up to.

Can't survive.

Su Chen decided not to survive.

Who made him so huge now? In the future, he will be even bigger, like a behemoth, covering the sky and the sun in Jiangcheng, and it can't be hidden at all.

"After I come back."

"The next day, the doomsday broke out."

Su Chen spoke briefly and continued to ask questions.

"Mother and Father Shen, you should have had a good life these years. After all, even if the real estate they developed was left unfinished, it was the consumers who bought the houses and the small contractors who paid for the development."

"They are all-powerful. In Jiangcheng, they are safe and sound. Now that the end of the world is here, who can protect them?"

A hatred grew.

It became stronger and stronger.

At this time, Su Chen realized that he had never forgotten this matter and that he had always cared about it.

Ever since Dali Wang decided to set up a self-help association to rebuild the order of Jiangcheng, he found that he could not survive, and this murderous intention grew.


Now he can do whatever he wants.

"You know the Self-Help Society."

"Those extraordinary people from Yang City wanted a safe base, so they chose Jiangcheng."

"As early as three or five days ago, when the network signal was unstable, some extraordinary people from Yang City began to contact the survivors in Jiangcheng..."

"At that time, I was in another gathering place with a large number of survivors, and the leader there was the Shen family."

"They are very powerful. Even if the doomsday comes and everything is reshuffled, there are still many highly educated people, managers, and various skilled talents in their family, and the first batch of evolvers have been born..."

"The Self-Help Society values ​​them very much and thinks they will be very useful in managing and rebuilding Jiangcheng in the future..."

Value the Shen family.

Su Chen, in his heart, has an unprecedented disgust for the Self-Help Society.

This kind of bully force in Jiangcheng.

Just because it is useful to him, he values ​​it.

You value the Shen family, and you have made an enemy with me, Su Chen, do you know?

The so-called Self-Help Society is nothing more than this.

Holding a grand banner and shouting about conquering lost territory, I'm afraid they are just some local emperors who want to be in Jiangcheng and do whatever they want.

In essence.

They are no different from the Scar Wolf gang. When the time comes, order will be established, and they will become the superiors, bullying men and women, and being evil.

"How are these extraordinary people in Yang City?"

As a native of Jiangcheng, and in the early stage of the doomsday outbreak, Su Chen also showed goodwill and released a lot of useful zombie sharing posts.

Compared with the people of Yang City, Xu Lele is closer to Su Chen, a local.

She thought about it.

She was a little unsure about what Su Chen was going to do.

"They are very strong..."

The result.

But in return, Su Chen sneered.


The puppet king, one of the three kings, was almost killed by him on the spot. The remaining two kings, no matter how strong they are, are limited!

"What kind of people are they?"

Su Chen asked again.

Xu Lele in front of him had been to a larger gathering place for survivors and had contact with people in Yang City.

As an ordinary person, it is obviously more fair.

As for Su Chen.

Naturally, he has also come into contact with people from Yang City.

Shen Lang, one of the twelve villains.

Xu Yifeng, one of the three kings.


They didn't come into contact with each other much, but they fought directly. These two Yang City dragons, under Su Chen's hands, ended up with one dead and one escaped.

As for their personalities.

After a brief contact, Su Chen really didn't know.

After all.

They are just two dead people.

Among them, Xu Yifeng will die in his hands sooner or later.

"Some are good and some are evil."

"Some of them have good intentions, like the powerful king and the wind king, who are said to be very righteous people."

"I really want to rebuild the human order and restore the civilized society before the outbreak of the doomsday."

"But there are some..."

"The rest of the Yang City Level 3 peak extraordinary people, when they were in Yang City, they were known as the Twelve Evils..."

Xu Lele said it very obscurely.

Dali Wang is a pure idealist. He holds the banner of human justice and, with his fists, has gathered a large group of Yang City extraordinary people who want to make a big move in Jiangcheng.

The rest of the Yang City extraordinary people are of mixed quality.

With power, they can do whatever they want and do whatever they want. It is normal to bully men and women in this doomsday.

Su Chen continued to talk with Xu Lele to learn about the information of the Self-Help Association, and his brows furrowed deeper and deeper.

Because he got a piece of information.

It is rumored that there is a laboratory inside the Self-Help Association, and the cross-river dragons in Yang City seem to be doing some experiments.

Experimenting on humans.

I have never heard of a living person coming out of there.

They are all from Jiangcheng.

There were also many ordinary people from Yang City who fled here, but they only used people from Jiang City for experiments.

It was because of this that Xu Lele, who had been well-behaved with her sister Xu Xiaoyun under the Self-Help Association, left there.

God knows.

When will the sisters be caught for experiments?

"Jiangcheng, it's better for Jiangcheng people to make their own decisions."

Su Chen's resentment towards the Self-Help Association has reached its limit.

Especially knowing.

This laboratory was built when the Shen family vacated their industry to help these people from Yang City.

What good stuff can be with the Shen family!

This group of people from Yang City in the laboratory are very bad!


Outside the high-rise building.

A suspended fortress with a height of more than 20 meters, including the base, emerged, and Su Chen signaled Xu Lele and others to enter it.

He accepted this group of survivors.

Let me ask.

In the whole Jiangcheng, is there any place safer than his fortress?

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