Doom: I have a fortress and a puppet army!

Chapter 58 Accommodating Survivors

"What is this?"


"Is it a monster? I'm so scared, mom."

A burst of crying and shouting sounded.

Inside the house.

These women were frightened by the fortress summoned by Su Chen, and made a lot of noise.

"This is my fortress!"

Su Chen tried to be concise and said slowly.

"At present, even level 4 monsters cannot break into my fortress. Even the level 4 supernatural king has hunted it."

"You can say that."

"There is no safer place than my fortress in the whole Jiangcheng."

"In addition."

"There is enough food, at least three meals a day, to eat normally."

"If you want, you can enter my fortress. If you don't want to, I can let you leave."

Su Chen originally wanted to give those who wanted to leave a level 1 crystal core as a resource for becoming stronger, or as travel expenses.

But he thought about it.

Although the energy of a level 1 crystal core is a little less, it is still meat.

What if more people leave.

Isn't it equivalent to him losing a lv2 or even more guards?


Level 1 crystal cores cannot be distributed.

Su Chen is very generous with water and food, but he is very stingy with crystal cores.

These women, ranging from early 30s to 12, 13 or 14, looked at each other without saying anything, but looked at Xu Lele.


During this period of time.

Xu Lele, the only one who was still calm, has become the backbone of these people.


"Why are you looking at me like this?"

Su Chen frowned, looking at Xu Lele who looked at him as if he were trash, and couldn't help asking.

"Can you handle so many women? You're young and strong."

"I thought you were a good guy."

"Sure enough."

"There's nothing good about men."

"So Boss Su also has this habit, enjoying thousands of beauties all by himself! For you, this doomsday is probably a paradise where you can't get out of bed every day."

Xu Lele, sarcastically.


Su Chen finally understood.

The woman in front of him was thinking about all these.

He didn't think about these.

Just now, he was thinking that he had been delayed here for a long time, and he had to solve the problems here quickly.

Downstairs, the heavy truck, his powerful heavy truck guard in the future, was waiting for him.

"You have a sister who can become a peak level 2 monster, so you don't have to worry too much about your safety in this doomsday."

"Even if you know, you will have some concerns, but they are ordinary people."

"Sure enough, you are a fool, no wonder you were caught, if you don't go in, just go with your sister."

Su Chen cursed.

At the beginning.

If he hadn't been careless and had been infected with the dirty blood of (desire), he wouldn't even have planned to accept Su Xiaoyi.

Three years ago, he was a smart and capable salesperson in a 4S store. Now in the doomsday, he has these things in his mind?

Do you think his fortress is used to open a bank?



"What woman can I not get if I want it?"

"Do I need to take over this place?"


Su Chen sneered, and Xu Lele was speechless after scolding him.

That's right.

With Su Chen's young appearance, 4th level extraordinary power, and upright and kind temperament, in this doomsday, many women will be crazy to pay him for survival, stability, or the future.

Previously, when she was still at the level of 3, Fang Xiaoya was an example. She wanted to pay Su Chen, but became Su Xiaoyi's wedding dress.

As long as Su Chen is willing, he hooks his finger, and all the women present will voluntarily climb into his bed.

"I was wrong."

Xu Lele lowered her head and admitted her mistake.

"Where is the security captain!"

Su Chen ignored her and shouted at the fortress instead.


The suspended fortress is connected to the top floor bedroom on the 25th floor. A long-legged lady wearing a slim security uniform jumped up from the fortress wall.

Her skin was fair.

There were dark blue lines on her body.

Her legs were long.

Her long hair was fluttering.

She had a melon-seed face and big eyes, and she was extremely beautiful. She was wearing a suit that made her even more seductive.


"The security captain is here."

Xiao Xiaoxiao, the female zombie, raised her hand, and her words and actions seemed a little funny.

But no one laughed.

On the contrary, many women, including Xu Lele and her sister, were trembling with fear and their faces were pale.

Of course, it was not because of Xiao Xiaoxiao, the female zombie.

But it was behind Xiao Xiaoxiao.

Including the Bone-Eroding Blood Ape, there were five terrifying level 3 elite monsters with ferocious faces and extremely fierceness standing behind Xiao Xiaoxiao.

They were originally extremely fierce, but now they were as docile as domestic dogs behind Xiao Xiaoxiao, with a special security hat on their heads.

They looked funny.

But no one dared to say that this terrible lineup was funny, and no one dared to laugh out loud.

Even if the twelve apostles of Yang City were thrown out at random, they might not be able to suppress any of the monsters.

Level 3 elite monsters.

Even in Jiangcheng, there are only a few of them.

The Self-Help Association can't even take them out.

It's easy to kill level 3 monsters.

But it's hard to subdue them.

Level 3 monsters are like this, not to mention the more terrifying level 3 elite monsters.

Before Su Chen encountered the level 3 giant zombie in the food factory, the level 3 elite monster was the template of the level 3 monster boss in Jiangcheng.

And here.

In Su Chen's fortress, there were five of them at once, used as security guards.



"How is it possible!"

"Five such powerful level 3 monsters, placed in any place in Jiangcheng, are dangerous places that the self-help association will find difficult to attack..."

"You have five of them here at once..."

"Are you really a level 4 extraordinary?"

"Compared to the king of Yang City?"

Xu Lele is not an ignorant person. It is precisely because of her knowledge that she was shocked.

Her eyes were full of shock and disbelief.

They are all level 4 awakeners and evolvers. Some of them can only be regarded as ordinary level 3 extraordinary, while others are level 4 extraordinary kings.

At first, she thought Su Chen was level 4, but he was definitely not a level 4 supernatural being, but only a level 4 awakening, a level 4 evolution, and his combat power was still hovering around level 3 supernatural beings.


At this moment.

She was really shocked.

He was definitely the king of level 4 supernatural beings.

Otherwise, it was impossible to explain the scene in front of her. If he was not the king of level 4 supernatural beings, how could he recover so many Jiangcheng overlord monsters.

Su Chen asked Xiao Xiaoxiao to control five level 3 elite monsters to come out, giving these women strong confidence.

The fortress is absolutely safe!

After escorting these women into the castle.

Su Chen looked at Xu Lele and Xu Xiaoyun, who had long since stopped showing his teeth, with a little sarcasm.

"Are you coming?"

"In your mouth, my fortress is a devil's den that I use to harm women."

"With your temper, I dare not let you think that I have any improper thoughts about you."

"By the way."

"I have a clean water source here. Tsk, tsk, you haven't taken a shower for a few days, your body must be stinky."

As he said, Su Chen was about to control the fortress to fly away.


Xu Lele got angry.

"Go in, why not."

"Being abused by you is better than being abused by other stinky men!"

"I'll go in!"

"I'll go in too! Xiaoyun wants to take a shower!"

Xu Lele and her sister trotted into the fortress.



Su Chen sneered.

Beside him, Su Xiaoyi was twisting the soft flesh on his waist, looking angry, and asked in his ear.

"Tell me. Do you want to start a harem!"

Su Xiaoyi bit him.

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