City ruins.

Countless zombies roamed, and there were terrifying monsters lurking in the darkness. Gangzi's figure whistled, walking in the darkness, chasing the giant zombie fleeing in front of him.

I don't know why.

Along the way, the giant zombie stopped and started, as if deliberately attracting him to a certain place.


Military orders are like mountains.

The monarch gave an order, and he obeyed it. He had to bring back the crystal core and head of this zombie no matter what.

"Catch it!"

"This metal creature is a mysterious, powerful and extraordinary creature. He discovered our secret!"

In front of a ruined house, the giant zombie that turned into a normal human appearance actually made a hissing human cry.


In an instant.

The ruins collapsed.

A stone door slowly opened.

An old man in a white coat came out and scolded the giant zombie.

"No matter what, even if you are killed, you shouldn't bring him to my laboratory."

The giant zombie, at its peak, is so powerful that it can even kill level 3 elite monsters, but in front of this old man in a white coat, it dares not fart.


"What a strange life state?"

The old man in the white coat, his eyes shining, wants to walk towards Gangzi.

In an instant.

Gangzi disappeared on the spot.

All the characteristics are turned on.

Want to capture this old man alive.


Under the ruins, there was a roar from the door of the laboratory, and zombie monsters that had undergone various modifications and were inlaid with various artillery came out.

There were many level 3 monsters among them.

Gangzi fought with the monsters.


The last scene was the excited face of the old man in the white coat.

"Sleep well."

"When you wake up, my new experiment will start."

"By then, you must be a brand new and powerful life! Of course, it belongs to me alone."

When I wake up again.

Gangzi found himself locked in a secret metal jar, with a strange-looking man standing in front of him.

The defeated puppet king Xu Yifeng.

Xu Yifeng never expected it.

In such a short time, he actually encountered the metal creatures under Su Chen again, and in this situation.

"Old man Zhang."

"Doesn't your stun ability stun even level 4 monsters? Why did this level 3 metal life wake up?"

Xu Yifeng spoke.

The old man in the white coat who was busy transplanting the characteristics of the fresh zombies into the bodies of living humans hurriedly ended the experiment and walked over.


"It shouldn't be."

"But it doesn't matter. He is only a level 3 monster. This big jar can trap even a level 4 monster. He can't escape."

"That's right."

"Unless he can suddenly become a level 4 superhuman, or even a level 4 superhuman with tricky abilities."

Xu Yifeng sneered and mocked. He was shocked to find that after losing, he was like a frightened bird and made such a fuss.

A mere level 3 metal creature actually frightened him, a level 4 monster.

"The Lord of Metal Creation."


"Wait for death."

"Wait until I complete Dr. Zhang's monster transformation, truly integrate me with the red dragon, and then integrate other more powerful level 4 monster characteristics. You will see what's going on."

Xu Yifeng smiled coldly.

The next moment.

He couldn't laugh anymore.

Just because Gangzi in the jar's aura rose rapidly, and it actually reached a certain level in an instant, bringing him an incomparable sense of danger.

At this moment, don't talk about him.

Even Dr. Zhang, who was always smiling and as steady as a rock, changed his expression.

"How is it possible?"

"Level 4."

"It didn't eat the crystal core, nor did it undergo a fusion of characteristics. Where did the energy come from to become a Level 4 monster..."

"This doesn't conform to the law of evolution!"

Dr. Zhang shouted in fear.

Then he calmed down.

His spirits became more and more high-spirited.

"Just right."

"What's the matter with a Level 4 monster? It's still one of my materials. No matter how strong you are, you can't break this glass jar. This is a special one."

Dr. Zhang smiled grimly.

The original Level 3 experimental material suddenly became a Level 4 material. How could he not be happy?

The next moment.

Dr. Zhang's eyes were stagnant, and an incomparable look of horror emerged.

Gangzi turned into a shadow, like flowing water, no, it should be said that it was like light and shadow, disappearing from the glass tube.

The next moment.

A pair of iron-like hands pinched Dr. Zhang's neck.

"Are you still proud now?"

Gangzi's low and hoarse words rang in Dr. Zhang's ears.


"Red Dragon!"

The two men burst out their abilities at the same time, roaring, trying to summon their strongest means to suppress this strange shadow creature.


Shadow Supernatural!

Absolute Level 4 Supernatural!

Xu Yifeng, even more flawed.

How is it possible!

It was just a weak Level 3 monster under that kid's command, how could it suddenly become comparable to him, a Level 4 Supernatural king who stood at the top of the Supernatural?


A fierce battle broke out.

The entire underground laboratory was blown into ruins, and the real ruins were no longer disguised.

When Su Chen and the first guards arrived here, they saw the battlefield that had already ended.

There is also a half-dead old man in a white coat, and the dead puppet king Xu Yifeng.

And a level 4 red dragon monster that was disemboweled.

Deep in the laboratory.

A group of experimenters in white coats trembled and looked at Su Chen, who did not look like a human being, in horror.

It was no wonder they did.

Characteristic fusion.

He was walking the path of a monster.

Now Su Chen has bird-like wings and flesh and blood armor. If you don't look closely, you can't tell that it is a set of armor. Instead, it looks more like a deformed humanoid flesh and blood monster.

The right eye is like burning flames, and the left eye is a cold stone eye. This is a monster that even a transformation-type ability user cannot transform into.

The monster itself cannot evolve into this appearance, after all, it is mixed with too many various monster characteristics.

"Where is this place?"

Su Chen raised his head and glanced around.

Digging underground.

I vaguely remember.

Before the doomsday, this should be the most prosperous underground shopping mall in Jiangcheng.

It occupies a large area of ​​ground.

It is two floors deep underground, and each floor is equivalent to a 1,000-meter large playground in a stadium.

This is the asset of the Shen family.

Now, here are piled various instruments, potions, medicines, and monsters and zombies in glass tubes...

And, in some glass tubes, the livers are dug out alive, replaced with zombie characteristics, and humans are still struggling to survive.

When he saw this for the first time, Su Chen thought of a place.


"Is this the laboratory built by the Self-Rescue Association?"

"Using Jiangcheng people to conduct monster fusion experiments, you extraordinary apostles in Yang City are really amazing."

Su Chen sneered, his eyes swept over Xu Yifeng, the dead man, and looked at the half-dead old man in a white coat on the ground.

Among the twelve apostles, there is Zhang Baiguai, who is nicknamed the potion madman.

Su Chen can feel that this old man has no less than ten kinds of monster characteristics in his body.

He is a real madman.

Not only does he experiment on others, but he also experiments on himself.

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