This laboratory was transformed from the largest underground mall in Jiangcheng. On the underground floor, human experiments are being conducted on the captured Jiangcheng survivors.

The main thing is to insert the corresponding loss characteristics after dissection to see if there will be rejection reactions, and make corresponding records.

It is divided into several areas.

Ordinary people test area, evolver test area, awakener test area.

Su Chen glanced and saw some familiar faces, including store employees who bought supplies before the end of the world.

Also, the peak level 2 ability user who was rescued at the food factory not long ago seemed to be called Xu Fan. With the help of frenzy, he could barely fight with the level 3 monster.

In the corner.

There is a large pool of formalin, in which countless bodies of failed experiments are piled.

In a small room, you can also see Jiangcheng women locked up with dog chains, naked, obviously used to entertain the experimenters.

These women, like zombies, are even more miserable than the batch that Su Chen had just rescued.


"Too disgusting."

"Is this the end of the order collapse?"

Although Su Chen knew that now was the end of the world where everything depended on strength, he still couldn't help but be furious.

He was from Jiangcheng, a native of Jiangcheng. Even if he left because of what happened back then, he still had a sense of belonging to Jiangcheng in his bones.

"This damn group of outsiders."

All the monster characteristics in Su Chen's body were vibrating, breeding murderous anger and malice, trying to affect Su Chen's mind.

At this moment, in Su Chen's body, under the influence of the monster characteristics, strange patterns spread.

This is the third kind of dirty blood, furious.

"Do you have anything to explain?"

"The twelve apostles from Yangcheng, Dr. Monster, Mr. Zhang."

Su Chen's hoarse words rang in this laboratory.

The staff in the laboratory trembled, wanting to escape but not daring to escape, looking at this terrible extraordinary person who came out of nowhere in fear.

Listen to this meaning.

This powerful monster-like existence in front of them turned out to be a Jiangcheng native supernatural being?

How is it possible!

Many of them are locals in Jiangcheng, but they have never heard of such a terrifying existence in Jiangcheng.

When did Jiangcheng give birth to its own Level 4 supernatural king?

If you know this.

How could they go to the self-help association in Yang City and sit here to wait for things to happen.


"Monster characteristics."

"Such a strong monster characteristic."

"Only monsters can spontaneously produce the pollution of the erosion gate, and you are actually polluted."

"How is this possible! This means that you can 100% integrate the monster characteristics and drive their power, which is completely inconsistent with the law of monster fusion..."

"How did you do this?"

"Tell me!"

"Tell me quickly!"

Zhang Baiguai, breathing heavily, looked at Su Chen as if he was looking at some peerless treasure, and wanted to crawl towards Su Chen like crazy.

He witnessed the birth of dirty blood and evil anger on Su Chen's body with his own eyes, and he knew clearly what this meant.

The various monster characteristics of the person in front of him all recognize him as the master and serve him.

This is completely contrary to common sense.

You must know.

According to the summary in the top-secret manual, even if a human has the best talent, the success rate of integrating monster characteristics will not exceed 50%.

Once dead, the monster characteristics will backfire and become a murderous madman who is controlled by the characteristics.

Moreover, people cannot control the will of monsters. Even if you get the power of monster characteristics, it is difficult to exert much of the power.

50% of the power is also the limit.

More than 50%.

There is a great risk of becoming an out-of-control madman.

As for the special evolutionists who control the monster characteristics, there has never been one who gave birth to dirty blood on their own.

A person who can control the power of monster characteristics 100%, as long as he keeps trying and failing, and keeps integrating characteristics...

will definitely reach the top of the world and become the extraordinary top like the king of monsters!

"Tell me!"

"Tell me quickly!"

"You don't have to tell me. Let me dig out your head and transplant it into my brain, and I'll know everything."

"Then I'll be the king of monsters!"

At the end, the crazy Zhang Baiguai made two sounds, and then excitedly tore his clothes to reveal his chest.

His chest was hollowed out and filled with various monster characteristics, including a hideous human monster head, grinning.

This is a, no, a former level 4 special evolver, a supernatural king-level existence.

What a pity.

In the end, when the disaster broke out in Yang City, in order to cover everyone's escape, too much monster power was exerted, and he was controlled by the monster's will and became an irrational, murderous monster madman.

Zhang Baiguai got his head and transplanted it into his body without hesitation.

Others thought his ability was dizziness, but it was not. His ability was symbiosis.

This is why he can integrate so many monster characteristics in his body.

The ability to stun was something he gained by digging out the heart of a monster.

But there was always a limit to the use of symbiotic abilities, and he simply could not control it as perfectly as Su Chen.

Sooner or later, he would become a crazy monster.

So, Su Chen's temptation to him is greater than anything else.

"I will become the king of monsters!"


"You didn't expect that I, Zhang Baiguai, a little-known Frankenstein among the Twelve Apostles, would have the extraordinary strength of level 4."

"You are not wronged to fall into my hands! Ten characteristics of level 3, or even level 3 upper, plus the head of the level 4 tiger king, even the puppet king Xu Yifeng is far inferior to me."

"Your level 4 metal creation takes the path of sneak attack, and there is no way to fight me!"


Zhang Baiguai laughed wildly, his body continued to expand, and in an instant he turned into a two-headed monster with various monster limbs.

One head is a ferocious tiger head like a human, and the other head has a bird-like sharp beak, ape hair, fish-like eyes, and a crocodile-like skull.

His breath instantly became dangerous.

In an instant.

Even, it was slightly better than the previous King of Power who was blessed by the King of Wind and had full status points.


Gangzi was beaten away by the deformed two-headed monster without being able to resist a slap.

"This kid is dead."

"Damn it."

"I didn't expect that Zhang Baiguai was so crazy and used his body to do such a terrible experiment..."

"No wonder King of Power could tolerate a madman like him and acquiesced to him opening a human laboratory in Jiangcheng..."

Xu Yifeng's headless corpse flashed a bloody crack on his chest, and an eye was watching this scene.

"So, are you done with your nonsense?"

The wings vibrated.

Su Chen was suspended in the air.

With cold eyes, he stared at the powerful two-headed deformed monster in front of him. In his field of vision, there were dense information bars.

Found level 3 special materials (elite monster: petrified giant fish crocodile): stone skin jade fish bone, do you want to pick it up?

Found the material of level 3 characteristic (Boss Monster: Wingless Horror Bird) Bone-piercing Fang, do you want to pick it up?

Found the material of level 4 characteristic (Deformed Evolved Human) Powerful Deformed Head, do you want to pick it up?

Found the material of level 3 characteristic...

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