Doom: I have a fortress and a puppet army!

Chapter 64 The First Monster Guardian

Relying on the symbiotic ability, Zhang Baiguai avoided the backlash of monster characteristics and was able to borrow some of the monster's characteristics.

This is why he has ten powerful monster characteristics above level 3, but he is still alive.

However, he is not the master of these monster characteristics.

In Su Chen's eyes.

This powerful level 4 two-headed deformed monster in front of him is a walking characteristic storage rack. He only needs to stretch out his hand...

Ten powerful characteristics will be put into his body by themselves.

"Is there such a good thing?"

Looking at Zhang Baiguai who was still arrogant and laughing, and his eyes were full of sarcasm and contempt, Su Chen laughed.


"How do you want to die?"

It was not Su Chen who said this, but Zhang Baiguai who thought he had a powerful force. His two heads were shouting the same words and making overlapping strange sounds.


He punched.

The terrible monster's physical fitness actually made a sonic boom. At this time, he was a powerful monster.

This punch would smash any flesh into powder.

"It seems I don't have to play dead and hide."

"With this kind of trump card, Zhang Baiguai is probably at the middle level of level 4, that is, the level of level 4 elite monster..."

"Damn it."

"It's stronger than when I was at my peak!"

"Haha, this fortress lord is dead."

In the headless corpse of Xu Yifeng, the eye sneered through the cracks in the flesh and blood.


"A fat sheep threatening a hungry wolf?"

Su Chen looked strange.

With so many monster characteristics, it would be a waste if he didn't want them.

Dr. Monster gave him a big gift.

Even if Dr. Monster is stronger, what's the use? Su Chen only needs to hook his finger, and the powerful monster body he relies on will fall apart.

Su Chen finally took action.

He hooked his finger at the powerful deformed monster that was grinning at him.

"Pick it up."

In an instant.

Zhang Baiguai's punch stopped in front of Su Chen's eyes, and he showed a puzzled look in his eyes.

It wasn't that he suddenly became kindhearted and couldn't bear to kill, but that he suddenly found that he couldn't control his level 4 monster body.

In the past, he had killed many powerful extraordinary people or powerful monsters with this trump card.

But it was the first time that he was out of control.


In fact, it was not a question of whether it was controlled or not, but that the monster organs rejected him and coexisted with him, as if they had a better place to go.

Not only the monster organs, but also the head of the tiger king was eager to leave his body and go to the body of the person in front of him.

"What's going on?"

"How did you do it!"

"Are you still a human? Are you a monster in the Gate of Erosion in disguise?"

This Doctor Monster was anxious and wanted to control his body to escape from here and stay away from this terrifying man in fear.


Everything was in vain.


There was a bang.

Just like a treasure chest exploded, Doctor Monster's whole body exploded, flesh and blood shattered, accompanied by blood mist, and monster characteristics roared out one by one.

Doctor Monster, Zhang Baiguai is dead.

Deader than dead.

Flesh and blood exploded.

Only a skeleton with blood and flesh fragments remained.

If he could still survive like this, this Zhang Baiguai must be very lucky.

"Open the treasure chest gift box."

Under the helmet of the flesh monster, Su Chen grinned.

Good people like Dr. Monster are really precious in this doomsday world.

I hope to meet more of them in the future, so that he can quickly rush into the ranks of lv4 and level 5 extraordinary.


The next moment.

When he saw clearly what characteristics were integrated into Dr. Monster, Su Chen almost got angry.

Shriveled monster characteristic organs.

Surrounded by an ominous black mist.

There is also something as sticky as black blood in it.

No need to wait, just by analysis, Su Chen can guess what is mixed in it.

Lust. Dirty blood.

Hunger. Dirty blood.

"Even if the doomsday outbreak in Yang City lasted for more than a month, there would definitely not be so many high-quality monster characteristics..."

"No wonder Zhang Baiguai has so many high-quality monster characteristics."

"It turned out to be the high-level monsters in the Gate of Erosion."

Su Chen had experienced the power of Lust and Filthy Blood, and he didn't dare to touch it at all.

Not to mention, there was also Hunger and Filthy Blood, which seemed to be mixed with other things.

"Don't come over."

Su Chen's wings vibrated.

Want to stay away.


The collection has already started.

How could he avoid it? These monster organs, like having legs, chased Su Chen and wanted to merge into Su Chen's body.

In the laboratory.

Every experimenter was stunned, with a look of shock and helplessness on their faces.

"Oh my god!"

"Am I dreaming?"

"Mr. Monster Doctor, he created such a powerful monster body, but it collapsed in front of this mysterious extraordinary person with just a flick of his finger?"

"This is the body of a level 4 synthetic monster, absolutely the top synthetic monster technology, how did he do it?"

"Why do these monster characteristics like this mysterious extraordinary person so much, what exactly is his ability, what is the significance of the characteristic fusion experiment we are studying..."

"How can there be such a human being in the world who is not repelled by the characteristics of monsters? Is he still a normal human being? He must be a monster from another world, a monster in human skin."

Many experimenters seemed to have suffered a shock to their worldview, muttering and losing their minds, as if they were stupid and talking nonsense.

"Oh my god."

Xu Yifeng was silent for a while.

To be honest.

He was also scared.

It was precisely because he was well-informed and was a level 4 supernatural king that he had a glimpse of the real monster world during the disaster in Yang City.

He was the most scared.

In the future, supernaturals will never be able to defeat monsters.

And Su Chen is like the king of monsters. With his 100% fusion characteristics, he may be able to stand above all monsters and supernaturals in the future.

He regretted it.

At that time, when he formed an alliance with Su Chen, he should have bowed his head and kowtowed like pounding garlic, and he would be the younger brother.

On the other side.

Su Chen couldn't help but yelled and cursed.

"This monster doctor, relying on the symbiotic characteristics, is not afraid of dirty blood, but I am afraid."

"If I had known earlier, I might as well fight him with real swords and guns. I might not lose even if I really fought!"

A violent aura emerged, affecting Su Chen's mind, and the blood lines of anger on his body were spreading.

When the blood lines of anger spread all over the body, some changes will inevitably occur.

"Got it."

Su Chen's eyes lit up, and he thought of an idea. He ran to the experimental dissection table, searched for a while, and then threw out a small hammer.

Sure enough.

The information bar appeared.

"Detected suitable monsters (10 types of level 3 materials and one type of level 4 material), weapon hammer, whether to make lv3 monster guards (deformed giant tiger guards)."

Su Chen's guard making is not only about making metal guards, as long as it is suitable material and with weapons as the core, it can be made.

Su Chen dare not fuse these deformed materials in front of him, but making guards is no problem at all.



The terrifying organ that was chasing Su Chen disappeared, and in its place, there was a huge tiger man holding a huge flesh hammer.

lv3, level 4 middle, a giant tiger guard equivalent to a level 4 elite monster.

Su Chen's first monster guard!

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