"Ah, this?!"

Xu Yifeng's headless corpse trembled, and even the eye that was peeping at the outside world through the cracks in the flesh and blood was retracted.

He was too scared!


This Su Chen was simply not a human.

He could not only perfectly control the characteristics of monsters, but also use the characteristics of monsters to synthesize brand-new monsters.

Unlike the special evolvers who integrated and controlled the characteristics of monsters, the monsters created by Su Chen were all creatures that completely inherited the abilities of all monster organs.

"So, his metal creations were made like this..."

"What kind of superpower is this?"


"This is too inconsistent with the laws of the supernatural, and it is almost catching up with the rules of another world..."

"This is a power that is above all awakened and evolved people!"

Xu Yifeng was greedy.

He did not dare to be an enemy of Su Chen, but some people dared to. In this doomsday world, there are powerful supernaturals born in areas with fast time flow.

He can easily use the level 3 monster characteristic organs and level 4 characteristics to create a powerful level 4 elite monster.

Such a powerful ability, such an ability to break the balance, even the extraordinary people of level 5 or above will be interested.


"I must find a way to escape."

"Looking at the posture, this kid is really a native of Jiangcheng. He has only ten days of doomsday experience and doesn't know the existence of strange props at all..."

"I... have a chance."


"Just wait."

The cracks in the flesh healed.

The headless corpse turned into a corpse again, and no one noticed the abnormality here.

Even Su Chen and the two powerful level 4 guards present were the same.

"You two fight, let me see the quality."

Su Chen ordered.

In an instant.

Gangzi turned into a shadow and rushed towards the giant tiger guard. In the darkness of the laboratory, dozens of dark chains turned into shackles and put on the giant tiger guard.


The giant tiger guard, holding a flesh hammer in his hand, took a stance, and the hammer fell with a bang, with a force of ten thousand pounds.

Before the hammer fell, a terrible wind blew up.

Before the collision.

This underground laboratory, which was reinforced with special technology, had spider web-like cracks, and it was actually on the verge of collapse.

Level 4 supernatural beings, level 4 monsters, were still truly extraordinary, and each one was like a superman.

It was easy to smash buildings, overturn tanks, and resist gunpowder bombs.

No wonder Yang City, which had a 10,000-strong army stationed there, would eventually fall.

"Level 4 is so strong."

"Not to mention."

"It is rumored that the supernatural beings in Yang City still have level 5 crystal cores in their hands. I don't know how they eliminated the level 5 creatures..."

Su Chen waved his hand.

He stopped the collision between the two powerful level 4 supernatural beings.

He didn't want to.

Finally, he crawled out of the ruins, covered in dust.

"Aren't you going to run?"

Looking at the bloody mess on the ground and the white-coated experimenters who seemed to be scared and stupid, Su Chen asked.

The two guards had fierce eyes.

At this time.

These experimenters looked at the scalpels in their hands and the angry eyes of the captured Jiangcheng survivors.

They woke up from their dreams.


These experimenters scattered and wanted to escape from here.


The railing was opened.

"Kill them."

The angry survivors rushed out.

Many of them were ordinary people, but they were also aroused by the miserable experiences of these days. Even if they had to tear them with their hands, they wanted to tear a piece of meat from these experimenters.

Not long after.

There were terrified experimenters who were torn to pieces alive, and the ground was full of blood and flesh fragments.

"Looking for death!"

"A bunch of pigs from Jiangcheng, without our Lord Yangshi, you would have died in the mouths of zombies long ago."

"Aren't we just using you for experiments? Everything is for the future of mankind, and you are all necessary sacrifices..."

There are evolvers in the laboratory, roaring and holding guns to shoot.


Su Chen snapped his fingers.

A terrifying sonic boom, with a piece of broken bone, blew the evolver to pieces like a bomb.

This is a special evolver who has evolved with the characteristics of zombies, probably at the peak of level 2, and has lost some level 2 characteristics.

Su Chen was too lazy to pick it up.

Level 2 characteristics are too low to increase his strength now.

Now at least level 3 characteristics are needed to improve him a little. If you want to increase your strength significantly, you need level 4 characteristics.

"Detected ability fragments, symbiosis, do you want to pick it up?"

"Pick it up."

After Su Chen picked up the ability fragments.

He looked at Xu Yifeng's headless corpse on the ground with some doubts, wondering if the corpse was so fresh, it was only less than an hour.

Why didn't the ability fragments of this level 4 Yang City Super King fall on the ground?


Su Chen lifted Xu Yifeng's heartless body.

I don't know if it was an illusion.

He actually felt that this corpse was tense for a moment.

"Still alive?"

Su Chen's eyes flashed with ferocity. He stretched out his finger and stabbed it into Xu Yifeng's heart without hesitation, digging out his heart which had stopped beating for a long time.

Even the blood that flowed out looked somewhat coagulated.

Xu Yifeng was really dead.

"Too weird."

Su Chen's eyes flashed, and he led two level 4 monster guards to kill all the synthetic zombies with artillery on their bodies, which were the successful products of Dr. Monster's experiment.

These are not zombies, but living people who have been transformed into this terrifying appearance.

They have power, but they have become lunatics, monsters, and weapons controlled by Dr. Monster.

The power that each one bursts out can reach the level of fighting against level 3 monsters.

And there are more than a dozen of these monsters.

If it were Puppet King Xu Yifeng, he would not be able to produce more than a dozen level 3 monsters. He only has ten such monsters.

"In just a few days, more than a dozen level 3 monsters have been created. No wonder Dr. Monster and the Self-help Association are so crazy that they will conduct this kind of human monster transformation experiment..."

Su Chen glanced at the giant formalin pool in the corner of the laboratory, which probably had thousands of corpses in it.

But how can the lives of thousands of survivors resist the temptation of more than a dozen level 3 monsters.


"You outsiders should not be so arrogant in Jiangcheng. If you want to experiment, experiment on your own people."

After destroying the last synthetic artillery zombie, Su Chen led two guards and walked into the second underground floor.

Before leaving, he looked at Xu Yifeng's body lying on the ground with deep meaning.

Time passed little by little.


Ten minutes.

A strange wave emerged.


Xu Yifeng's headless corpse, the dug out heart, and the head still on the side exploded.

Thick black fog enveloped these three things.

In a flash.

These three things turned into wood carvings, broken corpse wood carvings, human head wood carvings, and heart wood carvings.

A human without human skin emerged from the chest of the wooden sculpture of the corpse. This flesh-and-blood human was the size of a doll, dragging a trail of blood on the ground and whistling the air.

"Sure enough."

"This kid has no idea that the end of the world is coming, weirdness is growing, and there are such things as weird props in this world."

"I survived."

"If it drags on, I'm afraid I'll really die. Fortunately, fortunately, he left before the surrogate doll loses its effect."

"The surrogate doll is a one-time weird prop. It exploded from an undead evil ghost in the Yang City Disaster Weird Legion..."

"Is the price human skin?"

"Fortunately, it's not the heart, or the brain, otherwise, even if I have a level 4 physical fitness, I can't bear it..."

Xu Yifeng laughed loudly, without hesitation, the shadow under his feet was boiling, and he was about to get into the shadow under his feet to escape.

At this time, the shadow under his feet rolled, and not only did he not get in, but a huge steel guard got out of the shadow.

lv3, Shadow state.

Steel guard!

"So, what is the strange prop?"

At the staircase.

Su Chen walked out.

Behind him, there was a giant tiger guard who looked more like a monster than any other monster, with fangs wide open.

In fact.

He had never gone down since the beginning.

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