There are a lot of fragments in the middle of this diary, with pages torn out. The last part is about weirdness, various human experiments, and experimental data on monster characteristics.

Perhaps to any other extraordinary organization or extraordinary person, these experimental data are treasure-level things.

But to Su Chen, it is no different from waste paper.

"The artificial monsters created by the capital laboratory recorded here can reach the limit of their characteristics, which is close to 20% of the limit."

"The limit of artificial monsters is 20%. The limit of power that an evolver who fuses monster organs and evolves characteristics can exert is 50%."

"In the diary, the Capital Laboratory mentioned has given up on the plan to transform monsters..."

"But neither the special evolver nor the artificial monster is as good as me. I can exert the full power of the monster's characteristics without any rejection, and can perfectly integrate and inherit everything."

There was a snap.

Su Chen closed the diary. He looked unhappy. The contents in the diary were too shocking.

Whatever the cause of the apocalypse.

People from the British Association and the Scientific Research Institute send all information about the world to outer space.

There was a news broadcast a long time ago.

No one thought anything of it.

But the end broke out.

No one thought that the reason for the doomsday outbreak was actually because of this, a fluctuating signal that exposed the coordinates of this world.

There is a being that spans thousands of planets, no, maybe it is traveling through planes, and has landed here.

"Have you finished reading it all?"

Su Chen looked at Xu Fan, a man who was first betrayed by the survivors he saved and then captured as a test subject by the Self-Rescue Society.

"finish watching."

"The content is astonishing."

"Furthermore, I know the whereabouts of the other half of the manuscript. In the hands of King Mighty, those contents are the real top secrets."

Xu Fan looked heavy, as if he was pessimistic about the future fate of mankind.

But these have nothing to do with Su Chen.

Su Chen doesn't seem to worry about the future fate of mankind, he just wants to live his own little life.

The top-secret handbook records several strange points:

① Weirdness is almost impossible to kill. Even if you are a level 5 monster and can easily crush level 4 weirdness with your strength advantage, the crushed level 4 weirdness will still have the possibility of being revived.

② Weirdness can be damaged with gold weapons or other special weapons. A cage made entirely of gold can seal powerful Weirdness.

Regarding special weapons, they are weapons brought to this world by the monsters in the Gate of Corrosion.

For example, in Alder High School, the armored zombie previously held a rusty sword with the effect of making it difficult to heal wounds.

If it weren't for Su Chen's creation, which could be upgraded and restored, the pig-headed monster would have been dragged to death by the injuries caused by the rusty sword.

In addition, there is a third point.

About the tricks.

③ If the weird is crushed, it will not drop crystal cores, but it will drop things with similar characteristics, or drop weird tools.

Everyone can control the dropped characteristics and become the second type of special evolver, the weird ability evolver, in addition to the monster-like special evolver.

But once you become this second type of special evolver, there is a danger of strangeness and resurgence.

You must constantly obtain stronger and weird puzzle pieces to suppress your original puzzle pieces.

Don't take it lightly when using dropped tricks, otherwise, you will end up like the puppet king Xu Yifeng.

"The scapegoat has such incredible abilities."

"Even if the head is cut off and the heart is dug out, it can still be resurrected at the cost of a piece of human skin."

"But the price of resurrection is too high. Not even a level 4 extraordinary king from Yang City can bear it."

"To know."

"This weird old man is only level 4 weird, so you can see how tricky this weird thing is..."

Su Chen thought for a while, his eyes focused on the Jiangcheng survivors who had not dispersed yet.

Many of these survivors are evolvers or awakened ones, and may be regarded as a very strong top rank in Jiangcheng itself.

Many are able to step into the ranks of Level 2 Extraordinary.

But in the Yangshi Self-Rescue Club, where level 2s are as numerous as dogs, level 3s are everywhere, and level 4s are just king, it seems particularly unsatisfactory.

"what do you want?"

"Dedicate this thing to me. I'm afraid you had this plan when you were in the laboratory."

"Tell me what you want."

Su Chen's wings vibrated and flew over the shoulders of the giant tiger guard, looking down at Xu Fan who was kneeling on the ground.

"Who are you, Su Gougou or Dr. Su, the foreplay of the doomsday outbreak in Jiangcheng?"

Xu Fan asked thoughtfully.

Dr. Su?


Su Chen couldn't help but sneer.

"Dr. Su, is he considered a big boss? He is just a loser who makes money by selling information and has no foresight."

"Can he be on par with me?"

Although what he said was true, it was a little too crazy, and Su Chen noticed something was wrong.


Xu Fan breathed a sigh of relief.

Dr. Su’s reputation is so bad. His comments in online forums since the apocalypse broke out have revealed his petty mentality.

It was actually the boss Su Gogou.

This boss had a good reputation. When the apocalypse broke out, the steel mill went to save people just as they were told.

Moreover, he shared his zombie experience almost selflessly, unlike Su Gou Gou, who hid the evolutionary paths with higher success rates of level 1 and level 2, and used them for profit, in exchange for supplies and crystal cores.

"The people of Yang City don't treat us locals of Jiangcheng as human beings at all. They just want to enslave us."

"It's better not to wait for this self-help meeting."

"We want to form our own extraordinary power for the people of Jiangcheng. We need a backbone. Please become our backbone."

Xu Fan, kneeling on the ground, with his head lowered, looked like he was surrendering and wanted to follow Su Chen.

At this moment.

Other Jiangcheng survivors who escaped from the laboratory also knelt down and begged Su Chen.

"Please save the people of Jiangcheng."

"If the people of Jiangcheng don't save themselves, women will become playthings of these bastards in Yang City, and men will become cannon fodder, slaves, and experimental products..."

Su Chen didn't want to show up, but he had no choice. He was too big, even if he did nothing.

In Jiangcheng, except for the old city, it is only a matter of time before zombies and monsters are cleared out in other areas.

At that time, a behemoth like him, alone, will form a powerful and terrifying supernatural organization. It is hard not to notice it.

Including Su Chen, not counting other guards, there are more than four powerful level 4 supernaturals.

This number is more than the Self-help Association.


This is just the beginning.

In the future.

It won’t take a few days.

Su Chen’s guards will become more and more, and stronger and stronger.

Even if all the Self-help Association takes drugs, they can’t catch up with Su Chen who uses crystal cores to cheat.

Next to him.

Jiang Feng, whose limbs were twisted off by the pig-headed monster, took a breath of cold air and looked at Su Chen, who was like a monster, in disbelief and was shocked.


"How did he do it?"

"That is to say."

"The intelligence is true, is it true that Jiangcheng has only been at the speed of a few days since the doomsday outbreak?"

"Damn it, this person is a native of Jiangcheng, and he has reached the level 4 level himself, and has created more than one level 4 life?"

"With such an incredible upgrade speed, is he still a human?!"

Jiang Feng thought about it.

In Yucheng, he was considered fast, but he also fought with monster zombies for a month and promised to work for the organization before he got the opportunity to reach level 4...

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