"Please save the people of Jiangcheng."

Led by Xu Fan, hundreds of Jiangcheng survivors knelt on the ground, looking at Su Chen expectantly.

Su Chen pondered.

He had no kindness.

He was just thinking.

He did need some subordinates who were familiar with the topography of Jiangcheng and who could integrate resources to plunder Jiangcheng's weapons and various materials.

His guards were indeed useful.

But they were a bit dull.

Level 3 intelligence was normal.

If he could really take these people under his command, without paying them wages, and let them work as laborers for him, it would be a good choice.

As for rebellion? Out of control?

He had so many level 3 guards, couldn't he kill them and replace them with an obedient leader?

When the time came.

He only needed to stay in the fortress, eat beer and barbecue, and a steady stream of guards would be produced.

The guard corps advanced, plundered zombies and monster crystal cores, and quickly supplied a level 4 guard, and the level 4 guard would then kill level 4 monsters and level 5 monsters...


The strong first will lead the strong later.

This will form a virtuous cycle.

Right now, it is a good time.

"Will you surrender to me?"

Su Chen's eyes flickered.

At this time.

In his eyes, these are no longer survivors, but laborers who do not want wages.

Seeing Su Chen's intention, Xu Fan kowtowed again and said.

"Please save Jiangcheng."

"This is our hometown!"

"The people of Yang City should not act recklessly! Jiangcheng should be the Jiangcheng of Jiangcheng people, and also your Jiangcheng!"

At this moment, Su Chen decided to express his position.

"So, what can I get?"

"Everything in Jiangcheng!"

"If you are willing to believe me, just give me a strong guard beside you, and I can gain a foothold in Jiangcheng and establish the self-help association of Jiangcheng people."

Xu Fan, his eyes were as tough as iron. While speaking, he suddenly stood up and fell into a frenzy, and terrible power erupted in him.

He started to kill people.

Xu Fan's figure rose to 3 meters, like a little giant, and rushed into the hundreds of survivors behind him, chopping off several people's heads on the spot.

"Xu Fan, what are you doing?"

"Boss, help me!"

"He's crazy!"

The crowd was in a panic.

Some people yelled.

Some people asked for help.

Some people wanted to escape.

Xu Fan was unmoved, and the killing continued. As a special evolutionist who had been successfully transformed, he possessed some characteristics of a level 3 monster. He was definitely a level 3 supernatural person.

Among these survivors, he was definitely the first.

The killing continued.

Su Chen watched all this with interest, but did not stop it, because he recognized several familiar faces killed by Xu Fan.

He knew that Xu Fan was trying to please him.

For a long time.

Xu Fan was covered in blood after killing alone, and the survivors of Jiangcheng retreated far away, looking at him in horror.

The terrifying heads were arranged by Xu Fan as a landscape, and placed on the ground like this, looking particularly hideous, telling the collapse of order at the end of the world.

Now there is no need for any reason to kill people.

As long as you are strong enough, you can kill whoever you want!

"What are you doing?"

Su Chen narrowed his eyes and asked knowingly.

"Jiangshang Group."

"Shen family, all of them should be killed!"

"These people are helping the tyrants, helping outsiders in Yang City, and harming Jiangcheng's own people, they all deserve to die! As long as I am the leader of the Jiangcheng Self-Help Association, those who betray Jiangcheng and betray you will not have a good life."

"I will be a sharp blade in your hand!"

Xu Fan's T-shirt was covered with coagulated blood, which looked particularly terrifying.

"Where are those people?"

Su Chen pointed to many of the heads, and it was obvious that they could not be from the Shen family of Jiangshang Group. These people all looked miserable.

At first glance, they could not be from the Shen family of Jiangshang Group.

Jiangshang Group, the people of Shen's family, either work in official power departments, or are developers, big hotel owners, factory middle-level managers...

Their family almost dominated half of Jiangcheng's economy before the doomsday.

If the doomsday had not happened suddenly, if the Shen family had been prepared, they would still be able to dominate Jiangcheng.

How powerful is the Shen family.

Before the doomsday.

It can even affect the verdict of the case.

A little leakage from the fingernail is enough for ordinary people to eat for a lifetime. Before the doomsday, Su Chen's family relied on the Shen family to eat the leftovers that this behemoth looked down upon.


A doomsday.

The Shen family has become a worm, allowing Su Chen to kill and plunder.

"In the food factory, I protected them and went out to get supplies for them. They betrayed me, so when I saw them, I killed them."

"So, please choose me as the leader of the Jiangcheng Self-Help Association."


Xu Fan kowtowed again.


"I need all kinds of weapons before the doomsday, cold weapons, hot weapons, metal materials, or other various solid materials."

Su Chen nodded.

It was considered to recognize Xu Fan's loyalty.

Level 3 Supernormal.

Although a little weak, it was barely enough to be the leader of his peripheral minions.


Su Chen waved his hand.

The Centaur Knight came over.

At this time.

The Centaur Knight was only a Level 0 Guard, which was equivalent to a Level 1 monster.

"Thank you, sir."

"Even if you don't give me the combat power of a level 4 monster, as long as I have your name, I can pull up the self-help association of the people of Jiangcheng."

Xu Fan had no objection.

Although there is a huge difference between the combat power of a level 1 monster and that of a level 4 monster, this is just the first step. As long as I can hold on to this big thick leg in front of me, it will be enough.

Su Chen's name may be more useful than a level 4 monster.


"Who said I won't give you the combat power of a level 4 monster?"

"As long as you are loyal to me, you are my own person. I have always been generous and kind to my own people."


Su Chen stretched out his palm, pointed at the Centaur Knight, and shouted in a pretentious manner.

"Evolve! My guard."


Clicking on the three-dimensional image of the Centaur Knight, Su Chen started a crazy upgrade.

He was going to show his sainthood in front of people.

He has 1600 energy in his hand, and a level 4 red dragon crystal core that he just killed that he has not used. He is now rich and powerful, and it is completely worth investing a little for future gains.

lv.0 [Iron Horse Knight] (0/10) → lv.1 (Available Features: Charge or Trample)

Choose Charge.

Consume 5 energy.


The Centaur Knight let out a long howl, her long metallic hair was scattered, and a cavalry armor grew on her body. She clenched the spear in her hand.


A strong storm gathered on her spear.

If this spear is stabbed out, it can easily kill the level 2 deformer.

In a flash.

The Centaur Knight changed from a level 1 monster to a level 2 monster.

Level 2 monster.

No matter in the eyes of Xu Fan or Jiang Feng, there is nothing to be afraid of. They are a level 3 extraordinary and a level 4 extraordinary, and they can crush them at will.

But how did this guy suddenly evolve and become stronger?

Did you take drugs?

I didn't see it.

This is not scientific at all, and it doesn't conform to the law of evolution.


Xu Fan and Jiang Feng's eyes widened, and they were surprised.


The surprise is still to come.

lv.1 [Iron Horse Knight] (0/50) Trample → lv.2 (Available feature: Fiery Body)

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