Doom: I have a fortress and a puppet army!

Chapter 71: Manifestation of the Holy Spirit

50 energy is consumed again.


Like hot oil meeting flame.

The centaur female knight, who was still wearing metal armor, trampled forward with her front horse hooves. In an instant, her body was boiling and surrounded by rolling flames.

Centaur female knight, flame version.

The terrifying aura emerged from her body, and she could clearly sense the terrifying threat comparable to a level 3 monster without taking action.

At this moment, all the survivors were moved.

"Level 3 monster?"

"In the blink of an eye, it went from being weak and equivalent to a newly evolved level 1 zombie to a level 3 monster that can be called the overlord of the local area of ​​Jiangcheng..."

"how did you do that!"


"Oh my God!"

"This is a miracle!"

The scene was boiling.

Countless shouts rang out.

Originally, many survivors wanted to rely on Su Chen's banner to survive in this doomsday, so they knelt down to him.

But now.

Many people really regarded Su Chen as the savior in the apocalypse, the god who descended from the world, and worshiped devoutly.

His eyes were intense.

Some people showed fanatical expressions like believers.

The end has broken out.

If a god comes to this world, what’s so strange about it?

"It's a level 3 monster..."

Xu Fan's lips felt dry for a while.


He felt that he could no longer defeat this iron horse female knight creature who was just a weak level 1 monster.

Level 3 extraordinary ranks.

There are also strong and weak.

no doubt.

The centaur female knight in front of her was surrounded by flames, her blazing metal body, and the spear in her hand was surrounded by the fierce wind, which was sweeping the flames.

One can imagine.

This shot of charge, wrapped in the heat of rolling flames, must have such terrifying power. No matter how strong the armor is, it will be burned away and easily burnt to ashes under this blow.

Even a tank can never withstand this shot!


"I just evolved from level 1 to level 3, which is still acceptable. I am a level 4 extraordinary, one of the few, with extremely precious and extremely high-end combat power."

"If I am willing to take refuge, even if I make a mistake first, I am afraid that the mysterious and powerful extraordinary master of Jiangcheng in front of me will also be interested in me..."

Jiang Feng secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

He didn't even realize that he had subconsciously had the idea of ​​seeking refuge with Su Chen. After all, the scene in front of him was too shocking.

It was simply subverting his cognition.

Even the title.

He silently changed to the extraordinary master.

Above the extraordinary king.

"It's not over yet."

"If I give you a level 4 extraordinary warrior, it's a level 4 extraordinary!"

Su Chen said lightly.

1600 energy.

If you can't create a level 5 extraordinary person, you'll have to go to level 4.

But if you want to create a brand new lv3 guard, it is easy to make. You can make as many as you want.

lv.2 [Iron Horse Knight] (0/300) Characteristics: Charge, flame body → lv.3 (can obtain the state of fire)

Without hesitation.

Su Chen continued to upgrade.


The centaur female knight disappeared.


It is a flaming monster that rises into the sky and is 5 meters high. Her whole body is burning like a flaming king, holding a large spear surrounded by wind and fire.

The four hooves under his feet were surrounded by fierce flames and strong wind.

She was suspended in mid-air, completely subverting any scientific theory.

Level 4 Extraordinary!

Undoubtedly level 4 extraordinary!

Really created.

Oh my God!

Countless exclamations sounded.

It's not just the survivors in this laboratory who are exclaiming, shouting, and reveling.

Even in the distance, in some directions, some figures appeared, some were powerful and supernatural, and some were controlling monsters.

At this moment, they all felt a suffocating pressure.

Everything they witnessed.

A few breaths of effort.

The originally weak ant metal knight life has become a powerful flame life that rivals them, no, even surpasses them.

"Level 4 Flame King!"


"What a monster!"

"Who is the owner of this fortress that walks in the sky? Not only did he overthrow the laboratory, but he also created such a powerful monster life..."

Self-help society headquarters.

In the Jiangcheng Government Affairs New District, the Rights Building, the headquarters of the Self-Rescue Association, a young figure rubbed his eyes tiredly, feeling weak.

At that time, why on earth did you choose to come to Jiangcheng?

Can Tuta, the most populous county in the British Union, provide many survivors to rule?

It seems that he has just been in the apocalypse for ten days, and he is still relatively weak. He has a lot of women and supplies, so it is easy to occupy him?

Do you think his local extraordinary and weak people can be bullied?


"I just relied on accumulation last night to complete the advancement of my abilities, becoming a level 4 ability user, and solidifying my level 4 extraordinary combat power."

"As a result, a mysterious and terrifying extraordinary master appeared today and easily created a level 4 being. When did the level 4 extraordinary king become worse than a dog..."

Mu Qing, the leader of the Twelve Apostles and who had just entered the ranks of Level 4 Extraordinary Kings, couldn't help but sigh.

He feels.

The self-help society is finished.


Who would have thought that a real dragon could be hidden in a small pool of water in a small river city?

The owner of this sky-walking fortress should have stepped into the 5th level of life, otherwise, how could he easily create a 4th level of life.

"Let's wait until the Great Power King comes back."


"The situation is not that bad."

Mu Qing sighed.

On the other side.

Jiang Feng and Xu Fan were already stunned, trembling as they felt the breath of this flaming king.


"With such an extraordinary king in charge, can you set up the Jiangcheng Self-Help Association under the pressure of the Yang City Self-Help Association?"

Su Chen asked.

He glanced at the energy.



Su Chen estimated.

If the plan of creating lv4 guards and 5th level life is abandoned, all this energy can be used to pull out three or four lv3 guards.

Not counting him.

If he only counts the guards, plus the ones he already has, he will have six or seven level 4 supernatural kings in his hands.


Xu Fan woke up from the shock.

He nodded heavily.

Recalling the evil done by the Yang City Self-Saving Association, his heart was boiling with murderous intent.

"Can I ask."

"Why do you have to go to such lengths?"

Su Chen pointed at Xu Fan. There was more than one monster characteristic in Xu Fan's body. There were other monster characteristics in his chest.

It was not transformed and inserted in the laboratory.

The only thing that the laboratory transformed on him was the horn of the mutant rhino monster on his head, and it was successful.

The monster organ in his chest was integrated by himself. Relying on the physical fitness of the level 3 supernatural, he separated his chest and inserted it himself.

As long as there is no rejection, it can be slowly assimilated and allowed to parasitize in the body. This is the special evolution path of monster characteristics.

It is also a road of no return.

Because sooner or later you will be deformed into a monster. Even if you can withstand the impact of the monster's will, your body will be deformed and will no longer look like a human being.

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