Doom: I have a fortress and a puppet army!

Chapter 73 Attacking the Old Town


The pig-headed monster obediently put him on the ground.

"I'll repeat it again."



Jiang Feng was shocked. He looked at the prison car guard who suddenly appeared and immediately understood.

He was using him as a test subject to test the quality of the newly created summon.

"Wait for me."

"When I escape back to the organization, I must tell you everything about your background, and then I will catch you and dissect you."

"As long as you are not a level 5 life, you will never be the opponent of our Wangting organization."

Jiang Feng gritted his teeth and crushed the potion hidden under the root of his teeth. This is a super potion developed by their Wangting organization.

It can easily save a dying person. The ingredients include powerful monster body tissues and some weird characteristics.

If this is not the perfect time to escape, he will never use this thing.

Weird, if you get a little bit of it, it will be an endless nightmare.


Jiang Feng's hands and feet recovered, and his condition returned to the peak, but the shadow under his feet was much dimmer.

His expression even showed a pale green color, more like a dead person than a living person.

The extraordinary potion was very effective.

His condition returned to the peak.

Level 4 Extraordinary King.

Ability, sharp.

Everything is the best.

But this time is very short, it can only last for 10 minutes. In these 10 minutes, he must escape.

And find enough gold containers to suppress the strange fluctuations growing in his body.



"God help me."

Jiang Feng took a step, rushed forward, picked up the branch, and activated the sharp ability.

The originally ordinary branch, in an instant, turned into a sharp sword that can cut everything.

This is his ability.

During the activation of the ability, the branch in his hand is an invincible sharp sword, even monster armor and tank shells can be cut.

Don't ask.

Ask about the effect of the sharp ability.

"Die for me."

"I was careless at the time. I didn't dodge, so you succeeded in sneak attack and didn't give me the chance to activate my ability."

"Now, let you taste my sliding tackle!"

Jiang Feng roared, and did not choose to run away immediately. Instead, he raised the branch and chopped at the pig-headed monster.

The sharpness of this branch was enough to cut this terrifying pig-headed monster in two.

Dengdeng stared.

The Autobots ran quickly and blocked the pig-headed monster. They raised the box in their hands and pointed it at Jiang Feng.

"What the hell?"

"A newly born monster, at most level 1, dares to block my way?"

"Looking for death."

"Look, I'll chop you to death too."

Jiang Feng showed a grim smile.

The branch chopped on the prison car guard, and the sharp ability was activated. Even a level 4 supernatural of the same level could not resist it.


The sharp ability failed.

The grim smile on Jiang Feng's face froze.

"What's going on?"


The box vibrated.

The prison car guard spoke.

A broadcasting sound like metal friction sounded.

"The crime is extremely serious and meets the conditions for detention!"


As he said.

The box in the prison car guard's hand suddenly grew larger, turning into a two-meter square box, and Jiang Feng was put in it.

"You want to catch me? No way!"

"This is weird."

"What kind of creatures are under the hands of this existence? They are neither human nor ghost, what exactly are they?"

Jiang Feng actually has a trump card in his hand.

He also has a trick.

A ghost finger.

As the leader of the ten evil bullies in Yucheng, the leader of the Wangting organization, and the action team leader, he came here and was given a trick.

Breaking the ghost finger can summon an evil ghost and take him back to the Wangting organization.

But this means that the action failed, and the punishment he suffered in the Wangting organization is no lighter than the weird backlash.

"Let it backfire."

"Even if I suffer punishment, it's better than continuing to have my hands and feet broken and being humiliated by that pig-headed monster."

"Don't blame me for being a rookie, it's all because the opponent's lineup is too strong."


In the wooden box.

Jiang Feng broke his little finger.


This ghost finger should explode into black mist, and a level 4 evil ghost will come out and take him back to the Wangting organization.

One second passed.

One minute passed.

No movement.


There is movement.

In the space inside the box, there is a one-eyed evil ghost surrounded by bloody chains and covered in blood.

The one-eyed evil ghost stared at Jiang Feng and stayed in this wooden box.

The evil ghost is here.

But he has no ability to get out.

This time, Jiang Feng is completely bloodless.


"What on earth is this thing? How can it even imprison a Level 4 weirdness?"

"Let me out."

"Please, don't let me be imprisoned with a weirdness..."

In Jiang Feng's body, a stream of black air surrounded him. The weirdness in the extraordinary potion he took began to grow.

This caused a chain reaction.

The Level 4 evil ghost, with a scarlet single eye, showed greed and slowly walked towards Jiang Feng.

Weird, difficult to kill.

But as the same kind, they can devour each other, complete their own puzzles, and become more complete.

"This prison car guard is something."

Su Chen was amazed.

He really didn't expect it.

This thing can even arrest the weird, you know, according to the contents of the handwritten diary.

Currently, the British Assoc.


Even the whole world.

Except for the containers made of gold and the props brought out of the Gate of Corrosion, nothing can contain the weirdness that has arisen.

"300 energy value."

Currently, Su Chen has 1740 energy left.

A little less.

Su Chen led the guard army and advanced into the distance. This time the target was the old city.

In Jiangcheng itself, excluding the old urban areas, such as new urban areas, industrial suburbs, and rural areas, the strongest monster that can be born alone is level 3.

During this period, any arrogant level 3 monsters that dared to show up would be hunted down by Su Chen's guard army and the Yangshi Self-Rescue Association.

The remaining level 3 monsters are hard to find.

not to mention.

Su Chen also looked down upon level 3 monsters.

A level 3 crystal core only has about 50 energy. How long will it take to save up the remaining 1,300 energy gap?

If you rely on level 3 monsters, you will need 26 monsters to save the remaining energy gap.

It's different if you switch to a level 4 monster.

only need to.

Two level 4 lower level monsters are enough.

And currently.

Only the old city, the occupied area where the Gate of Corrosion is located, has level 4 monsters.

"You stay in the fortress and connect with Xu Fan. The centaur female knight will obey your orders."

"Except for the lv3 guards, all other guards, including the centaur female knight, are left to you."

At the junction of the new city and the old city, Su Chen sent Su Xiaoyi back to the fortress and made some explanations.

Just let the fortress, along with Su Xiaoyi and other guards less than level 3, stay away from here.

He stood here, looking at the world in the old city.

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